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Building Plan
r A :' •, '.: .-_ ....,� _ . , ha �a �s ....nt;-,..:�rmrwswrsMma`a+axursw�ww+r+,.ea�- ,..x�rnvw / _. __.T _ lM ,. � x , �,JfIr11trN1 5 c a i r R ' j. i J (� 7 + :d ti 7 14 tJ i r3 _ Irnt n r x._. re 1 a J 8 3 j @ i 7 Z _� 4 a4 1 4 t �' s1, d a � h 9 H f " s o N L t g t Z �) 8 i i ; w Cowl. n 1otrAJ St E m a MJM{ + r `r-% + .1 I'PA■01"maJ JJAMp. • C_., yl O 1x� Iv j it wCiu�Tczln�� _ two „, w fi s 4 i t r r. `.; ,' ♦,. ♦ �rf�� v f !-;y f,. fl.'' 3,•3 y..� ^ 'r4` q��'". --��µYy� 1 j F y - h + L , I , GAr.'41 netr p ram. ncrrwc AavttJj.�}' �r �1 1 � rllc C Nf:'•. 9 r i l f P esc,ST r �,.. _*12 I Q Lr l Y G V gyp. t 1 I r+ it i r71 Kh;Sfr, .;k f , , '.' �JL MUM I 1 _J rj ' � y1p�N1 ar«N'r�s3nCaz+xz. 4.VE bs.:E ..»eY r wn♦n �.♦n .. �. � h I y � of �\ S .__._._._..__. ?,. < ■ ., THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTOR'S THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER 10 COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. 92070E2 S2, BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR REVIEWEDkD�BY nn DATE_- ,_/n O_7 7 'rLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NOINSPECTION WILL BE MADE 12, Part of Nil SITE I3A'iA�( <'Janm A: kitty I11,,Reglstered Lao .srt�yvtryar S10.41ft m"t,"Oviaw Feeder RI„ ftn MOW. Pltrt da . ZONIt G • IL - Light IttthtstrigI LAND USE . FL . Li* Industrial SITE DATA - 211,646 SF IMPERVIOUS AREA lIZ,936 SF (S39.j dZ940_ Sp PERVIOUS AREA 98.710 SF (47* hose 78,806 SIR (319ij- 2 BUILDING - 70,()l0 SF (40,000 CNlsting, 30,000 stew) PARKING • 2 spaces / 1000 Si 70,000 Sr/ 300 - (A¢ i'arlLing �aees Req'd 140 Patk*$ spaces provided 134 Stt►tutad 6 Handicapped LOADING -3 Spaces Req'd 4 spaces (ge' x g01 pr4t4ad DEVELOPMENT TO COMMENCE A.S.A,P. AMR APPROVALS' WRT A - f'w[, Pierce Utilities SEWER - Septic Tank and Drainneid to meet St. Lucie Cou" LANDSCAPING - This -project is an exttrnaim to ea t svhictb :lpta landsatping. Las k 9 & 10 oausist or, shall be let) in place wime ate' `" code. ptliial, gent axe tlless �,,ttegLtisRd w4tCt new , LANDSCAPE CALCULATMNS (elugRtltim and RIGHT OF WAY LRNDSCAPINQ qna tree par'114�-} 394 1f/30 = 14 mq'd. - 14 provider) p1tr4o I 783 If / 30 = 27 req'd. - 27 ltrm•ift phase''2 PERIMETER LANDSCAPI'M oft, ttbc' jw 30 if 398 If / 30 = 14 teq°d - 14 pratriskd a <t 563 It/ 30 19 rcF3'd`' 19. VEHICULAR, USE AREA LANOSCA"(3. 0Am - B� Agee) i 12,936 sf - 70 OW s$ ='41,936 sf Phase 1 132,940 sf - 70,000 ■ 62840 sf Phate 2 " Landscaped areas shown on Plan ext�ptrQg Btese.aiMlt . All new landscaping Shall eardorin with So t}gn 7.09* 4$ ' %tgmd�t !flk Lucie County, Florida,and Ft pierce Ptxt.iW Airport Ati�r4 Akgeort Pedt P� COilenants. Tree species'.to be_sele00d is t itre wit1t.flea$t. Lade :` �_ All ataas not othc itsdica(ed shall be agdited with t» areas shall be less thr t V-0" in height. Landsmpe legend weLive Only Q Q Wax M;yrtte Sabic Palm Carupow Drainage mw IRRIGA110N - An irrigation system will 'be'prouided For all new landscaping PAVING1 - All paving to be asphalt, except as noted, ldetailal civil drawla8s ttltdll be submitted' by Paul Weicb, Inc. DRAINAGE - Detailtxl civil engineered drawings shall be submitted by Paull Wd* Inc. 1 'j el I' CHECKED �y ude ci01i]�1T> y mY'a` um—h- 5 D7 E 99 �St.,,��♦� Env) 'ia'�`,' �:'�.¢ i8tl6iYYi -. SCALE � , yI?� i"."X � $ 1 ;4 a.I;��,«.J�t„ t�r9`i3'rit DRAWING NUMBER This Aptt d DIM Mot fta,04 .mow, r O aI ���4 �JM elb CR�WI ■1� w<.. i !NTIVAic: K u k11-, ZL 4 t I 12 2 5-4 10 4 10-0 itit L,(7 -0 er�,,4-8 I IL)C 16T I QeA \Z I,ILV, Ui Ooc>(�Lls; f A 4 xl F5,C. 1 Nx�T qk ,TA�R Tmc 5m, so, L"- T 308 ' Iw NEW XJTL-F.KFO575 TIAIS i -Iot-I MST TO KELA+'iTE Fr CAT F-LOC?� -'OOVO L "T :5 -t,,c V, h. t c, I,( I, e- WA.I LAIL -t-1 I" I, LT: COMPLETFj r4413 o,.` txl (NT LE�IRr5 d re L�seLI-W FAA 061 &DLC weq k49V4,%M MW � F) F-I F F-,f;)C-F 1PUTL4M0 -a VVA 1P WWAN ALON& -751 W F.E. T TA L /A�--PA titr-(- :5 e- Wo& L L- DcT ej LL 2,0 1.) . c0- t-1\ A 7 too 4D" (�t�j l- L-,;, It LL Vill 4 t NI qo p1 La -1 to I 1 419 7,5ff r -1 t-T r1 C;, t:j F 1 11 If L -1 4- 0&1 of re i�� 4 <,UTi =,F hr= -5 7 /1- 3�- -o" F 5;, A -NOT; e:'K 1 $7 lfl,J f. 7C lI rF A5; T15 50 1Ip CHECKED 'A SCALE DRAWING N "ll Zl-=4%Ef R c— "Now" td'. „ f Ir ' i l ,; - t v 44AI it o'dN>�(,U I U rl t ROOM .-- I L ( U I t_ I T Y , , YM E N 1 13d b °"I r�, p� 19 1 - g , LOCKS 5 kcI IJJlE I - .., I.•) �.� �h. f -i,� ..; ... i_ �_ - b.LL Wb5LLRG10MS T I CCU fIr ,JII plc��1 '� �'I r' t1avE GER6MrG TILE l� .. ¢. 1 iA1JE?.i 10 A? � Marc�Lt au�r�^u �I J { �r NY" F�__�� �C�Z II.-r 1 MEN u I I.QcKE�s L- 5IL 011 7 �4 � i d.r � ru I'✓-CIi 14Ir 10'-CTI 41'' (O !) 'I 1 idl;SiTTFLTTfmiITTFRF1;,lTr,f..,iu(il.1"t1imi,Llrufi_.LIlIIIILL[II7IILriSCI7TTi TIT7ILC 7�1%.P_(T�ZiITP LT���T7P.IIC;LTICLL ,Lt" - Pk� TIE.D TO 20 C 1Z I; it WAREHOUSE OFFICE FLOOR PLAN ! ra n 1 i J' i U I A Z6� 1 f I M EJ 4 ' 11 M 21 C k "AVE-fkjtLW;(, r:._.e. f r ..ucz._.k,� �' I TORE_ ., .+ mil- p u 1 , ry OFFICE ) F .. I Ile IlA i� 2 i3 4 5 EXECUTIVE OFFICE FLOOR PLAN s DOOR NUMBERA,DOOR TYPE 5 HARDWARE GRP—,e3, -REMARKS $I' jA. ')•-0" x 71-010 Al'iminum and Glass storefront i ertrance doors .rith tinted glass and bronze j anodized finish in alumini.im frame with B6 threshold (Rulter No. 6V-r7U). B. 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-31 " Hollow metal door in a hollow metal fra-'e with threshold (9y But- ler. de1.1xe personnel door).p,, �✓ per_ ;; jjj 1 j 2'-B" x 7'-C" x 1-3/4t, Solid core stain grade hireh veneer door in a tyVieal hollow metal frame. D. 4'-0" x 61-PI, x, 1-1/411 d,ouvered wood M- 1 fr.ld9n:^, door." E. 10'-Of" wide x 1214)" hlg'1 aluminum sectional overhead door with three a 1) double strength glA.s panels in a standard rre-engineered f9,itler overhead do,r orerinp. I j Window Types i A. 31-0" x !'-C" Horizonta' s i-iine sluminum window M'rh bronze amod zri "'rish (By But- ler, for Rutlerib Il walk ,. if. x 3'-0" Horizontal sltdi^g a' minum wintnw with hrc a Pyi iut- 1 ler, !cr "ut.lrar , _ W-1 is). ROOM NO. WALL FINISH 21 a G :5 `-REMARKS FLOOR FINISH i'loll Finishes A. 1/211 drywall taped finished, and painted with two (2) coasts flat interior latex paint. B. Fyposed concrete block with horizontally raked ,joints and one (1) coat block sealer and two (2) coats interior latex semi -gloss paint. C Earnsed p-'efinished steel wail nanels. 'J. 