HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction Plan' : ' . • . . • ' ' NOT> : ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY' WI H THE FBC 2020, AND TUE FBC 2020 _ RESIDENTIAL (71'" EDITION) , 2020 PLUMBING CO E, 2020 MECHANICAL CODE AND THE NEC . .. - .. _ _ .. (NFPA 70) 2017 EDITION. . . .. , . • - - . . AT I' AnTITIrINQ TIR InA TD9 ANTI AT'r`PD ATIl1JC MT ICT lYIIvrPI V V1rITT-1 TT-TR FRr' 7A?n TOR I. Building Department Product Approval Submittal .AffidaviIt Permit # Building Address: SEE PLAN Contractor: TBD Opening Schedule: Swing doors, Overhead Doors, Sliding Doors; Fixed Glass, Windows & Skylights Opening ID FL# or NOA Product Model # Manufacturer - Glass Attachment Method Type, Size, Spacing & Building i Product # Description Embedment (DISTANCE FROM CORNER'/ Design . Design DISTANCE O.C.) Pressure • Pressure S.H. ' SH MI WINDOWS 1/4" X 1 1/4"' MIN. EMBED TAPCONS AT SEE - +/- 55 S.H. WINDOW FL# 17499.9 WINDOW 185 pNo DOORS IMPACT 2u/16" 0.C. ELEV'S Product . Model# Manufacturer. Attachment Method Building Product Type, Size, Spacing, Embedment & Stiffener etc. Design Design . Pressure Pressure 165 MPH 194 MPH UNDERLAYMEN FL#2569.1 P & S SOPREMA INC. , SELF ADHERED TO DECK' . vuit I Vult #9 X 11/2".FASTENERS AT 16" O.C. ZONE 1 AND 2 AND 16O MPH 194 MPH Roof FL# 17022.1 5V MTL EXTREME METAL FAB. #10 X 1 1/2" FASTENERS AT 16" O.C, ZONE 3 Vult Vult SHUTTERS N/A . I have reviewed. the above product approval information and approve it. Name: Paul Welch P.E. Certification Number: 29945 ALL GLAZED EXTERIOR OPENINGS SHALL BE IMPACT RESISTANT. . . . . - .. . . , !/ :. . . ... .. . . .: . . .. :, `/ _ 11... . ' III - j _ _..h. � - FILL.- i N'. - - ... . ... • .. - . •. .. ,. � GL P. . , . OVV let ---- ' `: - " . EX rY 9 u Planning & Development Services Department a` .. _ 1.`' 77- o. a //'{'�}vt fy, 0!}�hG - - e Building &Code Regulations Division -: • . • - - - , - hlEiyd 2 2 LI l - _ _ _ 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce, FL 34982-(772) 462.1553 .. "• . :. . Certification :. . .. .. .. .. I lti f �• ,....,_...,, . _ ..... . f rtific ion for Design pad Compliance . . • • . . I .1e.1 `i • - - �/ - Pro)ect Address: 320LMALLARO Db1T q�.i1�,.lG�jj I ION 77 ./� f rat, !) . _ . I' - _ - M - _ Permit It:. Occupancy Type: R Construction Type: . \ . Wow Ilav l` 1°ir IGFI - _ - .. