HomeMy WebLinkAboutPool PumpDEALER LOCATOR I CHOOSE L;NGJAGE SEARCH y,� PRODUCTS ) SAVE ENERGY I SUPPORT I NEWS & MEDIA I CON'TACT US I DEALER RESOURCES PRODUCTS S U P E R FL V Aboveground Systems High Performance Pumps utomation Cleaners Filters `` 61 Heaters &Heat Pumps a� z fi LightingnN�uar Maintenencc &SafeetyEquipment C Pumpss�y All Pumps Incround ALL l ng rotmd N Challenger High Flow Pumps Challenger High Pressure EFFICIENT, QUIET, RUGGED AND VERSATILE Pumps Dyna-Pre The SuperFlo VS are specifically designed to be the best choice for a variety IntelliFloVS+SVP,SVariable of inground pools. SuperFlo features thick wailed body parts, a hea\y-cluty Speed Pumps 56 square flange motor, and highly engineered hydraulics. SuperFlo's silent InteltiFto VF'rariable Flow Pumps running capability and small footprint allow it to easily drop into a compact lntetliFlgXFVariable Speed equipment pad. Pump IntelliFlo 2 VSTVariabte Speed Pump FEATURES IntelliFlo ii Variable Speed ° 2-speed SuperFlo pump models are now ENERGY STAR' Certified: Pump Intelli'rloVariable Spaed High meets strict energy efficiency criteria set by the U.S. Environmental Pcrfomance Pump Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. lmcltiPro Variable Speed Pump °Extremely quiet operation. lnt•_tliProXFVariable Speed Pump ° Unionized fittings (1.5 in.. internal slip and 2 in. external slip). IntelliPro 2 VST Variable Speed ° " Cam and Ramp Lid. Pump Inte',UProVS+SVRSVariable ° Heavy-duty, high service factor 56 square flange motor. Speed Pump ° Integral volute and pot reduce hydraulic noise. 4ay.-E-ProXF High Prdormance Pump Max-E-Pro High Effici=_ncy pool/Spa Pumps a Hayward and Super Pump are registered trademarks of Heyward Industries, SuperFlo Hioh Performance Inc. Pumps SuperFlo VS Variable Speed CERTIFICATIONS Pump SumrMay. Hight Performance Er NSF " Pups a SuperMaxVSVariable Speed NSF Certified CSA Certified UL Certified Pump 1•VaterFall Specialty Pumps WhisperFlo High Performance Pump yvhisperFtoXF High Performance Pump Aboveground Specialty Pump Accessories Utility, Drainage. Service Sanitizers Valves Water Features White Goods Manuals Brochures Dimensional Drawings Performance Curves Replacement Parts Specs Accessories ,,.^t,. 1 ,... 5­ 1....�..,���,,.a.,.,., 1 La111�JJ 1 u�v 1 V1 1 ENERGY EFFICIENT SIN OLE SPEED Product Model Voltage Full Load Amps HP SF SFHP Primary Listings and Certllicationsg Port Size INPTI .4£021 SF-1,1I-1!2FE 115,,120E-230 6.6/ 11'2 1.40 0.?5 UL' 1.5- x 1.5" 34£C22 SF-I4I--3/LFE 195;'20£-230 6.£.-4.5-4.4 314 1.0 1.25 UL' 1.5' x 1.5" 34£023 SF-NI-IAE 1115!206-230 11.216.0-5.6 1 1.25 1.25 UL' 1.5" x1.5" 34£D24 SF-IJI-1- 1 /2AE 1151206-230 14.617.0-7.4 1-1!2 1.10 1.65 UL' 1.5, x 1.5" _ 346025 SF-NI-2AE 20£-230 5.616.E 2 1.10 2.20 UL' l.S- x1.5' 343026 5F-NI-2-112AE 2D6-230 I1.D/10.2. 2-1/2 1.04 2.60 UL' 1.5" x, 1.5" ' STANDARD EFFICIENCY SINGLE SPEED - Product Model Voltage Full Lead Amps HP SF SFHP Primary Listings and Certifications' Port Size INFTI .140036 SF-N1-112F Ii5!23D 10.615.4 1!2 1.95 .45 LIL',NSF- 1.3, x1.5" 340D37 5F- N i-3/4A 115,1230 10.E15,4 3/4 1.25 .15 UL', NSF' 15" V. 1.5 34003E SF-IJ1- iA 115,1230 14.2/7.1 1 1.25 1.25 UL', NSF3 1.5" x 1. 340034 SF-NI1-1/2A 115!230 - 16.01a.0 1-112 1.1D 1.65 - - - --- UL',NSP2 1.5"z15" - --- 340040 SF- NI-2A 1151230 22.4/11.2 2 1.10 2.20 UL'.ISF' 1.5-x. i 5" 34UD41 SF- N1-2-1/2 230 i i.5 2-1!2 1.04 2..60 UL', NSF' 1.5" x i. E14ERGY EFFICIENT TWO SPEED 3450 RPM, LOW SPEED 1725 RPM Product Model Voltage Full Load Amps HP SF SFHP Primary Listings and Certificationsg Port Size IIQPTI Suct. E, Disch. 