'PJ I"Ah(BLL.INia _TD APT'"ry P�Y oUliJele) Floor Finishes A. Exposed concrete slab B. Commercial grade carpet, glued directly to concrete slab with 4" vinyl base. C. 12" x 12" x it3" virsl-omnos!tion tale with 4" vinyl base. CEILING T r'rE---, U al_(A YY� HEIGHT A.F. F. Ceiling I Types A. Exrosed steel structure. B. 2' x 2' lay -in acoustical tile in an exposed 2' x 2' suspended ceiling grid. Tile to be tegular edge Sanserra Travertone by Arm- i strong Co. C. 1/2" Drywall suspended ceiling, with smooth painted finish. F. 8" x 8" x 16" Concrete block wall with joint reinforcing at 16" o.c. vertically and with filled cells at 8'-0" o.c. maxi- mum with one (1) #5 bar. Extend to height noted on drawings. tli .r lOAOING REA RAMP --� - ----- - II � ,.rti.� r#annr aT F_acN R00 _ fail �8[- Noznl-� = N I Li I OS i I � II III �-- --- • — I r7 rl T- LJ 1 I 11 t i .j 2k X111-0° n +� I •,IKrr, .l IINr c,u tLun;� OFFICE LUNCH ROOM UTIL. WOMEN WCKERS - - _ ¶ i - - nr� I � L 1 MEN LJGKER , I I ,i � y — 'lWlinh -i? L i fJ II r i L- - 1 , - LEST ffz DMfN AcNse LTa' TtNc� AREA- Ea Co wlt� III `� oPtMAX it I I�-I�i2'IgS�r�L r�� L � I I YlAILINC� -- i l,>dhIGINCa I , If I g7or2a�E ��.III ', Aa��h�Bt-Y ArzEAI I Ic A A rl �� I F LLL q V III CA I L1 ^iY4 e "BVTL,I F-5 Ilv,, Af,'�,; ALL EXi�tgZ WAUS��IN 7N!s I Af�EA YC ?E IN�JLAI D k?"VI I - - IZ-I I i✓ G �105 — IIJFr II I UL4-r/I la P-S R-19 Nv . t I, cz7la�s I I y� 'Flou Ll LJ LJ INFIU ®piNFL ��. "Y �Il FvYW�. III' � I t413 I l LJ - i LI L1 NitZIOZ DEL bu MN6 / i 1 i \ L J OFFICE I s I p H � 1,4 w ulrY wwtoli) 4,FVsv- w/ M 0? I "_TYP �� rlucr� LwE� FcR T Jt �i'(.WA( TL W41-L F�JC�-iloN, I I I I I r� rT r I II II I� II II 'I II LJ LJ I_1 I IN�M� 4�� 2a>�cv �MRFIL jf2lcarb r=pz�,nAgS— t 2 -- '�?N DIMENSI IS iY' Fc1z ■Il= 7,19 t9 i I LouvEtzi AT 1.1 iG W LEVEL - 5r->= LL5T ELE`/-ATf0l J I A I u 6f9L40T LINE - GIM WALL i I i The building structural syst m shall be a pre-e�ginsered, rigid steel frame, MRF II 20016 by Butle Manufacturin, Com an , designed and cert- ified by engineer license in the State of orida to meet SBCCI Requirements for 120 M.P.H. 'ind Zone (and any ther structural code requirements). DOORS & WINDOWS FINISHES WALLS NI/16'1= FLOOR PLAN NMI I q To ' A NEW PRODUCTION WAREHOUSE .AND OFFICES FOR Gordon n /� O C � �. I. �. COMM. NO. SHEET No. H �IpA E T C 0 A (�/� A Ii, C H I T E C T 3 A! "'4} tNG!riSTRIAL. PARK , FT. PIERCE , FL. 5229 CANNON WAY WEST PAIL f I BEACH , F t_ORIC1A 63 y t3051 6B6 - 1763 3 3 4 0 6 DATE OF ,A) 1 f ( Lb 1 cl I r �t }j( Y , a I , Li- i xi- � 9 ; ta- y'ti ,i Ili 1 3 i 1 t aJl , a �- I 1 o � ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT I_3EVIEWEI9 FOId CO PLIANCE J��T TO FIN I FIELD Il@1SPFC - lid' BY —DATE: l 4 QQ Compliance to: 1. N.FP,A. 101 i - •, . 2. Standard Building Cade I' 3. State Fire Marshal Rules 4. Local Fire Cedes a '' PEE ATTACHED D_EPARTNIENT WRITE UP, 12400 FIE IODE ISLAND AVE. TELEPHONE: (561) 462-2312�/ fFT. PIEFIGE, FL 34950 FAX: (561) 4,92-2325 } i + "� It"y,Y-Y,II ,.l:T �v` ���� 3A �" •. ��� %" �,\' �. 4 •' I n • r ! Il r, 1 I - l� , r MIN. S _ wC� FRONT _ SIDES CNR SID REAR ZNG. REQ. LLUAL Pt:,7SC KII11ION -- Smile" 2+9,Tomm'hip::14 Stttittl, Range 40 East, II1oak A3 Loss, % 10, 11, 12, Part of Airport ►ndosuial Pa*, Saint Lucia Comity, l7ta" PROPOSED PROJECT - Phasing of this existing l'acitit* e*patwors slwil ba 4wasnol" thin on inimediate 30,000 SF building additio with associated parkt% loading and l intptetrwnt 4 (Phase one) thru the provisions of SLC Land Developowni Code Section 7,06.(17.111.4 Addwtutgtt Parking requ immeitts and 3111saleiat0d140dsbaping iniprovenumts (Phase two) s{ttdl Ilia et a future time if end use needs diciale. SITE DATA FROM - James A. Kirby 111, Registered Land Surveyor, 5 toll 11400shiltswis Patdtway Feeder Rd., Fort Pierce, Florida . ZONING - IL - LigM Industrial LAND USE - iL - Light Industrial SiTE DATA - 211,646 SF (100%) IMPERVIOUS AREA - 112,936 SF ( 53°l0) I I32,840 SF ( 6 %) Phix 2 PERVIOUS AREA - 99,710 SF { 47%) Phase 1 78,80fi SF ( 37%) Phase 2 BUILDING - 70,000 SF (40,000 existing, 30,W6 new) PARKING - 2 spaces / 1000 8F 70,000 SF / 500 = 140 Parking Spaces Req`d. 140 Parking spaces provided 134 Standard 6 Handicapped LOADING -3 Spaces Req'd. , 4 spaces ( 80' x 80') provided DEVELOPMENT TO COMMENCE A.S.A.P. AFTER APPROVALS WATER - Fort Pierce Utilities SEWER - Septic Tank and Draiulield to meet Sc Lucie County Requirements. LANDSCAPING - This project is an extension 10 existing work, which already loss considerable landscaping. Lots a 9 (;t to consist of palmetto, palm, oak and pine trees, T9ds tmtural VevA t shall be left in place where ptnctical. Supplement existing trees as required with new trm to meet cede. LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS (quantities and counts are cumulative) RIGHT OF WAY LANDSCAPING -One tree per 30 If 394 If/ = 14 rcq'd. - 14 provided Plum 1 783 If / 30 = 27 req'd. - 27 provided Picas 2 PERIMETER LANDSCAPING One tree per 30 If 398 if /30= 14 rer)'d. - 14 provided Phase I 563 Ir/ 30 = 19 req'd - 19 provided Phase 2 VEHICULAR USE AREA LANDSCAPING - (Impervious Arena - Bui4ligg Arta) It 2,936 sf - 70,000 sf - 42,936 sf Phase 1 132,840 sf - 70,(*0 sf - 62840 sf Phase 2 Landscaped areas sliown on Plan txcetifs these amounts. All new landscaping shall conform with Swion 7,09.00 of the Land Development Code ofSL Lucie County , Florida and Ft. Pierce Port and Airport Authority Airport Industrial Park Proleodw Covenants. Tree species to be selected in cooperation with tlicSt. Lucie Counts Utban Forester. All areas not otherwise ind sated shalt be sbdd+ed with Bahia sod, Vegetation in all clear -vision areas shall be Iea than V-0" in height. Landscape legend Live Oak Wax Myrtle Same Patin Conceptual Drainage Flow IRRIGATION An irrigation system will be provided For all new landscaping. PAVING - All paving to be asplialt, except as noted. Detailed civil engineered drawings "I be submitted by Paul Welch, inc. DRAINAGE - Detailed civil engineered drawings sluill be submitted by Paul Welch, lnc: i DRAWN S Rt i CHECKED DATE 7 99 SCALE DRAWING NUMBER M Im 5 �av;l�rsr,a 1y. cscfl Anchor BOUNDARY and TO BackfAnchor prepared for 0 Elect ow MeterPreveter R. K. Davis Construction � Electric Meter + Fire Hydrant ® Telephone Pole Q Power Pole ® Water Meter m oo Water Valve goo Elevation ou egen Dave® —en t (80' Right —of —Way) /J CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached Map of Boundary and Topographic Survey of the hereon described property is True and Correct to the best of my knowledge and belief as surveyed in the field under my direction on May 20, 1999. 1 further certify that this survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards set forth in Rule 61G17-6 FAC adopted by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers, pursuant to Florida Statutes 472.027. There are no above ground encroachments other than those shown hereon, subject to the surveyor's report and qualifications noted hereon. Dated this 20M day of May, 1999. REF: Field Book 88-6, Pages 18-20 Drawing Number 88-158(L) Field Book 84-9, Pages 10-14 Field Book 99-02, Pages 30-34 James A. Kirby III TDS Fi le: 99-0056kl. TDS R stered Land Surveyor Florida Registration Number 2391 FOA THE BENEFIT OF: Richard K. Davis Construction ^4:1v 'u, 1 iPa 40 c 0 8120 rA.,_1 1" )L J.c �i,sai Vice.4pw,M 11•n, X. t. G.•s f IS rr•-•i:i (» mitt" VICINITY MAP ,.,...� .,: 14 •wM1) I � is to 4 3 lauu.,,r �1wL O,V rM Vr ,� Tw• 4 =)•� • t4+ t • 1 •r • irl. > p. 3(» - t .,-..1...-.n1 . M w .'� �s � ': S • w �.l '•-3l � ! I 4 _ r s .,`.. .... , ••Pr. Pn..ve0.rt wr+., wt i». ,o. mv.� + s i�14N) I! K (».1....,to --___-'_-_-_ ;ir ___I i1__I___i"5... __1•r t•r Sir -1-y ••. ___ _-g •• ___._•+•'! kl: N I_-N �'. _r_c_�y/, •_°j 1 n_-_- - �__ 1. Reproductions of this sketch are not valid unless embossed with the original raised surveyor's seal and contains an original signature. 2. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted or researched by this office for Rights -of -ways, Easements of Record, Reservations, Ownership, Abandonment's, Deed Restrictions, Zoning Regulations or Zoning Set- back Lines, Land Use Plan Designation, adjoining deeds or Murphy Act Deeds. This survey is not intended to delineate Wetlands, Local Areas of Concern or any other Jurisdictional Boundary Lines. 3. Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or his agent. 4. FLOOD NOTE, By graphic plotting only, this property is located in Flood Zone' X', of the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel Number 12111 C01 76 F, effective August 19, 1991, and is not in a Special Flood Hazard. No field surveying was performed to determine this zone and the exact location can only be determined by an elevation certificate. 5. Bearings shown hereon are based upon a bearing of S89'09'07"W, along the centerlide of Industrial Avenue Two. 6. Fence corners located only, unless otherwise noted. 7. The subject property has no visible above ground man-made improvements other than those shown hereon. No attempt was made by this office to locate underground improvements. 8. This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and/or improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by James A. Kirby III shall be without liability to James A. Kirby III Registered Land Surveyor. Additions or deletions to this map or report by other than the signing party is prohibited without written consent of the signing party. 9. Elevations shown hereon are based upon an actual benchmark elevation of 20.32', located on a power pole at the Southwest corner of Lot 10, and shown as a 60d nail and are relative to NGS Bench Mark Y- 230 Elevation 20.436 (NGVD27). NOTICE: THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS PLAT THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. LEGAL DESCRIPTION L--ts 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 5. AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK, Unit One, according to the Plat thereof, as r, c rded in Plat Book 12, Page 40 of the Public Records of St Lucie County, Florida. JAMES A. KIRBY III REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 5107 Turnpike Feeder Road (3495t) P.O. Box 1826 ( 34954) Fort Pierce, Florida (561) 464-9621 Phone (561) 466-9326 Fax Drawing No. 99-0055 (L) 15"4 o1ITrALL, PIPS CCNCRETE .. -SEE SPECS..- Ia tis 14s' I,+ / 6vrdle s'/ BOUNDARY and TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY ,---+ ACfmSND Zt prepared for r I 18,St IzEt AIzEA l9,Or p71t7�j. (SCItM 19,3 I ' °�, R. K. Davis Construction • „ a mI+L 5Ad r Lv.I d Puking Areas 6' min. slab. Hard or other , tie 5 1 appcoved8" material Y- 6n , 1'-rd' 5" •o - coap;cted to 958 ... ...: - r d I TYPE 5-1 ASPHALTIC M (MODIFIED) SUflrACE MIRSE I` a Y -�I AASHTO T99 max. density l Ir—�� W, CPR littPortlnd t Concrete Pavinto hwe 1 fc' 3000 Asia @ 2ll 8�daays; and Sem oc tooled contraction joints @ 15' oc each way. Joints to have T I D'j�( - 1 _ ._. Yc I✓S T I. I O �L h �% 1 ' - ' ' ' J I _ depth of 1/4 slab thickness. sawn joonta to be constructed within 4 to. 13 bouts of concrete gA FP E _ - ` - B' LIWRTX OR CI HAI In � 12" STABILIZED 6LBGRADE COMPACT placealent. Exterior slab edges depressed +6`• I COURSE OQn`KT to 98% MAN. DElti W 'ID 9Bt MV. MBIT• )NSIIIOTleO) PAVEMENT DETAIL N_s TYPICAL CONCRETE PAVINM SECTIO* (II4so 1'HAL T) _ c as Le e. 40 0 40 80 120 TYG 1 X EL17.5 _ _I -paPFLE , Lot 13 SCALE: 1' = 40' m e. I x I W EL14•S u �ry aPENINq, I Lot B Block ' I. Block 5 x 4 Re, q ynr e I IF 12" MA. wa • y e N89 09' 12" 00'and Found t72' Iron Rod ° tau 'RL9 2391'`0 foo, I � �579. Fence Cornerv• ''+ • Fence Corner t. 39'N 6 l I7`E � ' Q 'R 9 — - 7' Chain IInk Fence L 26'N 6 Ito. B6'N (TYPICAL) — — \ 51 1`r -- I , e> Ist• 209. 50' - - i I �% ((�� I ^I T �/ I MAP SIZGTI ON `o.a 269. 0 _i- RETENTION MONO — V lw 1 V 1 1 + F Pountl 1/2 Iron RD and CAD •RLS 2391' . t -11,0,0— Moo( FICp 7iPe "Gn `��i f _ l— .ca e t k I 1 ASPH LT 21415 PAVING i eqa l GOI iIr;OL SrtPWGId r- e / H I g/y�fi p. �I v I d 06/ q % �1 _ --- I eyls , i �• I\ / oTe' ReMovE °' PLAN SECTION TYPE E aeconewne1 A IAmomm I" She: 3'- 0" Yro11 - 24• Ppe 4'- s" woe - 42" Pipe INLETS TYPE E Aaeroe. weight 465 Lb. CAST IRON GRATES t- SSLot w o _ Qr-TCD Lot 9�A if oo ° 1?¢ Dv2 ` NI I d4 BI ckt 5 Etis1. r4�pklRLT Block 5 ` —r- oK NEW ex tat. � d pAJI N try ( o m - I m NOTE: OWNER RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF _ I.ali a QLAN k4� IJ I ryeflzt- 2 h Oti 22 - THE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYS EM. LLJ I J + I ,9 ti 203. 00' Q I t •� �f 5'B- CD i ASPHALT ; ti rn1 9- PARKING m i �I> __ __ __ ___ __ __ _— a / Q o c t of Line' ,+ v i� NI SURVEYOR'S REPORT Q boo `92 �90` +� �00� w r� tz oak I I ' I a Q Z o z - too ozR' case 19,1i mr F-I . t. Reproductions of this sketch are not valid unless embossed with the original raised surveyor's seal and ' One Story Metal Ru i I tl I nq N germ(+ v o contains an original s) nature. / Ist- Finish Floor Elevation=23.17' t �Ico9 5 PKO 11 E D A RD N N � � Lands shown hereon were not abstracted or researched by this office for Rights -of -ways, Easements of ,9. + e IAI%g 1IT t- I ASPHALT Record, Reservations, Ownership, Abandonment's, Deed Restrictions, Zoning Regulations or Zoning Set- �jo I o e 0 F 1 ARK I NG I z I back Lines, Land Use Plan Designation, adjoining deeds or Murphy Act Deeds. This survey is not intended F F E L E V 2 zaz to delineate Wetlands, Local Areas of Concern or any other, Jurisdictional Boundary Lines• 23 I -. I Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the dient and/or his agent. A 9 °_ I 4. FLOOD NOTE: By gfaphic plotting only, this property is located In Flood Zone' X ', of the Flood Insurance L t t0 a u Rate Map, Communlly, Panel Number 12111CO176 F, effective August 19, 1991, and is not in a Special m 61 B I ock 5 / v ` I Flood Hazard. No field surveying was performed to determine this zone and the eked location, can only be determined b an elevation certificate. ` r� 3 / �✓' / 13 w IB S 24 Ib 4 13 o Y } N 9' oak w ,I o I 5. Bearings shown hereon are based upon a bearing of 889e09'07"W, along the centerline of Industrial /- to oak s , { a Avenue Two. 6. Fence comers located only, unless otherwise noted. , / t3 oak 7. The subject Property hasnovisible above ground man-made improvements other than those shown J hereon. No attempt was made by this office to locate underground Improvements, / I inlet - - - - - N I 8. This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for that specific 1 1a 1.RNf•2 203.00' ,, Y p purpose and client for which --itWas prepared,':. Reuse ofandlor improper too. iPi INV I%,I 87. 81' „9 I reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by James A. Kirby ill shall be o / \ •-. • -. ••:•.. Concrete Nalk o, � � A without. liability to James A. Kirby MI Registered Land Surveyor.;.!Additions or deletions to this map or _set 1/2' Iron Ro 19 a _-. _.__.__-. 19__.- PeA L I o`' Lot it �r/ i re io and Cap 'RLS 239 2.5 ' a e Il °..- Is"cMAv I ,� R=25.00' Ts port by other than the signing party prohibited without written consent of the signing party. o Ic; AI 4wA to Bi nr4 F -A- 9. Elevations shown heteon are based upon an actual benchmark elevation of 20.32', located on a power L6 1 + �, 5„4 ( + — t—/=. YC e.n tle.Y. - 4 m N R-25. 00' r - ( _ _ 1 - - - - 1I � 1 4 9 e r en - I 2 T I pole at the Southwegt corner of Lot 10, and shown as a 60d nail and are relative to COGS bench Mark Y oe { I m I ® _ CS 230 Elevation 20.430 (NGVD27)- - — — `00 264.47' w,3Mn`__ I S"cmP at 112' Iro Rod s }® 40.00' — — 2 e------- mfs and Cap 'RLS 39t• I NOTICE: THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS o. GB' set t1Y Iron Rod `�. �� ° S89 9' 07 529. 00 seRM T7 P avrr Aw _ I and Cap 'RLS 2391' / cxlst swA. le -�' PLAT THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. A �u ones y4, A[[; ,[MP ma 7, _S._� Iro. �% e,rlst •• _ of 1� 060LRJ/ M .dye located •?S� `\\ [i�r12 4 �0 North ell a of aveeent'< S89'09'01'N -BEARING BASIS —v l06 ou a ge o cavemen < �0. 101�INDUSTRIAL AVENUE TWO - 8 0' Right -of -Way) KEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 5Lr- '0 (zlJr WA-( FLr5 r1 tT RCA'o ° Lots 9,' 10, 11 and 12. Block 5, AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK, Unit One, according to the Plat thereof, as 9 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION recorded In Plat Book 12, Page 40 of the Putilic Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. /— PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION DRAINAGE FLOW GEM ELECTRIC SWALB DRAINAGE FLOW SITE DATA: ,� i IS I T E P L A N { l I P A V I N G & D R A I N A G E L 1 1'J G E M E L E C T R I C M F G. C O. I N C. CORRIGATED METAL PIPE owner: x700 Industrtco/Gemial Electric _ 2700 Industrial Ave 2 #� MRS MITERED END SECTION Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 Parcel ID6No.41429-501-0073-000/0 Site Area 211648 SF or 4.85 Ac CS CONTROL STRUCTURE ............ F Bldgs 70000 SF or ST SEPTIC TANK [r ui...TC� ,Ns°,,.,n,v„o,ol n•r.n,'a... - Paving/Walks .......... 1180 SF or 19.5% ' DF DRAINFIELD Total Impervious ...... 111180 SF or 52.69- CONC. MITERED END SECTION wrs e CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR FOR THE BENEFIT OF: , Total Pervious ........ 100468 SF or 47.4% ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached Map of Boundary and Topographic Survey of the hereon described property Richard K. Davis Construction is True and Correct to the best of my knowledge and belief as surveyed in the field under my direction on May 20. C L� A 1999 1 further certify that this survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards set forth in Rule 6IG17-6 FAC A. K I RBY I I I adopted by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers, pursuant to Florida Statutes 472.027. There %iES A EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL JA are no above ground encroachments other than those shown hereon, subject to the surveyor's report and REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR qualifications, ioted hereon. Contractor is responsible for providing erosion and I"AUL 1VFLCII INC. Dated this day of , 1_ �. sediment control using the latest FOOT standards. Baled Mechanical• Electrical •GMIEngineerng 5107 Turnpike Feeder Road (34951) hay, straw and siltation barriers will be installed where P.O. BOX 1026 (34954) REF: Field Book 88-6, Pages 1B-20 needed to prevent siltation of adjacent property, public Drawing Number BB- 88-158s 1 right-of-way, wetlands and waterways. These will remain in t n 1984S.w.einmoreSt. Phone ut Fort Pierce, Florida Field Book 84-9, Pages 10-14 Udw place until grassing or sodding has been completed or until ��� f Suite114 (561)7e5-9e88 (561) 464-9621 Phone Field Book 99-02, Pages 30-34 James A. irbyIII siltation and erosion are no longer a threat to adjacent Pod St. Lucie, FL34984 Fax (561) 785-9933 (561) 466-9326 Fax TDS File: 99-0056H. TDS R isterecl Land Surveyor property and wate€way• Florida Registration Number 2391 Drawing No. 99- 0056 (L) i I-, WIN.LLS Ce I L- if-1 K�S —OOM 0 &A 41T'i— _Ls=1 c Ll T EX Vf>SIF-L> 66M FK'4-mF 71-1 L r--,\A (D L rA Li AA &L—IM r— FM Tc �: S T 1 T rXDr 7 4-011 x -7 1-0 it COIL T1 p" 10 44 40 26 -,Z), p .5'- 0 0 - -iX -, 2's, 1 41!;, 1 ar FZ.A 64 L rtE. I -Ck 7 . C WAOIKkA L�ER r�-lj I �A-T A F-LCOV,) -j "z (LT Ie-- A-, OWIW-4 rv�,A Et ZN�, -F-, C711Z TS 774416 a F -A' L th 4 VWE4401'-I,�;e ADD i T1 PN V,, 1s, IRUTI.L-MB 'a A)AI.-L FAkjah F. la F- . F.E. L /Al r T A T,� Vj� FF- 77 5 -A Sc c L E TC> E-X15,71�JC, 5Trzwr-TUw-Ll 70 5L Z£ JSED W11E.W4P lWf_ V) I tL � WALL P4 A, II Acir c P-",I.,,`,r..iG ;V.J 7t.', tis !-_ GK E.XIST��:G E>u:G. C�{si:c, 117 MK, e.Tc74 DRAWN CHECKED DATE SCALE A DRAWING NUMBER mm mum FOUNDATION SCHEDUIZ Foundation design is based on a uniform soil LtRuing rf 2500 parry per squie foot. A Florida licensed testing engineer ^hall pi,3 signed W sealed written report of on site oorinlgs verify, —ow t c.onditims-existj and that, eitimsted settleft0A of less that � y� bps experienced. 