HomeMy WebLinkAboutproduct approval Susihoss Afrofessior 11 "tato BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration i Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats&Facts I Publications Contact Us i•'BCIS Site Map' Links i Search Florida k, r I Product Approval USER:Public User Product Aooroval Menu>Product or Application Search>AQplication List>Application Detall �� 1 - FL# F1-2087&112' . l a`� Application Type Revision . Code Version 2020„ ig ,-Te et) a(30F Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission If necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Dupont REVIEWED FOR Address/Phone/Email 5401 Jefferson Davis Highway' CODE COMPLIANCE Richmond,VA4 23234 SR T LUCIE C®U melts 21.grant T, B®CC melissa.s.grant@dupont.com 'yT 3 �%7/�i7i Authorized Signature Melissa Grant ✓ 2— Technical Representative Melissa Grant FILE COP',, Address/Phone/Email P.O. Box 103 202 E.Washington,Street Morris,IL 60450 (812)212-4429 melissa.s.gtant@dupont.com Qua lity tyAssurance Representative Address P e/ hen /Email Category Roofing Subcategory Underlayments Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Product Evaluation Entity Evaluation Entity Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc. Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc.-QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2023 Validated By Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc. Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D226 2009 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code c. a Product Approval Method Method 1 Option C Date Submitted 01/27/2021 Date Validated 01/27/2021 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 01/29/2021 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 201376.1_; Dupont Pro'tec.Underlaymer E:.. 120,160,200 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL20876 R2 II K2938S Tyvek Protec Install Guide.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:IntertekTesting Services NA,Inc. Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: FL20876 R2 AE 2021-01-26 CCRR-1062.pdf 20876.2 Dupont Tyvek Underlayment Roof Protector Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL20876 R2 II SC00501 Tyvek Roof Protector Brochure pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc. Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party.: Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other: FL20876 R2 AE 2021-01-26 CCRR-1087.pdf '. BacSc Next Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibillty Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mall.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: ® cL_ Credit Card Safe . ^ " | ���o/mn«"- � Installation Information ������� Ty-vek, — ^nm DuPonfm Tyvek"P���� - --� —�~ -~ Roofing Undpr/aUments Installation Guidelines SYSTEM-OVERVIEW Installation Guidelines Acceptable For Use With , Tyvek'Pmuec~meets nr exceeds the following code ^ Du �~ K, c~120 criteria and test protocols: bv�q6��pn,�e��]�p ��� -A[1OD(|�a�ek[[RR1O6Z) � DuPont'lyvek^Protec-2D0 -A5TMD2Z5 types|&U Specifications -x3TM8U8 ^ ~ [AN/[�AA12]» ^ Tyvek^Pmtec is available inlo square m8s: - . 48^x25071.3mx762m(92.9m'), -[AN/[5A4zanl and Z square rnUs4O^xso71zmx1�Zm085��nq � � � Precautions and Safety ^ Ty"ek^Pmtec~is for use on roofs with slopes u2xz , ^ App��wek^pmuec~taut and wrinNe�nee. ^ Tyvek Pn�ec~mv,�hecovencdwi�h�`��naimpf oo not stretch. ciaddingmi,hin: ^ Do not apply 7yvek"Pmuec~over wet nrfrost-covered 3'months with Tywek^Pmtec-12V roof sheathing. s'nnnnths with TyveK"Prntec~l6Oo,Tyvek" , Caution should be taken when walking onTyveK' Pmt,c~aon pmu,c-until it has been fastened according oo Tvvek^pmu'c"should not be considered a final roofing instructions. system/primary water barrier.Tyvek~Pn¢e(f'isa , Caution should be taken when walking onTyvek° secondary layer applied over sheathing,under aprimary pmu'c~when itis wet o,[,o,t-cnvened. roofing system as specified for the following: ^ Use fall protection whenworking on roof.Refer u, -7yvek^pmtec~120'asphalt shingles,metal orcedar OSHA safety regulations uycFR1yzosubpart M. roof cladding , Consult your Local DuPnnt~7yvek°Specialist for addibvna(infnrmatiun -7�/ek'Pmtec~16O'aspha�,hinqie�U�,nnetaL . cedar,vr state roof cladding Preparation -Tyvek"pntec~Z00-asphalt shingles,tile,metal, ^ Apply 7yvek"pmtec~over a dry,smooth,clean and cedar,vr state roof cladding ' defect-free roof deck.7yvek"Pmu,c~cannot beinstalled over existing roof cladding. Building Code Compliance Tyvek^Pmtec~isa vapor barrier.Ensure that the space " Consult iocaibuiidin0.code and roof cladding 'beneath the roof sheathing is property ventilated before manufacturer for use ofun6ertayment. installing to avoid condensation problems. " Consult(oca<bui\ding code and,roof cladding manufacturer for xnder(avment edge and end overlap and fastening eqjiraments that may differ from Tvvek" Pmtec-instroctions.Fnilowthemore restrictive requirements. ^ Where required by,local building code,apply srbfadhe,ino waterproof underiaymrntasrequired by code according tn manufacturer's instructions and lyxeK` Pmtec~for successive courses. ^ 