3Li 111 S6-IJ2-3/4A 1 is 14.6,4.7 314 1.67 1.25 UL', NSF' 1.5, x 1.5- 34 042 SF-N2-1A 230 6.012.3 1 1.25 1.25 UL', NSF' 1.5" x 1.5" _ 340043 SF-1\12-1-1/2A 230 7.E/3.0 1-1/2 1.10 1.65 ULI,NSF' 1.5'x1.5' 3400.4 SF-I42-2A 270 10.0/3.5 2 1.10 2.23 UL', NSF' 1.5- x 1.5- :'UL' indicates thta pump bears a UL marl. siari}ring evaluation to O.S. Standards UL10c i for Permanently Connec?ed Swimrning Poo; and Spa Pumps and to Canadian Standards CAN/CSAC22.2 No. ICE-01 IEnclosure 31. 'iJSF' indicates that pump bears a NSF marl: signifying evalualfen to NSF Standard 50 for Sell -Priming Centrifugal Pumps for Swimminc Fools Only. 3: Product may have been evaluated to other state and local regulatory standards. Listing status may change. Ate:ays cnnfk rn status With appropriate agency if in dcvbt. V PENTAIR >> Products » Sanitizers » IntelliChlor Salt Chlorine Generator Page 1 of 1 DEALER LOCATOR I CHOOSE LANGUAGE SEARCH R'� PENiA1R PRODUCTS I SAVE ENERGY I SUPPORT I NEWS & MEDIA I CONTACT US I DEALER RESOURCES PRODUCTS Aboveground Systems Automation Cleaners Filters Heaters & Heat Pumps Lighting Maintenance & Safeh, Equipment Pumps Sanitizers All Sanitizers IntelliChlor Salt Chlorine Generator Rainbow Automatic Chlorine!Bromine Feeders Valves Water Features White Goods Product Videos [N T ELL[CHLQR° Salt Chlorine Generator '14 t S�efect ,a �� oLNsyq IntelliChlor uses common table salt to produce all the chlorine a pool needs, safely, effectively, and automatically. Same sanitation performance as manual chlorine addition without the drawbacks. No need for customers to buy, transport and store chlorine compounds. COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS REPLACEMENT PARTS Need to calculate your pool waters salinity? Click here to use our new Salinity Calculator. FEATURES • Full diagnostic capabilities, including cell life tracking that communicates remaining hours of cell life in real-time. Captures all performance data daily (production settings, hours of operation, chlorine output, cell cleaning cycles, salt readings, and water temperature averages). • Push-button operation and easy -to -view displays enable fast checking of salt levels, cell cleanliness, sanitizer output, and water flow. • Automatic shut-off feature protects the unit and prolongs Celt life under tow water temperature conditions. • On -time cycling prevents calcium and scale build-up to maximize cell life. • Ability to communicate with InteUiTouch , EasyToucho, and SunTouch Automation Systems. • Certified to UL 1081 standard for safety. • NSF approved • Health Canada approved E NEWSLETTER I DEALER LOCATOR I TERMS OF USE I PRIVACY POLICY I SITE MAP I CONTACT US ) PENTAIR.COM Copyright 2016 Pentair Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Manuals Brochures CDs, DVDs and Videos Tools Specs Accessories 00 4,..+.,11;.,1,1^. ,,,,1+ 1 1 _:._ a _ '7r 1_. __ 11 Pt 0 /,)All 41 r PENTAIR >> Products » Sanitizers >> IntelliChlor Salt Chlorine Generator Page 1 of 1 INTELLICHLOR FOR UNITED STATES ProductDescription Carton Carton Wt. Oty ILbs.1 5208881ntelliChlor ICI Ceti for Above Ground Systems IUS 1 9 Version] 521171 IntelliChlor Replacement External Power Supply for IC15 520554 inletliChlor IC20 Ceti IUS Version) 1 7 520555 IntelliChlor IC40 Ceti [US Version] 1 14 5211051ntelliChlor IC60 Cell [US Version] 1 16 520556 IntelliChlor Pow- Carter IUS Version) 1 13 INTELLICHLOR FOR EUROPE Product Description Carton Oty Carton Wt (Lbs; 520881 IntelUChlcr IC20 Celt (European Version) 1 7 520682 IntelliChlor IC40 Ceti [European Version] 1 14 520883 IntelliChlor Power Center [European Version] 1 5.5 INTELLICHLOR FOR CANADA Product Description Carton Oty Carton Wt (Lbs? 522109 IntelliChlor IC i5 (Canadian Version) 1 9 520911 IrteUiChlor IC20 [Canadian Version) 1 7 520912 IntRiChlorIC40 Cell (Canadian Version) 1 14 520910 IrtetliChlorPawerCenter (Canadian Version] 1 14