'in Ibsen€,� of such repa•rt taro foul1dation Assign an't detail.stsbom Fbs oti are void. , t' + s Syab""sll be 50'9000 ftI towrete 4ith 0.0061„ polptyliacta vapor barrier. an tret.tod, eom +ac-O f asl ayn sang tfin. sxcerT i.+crres,. FLU, polls at 40-0" m.c. with 1 #5 40rtioal & 1 •45 do411 to fpOMMIM. F-s1 x 20-itm iiiw f6cttng with (3) #5 bars eonrinuous (va"o F-2 'feet*") F�2 104011 x'4114" x 40-0, eoneret'� fac ing with #6 bars,oV611'04046.0 be 'Wear <~ M ,;. 1}+ }�. 'X. �}4t0» x 120 concrete J uwting with #6: bars a 60 see. �btti O A "Mowe..� ;x A„Q11 s 6Picgncra"1.e foaming ri.tb 0 bare d 6" o.c. bolik 1 lir,rs,( *0 #V1 i�NO.C� i #0-9"w x 71-2" 1' x 12ed concrete tbating Pro' iZde Veit# N continuous F-1 fdbting, with two (2) #5 ba.*3' in �to to •rupee. 0) continuous 00 bars in F-1. j i-f- 5 p"r. 5. o" r.Z'-0' n '_P ccN,t;�� wj" P�rzL ro�.C, Bp? a W4.� b , P -7 Co O° x 2 6"x 5 a" LEBP CAdC . FCbT1W0 (W/ RewF, Ary py, F , 4) F-8 L}'-d' x 3-!p"x 5'-O n i 11 n u u u u it Q ' N 5'fL.CQC.•4As0•' b hjf{ 0•11"I � Q 1 r 01 JJIi I�j � • � U � a� }r O a is 0 f, ' „ N eta OW70 00 I E I 1 E.. To '! '4 Fpi• F"L• e1.EV:� ol-on ... ti , c�a t„ W • IF car— e;rAxrov f 1ki r I 'T _ I. UI! p 1 — � 6 NOsiPJca a;' j I •.0` * e *Ja, c. NrAtK tbu +�0 log O•C. �Y S ' K* D I LS t 4/ 51 9 _ ._.... _ 29� O• 2�1.0' 25'-©' 23-cam" 27-0 2.•s' _. _. 44 12.. 1 F .. _---Q ----- ---__- _ _.. l-"i•�-'4------. -_._. ...._. 4� °D74 :..":.:., c_ T'YP �>':.�r< 11 %"krT i [PST 6� �,-0t 3-Ii�nll' ,l r - _ - - - - � ;� �•'� 1. -i 1 !-. / ;� C'� P / T } a t �{ Fl ii A -fz fz rz / F2 I �Sli— �I �' � L.pNG �'C `(PICA{•. : - i L-!X INC E{JTrk Op� _ I �I ra 2!o x 1411f'ILAsItks®ALL F'2 rc��t>�a5 �13 rr�To�� x r + G,J I I F1 i t .1� L 1 7 1_.r lJ L J L. _J L.+J L_ 1 L 1 q„ rs E N,A4 ^ S, 1 1{ COLD 1.,,..� .✓�,.. / J .. 1, �I � I�11 Lot, U•. `a �Ow i� { tttt _ I 4 rS T� �I r " I r *"1 I to + 4 r 1 "t 1 11"g 1.3 7,7 , IG�i& \Y vI t✓ 2?a1� 6M,L v. .+tvE`-E �J '7 { I sots n� r'•-k c�,..y .�` I N FS I I; rf17, 16'" PrL467W(FgF IrMLp rt 1 n I I I 1 FI 1 l _.. 1 r , �e r' I -f ij :A.;. 1,`.. . -Cj CJ1I C R< .Tt, r �, { i ._ _ { 1 Fl A'S V-R ✓fig - s e.A Ks 3 fUiAL .] _.._ _ _ L J -. I V82T. t • ` T.g.5 t8 I Z" > { -+ t _ _.- 1` L 1 + 4 a re T F4 a0 ( t* I 1 Jr - , 7,Tt..a P7 Ti 4 IL r I 5 Cr� �I COW. SLAZ, , ,f Si �� { � ; .. �. '.:-ac�.ss..m.?�-_...• , r 1. , _ s:;,:s� ri'kr-;t�...;.au;::��:yc,:�• , �_= ,.4,7 Z FS 1 " 42 .14 f F-8 j 1 FL 8 F s� • € o Z DRAWN CHECKED, DATE -7 • 7, SCALE DRAWING NUMBER Mv WON . xJi t.?.' .+... '.a,♦ x"'nn "�^f.#..'ytYyPE�`„•mnv.T �:'.R°"TzE'i�°e Fs'fYh� k... r..` ^"e .'a s,.. .,.: - . F2 f I � �IPi-tT�;.ER• luT� F>{2nM<_ f MrtST IJI0IG All ie �. �Ik. W - c,o•5+r Iz ' �4,eT e.�, Nr_c='6�ARlfT A, aT!e;z U r< ' c nAA�J Alt r w. , �'v 3 I J�!•a ._'�. ��. � ,. ..+ WHO .Lq � h; ) . . '. Y• M t' 1 'I ' • *X - a �t�� J''J •' � Zl.7C ,ram `�. � a� '. � ' •. I Y ' • o tk Y . i NEW STfL.LiC'(;.1 KE-. _. •l EK(�TG� SiKUC-rJKr RF-MOVE E..Y itaT i^/r -'1 Fa SGIa E MET6L W�. 4l E PE U aE Oa QMW W16- W,o 1 E„XI�^aTG 1ti5u'�nTE.L' • M@T,d L Q-00F y NEW /-Acf.T,-L' / { r ":-A EX IST IPIJ Pup tQ--5 fElX�F T4 MATC 41 e><157 Q., F� -ill I NE-.W SZl' F U�F}&M F.X 1S-T G R-Cx� F f5EA t,, W,C," POS*• S ✓- P4.42LI5 1 PUKl1n1^y F_ e>-ip- Cs1( i�j1,J TL.ErG. MFG.CO ( ' �, � WaL.L POSTS - I < �+ I i II i ' I' i I _ r , 1 Exlitii rl,;" , FI ' f r Ito, III i -TOP T1240 • re - �/. altll'Y.i4�" �I'M!/.id� Ce ilii,�s77. t'�a i t ,.. , e • de • t r - •. .,,«.,,#��a..�«. se�,•.er l► q i!':�"i....,Aa.ie��i.,e aar�w. artspl P;661G1A f�T�+W>✓1Z (—�-- t wales 64rart x ! I Y fvFW �i-xJri_F.kr E.ti D-War_1> i I ! ('Ex I�•T'GxJT . tp���T .• �_..� a � iii i fJ-1c�-wn.r<l. Ft75T _. tf � � Y •. '� )LF..MO•IE �u rEf= P.>,c� I l i �.. t.t'>SE•d ' �� OF TOP CL>LJK':aE �F F"A, ! l A II ���•55g���,��� tey , P.x..C�G i4 E. n"%w-'--i.aT 3 a A 11 .:'�c.i'..IF3 �{ F'A t.J Fes [_:', �^ P�•FP k".a�-T ^'°::�F.i6_rJ�. {I .. .1S.�1'-_,sJ�*. '� � - •.�,f,�` Is O •I�.-•4` �e 7C uc 2 WALL PO-SlT PIN. PVXAM. ST.` 1 Wr N ) i rfp5 cct 1�• .ate cozNe M fu,'; :� r �•>r�. �. N, �Lr1jy KY �I) 31 W'>Ji. �i / 'i' 911Coffr•tt�P' #�t17+Milk WIL VAqVL t y1 + ICp'Ii I - �• I I l I i �ILi�lK7t;.�i!Ir$ �>% � IlsrKttO� Pfi,�lCYi�fE!!ht"�JC� �9apP3idt8`?IE'�UYNILAY VIM YZ� ' •' y` T r waL, y �' TCPOfRCC�Y."i•61LL 'th'!q (t I v (wj rZr wF. At,FK F 4) _ I jr `fe✓ rttU `...,'-. V .':.;p :%. ',_ - I •�t.� -. -? r.l?1<.. '"1:' P i •� �'� �i,� ' �� ' snurc u• aba .. I - I � I � i ,4N6L�► 6i1Y1.1ti+ALi�7L ,AN¢i.0 ��� ?b st.Alr', 1 " x 3 O P I Ls+ �T.4Z. f3E.Lb''n, i F ? ��g! g 1 Y 1 �iQJN Imo. I �o �. L-4 _ r1 � I �I j i Qe,�O,R•1%, C6iKKa'.1ol 1'"' it �._ t.; .'•�"� �� ' k, f ', t } 1 .r — > s r p,g,. E%JT..E `..: FT L Ic .`. ,-i ' .,f'. y, I �/'' :. .... : Fpb B'L`YGMJfT 1 _ I ' i..• .,i 1 ' II yl, � � •41 I i' � ,. - � .h;, � ' �"..# � �`� � it lrara '„s 9uC IF'C+tau+ICR � � I (i � Imp 4 9' Ir-,r°" Hj' dF�oi�, •Q .. a..•.. ..rya L . I -. 1 - . ;�.._ it 1 _ tox aN - C S Y.J •�;.a �=� ,'.;� t a �� Sc�.t.�F : 34" Tp f -ra !///mil ,•' :„ ;, pA w - Q it I ��� i#A;lckA TO N^'ATCN c..F i'ST C.i FYL".+T Ih1G. FEr , : MG74}L W' ,,- A i L.. Ci .. .. i. - ... i ... TO Md TC H E k � •b : '14 I s N 0 L r A 10 N sca L E iy To d' - + 1 � C • ' rr.�lf �.f►,t� �as�., ` ;,I �� Ifi��I�l 1�7�I Ii ��i�j� , `� ,- � ,• ➢ - II Z W i Q V W O a x r Q.LL CC O m n m a x O O t0 '� W < <L J �� LL a R ��� 1 !� � �I�,I �1` I � 4 i IA. � ' k li Ilai { t t 'gll TV. fS 4 +I➢�3 f IS A fG ° lP Y Yi ¢ ➢'I + ,}i €i Ifl, �E�k�1', I1�i �'I ��,�i�Y{� 11� P 1!4:.!f,.9...}•1� , 1.}.i Ij�'171 ►�d� + . i� � ilii; .t� ° + j,.. 1 �i", � I I �4Y?! IsI ] �• t¢( rt,�,;;i4 /j lieti� ►�_, I � ': � �;� d i k !%t.i .7i P I�. t {yt{ ; I 4 ����f (` � • ➢ tg( jWIP !i I +gyp" pr¢ �} ±gig 5 � 9$�� �EI� � l�� }��il�I j!.����r� M�IR41�1t1t SP°�"`P7�}I i if YP4 <k��ii9i .'f f:' i .i . t.. d .i•��'i, dP�..���f11t��� d}s ilit Aj a : ri Y� y Withki {4 - All a i � 1 ���... «',`II�Si HP i�f' P ELECTRICAL NOTES: PANE L 11E p ACE VOLTAHAIN51 % L.Or]an ALL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL TYPE, 50.-V D " dr ITE Bus RA71NG, 1j.', aw saHAIMM BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE _ RECEss suar GE, MOUNTING, - N.E.C. (NFPA N0. 70) AS AMENDED, AND ALL LOCAL A •KT. CRT pO AM DESCRIPTION ION N0. P AMPS DESCRIPTION STATE CODES IN FORCE AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. , Z Lo LIFT-111uEI 2 I 20 REce viAc is _ 3 ^ GROUND SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 250 I -I I I I 5 t to LIq HTIN �n 6 Moio RlEep Le JJF�RS� N.E.C. Y 6 I; TJZM6R LI46TIN el .. _J 9 t to L vHiIN c, 0 10 kr'N FAN',/ SYSTEM VOLTAGE SHALL BE 120/208 VOLT, THREE PHASE 11 t2 t — 2 HNTIN<I �< WYE. - 2 � 13 to LI �. Is 16 2 Lo ksN FAN- ry t Zo -LLC PTIH4 !6 PANELBOARDS AND LOAD CENTERS SHALL BE SQUARE "D", 1? 