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: . - : • '".,r{zi.h�Iv� w� 6V IviTI. . • ° .. I ... � . -Z! 5--�� I e 7h a design n professional of retard. .. . � • :. _ is certification must be completed, signed, and sealed by the g p :. _ ,. . r . ' • Submit (2) copies for reside tial, (3) copies for commercial with ail permit applications Involving the following: - - i • �• -. --.. -. - - - - - _ _ _- o New Residences (single or multi -family) . . I' F • - - . i` j Any accessory str cture requiring a building permit . .. - .. .1 ._n•__. I I o tAddition • ' ' - ' 0Any non-residential stfucture.. - . / i /I. • I • ..1. / o Note: Form not required for Interior renovations provided that no exterior structural elements are affected and . , I l _ certain minor building p at the discretion the al building official. Co e g above for questions, i .. i .� - , •/ � , ' �)) �� /i! ce to Idin permits t ion of a lot Iding off' Contact the r - , . ; ,;: . �i� ill e o� ; • - ,' - DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSU P IONS USED: (complete all that apply) • ' . •f il ' i' - I 1. DESIGN CODE: Florida Building Code 2020 7th Edition with 20 _Supplements using ASCE 7-16 - . , I 1 2. Structure Designed as (checkone): X Enclosed!Partially Enclosed -OPen _ . _ _ `. / , I(/ I ,.. 3. Risk Category: _I XIh III IV Exposure Category: X B_C_D . _ .-/-.--I . _ 'i s; { I/ . . _ 4. Design Wind Velocity 160 mph 124 'ASD N/A LRFD End Zone Width: 5 ft •- �......,...�.,....� /� , �'-� _ _ 5. Mean Hoof Height: 15 ft 'Roof Pitch: 5 :12 Parapet:' N/A ft ""' '•^'-"^"'��-�------• � �- � � � � � �' - - S. Ca &Cladding Design Pressures Used: (PSF, based on SOsgft @ 15'MRH, dearly label on all plan openings): Components . .I. :.,v; _ _ 16.0 16.0 - 16.0 27.6 27.6 . ,/ . - Zone 1: _25.3 Zone 2: .44,0 'Zone 3: _65.1 Zone 4: -30.0 Zone 5: _37.0 Garage: ' N/A - • ___ .. .' {.--• µmy`., �.�•_'• /--- ! .-) .L I\ .. _... ) ,.:��•�,f ,.I� I L. t ..._._.- .. 7. Design Loads: Floor W/A P of/Dead: 7 PSF Roaf/Live: 20 Balcony:_ N/A' PSF - - ' : _'.-- L�r � t I t V•A r l C/ ,l tr L - - .-_... , _ _ A____ -- ____ _ --_ _' � _- - � / ONCENTRATED . '"r-•�•'- 4;-,,.�, "' - " � ('!' Dock: N/A PSFDeck: �PSFStairs: N/A PSF Fence: N/A PSF Railings: N/A PLF C .•. 6 - S. Were shear Walls Considered For Structures X Yes`Not Applicable Explain Why Not: I - - - - - . 1, _ . . r . - . ° , - . . " . Is A C uous Load Pat P ca _.•.•s_ ,xzxun • - - Ap II ble Explain Why Not'•j olio hero ? Yes Not kpI . - . , .. .. .. . : . ` ' . . Design Soll Bearing Pressure: vided2500 XPSF Sell Test Reports Submitted? _Ves f _. g .( rumasarYuxn . . . . . ' , _ . , , . - - ' . I DESIGN PECTESSIONAL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I ) . � • - q " � , - . • 1 I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the attached plans & specifications have been designed to . - I • ' .. . ' ' • comply with the applicable structural portions of the building codes currently adopted and enforced by St, Lucie . . • . • ' . . , , - . . • . - ' � I � - 6 b ' County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adegdate resistance to the design - .i . - --� L•••-••---•..:...