HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter - Threshold InspectionM L Engineering Inc.
2030 37'h Ave
Vero Beach, Florida 32960
Phone: (772) 569-1257
Fax: (772) 569-4041
Threshold Inspections
Special Inspection Plan
June 29, 2017
Owner's Representative
Structural Engineer of Record
Ocean Harbor North — Bldg A
5151 N. AlA
Ft. Pierce, Florida 34949
Elliott Merrill Community Management
Mr. Gene Ross
835 20'h Place
Vero Beach, Florida 32960
M L Engineering, Inc
2030 371 Ave
Vero Beach, Florida 32960
This Statement of Threshold Inspections is submitted as required for permit issuance and in accordance
with the requirements of the Florida Building Code (FBC). It includes a schedule of Special Inspection
Services applicable to this project as well as the name of the Special Inspector.
The Special Inspector shall keep records of all inspections and shall furnish inspection reports to the
Building Official, Owner, Engineer of Record and Contractor. All discrepancies shall be brought to the
Contractor's attention, and if such discrepancies are not corrected, these discrepancies shall be brought
to the attention of the Building Official and Structural Engineer of Record.
The Special Inspector shall submit a final report to the Building Official documenting completion of all
Special Inspections and corrections of any discrepancies prior to issuance of the Certificate of
Occupancy. Special inspections do not relieve the Contractor of his or her responsibilities to carry out
quality control inspections and testing. Job site safety means and methods are solely the responsibility
of the Contractor.
Mic ael A. Lue, P.E.
Florida P.E. No. 47520
Special Inspector No. 1061
M L Engineering, Inc.
2030 37th Avenue, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 569-1257(P) / (772) 569-4041(F)
Special Inspection Plan
Ocean Harbor North — Bldg A
5151 N. A1A
Ft. Pierce, Florida 34949
General Notes
1. The purpose of this special Inspection as required by the FBCJs to report and record the repair
procedures highlighting those that are not in compliance with the Contract Documents.
2. The Special Inspector shall meet the requirements of the Board of Building Codes and
Standards. The special inspector shall be qualified as a building inspector under Part XII of
Chapter 468, Florida Statutes, or certified as a special inspector under Chapter 471 or 481,
Florida Statues.
3. The Special Inspector must solely dedicate his time to the Project and shall not be allowed to
provide other services or work, such as material or concrete testing on the same project.
4. The Contractor shall cooperate with and assist, however possible the Special Inspector in
performing his inspections. The Contractor shall allow the Special Inspector access to the
project at all times when work is in progress. The Contractor shall review this plan and
coordinate the schedule of work such that a minimum of 24 hours notice is given to the Special
Inspector before the work that requires inspection is performed.
5. The Special Inspector shall be responsible to the Owner and Building Department having
jurisdiction for the project.
6. The Special Inspector shall perform site visits at regular intervals to ensure that the inspections
are being performed by his on -site representative in accordance with the Threshold Plan.
7. The Special Inspector shall cooperate with the Contractor and shall immediately notify the
Contractor of all discrepanciesand deviations from the Contract Documents, and the Contractor
shall immediately maker every effort to rectify said discrepancies or deviations.
8. Upon completion, of the structural repairs, a signed and sealed statement by the Special
Inspector must be submitted to the building department stating that the portion of the project
under his inspection responsibilities and under the Threshold Plan was constructed in
substantial conformance with the Contract Documents.
9. This document is in addition to the requirements of the standard building inspections as
required by the Florida Building Code and is not meant to specify all inspections required by
that Code.
M L Engineering, Inc.
2030 37th Avenue, Vero Beach, Florida 32960
(772) 569-1257(P) / (772) 569-4041(F)
1" LUGE CAE '�iT ���� ��:��R.��/'��f�'� ���.��SIO
A �
2300 Virginia Avenue
Ft Pierce, FL 34982
t)f.ficu (772) 462-1553
Fa:,C . (772) 462--1148
Application for FlrivatO PTOVIdew fOT PIMPS R(r) Inspep-Tions
(A/E AgreemsAt. Revised July 1. 3 1101
St Lucie County Code Compliance ,,i:: v
pEP.1v1lT #, DATE: 06-29-2017 '
Parcel Ik
TO: St. Lucie County Building, DepartMettt
FL PE# 47520 / SI# 1061
I have elected to utilize , MICH E1111111, 1 1
(Name of s('mto Registered Architect / Engineer) t' '
co ized in ohapicr 468,47 t, Pgorida Statutes)
ADDRESS: 2030 37TH AVE., VERO BED, El- 3996.0
TELEPHONE tt: 772- 9-1257 FAX if 772-5Q9=4D41 -
as a private provider as authorized in s, 553.791, Florida Statutes. I have• el: c t .:d to usu this "Private Provider" for:
(chock all that apply).'