20 'to 4PAGR ITE, OR APPROVED EQUAL. j1 ZS 2S� 2S' Z� 27 -'k- 25 ZS ZS � 21 2 to LIGNTIH4 22 x 24 26 2 20 LI(a11TIN H is ALL CONDUCTORS AND BUS BARS SHALL BE COPPER.77 4 j zs 20 svP�¢ 30 o ! _ _ rtOOP- C-EANOvy Q OAOIN& gOCY ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE U.L. APPROVED.32 J A _ h 35 36. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY PREMITS REQUIRED. -[ ` --�- r, __.5"tRvc7vRALUN_n=nAuaLt_ 39 60 PROVIDIiTEMPORARY SERVICE FOR USE BY ALL TRADESr — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — _ — — — — — — qz DURING CONSTRUCTION. ?=®GS2 S2 S S I ._ .-.--.IIW DISG A No Kft STAIt v PROVIDE >>PANELBOARDAOR LOADWCENTER. RITTEN DIRECTORY FOR EACR ` A YPI'- DJ II iA I yA » I .LA j r!A I I \A l I s 150A 3pb 120/208V panel 30 circuits 4 ►1/0 cu, 16 grnd. 2" conduit lighting contactors as req'd. new 150A 3ph disconnect existing distribution putter ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION existing 800A main disconnect II O n ELECTRICAL LOAD CALCULATIONS: 0 ---- PER NEC 220 I. 30000 SF @ 0,25 VA ................... 7500 VA hh - - I N I OA_ Y� rA _ RECPT'S ... 8 @ 180 VA ............... 1440 2 @ 2000 4000 / I S2 $2 EP S I A A N LOUVERS 2A @ 120 240 _ ... ... ...... EXT. LTG . ............................ 3500 1 A 2 a I TOTAL ............................... 16680 VA I n I a r C { ,C 16680 VA --- -- -- - A -- -- - 47 A 208 [3 II I a_ _ �I�� A I Ai - I I STRUU1ur.Al-4tN^T'SItY'IA/•gCL To 1C-2 J uI �Exrsfin4�4 2 ,• x� I loO, I� 3 I I I d m r m m a U to R1 m P4 � k LL � m m � J m � o rn a 'r c, e�. DRAWN P,N CHECKED Pyc! DATE J u"E 2s, 1999 SCALE 1 1-'011 . DRAWING NUMBER' 4 ghll�f.��7 l�N1G�0�U3, E-1 ELECTRICAL PLAN I/W 1C0111-- 1 4a IR r- e 17 I; i 09 i D 3 C.:0VE:R IP:. Mr+i%:,.;—t" �NiA_..._ ,"�L 2EF.5 Ar= <t -Y WILL 4F—MAIN AS U v, : ^.i c;; 1 F ^, T 4CE' I F:S -:tea' ,-_-� � �--,- r s ,,A� �. ..- a• via .�. ,. -. F, _ _ mar. A r .� _ :. _ A -( AiV� A^'NCH %Anl �.. �L �o:A I -/J' Gf_ x .._ _..,_.. i �_f=__ .E_.. crc r 11 TZ E L _ i t 3 F� O u)Lj R I-IED�E y _-... A!vii;;> r!_.. "''i.. •.. . -t '., f_. ,�.. ._;.._ 0 4:-'''_ . �i ':::. ;•.i c>.. _ .._ :,:.�� __ 4ti ti >- r!14. :S c�4�, 1. 500 a, 1 f- F i r r ,,, IN o � u i I a lil .. 1 a p ` { '��^�'��..�'�" t�,�',H'!w�-f+• "-i ., 1. - — -. ,.t) '`. - Iq _ l - ._.._..BQ.It.O: W. xx. ' y _ I �.. % i v , I Io. l ,a o' jt` 'PeWce I , ,,,•,•. .^ NO-rE • :.04 t-"';ISA-rr TYPES &LL�.�Ai1L(36� 1.3� 'J / AN^ Fl TA ',.ATiON �F'ALL-GUL,VGR.?5 - Mtn 3 $ ZZZ µ _L ,. A`F'd ': AA ITD 5 Y z i ,A. V w o NO!ZTP o , -- 'OI 9 0CATiO� MaP rJ� u.aLE- y� f I � I y Ip 500 a, 1 f- F i r r ,,, IN o � u i I a lil .. 1 a p ` { '��^�'��..�'�" t�,�',H'!w�-f+• "-i ., 1. - — -. ,.t) '`. - Iq _ l - ._.._..BQ.It.O: W. xx. ' y _ I �.. % i v , I Io. l ,a o' jt` 'PeWce I , ,,,•,•. .^ NO-rE • :.04 t-"';ISA-rr TYPES &LL�.�Ai1L(36� 1.3� 'J / AN^ Fl TA ',.ATiON �F'ALL-GUL,VGR.?5 - Mtn 3 $ ZZZ µ _L ,. A`F'd ': AA ITD 5 Y z i ,A. V w o NO!ZTP o , -- 'OI 9 0CATiO� MaP rJ� u.aLE- y� f I � I y Ip +� Y i I' I C W I4? C +0 C�UCT,(J E !GES " Fil ST. UC1F- j+J i»,T 1 U57iZ;AL G, R K, a k3LOC �. rj LO'S ? io,;1 2 Co. FL.�7Ktt?A 914 ¢.AG _ 5T. r, FORT FI.ORIDA "�_ _ ._ _4✓01 3, a AP"OVRO YY: ". f�✓ SCALE^ AS NQTE0 - 'AR�WiklY v ,�F ^r 20 - a4- fiewxo I 0+ 4 O 5 g 7 8 I',ojn�6?L. PIPE NOl{� FT�LU ILA'O H.0 lYG AINPM . rai2LfS P�'R V! FtFAD eel- TNKI(. Rs1h�P Gi-/'"AI, A.F.F. W/ GRYwAI �� l�Jv1Pf7 3,�11 R 1 INSCIl4TIC} l > i WN i A F�IZ G C L. 01 � LINE �} S°G M U WAU _� I -3 01Ll- IL _ �\ TYP SM-W LJ_ 11cfI �� E---- I 0 -- _ - - - - ! - -- -- -- -- - - 1 0 _0 1 !P ft. LMA. P,Ar C4i:. `Q I 11r JGTLTR SH 7W 0. IUD �INW 07r�N E 0 C II O 9 hl c�W14"' i0 = 0 VEO' �.31NK 0 - �' RO M kta r,A o Q 2' I _ U ILITY 0'-oh MEN ° Q 9 p n II m OFFICE ,p LUNCH ROOM O T_ - - �C NOTE S-0 NIGH 8 G.M.U. , - LOCKS 5 Wnuh y FIU EU CE- 3 b'-01j = u (p /� Q _ Ot ? �r' G G _Q ° A D F f La D �{ � C LSE 5CO r ' 0" LE J 1 d � F��,J -, .1 _ .__.. µ/a1NSCoT Li-O' Ill 41 fj°x8°71E-cAF' bu-s�� A VApJFfj ccrarlTpr ��" -_ -`t 10 A G MAKt7L[, ru Qc,�u l_I/.•i C MQ �__. NO Ir� O L _ _....I Off E�5 .Q 4'-0, �catic /9j� G 81-0 I U G �i Oil w Q II u u u u I 11 171 �. 141-on 10-d -4 Co-d 4) i n G 4 pooRa4' ,V TIlIII11IIDfI1(lllll(1IIIILCi1 I IlIILLIGffiII1IIlm IIll�IFLl11CllCI111LLIIII� L•TIT]TII[f[-ILCTIfIIImITi ILLTiTIIIIlIIILT�1TiIl1 g CONC. 6LOGK wnLL, - ulG1J, W 1-45 VER.T. Erin IU C,ONC-„FIU-ED C>:LL r? 8'o"�. TIED TO COhlT. 8' x uONC. BELT W I- GOh1 r. 410R12 .✓ __.- __._.—. JAIa A - OFFICE FLOOR PLAN /® 1/8it =1-0 WAREHOUSE OFF C 10a ti,r oFflc(' E5 MF�N. � �A Coil ! O la a F M6 IYP Well V.S/ FZ it 31�2u II A f+o- G G WOMEN / INgULAMGN v /.uL wesuvn mn To d Vq° U6vE CFxnMIC TIL.a. Q O Z3 G S10 ItT 18 C w�INscor q' u1Gu IL MpRD 6 TURE3-G D I9 d OFFICE uoLps. m \� '` �zz G IG�A ^I ® OFFICE W41T11 uevL ..s�t� I$ D- FED Is A uP Ito I _ 7 9TtZU6T. LII.Jg Q Q Blc._ .� PLANT 17A STrZLICi. LINE- B-IGWAU FAeCIA LINE L G' - c (1151 1/8° = I I -0° EXECUTIVE OFFICE FLOOR PLAN DOOR NUMBER 6A DOOR TYPE HARDWARE GRP. aS —RE MARKS A. 3'-0" x 7'-0" Aluminum and Glass storefront entrance doors with tinted glass and bronze anodized finish in aluminum frame with threshold (Bulter No. 6VII B- 31-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" Hollow metal door in a hollow metal frame with threshold (By But- ler, deluxe persotmel door),INI.Vcpr+a OYcsiH 2S C. 21-8" x 7'-0" x 1-3/4" Solid core stain grade birch veneer door in a typical hollow metal frame. D. 4'-0" x 614" x 1-1/4" Louvered wood bi- folding doors E. 10'-0" wide x 12'-0" high aluminum sectional overhead door with three (3) double strength glass panels in a standard pre-engineered Butler overhead door opening. Window Types A- 3'-0" x 3'-0" Horizontal sliding aluminum window with bronze anodized finish (By But- ler, for Butlerib II walls). B. 6'-0" x 3'-0" Horizontal sliding aluminum window with bronze anodized finish (By But- ler, for Butlerib II walls). POORS a WINDOWS ROOM NO. I A WALL FINISH c 5 EMARKS FLOOR FINISH --- Wall Finishes A. 1/2" drywall taped finished, and painted with two (2) coasts flat interior latex I paint. B. Exposed concrete block with horiaontal.ly raked joints and one (1) coat block sealer and two (2) coats interior latex semi -¢Loss paint. C. a-,.osed prefinished steel wall panels. p. WCGp FANELLIWQ (TO L?E AFF"r✓ V g`( OWNEK) Floor Finishes A. Exposed concrete slab B. Commercial grade carpet, glued directly to concrete slab with 4" vinyl base. C. 12" x 12" x 1/8" vinyl composition tile with 4" vinyl base. D G$R6M1 T lLE . CEILING T'v I D &411 1 HEIGHT A.F. Ceiling Types A. Exposed steel structure. B. 2' x 2' lay -in acoustical tile in an exposed 2' x 2' suspended ceiling grid. Tile to be tegular edge Sanserra Travertone by Arsr6 strong Co. C. 1/2" Drywall suspended ceiling with smooth painted finish. I� L3� I , D n n C8 - X ' 3 1 + n n n W I n 25-0 2g0 230 25- Q., Iy� ? -1; M 9's o+ QIlf12 VBiP- - - - - - t GOADINRAMPREA f-- - - — -^-- — a7 - --+ -- r - STRI.IGT LINE -hIG6 Wtu-:- -- - - --- ----------- - 2� 1 e l _ ._ E '.LRCCJ �EL at LAoT �Iu J IRA H LUNCH ROOM ocok� rr.1. I R00 OFFICE WOMEN WCKERS It_lla:> - -• L r��->rcl Ll - -t� of UP y e1�ve-rlol i � I � `=-r_-- ' � � -1`(F? C,ONC.6'TAIfg,-� l i) MEN LOCKER I -� II $ tL�NOINcaO>1 0'-4� I II , Cv Witte 112 9lAF� LUilC. LJ d I g I all- I-d FLAN @LEFT DIMEh1 CNSG TWLS'fN�6 A!