HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1259 - )...; . il .\ ~5. ~, !'-- . - i~ i\ -, ~- .. ~~ ~ 'i. .. . ~1. , ! .~Jj, ! i " ~ I t .... , . f,. ~ (t y' " , ". ~~ I.~ :..r 'k e~; 'l: .,~~ ..'.f .. : . i-;... -. t " \. ., 'h ~ ;.....)f, '. ,. ~ . --~-~---------,-......--.-----------~ . V" 1 . , . _L-.. ___ - ~--- TII.lS INDEhIURE. Wade Ihis ~Tenth day of Se1)~r J.C.nogere and his .1fo Leonora Rogers of the CooatJ of St .Luoie and Stall' of ~'lorlda J.laok Lelend ;.;llbert and hiB 1I1fe Olhe Pauline Gilbert ~ D. 19...21. BF..T\\'F.F.~ part. ie s ~f the firsl pari, .nd of Ihe County of f. to .Luaie and Stal. or~.!l.Qr1d8 part...1e. or tht second part. \"1 'E F.Ttl...... h said r L 6 f d . 'd" 'f L f One Dollar ~nd other ,. TN SS . ....1 I e part.-- 0 IDe rst part. or an .n tOGS, erabon 0 tDe sum 0 ________._.........___ T~lu&ble consi1erntlons . .J Dollars. .. Io!~__ in hand paid. Ihe receipt wherf'Of is h.r.by ad:no.'ltdgtd. ho_'!.'- granltd. bargained. sold and Iraasferred. and by Iht,. prcs.ats oJ<> grant, barpio. sell :aad lransfer ur.to the uid PUI_.!.!I.! of It.e sf'<oad l'3rl aDd 'th e ir . . heirs :and :assigns forner. :all lhal certain parccl of land r,ing ano beillg in Ihe Couuly of_.Sto .Lua ie. ~ lorld,. aDd St.tf' of .more l'3.liculcrly dc<cribed as follows: Lot number ~hirty two (32) of Blook "An of' West Bnd oddi tion to the City of ~oft Pieroe _..::lor1da a8 mr 'Dl~t reoorded 11n..~t....Bo.~k_.~:Wo (2) Pl.&! ~lv6 (5) of t~J,iQ_~~Q.QJ'd8 of :;it.Luo1e Coo.nty. horl~~. : .. .' . ! ~ '. ... . 'I,' . ~ ---. TOGETII ER wilh .11 .he I~emenl.. hcredit....tr.h ud :ap....:I<".net.. \\'ilh n.ry pririlcg.. right. I't':-. inlerest .d "Slate. dQw.r and right of do...r. renrsioD. remainder and t..ancnl thcrtlo ~loDili,,1t e. ill anp.;se aI'Putain.ng: TO 11.-\ \"E A~D TO HOLD Ih~ same in fcc SImple fercHr. l A d .L 'd lee f b fi d . h L ..d lee f ' d h they ere n Ule ~ pa~ 0 I Ie ul pa.t 0-_ co'~n",1 w" 'nC S1' pan _ 0 IDe neon pari I at-..:.= " Iawfuli, seiz<J ~ good .igbl ",d lawful aUlhorily 10 sell Ihe samt; .orr;;.,,1 lI:t title 10 said land. and will dc/tr.d Ihe same against Ihe fa" fu\ claims ., of Ih. sa;.J premisn. lhal Ih.,. arc f,tc f~om aU cnCWDbraDus and Ih.~ey hBTe and lI:e .aid parti_Q~ ef Ihe lirsl pari 40_ bu.b,. fdly of all persons whomsot\~r. IS WITXESS WtlER~OF. tbe said pa'lha. 01 tbt fir.t tart ha_T8.__ hunanlo scL--thp.i1' haDds... and s~LS. ~. day .' ,'; .nd yur ahan ....rill.n. Signed, Scal.d and Dclinrcd in 011' Presence: l.nn1.e ole 861e Bro.n wrB. ~.. .Cobb (Seal.) (Seal) I I i t J J.c .~{ogerB Leonora .nogers STATE OF ~lorlda st .Luo 1e Coont,. of ...----':.. I IIEREBY CERTIFY. That _ Ib;. Seventh day of Septezmtr personally :appeared J .C. RORer8 and Le anora R~~r8 10 me ka~..a 10 be the pcrsoa-!. dcscnDtd ia and.1Io u<<ul.d the rOrt'lOiD~ COD'l'eY.lnce to Maok Leland Gl1bert end his wife A. D. 19 21 before me and scnnlly acknowledged the txtCutiOll Ihercof to "" 14"~p. BQgers . . their fr.e act and C:ccd for Ihe nsu aDd ....rposes Iherc;a m~nlioned; and the said Ihc wife of th. ~ J.C.Rogers Oft a s.par>le and prinlc uaminatioa uk.1I aJId made by and before rnt. and nparatdy and apa.1 from her said IIn.band. did acknowledge Ihal she made heueU a J'arly to the uid Deed of CocYC:rancc. for lh. PU'POIC of renounc1nl. rcllt:qu;.hing and connying all her righl. litle >ad inlerUI. whether of dower or of separate I'fopnty. statulory Or tq1lilable ia :aDd 10 Iht IaDd_ Iherein d..cr:btd. .ad lhal she u,ecuted said dred freely aDd \'olunlarily :aad willooot any COlUltaial. fc.aJ'. apprthensiOll or com....lsioD of or from her said h",band. WITNESS my .i.llature and olicial sc.:al. at St .Luote .... iort Pieroe -in Ihe Counly c! ~r F~;~. the day and ytar last aforaa~~ '" r, -,,,,,,' .,,'Cl'(': (Sell) n. I TIt .e" \ ~ f';o,}" , .. , 'II l'a ilorlda nil Stale of ~ " ........ ~.L . Bro.1Il .;.P. ... "- .., c ,~ STATE OF FLORIDA, } County or St. Lucie.,. OIl thi, 20 I M8z' em o.dock, ~_y~ "- D_ 192!...... . t 4 day of this instnnDellt .-as liled lor rKOI'd. UHf bciac d1r1)' acbowltqed aad PIOTP. I haft recorded the same 0. par 1 of &oi. 47 , in the Ptablic Record, of ui4 Coaaty. IS WITNESS WHEREOF. I haft Mrctl1lto Itt my It:aAd ud .Ibed tbt Hal of the Ch:!lil Co.rt of the Fifteenth Judicial Cirm\ of said State Ira aad for ,ai4 CoaatJ. I i I I f r t. T. " \ ~ (Ct.Ct.Seel) ~ P.O .El dre4 ,; ~ QUit.- . ~~.. ,';"~.~ ~~. ..~... ...~ . b: Co /' , ~. "--'ci . ~ .' ' ,.....- :' 0- .'~~~~: <"'~~ .:.. . ~~...: -- "' ~ -..;, - -' . ... . ~ _ 6" "'