HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1295 . . - ---~---....~~. "-:/' 87 THIS INDENTURE. Mad. this 31st day of ),laroh .... D. 19,9.2, BETWF.F.S I s.~._..t.._.OJren_and X$.1;h1.AAn B. nWAn oi Ihe County of Duval and St:ol~ 01.._ FIQn.da part.i8.B.. of the first pari, and ..~.q_h)3.....!.. ..~"~er~on of the City of Oleve1and of th. Counly of. ,and Sl:lt~ 01.._._ 01tlo p:lrt,Y_ of the second pari. WITNESSETH, That Ihe said part..ltJl of Ibe first part. for and in eonsidenlion of Ihe surn of fQU.l'_.Th.<lUlland...llu HundreLLt45QO.tQ01.._,:=-:,,_-:.::~- ---- - --- -- - -- - -- - - - - -- - _____________.4 . Dollars, l~thtl.tl1- in hand p:lid. Ih. recf'irt ..hurof is hereby acknowledged. h\,""Q,_.__:.._ granled, bargained. sold and Iransferred. :lnd by Ihcse prcser; Is do Itrant, bUlain. sell and Iransfu unto Ih~ uid partY,___ of Ihe second part an" hU____. heirs and assigns forr.-u. all Ihat certain rarcel 01 land lying and being in th. County of._~YO..1e and 51>.le of __.____._ .~.Q.r_L<ltl_ mOre p:1rlicuh rly de. eril-cd as follows: .__.__!J~glnn.i~g at a 8 tonG_.o.Q.~Jler~~._!oh~._J.~.te.r.!iI_~<!~.tQ!!~!_~.he li.5?~h _81 d~--2t:_ Oran &~ Ave Due wUh.._~.IDLilQ..l!u.lde ot Pine 3tree~.;_thf3..1~,9.~._.rul)J!.~!.~.~_!.f!~ feet along PIne dtreet.i... "e~ +~.~_f~.f!1!.i.~.Q.l,lth 108.8 feet: East l!.!Lfee!.L~~..!l..!ll:_.to Orange Avenue 80 feet: Eaat 81 1,'ee,L!!lonR North aide of OranRe .-\ven.'!!l._~()._~!t.l~-2.f_~ginning. l'hia being all of .the.__ ~Q.!cl.1;b_~~~.1;_._~9_~e ~~ll~.Rfh_Qr..J!:tt..~L3?.Q~t.h...!talf of G~vernment Lot 'i\10 (2) e~oept1ng p{lJ.'!i__gl_\!.~.l;!.~ 3treek'part of Or~ge -,>:y.~.m~..~..._~~ tract of Joseph 4now1e 8, wh ioh s~J.li _______ ~.nowlQ.!Lt:ract Roes East 118 feet. fr_Q.~._~h!L~~~s~.J,Jne_of said sore 8!1_c! iiorth~.f.eet _'_ frQJ1Ltr...'-.l)llaent !lor tb_l1!HLof Oran&~...~Ye..n!1.",,_ _.,,_____._. I' ~ TOGETHER with all Ihe lenf'menls, hereditamenl' and apl'urtonanccs. "'jth neey pri..il.g~ right. title. interesl aDd est>.lr. dower and righl of do,nr. renuion, rcmaind<r and usemenl thereto bclocg;ng or in zn) "he afperl:lini'lg: Tv 11.-\ \'E ASI> TO IIOLI> Ihe same in fee $imrt.. forenr_ _"'cd Ihe s>.id par4.!t~ of Ihe 6rst part do_ coW'en~nl wilh Ihe >aid p:lrl.~ of Ihe second ~art that thfty VieZjl_l..riully sci...1 of thc said pre:nisrs. Ihal Ihey arc frec from all encumbrances and Ih,,~ey had good righl and lawful authorily 10 >ell Ihe samc; aDd Ihe .aid r"rt,J.~.!! of the 6"1 pari do_ bereb)' f"I\)' ,.arC4n' Ih. lille to said lan,l. aDd will defend Ihe same against the lawful claims of al\ persons whomroenr. I~ WITX'ES::; WHEREOF. the $aid part1..!HL of Ihe fir>1 ""rl hLYli!,..__ her.unlo s<L....MQ.1l:..___bnd~ and suLQ.. Ihe d,,:.- and )'ear ahon wrillen_ Sjlln.~. Scaled and Dclinrrd in our Presence: _:1'.,-~!.. Blahop ----.Jt!...J1.. Fos ter 3. J. Owen Y.atr~een R. Owen CSeal.) (Scal.) (t4.50 I.R.jt~rs, canoe11e1) STATE OF FloridL- Thlvll.l i t , Counly of I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on Ihi5--3.Ur'. _. .. ___.day of ~aroh personally appeared J. J. Owen and .i.{a~.hle.!!.~ R. Owen 0\. D. 19~. before me 10 me known 10 be the persoaB_ dcscribed in and who cxeculrd Ihe foec-going connyance IO-John .1. Pinkerton and sueraDy acknowledged Ihe ncculion Ihercof to b.. their frte act and deed for Ihe uses an:! purposes therein menlioned; and Ihe $lid Kathleen R. Owen Ihe wife of the saieL- _ 3. J. ~.:rl on a s(p:or~lc and printe ."aminalio.n lakrn and made by and before me. and separalcly and apart from her laid hu.band, did acknowledge thai ~he made hersdf a party 10 the Jard Decd of Connyance. for Ihe .purpo~e of reDouncing. rclinquithing and connying all her righl. litle and mteresl, whether of do..er or of separate l'roperly, S1alulory or equllable ,n and to Ihe lands Iherrin d..cnbed and Ihal she e"eculed .:lid deed ircdy and ,'oluntarily and ..ithouI any con.trainl. fear, apprehension Or corn pulsion of or from her said Iausba~d. . WITX' E55 my .ignall1re and ollicial seal, aL~aO ic BC?.!l.Y 11..1 e ;n Ihe Counly of if ~l.-.. ~\ \ \ ) ,--Ind State oL____ llorida llae d:oy and year Iasl aioruairl, I T. W. Biahop notary Pub1io, 3tate at Large. ion expires April 17, 1922. (Seal) J.:y OOmm18B- 0} Counly of 51. Lucie.. - OD this 10th day of April ^- D. I~ a' 4:10 o'c1ock. 37 P. u. this inslrument was filed for rccord, ud bdo. dsrly ackaowledgcd aDd prouD, hne recordtil the sa_ ,on psg.. ';f Root.. 47' :.... in the Public Recorda of Wd County. IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, I bate buooto let 10)' hand aad aBixtil the sui of Ibc Circuit Court of the Fifteen" Judicial Circuit of said Slate in anel for ..lei Cowlt)'. I ~T. ct. .'------/ ~ '. .~C ~ -O~ ~)~J,' ('.r-4: e f:t ~~ Cia AJ -~ -<-IYLU aerie. D.C. :>?::"~~':<':':~;::' .~; .\i.: . '. .' .:. '.~":.~: .-..;.~;-~:~~.;.:~r. (~ .:~( .: . -