¢ 4,1ITHICKCCNG.RwP J ! -- b crnu e'o.ulc ---- ----- — I I/2° ro -eF FtM I 7 r I 7 I i t I _ I L/�hIt1NCa 1 1 I I LJ I1 la I I I �IT rl I I II LJ A V lZG�F s UYU.ty✓ IN UN �iY:Ee� , �T(f ICAL SKYUC-+HT Lcz ?IGNS� r ' I LJ LJ Is ILk4 ,P.i % �� v u■ ulJ I a r+ ql IS I> F. 2A 1 A � I ALL 0XTMOR WAIL IN TN Is A}ZEiA TO *C- INadLAT8D R-I I E la. OA Tr, - 11.16- I UTATIa'l T4 pe 9-19 MIN. I I I i � ' I I I Io'� ICJ IN'iC�lOt2 'TEE(, CbLUMN6 � , � $ I I I ' rl I ry ri I I R5 5EE AT uFIG69T I LEI/F- I I I I I I I � ELE`«TIDNI. �A I I I I I I I LJ LJ LJ L1 LJ LJ � LJ 1 /� '"t I IA IfZiCaV /2. — INTEP-MEVt Tre /IIXoICv MIZFIL FfZpMo5 1 OTIZUGT• ONE - 410E WALL �F41 81 4'I I- PSI 5 ° I The build g structural sys m shall be a pro-s frame, MR II 20016 by Butle ManufacturingCom ified by on license in the State of Requirems is for 120 M.P.H. ind Zone (and any requirements). 11 , red, rigid steel designed and cart- , to meet SBCCI structural code ®Nh 111 FL OR LAN ®® 1/16 = 1 -0 1M_:' 1 L 50-,KS #4,12,13EIq TO IJLVE.cowlaE-x 20�1lIcaU �t.�s.55 Par.t>_L Itil �.cu L�a.F. ss'• A NEW PRODUCTION `'WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES FOR= GordonMock o c k /��.,/\ ®� connn�. No. s�,E t r No. j� /� HARPETCO A lei, C H I T E C T �0. LUCIE GTY. AIRPORT MmISTRIAL PARK, FT. PIERCE,FL. 5229 CANNON WAY , WEST PALI`,, BEACH , FLORIDAD TE6 OF P' (305) 6013- 1763 33406 FINISHES WALLS C, (3 E - II 3n i I_ 311 q , I n I > rXaB Or- RLUMMMCN 3n 51 a GOFJ4 TRIM (GEL(JEM1 F acuLE (TeYPEz K , — _ --- `✓ IDS ; .� ---- - - -- 1.4� ��r o�" s�n. �: PLAN DETAIL 2.4 PLAN D E TA I L r �p, !' Y `j y}xn. rti *FA,� {PyG •',,. w t A J°v 3 b' FOUNDATION SCHEDULE +'lip Yf'.,£a'4t. Foundation 4*04gn is b SiA on a Uhiform soil loading of 2500 pounds I ' ,R per equal". A Florida licensed testing engineer shall provide a signed and sealed written report of on site borings verifying that these y conditions exist; and that estimated settlements of lass than 112" will 9 be experienced. In absence of such report the founcintion design and details shown hereon are void. Slab shall be 5" 3000 PSI concrete with 0.006" polyetylene vapor barrier on treated, compacted clean sand fill. Fill cells at 4'-0" o.c. with 1 #5 vertical & 1 #5 dowell to footings. F-1 12" x 21- " concrete footing with (3) #5 bars continuous{ ' (through F-2 footers) .." M - F-2 1'-6" x 41-6" x 4'-6" concrete footing with #6 bars,at 6" o.o _ both ways. F-3 3'-0" x 3'-0" x 12" concrete footing with #6 bars @ 6" o c. both Y ways• fir'• F-4 4"-0" x 40-0" x 18" concrete footing with #6 bars a 6" o.c. both e (. ways. Er1M_ �r rs Nk 4, F-j 3'-9"w x 7'_201 x 1211d concrete footing project�.on monolithic with # 3 4 3 I-0I SECTION DETAIL u continuous F-1 footing, with two 2) # bare iri addition to the four r � a IaII= I I �* .F z' (4) continuous #5 bars in F 1 . wg f INS « FIN R_ ELEV. = OI-01I S�TPJ�T LINE '.Oa � `4 O 11416KEWEb GLAD EDCaE ppy AaY I I r CaIs. TJ��'VIrJ ll { €'a, Fz=-7,5n r 4 _ 1 s III Nos W<o1� k -J111 -_ --lii— r-W.FL. a - -9 I -- --\F 411 ##ro F'-�@ (nll O.c. . Os • - - - • O CCh1G . (i % �4.4 �111- �lI TYP. STAIR SECTION A NEW PRODUCTION WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES IORV`!''e' HARPETCO ST L.UCIE CTY. AIRPORT INDU STRIAI_. PARk . FT. 0E RCF , II -fYr? a seat FOrTrINA -V I / , . , I 1 1/n 'SI/'t tc�_a'/11 II n� I. 4 -IO' 2"._74 z a 6�10, 44az a� I �, II GONG KRMP I ,•„ � I I I 'I , x , (01 M b mud 'ZAW"GUT I" D. aNTRM kiN'r5 I � r i r 7 r JL TYP. I o'Ixl(pll P �� Il.A5rM, RN a G. VEl2r. i I � tF', , & �'. II I lx II I I it. Ic �W,-W-MlL � MF-,4 Irk( V4t� to '.+ ` { jfp 160°xld PILASTgi �iat'i" Ic{,X'..'I h,-wC F t".Ll;Aq flu (JItt�EFIIJZt'a1CME- PAP 'To C_iG. i, .. f iM' I E ' j� I I -I : °l � I n.:l .. 1 MINI ✓. ,I/N' � �Vr� 1 VGV �� �h � � y'i i'^ 1�„Fi'Y.�,4 L �S .`� uY^���4.M 4. V x, s _ X. MAY. ..__�.—., r ✓ - w gd' Mj :' v 4' ,.. I „A,--ta ��i} y � -.. I t�/b �� -���q'1.�.� i •' t +� E ,� 1.,, a t's'Y . I I ^ i+y�- Ya- LF�°t���.'. 9 - ' r 1 f l a}Iry c Y'l a i« ,.' • r tyf " \lYPTA -TOP OF Fr UNtxaOp►.1 1 tXV f 3's�* S i .ram x_ 17 -CO — ✓ -O }Ifw�r ,A; �-�'. ; sq /r:�. /:"E.[. (!,%7f i ..�..tf=1 �x y 3as P a s�.a35.y� s.: iA' jrys:; FGUL IGXQ C9) w" �.T(I? Id x 3 D� C. P► 1` (. " w/CI)#5P#ZFi2'.•,. a #�B�f6��0xN"�y'y D.G..- I F 2 r 2 a<F n. ILII �l :.It nl-' I I� 12 ��, -+-�--------*---�--_- � I-,{�- - `'�--------* '-ram "` „ r r, J. 4 I I i ' f • ODI ATION p`-'AN ,• 4 iF. h 1 4 :Ta ,p . -:,( r t"':, ix'. �! r _ _ _ 8 S _ . r � a -I, :'?` i At•^R$ ri` '9" �d. aV?Yn y Y. ,�'�+^1. " 1 A . Y �!+ k � � A+' 4 ,:. I 8 � y '_ }`, � Sf'7 �'1 'M � ♦ �`i.' .t a A■ F,< ';. 1xt ,�X�r n�t"^''�.�C,�• �"1'y(y. '.�fY u�` 4.4 uh .�- Y'x"�` ''k V•'c,,.�A$E SL>..5 �., s II .r'�a x `4 nn 1 <. +� 4 I.:.w. �' se(-. J �I �4 ,4r.}n ..: - '<•xs d..M'-+�, ... e:te, ,..� n . �, tYmY ," � w:.,. e s . ,:.;- ,p .,:..,w I I .., I{ y�`.•�.' ,:i s-,p, 4 t.•A: r , I I ICI �{I � I ICI ICI it I I II ill '!I I! I' III II ' II I (4) I i II �Vi PT. = f 5l 5 I Ir I CAS -��� L _1 1 -1 if N 7YP _ C�C__JI -- it IIIra'I -- ---- - --_--_ --_ -_-- -E,.=o'-dl EkST 3 6 0 8 99 i I I I I i R i i I II , I 'I I i I II I I I ELEVATIONSOUTH D -4 V f5 A N ,?V ,i AND OFFICES FOR, 8 3 . No. SHENo. 1 A + I T E IC T P I tsAftw-.I.As A RR5 ERCE rFL. WL L I Y. AiRl'AUR i INIJUbl #Y1/�L. k"iiCi4 , � 3 � (305) 6 CANNON WAY. WEST PALM Bl Af H FLORIDA LU6 � 5El 17 6 3 33406 DATE 0F d 0 r 0 ■ min a V, 0 0 0 r4 � ❑Y G a � C ® ® m c N a N E u, E m ❑ 2O A C V 0 p v v v v E c o e m m v c - ❑ Y' O 13 t U o # O T M55 t7 y 'cr W o � c m ❑ c7 � n ® ❑ 0 ❑or n o v o O O ❑ o `� N a ` ^ ® O m 0 » Y O El°` of 2 N 3 El ' ❑ v3 El 0 v a 0. a i E ® ro ? x o as 10 a c ® c ® r m lam M a I❑I of 1t U- a r IR m w m bus amps I LOAD poles amps bus AB amps poles LOAD bus amps A B A B I 3 5 7 9 II 13. 