7yvek°Pmtpc~provides protection against leaks under all types of roof coverings identified bv|CC-:ESA[ on. INSTALLATION 1. Lay courses of DuPont'Tyvek'Protec"horizontally in"shingle 5.Apply Tyvek'Protec"with two layers on roofs with style"fashion following the lap lines provided in 4" slopes between 2:12 and up to 4:12.Begin with a 26" course overlaps and 6"end laps beginning along the eave undercourse.strip parallel to the eave edge,and then edge.Offset end laps in successive courses by 6 feet. cover with a full width sheet.Overlap successive sheets 2. When attaching DuPont"Tyvek'Protec"to the roof by 26". sheathing: 6.Install Tyvek'Protec'over drip edges along eave edge When used under tile,slate,cedar and metal roof and under drip edges along rake edges. claddings,1"diameter(min)metal or plastic Lap Tyvek'Protec"8"(min)onto walls. (ring shank or smooth shank)cap-nails or 7. Line roof valleys with a sheet of Tyvek'Protec"prior to cap-staples are required. -When used under asphalt or synthetic shingles, installing horizontal courses of Tyvek'Protec"'.La,p the ends of horizontal Tyvek`Protec"courses over the 1"diameter(min)metal or plastic cap-nails or capstaples are recommended.Un-capped staples or valley sheet by 6" . standard roofing nails may be used if shingles are B.At ridges and hips where ridge vents will not be installed within 36 hours(unless rain or high winds applied,cross-lap Tyvek'Protec'"from one roof plane are expected).Use of un-capped fasteners may result onto the other by 6".For additional weather in a risk of blow off or leakage around the fastener protection,apply a 24"wide sheet of Tyvek*Protec" penetrations during a wind or rain event. across hips and ridges. -All anchoring must be performed flush to the roof and 90 degrees to the roof deck. Warranty 3.Install fasteners 12"on center(o.c)along course and end Tyvek'Protec'"is covered by a limited product, over-laps and a single row 24"on center along the middle replacement warranty: line of the field.Use the printed pattern as a guide. • Tyvek'Protec"'120:30 years 4.In high wind zones(at or above 100 mph per IRC ' Tyvek'Protec"160:40 years R301.2),fasteners must be installed at all printed • Tyvek'Protec"200:50 years locations on the Tyvek*Protec".It must be fastened using corrosion-resistant metal or plastic cap nails with Warranty is offered by DuPont for builders,general head diameter of at least 1"and a thickness of at least contractors,or professional installers.This is not a a a a consumer warranty.To obtain a copy of the warranty please gauge sheet metal.The cap-nail shank shall a minimum of 12 gauge(0.105 inches)with a length to visit www.tyvek.com/protec or call(-800 448-9835. penetrate through the roof sheathing of a minimum of %inch into the roof sheathing. OUPONTk Tyvek. For-more information about DuPont"Tyvek'Protec'", Protec ry please call 1-800-448-9835 or- ROOFING UNDERLAYMENTS Visit as at.wwwA ek.com/protec NOTICE:No freedom from any patent owned by DuPont or others is to be inferred Because use conditions and applicable laws may differ from one location to another and may change with time. Customer is responsible for determining whether products and the information in this document are appropriate for Customer's use and for ensuring that Customers workplace and disposal practices are in compliance with applicable laws and other government enactments.The product shown in this literature may not be available for sale and/or available in all geographies where DuPont is represented. The claims made may not have been approved for use in all countries or regions.DuPont assumes no obligation or liability for the information in this document.References to"DuPont'0'the'Company' mean the DuPont legal entity selling the products to Customer unless otherwise expressly noted.NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES ARE GIVEN EXCEPT FOR AMY APPLICABLE WRITTEN WARRA14TIES SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED BY DUPONT.ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED.The buyer assumes all risks as to the use of the material,Buyer's exclusive remedy or any claim(Including without llmitadons,negligence,Strict liability,or tort)shall be limited to the refund of the purchase price of the material.Failute to strictly adhere to any recommended procedures shall release DuPont Specialty Products USP,LLC or its affiliates,of all liability with respect to the materials or the use thereof. The information herein is not intended for use by non-professional designers,applicators or other persons who do not purchase or utilize this product in the normal course of their business. CAUTION:When cured,these products are combustible and will bum it exposed to open flame or sparks from high-energy sources.Do not expose to lemperetures above 2400F(IlG°C).For more information.consult (Material)Safety Data Sheet((14)SDS),call DuPont at 1-866-583-BLUE(2593)or contact your local building Inspector.In an emergency,call 1.989-636-4400 in the U.S.or 1.5143i9dJll in Canada.The blowing agent contained within this product can.exhlbit vapor flame limits underthe