X (AlFdnvilRequired)
Building, Electrical,
Building, Electrical,
'v;;ch2nical,__. Plumbing.
.0.chanical, __Plumbing.
I have elected to use one or more private providers to provide builditi i_rtt.l rs flan review and/or inspections services
on the building that is the subject of the enclosed permit application, -IF tiuriv r ized by Part X11, chapter 469, ]Florlda
Statutes & s. 553.791, Florida Statutes. I understand that the local but Iding.. f : leis] tn;ty pot review the plans
submitted or perform the required building inspections to detcrmine ,:11rnPi:a :,e with tilt applicable codes, except to
the extent specified in said law, Instead, plans review and/or required t,uilil t inspections shall be petrformed by
licensed or certified personnel identified in the application. The ninimum insurance requirements for
such personnel, but I understand that I may require more insurance to f my irite; ests. By executing this form, I
acknowledge that I have made inquiry regarding the coinpctence of I be lic:i r:•ed r�r rertiiied personnel and the level
of their insurance and arts satisfied that my interests are adequately prutc
I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the local governmen jiIi l i r; it building ofrftcial(s) from any and all
claims arising from my use of these licensed or certified persunnel to i t-xi'f r• bui6111j•-g Bode inspection services
and/or plans review. With respect to the building that is the subject t:1" ticc : t iosod 11crcltit application, I understand
that if 1 elect to make any changes to tho listed private providers or thy: es to be provided by those private .
providers, the fee simptc.owncr I shall, within twenty-four (24) hour,::tti : •:ny changes, updRte the notice to reflect
such changes.
e� , 772-569-9858—__,
7(DATE) . h iNE N:)
�: {ADllRESS) (21
STATE OF � -si o �
The f •going iris nzlent was acicnavdlcdged before me th4'� c,i!N' ut'
13y as ley cOMMisf:1�:n1 c;•1• es:
I'ersonaliy TCC►own. roduced TO Type of idea i
SiglatuCc c1f Alotacy Public -- Stttte of �_. _
I affirm that I am qualified under chapter 468 or 471, Florida Statu t.n, 1.0 ;•r 1-vido building code plan review services
as authorized by s, 553.791, Florida Statutes pursuant to section 104.11 2 _' r,rida Building Code with respect to the
buildutg that is the subject of the enclosed permit application- I undoi -.41z r•:' hat thc toa,.al building official may not
revie`v the plans submitted or perform the requiredbuilding inspeci:or,s ' i etermina compliance with the applicable
codes, except to the extent specified in said lawn.
J=9L9F_ �i BARF3fETT
EXPIRES September 28, 2018
(407) 39M153
-• l
I have reviewed the constructir,,.-r,ans I documents to determine cornplruu.:c • r h llo applicable codes. I have
detcrmined that the plats reviewed comply with the applicable codes. I ,iccip ' it rasponl,ibilit5� for c0Tt1191,j 1jnc
with all provisions of'tike standard.! kechuical codes and, other'pertinent lit•iv:; nancos. I provida my seal and
i rdi
signature as affidavit under oath, that the following is true, and correct to ¢;i : ,: • of 11y lo�owledge and belief:
(a) The plans I documents were reviewed by myself. i am duly o perform plan review pursuant to
the code and hold the appropriate Incenses or certificates.
(b) It am qualified as a plan examiner under Part X11 of Chapfee 46 �, I b i• i .1 Statute ,".
(c) The plans comply with the applicable codes, standards, statute:. arad ! ! : 11 ordhia noes or regulatory agency
(d) The plans comply to the laws as to egress, Life Safety Codes, ivia- tr',c aftmoftri and general arrangement
and show the structural design.
(e) The plans and design conform to the requirements of the techriic:il c;•t : ; as to strnrrgth, stresses, strain and
(f) To the best of my knowledge, the plans and specifications coral;: v v, i the applicable minimum building
codes and tho applicable fire -safety standards as determined b;. ih1 - c•; i ! authority in accordance with the
Florida Building Code and chapter 633 Florida Statutes.