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 5 37 2 4 6 8 10 12 _14 16 18 20 22 4 26 28 32 36 38 42 _ _._. 441 Total Amps: Bus A - — Bus B Connected KVA Rated voltage: ❑ 120 / 240 ❑ ---- I phase, 3 wire Branch poles ❑ 12 ❑ 20 1130 ❑ 42 Rated amps: ❑ POO ❑ 150 ❑ 200 ❑ %abinet ❑ Surface ❑ Flush Full neutral bus ❑ Ground bus ElHinged door ❑Keyed door latch ❑Fused ❑Circuit breaker (bolt -in) branch devices Feed is to be ❑ bottom ❑ top ❑Main lugs only Main amp El breaker El fused switch []—to be GFI breakers All breakers must be rated to interrupt a short circuit I sc of _,000 amps symmetrical. Approved Mf'rs. Westinghouse, ITE, Square D, GE Only Main lugs_ sets size: PANEL A bus amps LOAD - poles amps A B amps poles LOAD bus amps A B A B 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 5 37 39 41 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 18 20 22 4 6 28 32 36 38 42 - g i ^ _ ---- I _. _ jTotal Amps: Bus A Bus B Connected KVA I Rated voltage: ❑ 120 / 240 ❑ I phase, 3 wire Branch poles ❑ 12 ❑ 20 ❑ 30 ❑ 42 — I Rated amps: ❑ 100 ❑ 150 ❑ 200 ❑ Cabinet ❑ Surface ❑ Flush Full neutral bus ❑ Ground bua ❑ Hinged door [I Keyed door latch ❑Fused []Circuit breaker (bolt -in) branch devices Feed is to be ❑ bottom ❑ top ❑Main lugs only Main amp ❑breaker ❑fused switch ❑ to be GFI breakers j All breakers must be rated to interrupt a short circuit I sc of _,000 amps symmetrical. Approved Mf'rs. Westinghouse, ITE, Square D, GE Only F Main lugs_ sets size: i 1 9 .' PANEL !,; 1Cf .`.I arc I '-rz�e ^mot-tau-�Ne� I, of VE-izIIC,4t, FA:z;IA I I • V44i1"L- J,NGi 3rtYL"WLiL1 FI UT ! c,W Err =5 FKt "1 It LCS(fOfvl LaNCaI� - r I [ 1 I 1 FfKI it 1.. f c (C YrNi J { GIA R�TAWL rK TOP P( TE — _- Ll,NT P.T 215cq'I { � 1 7 1/�1LLt_l; ea I KZ T STrLINC-iEI�� --'.� PT. 2"x4'IS57K T`fP- E'�?.GINEa �I `vTYLMIAU'r ;::�TtT-v NA k, PAN eta — — 3/aII F t YW600 WFU- TYPCIfJ� PT 21x4j1 PLATE W %211 ANC. BOU75 C? 'Z"c"O.C. 011CONG. CAP V�(!J#t5 CONT.--� Ffuz-:o CeL(, W/O* 5 C�4.1-OA OG. OLG�r- LIWKcLJ STUCCO -- t�11 i WELL COMPPLCt� > Iu - _ I, '-IYI°. fCo!'xI(oll PfUASTER�L3�YCNb� I� i I, I X )211 f-oUNINTIC-N �✓iIGIU. I Fi2aJC-t;Tlt7F.1 (Z)# 5 � _-� @ (o1' 0. C, IN AL>bIT10f 10 THe 9)CONT. :tf-Fo ! CF P-1 h — o — —I s n oa o� L FGYJNCXaTM (W? CND) I I I n �ilel-l�-(- UNE C:F �n1t�nY�l.L S'TIZUGT Uhla✓ GF sTYI-Vd4Ll� �`�OJOCTiCNI. �? Fi1.�IA. ® 3�i1= I1 WALL I I n 1C�P IKltvl � '� ,� .,Ik(4..=I•H•ty . �111 ,..it f dy"d{ I .4(ITE.1 w AFr 32)�I ( T2 M44-L II i W TI t , I F�v -IA-AI WA �, oo Vi Zil. mil_ �i:14 L FF� f FC* el, 71(t)tA,s4.4:.'u t, I �Cti -lam '. �• I N<� A.: I I {f II I W<N L- aiRT >iLev _ q -6, A �i � ��F II rl:,l�• II fi n CE=ILINFa H B' t4Af i- WALL G1 f4 V ! I Y1' �� -d ,., 9 h-- I ii t- i-�V = T' (JP .Vi II I f '�� I W�t'i c 'r-11 If li ., i 'I I�iUTL�f216IC WALL I�'liNt-�f-5 �" I (NOM. Glze ?00141) rJ 8u WALL GJIM I E,LEV. = -0 AI=E J • I � I Yt' INT rWTIT1CN6 - T211�A�' C7ICf 1( PLAhI I I C J F T 2�>4! f�41> W1 Ix11 c tF.YWAd L. (WT14 Gtt� F-IN PLCX�f2 E(. = 2`21_ �n 4D VIN11 (AOGUWE.= 0-OII o TYP. )1x I Call it G.NA.4 t}I prK __ tCcO 6LA13 Wy (1) -4 5 6od'x6)'* 10/)o W.VJ.JA. OAK (CZ[J) - —, - I 6PMIL �VI6 Laa,"l°VAR*- �IL't"xal.ollWw. mAe'a--w TGP OF eCW� . 611.E W�(5���>$i�8T1E6C�yL'IO.G. -- oII 1 T`(t? C.N1.U. I�uND N141-L Sruckco CM 8� 0.M.0 I' 7YI' U-eo cmi-e W/CI Pow 5T'(LWALL5 <3 E A1J _- @ 44 O.G. F12 rmw 1b 6LA7� , � i � I - (=. � c.ONT- I Fa.INr3aT�l � 1211x 2'-a � J . I wo) 14v- 0 8N2.c, (cow. 1HRU O!I G M. U, FZY.1 40-. WALL 1 -1 I I F 2 f o"Ki� Neal f� (13 `LYGNDJ LCou S11 11 I 1 11 �U 4'-td1>.4i-Con x I Vy/ #�(coJ TOP of i=ctlNU. Q (o J I I I 9 1 � 6 ",Do,-- 5 @ s 1vl u v t L raay. L — — — — -1 Ili L I 41-0011 �, ��RUGTUIZoL- LIµE - (oICEWALL ($UTI-1✓i21U �} STPLIGT, LINE OF 57YLWALL fi37-1EGY'IChI W 1-6 a,411�11 WALL SECTION 11110 A NEW PRODUCTION WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES FOR moon ME =A A 1=106 P E T CM40b At 0 J t.._,1 r 1...� R, C H Mock I �' A � ■ A■ E C T COMM. NO. SHEET NO. 6 ST. LUCIE GT Y. AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL. PARK , FT. PirERCE FL. 5229 CANNON WAY, 1305) 666-1763 WEST PALPA BEACH , FLORIDA 33406 5 DATEF � by � ..:_. G- •;� �, 1�,; ♦ .� , tl a• •r R 'c 0 ' - R o L. I ♦ i'`• l {}t-• l- I •GIRT -�. ___ __ -TQ t " 7 _ GIILT a's NQ•C�+ r i � i B��l�.`6,...a� _c_ -ram----.._-_--- ,{-i--_Y__�_---- - �•�^;f _- -- �"x'Y' li _ — wA eT j r�4 GMU GI Li- .� —..- - AR a m +- . sT1 Lww gg 71 —y l r t • �`-Ids A , K LL ;-OpJM �I O v w a J U LL I tI r A. LL � �r -LW� PT i � ICY ,�(� I� I� 1 _ o �•� NOW I I '' 1 yJEW taroF E'�EdM♦ EN{7 - I EXISTG R-OC.>: P5P,.A �l' Tw ..: t16G♦1—N�""'—'a,'i °1 oh W414. ve,s•rs e P(JZL, s 1 Pu Lws F- �o- JUR"7 •ti pe #C r aft WcLLy' !i `t4 - e ' P C1('texa TIrE2 MFG.tn ,{ I WALL POST ', : ``�--- �! ` I / S•Mi;.t�t.t�•.�[. !��`" I ..- �' �R S"�1.1T �"s�,rr ,' s - I w CCA L. MN (:I'J) . I —+ 4- — I , Sc3iTpvt A V C3L �1�+ t, !'tom=(C�I?YGtJDi i �, ' fi4✓Gl� to 1 I � t`�t 00.• ;. F,6G44 =T;zsiC f UNB - � ijj I - C.x I'.aTG '�♦ W&I" $Tiz1,1G 11J y#,.! I EXI,S'C: -57'Kl.1GYVKE.. FASCIA E MC'1AL W,+c 1 pA-J,ct,$ SUOwN oarr*q j EXIIQTc. e- P.6-LI-SL ON NQW W` �T I AAkTA L PLOOF WALL. 4 I \> NC,W IN•YU LaT �C7 MGTi►l� /- �"` F• EX t ST INE 11 I•-t- tYooP TO MATGu. eYIsTC}. __. i R .40 ♦r I` 1 ,�JLt . r -All .Prq�i •� a� a I mo- l A N — ^g'.-._u..-..-x.... ._.. gam.• 5C1+._G A11 IQL_.-1^,�- o-., • y� ° 4 'x""at , 1 " . j •k , r , i I '... QE.MO•Jf- OUTER v.•.: E. i , s, �•'^"§�'• OF TOP CL7UY:.� CDF F«IA- ni• r R�tAGh. F- 5A%w-.Gtur ECr.1 ; • a: _ PBbW \.MhT o �"� o J S.T'C`{ WQ!_L rt7sT5 i -:>FE- PLA.IJ M ya .z %' -YJ-- mow'-�J ! ,N•r'N+a.'�` G'f. +• x ?'`aa 'i'"7N'!' '�T�'x .AM +: A ao . N, 14��1 ter:nx4, f , ,,,' W cd �rw a'a8 �.ct �a.a c•, f Wa..L Fao�.Ts wj .++5 Al, , � G►7�Mi.h �'�F�il�1•d i )i► 5 tares i, e�z COS T. o Al 8"cam V C17 r� '+} •,•„ } FILLtI%�dPX♦k.i+l�r� i 1Yt'. I(vxl(n PfLASmovit�ZCrCSE'(CY.IC�� Td'oFGCtt"i.QALL � � A' Qr-w P ctFJT�r 1! - =x+ t Q4 �. emwo crJ d O.W.U. 04 ) _ 13 "ANE�i L I� t rv?Yt•N� I.IL IIL L�NPi Ba F. fl G. FG' 1C3 �vi7 PILL..o�.Id - �; sTL :" , -,•.. ose�rQb �vM..at.,IF I �' 11liB1 EJG1k3T C. ''S GMu - t PAL � , T�. t. a .F � •S•_ - �'tP"' iYC2) # 6 89 G14 a PV WVT c- n -, 1,._1- MiINL -- ' ij I 1l �s t !ab E'd q 17AT�•1 . y .v r x r �•y 3 v T ';•x.:A.,_E. �%.., :"._t ! ,° �` � ec,..L.E.:♦_.-...�4T TO I' 3C�� 5C�3'L.be: DRAWN CHECKED DATE 7--%'.17 SCALE A"5 S430wp7, DRAWINGNUMBER -,06J 0m r— jl � 5