right conditions.If specific operating canditions are such that concentrations of the blowing agent above the lower Rammoble limit can accumulate Inateas with high relative humidity and In the prescrca of high-energy etecuicat discharges or other ignition sources,additional measures such as increased ventilation or coded electrical epulpment(class one,division twn) may be warrantedDO NOT Sf40KE DURING USE DO NOT USE NEAR ANYOPEN FLAME OR ELECTRICAL SOURCEDUTDOOR USE ONLY.INDOOR USE INCREASES LIKELIHOOD OF IGNITABLE CONDITIONSINSTASTIK-Quik Set Commercial Roofing Adhesive contain isocyanate and a blowing agent Read th."t label and(Material)Safety Data Sheet((14105)carefully before use.Wear gloves,and goggles or safety glasses.Provide adequate ventilation or wear proper respiratory protection.Contents under pressure.For outside use on:y DuPont",the DuPcnt Oval Logo,and all trademarks and service marks denoted with"','"or s are owned by affiliates of DuPont de Nemours,Inc.unless otherwise noted 02020 DuPont 43-DIGW,Be-enf4A-0220 cop I ntertek Code Compliance Research Report Total Quality.Assured. CCRR-1062 Issue Date:05-25-2016 Revision Date:01-26-2021 Renewal Date:01-31-2022 DIVISION:07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION DupontT" Tyvek° ProtecT" 160 is a mechanically attached Section:073005-Roofing Felt and Underlayment synthetic underlayment comprised of an embossed non- woven top scrim and a woven bottom scrim with a polymeric REPORT HOLDER: laminated facer. The underlayment has an overall weight of DuPont de Nemours,Inc. 3.27 pounds per 100 square feet, and it is available in rolls 1501 Larkin Center Drive 48 inches wide,by 250 feet long. Midland,MI 48674 (989)638-4318 Dupont" Tyvek® ProtecT" 200 is a mechanically attached www.dupont..com%building synthetic underlayment comprised of an embossed non- woven top scrim and a woven bottom scrim with a polymeric REPORT SUBJECT: laminated facer. The underlayment has an overall weight of DupontT" Tyvek® ProteCTM 110;', 160, and 200 Roofing 3.58 pounds per 10D. square feet, and it is available in rolls Underlayments 48 inches wide by 250 feet long; 1.0 SCOPE OF EVAL UATION 4.0 INSTALLATION This Research Report addresses compliance with the following 4.1 General: Codes: a 2018,2015,and 2012 International Building Code®(IBC) Installation of the underlayments must comply with'the " 2018,2015,and 2012 International Residential Code®(IRC) applicable Code, this report, and the report holder's 2020 Florida BuildingCode FBC —See Section 8.1 published installation instructions. ( ) p 2.0 USES The underlayments must be Installed In accordance with the subsections of IBC Section 1507 and IRC Section R905 Dupont`" Tyvek®ProtecT" 120, 160; and 200 underlayments applicable to the roof covering being installed. The are used in the field of the roof as an'alternative to the ASTM underlayments must be laid with the print side up,with laps as D226, Type I and Type 11, roof underlayments specified in required by the applicable Code, evaluation report, or Chapter 15 of the IBC and Chapter 9 of the IRC. manufacturer's instructions,whichever is more restrictive. The underlayments may be used in areas of the roof required The roof covering may be installed immediately following the, by IBC Section 1507 or IRC Section R905 to have an ice barrier underlayment :application and the underlayment must be roof underlayment,when installed as noted in Section 4.2. covered within the time designated in the report holder's published installation instructions. The underlayments may be used as components of classified assemblies when installed as described in this report. 4.2 Ice Barrier: The underlayments have been evaluated for the properties as In areas of the roof required by IBC Section 1507 or IRC listed in Table 1. Section R905 to have an ice barrier,two layers of DupontT" Tyvek® ProtecT" 120, 160, or 200 underlayment, solidly 3.0 DESCRIPTION cemented together with a low solvent based roofing cement complying with ASTM D4586 Type 1 (asbestos free),may be Dupont"" Tyvek® ProteCTM 120 is a mechanically ,attached used provided the ice barrier extends up the roof a minimum synthetic underlayment comprised of an embossed non- distance of 24 inches inside the interior wall line of the woven top scrim and a woven bottom scrim with a polymeric building. The underlayment installed in the field of the roof laminated facer. The underlayment has an overall weight of must overlap the ice barrier. 2.25 pounds per 100 square feet, and it is available in rolls 48 inches wide by 250 feet long. 545 E.Algonquin Road •Arlington Heights•Illinois•60005 o E011E0' intertek.com/buildin ACCfl Intertek PCA•101 Version:21 December 2017 SFT-CCRR-OP-40b ton . Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-1062 Page 2 of 3 4.3 Fire Classification: 7.0 IDENTIFICATION The underlayments may be used as a component of a The Dupont"" Tyvek® Protec""' 120, 160 and 200 classified roof assembly when specifically recognized as such underlayments are imprinted with the report holder's name, in a listing approved by the Code official. The underlayments the Intertek Mark,and the Code Compliance Research Report may also be used as an alternative to the underlayments number(CCRR-1062). Each roll of the product is also labeled specified in the Code for roof coverings permitted under the with installation instructions,roll dimensions and weight. Exceptions to IBC Section 1505.2 and IRC Section R902.1 and �p CODE may be used where non-classified roofing is permitted in IBC (S. Section 1505,5. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE Intertek The underlayments described In this Research Report comply 8.0 OTHER CODES with, or are suitable alternatives to,what is specified in those Codes listed in Sections 1.0 and 2.0 of this report, subject to 8.1 Florida Building Code: the following conditions: 8.1.1 Scope of the Evaluation: Dupont"" Tyvek® ProtecTM- 5.1 Installation must comply with this Research Report,the 120, 160, and 200 underlayments were evaluated for manufacturer's published installation _Instructions, and the compliance with the 2020 Florida Building Code—Building applicable Code. In the event of a conflict between the and the 2020 Florida Building Code—Residential. manufacturer's instructions and this report, this report governs. 8.1.2 Conclusion:The Dupont"Tyvek® Protec"" 120, 160, and 200 underlayments described in Section 2.0 to 7.0 of 5.2 Installation is limited to use with approved mechanically this report comply with the 2020 Florida Building Code - attached roof covering systems. Building and the 2020 Florida Building Code—Residential, including High-velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ), subject to 5.3 Installation is limited to roof systems that do not involve the following conditions: hot asphalt or coal-tar pitch. The underlayment must be installed in accordance with the provisions noted In Sections 2.0 through 8.0 of this report, 5.4 Installation is limited to roofs with a slope of 2:12(17%) Sections 1507 and 1518 of the Florida Building Code — or greater. Building, and Section R905 of the Florida Building Code Residential 5.5 Attic ventilation must be provided in accordance with a Intertek is an approved evaluation entity and quality the applicable Code since there are no requirements to assurance entity pursuant to Florida Statute 553.842 — evaluate vapor permeability of the,underlayment. Product Evaluation and Approval Use of the underlayments .in discontinuous roof tile 5.6 The underlayments are manufactured under a quality systems is outside the scope of this report control program with inspections by Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 9.0 CODE COMPLIANCE RESEARCH REPORT USE 6.0 SUPPORTING EVIDENCE 9.1 Approval of building products and/or materials can only be granted by a building official having legal authority In the 6.1 Reports of tests In accordance with ASTM E108. specific jurisdiction where approval is sought. 6.2 Data in accordance with ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for 9.2 Code Compliance Research Reports shall not be used in Roof Underlayments (AC188), dated February 2012 any manner that implies an endorsement of the product by (editorially revised December 2015). Intertek Testing. 6.3 Intertek Listing Report titled "DuPont Synthetic Roofing 9.3 Reference to the https://bpdirectorV.intertek.com is Underlayments". recommended to ascertain the current version and status of this report. E1� 545 E.Algonquin Road •Arlington Heights-Illinois•60005 intertek.com/building Intertek PCA-101 Version:21 December 2017 SFT-CCRR-OP-40b Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-1062 Page 3 of 3 o�lr 3 TABLE 1—PROPERTIES EVALUATED PROPERTY IBC SECTION' IRC SECTION' FBC(BUILDING) FBC(RESIDENTIAL) Properties Physical Pro 104.11,1506,and R104.11,R904,and 104.11,1507,and Y P 1507 R905 1518.4 � R904 and R905 Fire Classification j . - 1_505 R902.1 - 1505 R902 Ice Barrier 1507 R905 i N/A N/A 'Referenced sections apply to 2018 IBC and IRC This Code Compliance Research Report("Report")is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client.Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement.Intertek assumes no liability to any party,other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement,for any loss,expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Report.Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Report and then only in its entirety,and the Client shall not use the Report in a misleading manner. Client further agrees and understands that reliance upon the Report is limited to the representations made therein. The Report is not an endorsement or recommendation for use of the subject and/or product described herein. This Report is not the Intertek Listing Report covering the subject product and utilized for Intertek Certification and this Report does not represent authorization for the use of any Intertek certification marks.Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material,product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. 545 E.All Road •Arlington Heights•Illinois•60005 O intertek.comlbuildins ""SOREV Intertek PCA-101 Version:21 December 2017 SFT-CCRR-OP-40b