HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1309 .,. 51 I TillS INDF.NTURF.. Made Ihis 23r4 ___._dayof lIAl"ftl1 li..W.1CD 18!l t...q4...JIanq-Xn18h~- of Ihe Counly of St.Luole and Stale of.-R1or1da ____J_~ter Brod~ A.. D. 19-22 BETWEf:~ parL.J.aa of Ih~ first parI. and of Ih~ Counly of_ He) 1"th ..l!nmpton.__and Sial' oL__.fennQ~van1L- ~tL-7--_ of Ihe ueond ~rt. · WITNESSETH. That Ih~ .aid part-IDof Ih~ firsl pari, for and in ..onsideralion of Iht sum of live do11a~B ond other valuable oonBidel8tionB ...----...--.--.--.--..- ---. Dollars. 10.... '4~rq_ in hand paid. Ihe reetlpt whereof is hereby ackno...ltdg~d. ha '\Fe gnat.d. bargained, sold and transferred. and by Ihese pr~s~nh do granl. bargala, sdl and lran.ru u"lo Ihe oahl rart__l'__ of th~ ueond pari and___~_!..8_.______. heirs an.1 u\igns forenr. all that eut>.in ~red of land lying and bdng in the Counly of_~~_~Luole _____>.nd St>.te of )'.l.or1Jlrl_more pa'licuhrly d,"erib.-d as follows: ..______g_9..~P..Q..~ 886 ~.lLI.!m:th _ 0~_1.~~._J1Qr_~h!f'_~_._9..Q.r..r!~.L...Qf _ the__~or !.hw~~.L quar.~e ~___ ____~!_the._.!!.2....~hwe~qua~!.er of Beot1'?_!LQ_~~_J.l) Township l'hi:rty three. South of Ron~e_ Thirty liine (39) XaBt. thenae run ~8t Sl-t feet to point of beginning. thence run eouth 1:4 feet, thenoe east 9li feet. thenoe north 114 feet, thence west ___._~!~1-~~.1i~.Q.~nt of J)eK~~u_ oo~!~!~_ one ~rter of cn aore. more or lllsB iOI I I TOGETHER wilh all the teDements. hereditam.nt. and app:ul.nane<,. \\',th e:vcry prh-jl.g~ righI, lill.. inttr..,t aDd esllt.., dO'Au and righl oi dower, rennion, <<maiDd.. and usemenl theruo b.-Iong,ng or iD any,,'i.e appcrtainiag: Tv IIA \'E AXD TO HOLD the: ,alOe in Ire .:mp'" lore:nr. A"d the said pa,t..!.JUl of Ib~ first parI dO-_ eo,'eD>.r.! ...ilb Ihe ,,,id \.art..l_ of the second part lhaL_th,y--,~:r.g__bwiull)" .eize.1 of the ",id pre:anises. that tht>. are f,er frum 311 eneumbranet! and thatthey__h.e.V8-g00d right and bwful autbority to ...11 Ihe sam<; and th.. ,aid parl!'Q_ of Ihe lint pari do__ _. h...eby fully ,urra..t th. title 10 said land, and ..ill ddtnd Ih.. same asainn the Iawlul daim. of all pcnons ..bom.Otv.... IS \\'ITXF.SS WHEREOF, the: said parl.__i~_a.,f the lirst part 1';L.Y8.____ hrf<unto oct. th~_!-%.'__handJL and sc:a\~L. the .by and year abo.... wriUen. Signed. S~aled and Dtlinre:d iD our Prutnet: ____.J~_.'Rak..r HazAl ".....swart.out _ B.UaKnight._ _.!laney Wligh t (Stat) (Sul.\ STATE OF_ Horlda 1 ~ COU!lt)" 01 31;"-01 e I HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai on Ibis 23rd __day of ~roh :'::2 .\. D. I?__. b.-fore me ~..onal1)" appcared li. W - ;(n i gh t and UWlO3__.Kn1~ to me known 10 be Ihe pcrso..JL. dueribtd in and ..ho uecute:d Ihe: foregoiDg eonveyaDee 10 !ete'l' Bro! t aDd sev..rall)' acknowledged tbe: ue:euliOD therc:of to be the..1r_frre act and de:~d for Ihe ast! aDd i'Urposu lhernn ment:oned; and Ihe: nid lic.n01 Kn1sht Ihe wife of the saicL- !l...!.W ._Kn_~!___ OD a ..pault' and priule e:nminalio.D tabn >.nd made by and btfore mt'. lIDd separattly aDd apart from her said i'-;;:band, did aekno..i;.jji;-tht ~he made he:ntlf a ..arty 10 the sa.d Dud of Conveyance, for tbe purpose: of rtDouncing. rdinquishiag and eonnying all her right, tit'" and mterest, whetber of dower or of sel-2fate "ropert)", otalutory or equitable in and to the: iand. 11.....in d....r:be:d and thai she ue:eultd said deed fre:c1y alld ,0\;,r,larily aDd without 'lay eonslraint. f..ar, apprehe:nsion or compulsion of or from her .aid IIU.ba~d. WITNESS my .ignature and official seal aL Vero in the County oi ---___..8..L.Lua 18 --aDd SUte oL_norlda the day and year la.t afort..i.). (;.: . . H. BiSBAL Hazel G,Swartwout Uotary Pibl10 State of Fl0rIci8-et-{r:~~ge Yy oomm1Bsion expires March 11,1923 STATE OF FLORIDA. } Counly of SI. Lucie:., On thi. 26 day of ApI' U 2 8:20 .\. D. 192_, aL....- A o'dodr, _____M. Ihis instrame:Dt was fil~d for rc:<:ord. and btiDe daly acb_lcd&~d aIId rronn. I ban rECorded the same on pa." 61 of 47 Boo" . ill th~ PubUc RKords of said CODDly. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha"e bc:rc:unto ac:l my LaneS aQ.j affixed Ibe: .eal of th~ Circuit Court of the Fifle:enth Judicial Circuit of .aj,1 Stat~ iD and for laid CouI\IJ'. CT. CT. .c.\<,,;o ~\T S~ IT -.J~~ r..... .. (' ,." ..~ P~C.&ldrell auk. t.?~:<f f'~' .,-:~-~ r..,.,.,t' D_C. -.-' -. - ...-. >- ~ <~..':- -,--- .'~.--.'-:: -;) ;~<'~~, '~:: .~~7-~=.:~.::._~\~_ :,":'T[-'~:.';~--- .: '. ." . :<<~::', }~>: