Ivan Betancourt
From: Ivan Betancourt
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 11:35 AM
To: brubakerm@stlucieco.org; DurdenW@stlucieco.org
Cc: Michele Holler; Kacey CooperArmstrong;Jennifer Sayre; Project File; eder calderon
Subject: 11-326-03 La Natural Ice Cream Inc
Attachments: 11-326-03_030422-2-EMA-Gl.pdf
Good afternoon,
Please see the attached email regarding the GI inspection for the project listed above.The applicant called us earlier and
mentioned that SLC would need a final report status on the GI. Our inspector confirmed that the GI is connected
properly and passed the inspection.
Thank you,
Ivan Betancourt
Project Coordinator
Utility Engineering Division
City of Port St.Lucie
121 S.W. Port St. Lucie Blvd
O" Building B, 211 floor
'tON V Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984-5099
772-344-4333 direct 1 772-873-6400 main
utility.cityofpsl.com ibetancourt@citvofpsl.com
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and all copies and backups.
M AR 1 12422
Pe(mnn H
9 St
From: Anthony Camoaana
To: utilinsp Project File
Cc: Michele Holler;Jay Wickham: Steve Harnage Charles Passanante
Subject: 11-326-03_030422-GI.pdf
Date: Friday,March 4,2022 11:22:34 AM
Attachments: 11-326-03 030422-GI.12df
Grease Interceptor inspection for W-500.IS under sink at above project, connected and passed.
TT?�Rd�7.0 C../tlJC�2LlJ�/1'A
PSLUD Inspector, Utility Engineering
City of Port St. Lucie
900 SE Ogden Lane
Port St. Lucie, Florida 34983
772-618-3950 cell 1 772-873-6400 office
utility.cityof s{sll.com
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:The email message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain legally privileged
and confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressees. If the reader of this message is not the
intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any reading,dissemination,distribution, copying,or other use of
this message and its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error,please notify me
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