•-...:..,...,.d�..�,�.u-.....o..�w,n..,.... ' forces specified: ) I•1. I 1 Paul Welch P.E. 29945 / 5315 . - • r , . . b 1 . . � Print Name Cert Il & Co. Cart Auth. . ' �_ . . .. ..'s ,;�..... - --- _ - " ON PLAN SO/13/20Z3 - y �,,; Pa41 Weigh 06, eewwaa33�� \/ f J '�. _ - g ate, and Seal elltmore St. Suite tfi14 Port St. Lucie, FL :.. ,X " J..�. Fri . 'I"�w./,�'Iry I•1. .. I Chi Aa' Signature, 0 19845.W. .. - ... - t'" Company Name &Address . .. . . { .. . f. U :. - .. sacra • .. .. . ' : 1 i i~X Povlt Ia I X' i . Ex . . W . _ . _._.._ . __.... _..... - -. ... ._ .. . . qq . �-X_ ham= M {.I NOTTS 7 { . .I A. '_ 1 - Lrl �` ..,' . • /,/ ix1S-I h " . . \f CTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, SUPPLIER, ECT. SHALL VERIFY ALL' . j- . , . -X!"! ! hl t:_� .. �" o laY. INN,-- ..._I�IZ41-i... j DIMENSIONS, . " I .:.r�It><IJC.r,., T ,t -V .I . 1. i, %-X r 124M CONDITIONS AT JOB SITE, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ECT. -q . .. . ✓. .. C�adf^ I, .. yet; tt12w VX \ T .�. _ - _ I HE PLANS _ "(�oSrI.,_. . - M ra'�`IIST LnGa(kphi SE ::. - . vV4LL, Os-r Naliat U N RESSED BY THE - STRUCTURAL FEATURES NOT DETAILED ON T NS WILL BE emu. �_ r\ . . ENGINEER AS CONSTRUCTION . . .. • 1 1 f_�W' GoV: i i\T.)(5 . "1 b -ALL WR TTEN DIM N IONS ON THESE DRAWINGS TAKE PRECEDENCE O . . . ,..: .. . - w . . . ... :.:...._.._. , , . Lb i _. _{� Slirlt'gohl iUGE51'` s DIMENSIONS.m . - 'Jhvlfn' ,01 1 r e. II 1 . Ln • : � Lt 2�--L wI (1`)-I(oJ ' !{ . . `^rl �Z2� ,Ib.(- 1 a.. ul. i� L. - CONSTRUCTION C C I FBC 020(7TN w . . ; ' . ' . _ __ _m_ I•I'EW 1W : u!" ' W, ,L )- l EDITION). ST ,L . , . ... , o I,Al1 `3 �. I i X I2 i- trA41, .i1t,AsS12 . 7 b 13�i1N{�(i t�P, ) I:.--i 1CTION TO BE IN AC ORDANCE WITH THE FB R 2 . •. 1 4 6 L6a -I e, ,I 0 r- A 17L.AM .✓ I =' f ems° a t 4 STRUCTURAL NOTES: e®g° . i .t . . UrSiGN i3OAPS iN ACCORDANCE, }A'1TII AS P,7-16. . . `Q tom, rt I) 411 ,7r` . a _ - .. III . ,%2) SOIL BEARING CAPACITY: 2000 PSF (ISBN.). ../ . _ I f i 3), SLAB / FOOTINGS TO BE CONCRETE [ViTIt A M1NID9UM 2300 PST COMPRESSIVE . �� •- STR I NGT.II AT 28 DAYS. SEE PLAN FOR SIZ.rS cF STEEL RE U1RrIy1ENTS. . p 4) I\4fNIMUMCONCRET,EPROTECTIbNFORREINFORCINGBARS: m C .r Ill . - ` - P'00 : 3" 1'/." .'SUSPENDEll SLAB5:.1'/,,,. . _ .. _. .. AP ALL REINFORC NG STEEL A MIND, UM OF 48 BA'R DIA)VIET.CRS EXCEPT AS NOTED. G . o ..._-..-...__. _ .;W ._ ) R 1 . lT'r P S t7E"C . • . 117BE T 117TI CONCRETE 0 SHALL BE PRESSURE . J I 6) ALL LU N CONTACT . I CON R MASONRY SH 1 . TREATED. 