1{>a sp ecHon8t
I affirm that 1 am qualified under s. 468 Florida Statutes to provide bui1r!:nl-, i r; oction services as authorized by
s. 553.791, Florida Statutes pursuant to section 104.3.2 Florida Building'. !:' cul 1 is understood that the undersigned
hereby accepts the responsibility for performing all of rho required inspc oiwit:- - entiiied in this document, I
understand that inspections are required as detailed in Seetiott 105 ofthc I' loi i I. Bull [I!ng code, the permit card, and
as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. I further agree to l:i d l -! Lucie) County harmless for such
inspections, and accept responsibility for compliance with all other regt i i'tir=: contsrioerl within. Upon completion
of the structure, I will provide the Building Official a certification that t•1_ :,n i.c . ire, electrical, gas, mechanical and
plumbing systems have been erected irk accordance with requirements o' :Iic: !, c : nic;d cadcs.
The undersigned certifies that all work inspected (and approved) will eozi`'urin i. all applicable codes and standards;
as well as all related permit documents. In the event Of any conflict betw,.:r n .:• ��! is an-d documents, the more
restrictive shall *apply. A log shall be maintained of all inspections malt- 1:tc1f i I i g the date of the inspection, the
inspection performed using the permit "hard card" terminology and the ,.Ivmp, a, on, of either approved or
disapproved and an inspection report shall be forwarded to the 13uilding I?ti'Ir,r, t' ient within 72-hours of making the
inspection. Each inspection report shall bear the seal of the Architect / F )erfor•minc the inspection, along
with his / her signature and the date. The permit will expire unless work : •,:`T•i• enced (arid receives an approved
inspection "colored red on the permit hard card, red print indicates a rem i .•r.;c r. pectiau which satisfies the 180-day
requirement") within 180-days (60-days for demolition permits) from tf:r :.s!r..: ate qi-the permit. All subsequent
inspections shall be made within 180-day time frame prior to permit expi:i, to •. 10 INSPECTIONS WILL HE
G'IANDAlI.:,1?t"� t,+ H .)E93-TH R- F ACT" �.
o Airrhitect / lEngineer:
(PRINTED NAME OF Architect/Engifleer) (SIGPA06/29/17 772-5
(DATE) (P!+i c:,11 --...
2030 37TH AVE., VERO BEACH, FL 32960
`' -
' CHRI8TIN L JA�`KM Ci9Ate('F ' Q�:I'Fi''• Ieer
The foregoing instrument was ac o�vledgcd before me this lady o` ,JUNE—__-_, 2002017
By MICHAEL A. LUE _021.1.812090
Personally Known )Produced I T of identi�caiiun: ___
Signature of'blotary ublica State of Fl _
Whenever the owner / contractor desires an inspection to be performed ' iv an ; r oth yr thiw the above or a St Lucie
County Inspector, a new application form must be submitted and appro-o.- 11):, :•i ; StLucic County Building O'fFiclal
or Building Code Supervisor BEFORE the subject inspection (s) is (are ' E'1':1, : 11a.MF,:l)
The St Lucie County Building Department may at any / all times visit t.v c.00 ;•i •,etion site to ensure compliance
The St Lucie County building ^^�a2encnt may at any/all tunes visit e•�� �;.�,��;•, 121
at sits• to ensure compliance
art4 / or for tht pttrp®se of spot ctiom; to verifying construction act mripliance with the
construction documewq / drawings.
Failure to i'ollow standard opermigg procedures for Faspections for S1 Lo.n ►a Cbu"11.Y may negate a ny further
approvals for ymw or your form to perform this IIyine of Wspectioar. Ili liddi+i"% ieadolnlalete or lwaccur*ate
Inspecdon reports may result W failled inspections, wOrk 5tOPPW WE[] + w 0-larmil expiration. All violators
will be referred totME: 1TD � 1(a iR -
Should you have any questiona regarding this procedure, please contact, t: r �:• ' oic County Building 17epartmenL
0 Suilding ®fffliciall or ID3uMing Code Supervisov
Print Name 85guton-•e `— ----- DAte
Special Inspection Plan
Ocean Harbor North — Bldg A
5151 N. Al
Ft. Pierce, Florida 34949
Schedule of Special Inspection Services
Scope of work
1. Repair of balcony slab edge.
2. Repair of concrete ceiling spalls.
Concrete Repairs
1. Verify location and quantity of repairs.
2. Verify reinforcement quantity, sizes, splices, dowels, placement and laps.
3. Verify the use of the correct approved concrete mix designs.
4. Observation of concrete placement for repair areas in accordance with the Contract Documents.
M L Engineering, Inc.
2030 371h Avenue, Vero Beach, Florida 32960
(772) 569-1257(P) / (772) 569-4041(F)