HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1296 . ' J 3S . " . TillS I~DENTURE. ).fade this _.Q_Q.qrtmY- At O'Brlen. and of Ihe County of 3t. Luo Ie 7th day of 2,1 BrJ.~Jh....h!i..~.JlUB band, and Statf' of FJ,otlda Apr 11 A. D. 19.,gg, BEl'WF.F.S ~ t T. J. rarL!ea. of the lint pari. and J ~!lB e.p1L Swl 11&..__ of Ihe Count). 01.. and !'Iatc' oL.________part_y__ vf till' neofld part. WIT~ESSETtI. That Ihe said par.1.tJL of the first pul, f..r and in ~onsid~ration of the .um of________________._____ O.wLdollal':--8J1d....othftr valuabll._oonald.e.r.aUon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollars. t,,-.them... in hand 1'31d. the rtc~ipt whucof is henby aeknowl<<lged. hl.Y8___.___ Krallled. bargained. sold and lrand~rud. and by ,. thue pnsents do Krant. bargain. sell and Ir:1ndu unto thC' ni.1 p;arl..Y__ of ,he s~eond I'3rl ancL-_.h1.~___.____. heirs and a..i!:ns fornf'r, all thai cerlain parcel of land lyinK and ~inE in Ihe County of .:Jt~__.!o~Q.!.~__n_.and 5t;l\t of ,. " _.__._.__.1'l.o.r.lilll- ____~Ql,!..!;.lL.lLal f of :3ou th1r~LE!~..nq1!.!!!~.!'._Q.f._.30u 1;h.~~.IJ.t_9.,!~r~ r of _!!o r~.h.weB_~_q U~!'~_!'_.!1!!~n_._ .3.o.ltt.hQ.6.1u~U!U'.tt. r of 3ogj;hw..Q.!l!..Jl~.!!~W!_ Qt. _nQ~~~.~.S~...9.~J_ te ~ec t ton Twe_~~- f~.':lr.I._~~n:, !tbl.P.._l'.blr.~y~.tJ..y.!t,_30!!11L Ra.!'.8!t_~t~~y=.~.!~L~S t.!....~ _____more particuhrly d,"cr;bed as follows: ~ .l$l...5JLL..ll..-lla.;Dp1'...._ 0 Wlo.QJ..l.U) \. TOGETIfEn with all th~ tenements. h~redilam~nh and apl,urtenan,,". \\'ilh eVUY pri\'ilrll.e. righl. lille. interuI and esl:lt~. dower :1nd righl of ,Iuwu. rcnrsio!:. rcmainder and casemenl IherHo beloDging or in ,,,,p'.i.,, aVP<rbiniDIJ: TO HAVE ASD TO HOLD Ihe same in i~c .imrl,' f(\r~'-cr. And the said ~.t.1tJl of the 6rst part do..__. conn.Ilt "ith .h< ,.lid I,:art '3__.. of th~ .ecoDd pari tha~....JiU.:e_I..\\full) .eind of the s:oid premise;. thai Ihe)' arC' frec fmm "II encGmbranccs and Ih"t_j;h.!!:L...l),~Y!3n_gOOd righl and la....ful authority to sell I",c sam": and Ihe ,~id p:.rl..le.s of Ibe lint pari do__._ hereby full)' ,,"'urant Ihe tille 10 .:oid land, aDd will ddcnd IhC' .ame al>ainst toc la..-iul d.:rn. of .11 p.(>on. ..'t.om.ocvtr. IN WITXESS WHEREOF. the said ~rt1.eS. oi the 6..1 I",rl I.o..ye.__ her.unto .<l...._.thliI__handL :ODd seaLS. ,h.. day and )'(,2:r abo,-t wri.tten. SigDtd. S.::oled and Drlinred E.!1aa '._.0 ._.!3.i:U'1';T__ ~., ._.Q LJi1o.hw.Q}l J in our Pu's<:ncC'; ! ----- -I __._.___QQutl!l~:;.-iu_~_1.IJ..~___._.__(St:oI.) T. J. O'Brien (Seal.) STATE OF...____.Fl.oxl.da.._ Count). oL_.____ 3.t......ltuu.1l I HEREBY CERTifY. Th:ot on Ihis lllL____day oL--AH1.1 Jotrso,,:olly al'pcared __~.i>~rt!!!.1....:\. O'Brien and T. J.. O'Brlen. her husband, ~. D. 19~ before n;t to me known 10 be Ihe person....&.. described in and who exccuted Ihe furqj;oing eonn)'dnce to JOl!eph 3Y;1~ and senrally aclo.no..ledgcd Ih" cxcculi<'D Ihereof to ~__~heI r_fr<e act and deed for tbe uscs and purposes Ihere:!I mtDtio,:~d; aud Ihe said Courtney A. O'Brien Ihe wif~ of Ihc >aid. . T!._..J._J?~_ll!'Je~_____ OD a ><1"'''le and vrivalc naminatio,n tak(D and made by and before m~" and separalcly and apart from hu said h;;,band. did ackDowle.i'g;-'hi ~he made h".<lf a rarly 10 the sa.d Deed of Conveyance. for the purpose of renouncing. rdinq:rishing and .onveying all her righl. lide and .nltrcst. ...hell.er of. dower or. of lC~rate prolH'r~y, slalulory or ~quit"ble in and to the land. th.rein d<ocribed. aDd Ihal she executed ~id deed frcdy and \,olunl;\"ly and W1tholll any conslra.nl. fe.ar. apprehen.ion or compulsioD of or from ber said hushlnd. \\'ITl\ESS nlY ,ignature and official sui, at _._~j;... LU01/-- ( II.P.3eal j \ / ..... L STATE OF FI.ORIDA.}~ .. County of 51. l.uciC'.. it. PJ.~r08 ~..d Slate oL_. _ Florida -in the Counly of Ihe d..y and year last aforuai.1. Cl!aa. C. Burry _.__._(StaL) Notary PI1bllo. 3tate of Plorida at Large. ~ oomm1881on expIras February 6. 1923. 1 OD this._ 11th day of April -\. D. 192-2... at 9~15 ()'dodc. _-..\.....11.. thI. irurnnllenl w.. "cd for record. aDd being duly acbowledled aDd rro\'eD, I ban record"l the tame Oil "'S" 38 .__of 8001< 47 . . in Ihe Publie Record, of said County. IN WIT~ESS WIJEREOF. I ban bcrcullto set my baa" alld aff,Xed the seal of llae Circuit Court of tbe F'rfleeDlh Judicial Circuil of said State in aDd, for "(c:id ty. ........ ~ \ of J~CO./"C/ t ~~p .C .~. red / Clerk. e 01'.01'. sx.ui.) ... 6!i U..-Ld./ _ ~ D C '.: V~f!Itt . . " :--\ ~:'.;:'~' ~:. ':' -~ ~;._.::, -~~.~ -_.,.,: - -----.--.--