01 i 7) SPLITING OR CRACKING OF STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS DUE TO INSTALATION OF . HARDWAREIS 'PERl1 [TC.D, - . , . . ,;� .. ..: j� ' 9 ry, _ _ r:_ � i i 8) UNLESS OTHERIt SE NOTED, TIIC INSTALLATION OP SPECIFIED HARDWARE SHALL l' I • - -- ' -' - -f '_I r�, ��{ i - - . ' - • _ . • ' ' _ CONFORM TIIC lYL1NUtACTURE,S TNSTRUCTIOIND STANDARD PRACTICICS. - •,' , E . _... IVED . _ .: , . . !! . ' r/ CC®E COMPLIANC St.eucl&County 1. - , , _ .. _ ./ 1 iI. t C. , � i,, ST. 'CIE C 9 Vie ermitting _^;vr ciacon•�nc�rmt '. .a+• . E. . - _ - y -- - - f CL C G`-ifZ_I �• =f�/-� �I '/.�; � ' e': f ;�:' �� •3 S�z2: .2 z . -- yi • - -- i - 1 w C� - : `� x C '%,t✓rss'>rzvcc�mcas>:astr.:mxrfr;. . - _.... -.. _.: _ _.. - , I. 1. `( n - XYil C.r ItI1(1C � 2iJ C �� % . J SHEET I,)UfvlBEfl yt� rt , . . -- a✓ t, . tom,• -.>` FiL 1 T.rt1.Cd1L Gi /,7L Rif•d6i ` IriiG),IICE P •✓ _ s Q .. , �V.- Y 98ib S.W. BILTIYjOIti> vT.• SU fCCfiL X 'I !I n ty„ LECT1tTCAL NOTLS:. ny4 4 ; `, ", 4-,,r• l:V, . ,/ rlr4"jICq'Clfll° J`1 PO.[ZT.S.AI.ItTLXCIE, FL,34;.984 F "�OF ' ALL \1'ORI{ SIIALL COI\1PLY \SrITII Tt'IE 2017 NEC NFP rrnu'nlrOftn:ttTtal, W''tv(!' . ( A70)ANDTIIErBClII2C2020 PHONI "'V ' ROVIDETAMPERRESIS T'RECPT L SPERNECREQUIREMENTS - ' .. P TAN [C E I:)1'SAl'L j •''. .. TIE NEW ELECTRIC Nro Ex(s7'rNc scRvrcE X i 18' 2021 � PY >= LCHIN.C@ a � ttf .GROUNDSYSTEMPERNEC250 M� J �t��t ! �:;n, yr I? Q 2�2� r>IJ _ e)I P.F': );I_. REG. No. P-9945 . ?•:31d .r,:. ar�,:;,.li . ,..1­1 . ., ....._._.:..--_._...�_-•-- • ---.._..... I, , . i . . . . i ---- x \IALLIeat, 14 eAVw ' n rvl Is j2Ga +...�........�..---�..�. �� �• t3�,.yq�,t y.'=.-"e-�;�.�rta _ _mreowewamsn� �_, _ I W ly'Xl4ai � j & A.St a5a-.__,—..._._..1._'__'•!..!.,'n}?rt,.l'4�°-'rr+'�,a=Ey�'z '.71.'.. �t�x��"''zJCi--%+;++;''E... ._ - uICS I�IBAVY'lYwIf3EYZ i 1v.4Ik e A -MLI h FlEm PE`�MIL L�,+M . ' "r "nrc�« i',.�5��i'�`za—ov-.i ✓vg'�' �.. ..._�..-�. _. - - -. y..smµcmm.�vuar+-.surw�a..aae•a..c�..E �Itre'�+.A.?b'is :-Y w�¢� 3t.�y'.:^Lf2�-�_uM12C��3.ZyG'�1��.11 ssers w' < - - _ ...._-.....tM.w.,.M++nub' •av�E.i_ct'L"A'..vt"�' rz rw:'�CtAo ::.uir - _ .:.may_ F"+p.-'-"v.-, 4 .. ( rr PAUL ANELCH INC. MECHANICAL 1;ucTRIcAL * CIVIL ENGINEERING SHEET NUMEMR p9cc� a nan ncnn rnFr rF " 1984 S.W. BILTmoRE ST. suITE# 114 � c PORT SAINT LvEL 34984 � s� � (E F � r�fi C; �. �y ®�Cyj uit,J 3—NE a E.\G V = 72) 713 y�yI�'V9S$%i P`IVELCEIINCCaAOL.COM I/y 13 2021-PAF�i. Ft.; r a. WO, S9�iys njE of Az .�.4c MAR 0 3 202C ` - • SIi[ET NUMBER. OF .�tsr F FUND �� F'•. PA.UL WE'LCH INC. J9h5 NtEGFIA Ai ELECT INEERIN Na. 2 * = NIC ELECTRICAL CIVIL ENG G 198L! 51V: DILTMORE ST SUITE 11114 "•. ST,�TE OF At Z . OCT 3 202CIE, FL 349II<! PORT St. L - ;r• T49. �uiL „ _ a ; n �� _ y , `, ,�q: ; 4a";? � PHONE (772) 785 9888 E-MAILEMPVTELCI•IINC(a,AOL.CQM az, I li dJ`ar .�9 x -Cv C-MFSD Lae S i�J LIEU R. ` a a t 12 u Y1ja i 1'4 MAR 0 3 202 ?..1TJL PJEi CII, P.E. PL A REG NO. 299A5 — --- k