HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1354 J 96 - .- .<_____.__ _-0_-- ~~.::_:_:.__.._.._ ________.____..0_.__' THIS INDENTURE, ),(ad~ this---1.a.t..... _ Gu7 ..!!.~Owd-L a baohelor A. D. 192.2.., BETWF.t-:N __day of_..1Iu1t. of th.. Counly of i\.1.ul. -and Sl>.l~ of.-F1DJ.4& ..__lao.rge..:L. Hussor and Chl'18t.lla...R.UB801"________. of Ih~ COUllly of St.Luo1. and Stat.. oL___.llQ~.~cl... part...,._ of Ihe first pari, and parl."_~.'_ (\f Ihe secolld ~rl. WITNESSETII. That Ihe wd ~rt-Z- of Ih~ lirsl ~rl, for alld in eon\iduation of Ihe ,urn of _.__.1'Im_h1mI1.r..I.Lf1f.U..lLlIoAO!L______._ Dollars, lo.h!JJ.__ in hand paid, Ihe rceci(lt wh~r.of i. herd.)' :aeknowltdc.d. h.~_______.___ Kranted. barcaillcd, sold and transr~rrtd. and by Ihue pr.scnts do · B gran I. bargain. sel! and Iran.rer unto th~ uid part!.~~_ oi lh~' ..eond pari and_._.th8_il' ______..__. heirs .nd auigllS forenr, all lhat etrl1in pared of bnd lying :and being in Ihe County oi____..s_1i-'-~~.1.'____anct Stale of Florida more partieul..ly d..e..hcd a. follows: __ .____._j,ot....1hWun...l~L.o.f._>>l.oQk _ ~.J 2).. of_~nl!U".u_ Pl"-..a.!_...th.a_WI.B.t.._.hal1_ hYiLoi'_the .> .~.~~_ ~lt_JM1.....9L thJ!_..QOU thJr..tJtt_.q~~1;-, r.. (:;swi) _9f___tb.o. n!)rth.,8BU~l'ter ( Itil_Q_t_.~_e~U_Q.n _l!in_....!.?J_!n.. ~~_!!t~hir~lJ1T. .!~~.L~.P.-~tof___~~ ior.1l (40) Asat, 8Ei1cLP.!~.!_!'~IJ..~~c!_8d .1IL.thL...o..J:f.108 of the J!1erk of the C1rou1. t .~our.tn.o~.~t...~ie County..,nor.111L1n...Plat.____ .~_~~_.~.~.._a t ..P-!S.!' 43. .60 .~Q9_'~,me!!.~~__f:J~I,l~_9~!lJ)-'1~d \ TOGETII ER with :all the lellemenl.. bueditamenl> a..d apl.urt.nanc< -. "'ith H"fY rrivil<g_", right, title, ;r,t....t and ..1~le. .lower and right oi .!owcr. ..,vcuion. rcmailldcr and casemenl thertlu bdollg;llg or in ar.p';'" 31'~rtain"'g: TO 11.-\ \"1-: A:\D TO 1101.0 Ihe um~ in fce .irn(.k iQrc\"(r. .-\nd tbe .aid ('ari'_ of the tint pari do_tlB. eonnant with I!" ,;,i,) l.a<lieS of th~ ~econd 1,..1 Ihalh, iQ___lawfl'lIy ..i~I,1 of th. <;>id premi>,". thai they ar.. f:e. from ~II llleumbranen ..3d tl,at__~~.._!l8!J_ and th. "id I"rt.Y_ of Ibe lirsl pari do_~._IS_ hr"t.y f"lIy of ~U I,'~r~ons "'hOln~oe'.C'r. 1:\ WITl\t-:SS WHEREOF. the .aid l'arL_~__ 01 th" 6r<t :.>rt 1,~_B good right and lawful autborilY to "II tho: .a"". ,nrr..r:1 the htl. 10 said ball. and ,,'i11 dcr..." the .ame againsl the Ia...iul claim. ._____ h<<(unto "t___.....ll18..._ ___hand......- and staL_, tl:<: .hv .nt.! )"("3or abo,-c ''''fitten. Signrd, S.al.d and Dclinrcd in our I'ruene,,: _._.____..~_..~_._~a~~.________..__.__._ ___!i_!.I,L.:I!@..K8t_t't ____._ ~~;r._ is -i~~l- ...(Sul.) ( 5,>.1.) .. HLOBInl -. STATF. OF..______~. ' .___ ST.L11OD:. County of I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this.__l@.1___.____day of " ~......onally ap~ared _ G19' B. om;, a ba()helO1' Jane >\. D. I~~L, bdorc n'~ to mc knowll to) b.. Ihe ('''UOIL-.. dueriwd in :and who exccul.d Ih. ioregoing eonnyanee to_5e_o.rgt...Jl.liUJUIor_".nd.~.hrist_ RU880r , and severally aekno..kdg.d the execulion Ihereof to b,,__h11__fr<e act and d..ed for the u.u :and lurpo... Ib.re;n mentioned; ~o/l_~",...drI the wife of Ihe ."'~. ___.__ _ ...____._.__ . on a ..par..le and I.rh'. examination taken and mad. by and wlor.. rot. and .eparatcly and apart from hu !aid hu,band, did acknowledg. that ~h~ mad.. her..1f a rart1f to lb. said Deed of Conveyance, for Ih. .l...rpo~e oi ..,no"neine. relaa.. .i.hing a:ld eon...ying all hcr righl. titl.. and .nteresl. ,,'hcthtr of dowf't or of separate ..r"perly. sUllllury or equ,t..b1e In and to Ih~ land, II: ,rei.. d....nbnl, alld lhal she exeeuled n:d d<<.1 heely and ,'oluntarily ar-X ..;Iho",t any eon.trainl, fur, apprchenJion or compulsion or or hem her said hu.bancl. WIT~E5S my ,;gnature and official ...al, ,",,___l:t.l'1.Qrn. ---in Ih.. County oj i'lorida. Ib~ day ~ad yur 1..,1 aior..,aitl. and Slat. of__.__ ___ .K.L .le~~______._____(s.....I) Notary Publ10 in and for Florida, J.iy 0 OIIII1i8 B1 on '%1>11" B Jul.;, 9i 19".2.1. STATE OF FI.ORIDA. }------ County of St. Lucie.. ,_" I / -/./-,,1! t' -' . . On thi.__._____day of /<. .... D. 19l..=.. at /. , o'clock. ___~._._~f. this inSlrum.nt was liled for recortl, and win, tllIb~ aeln>o..l~d,..d :and rro..~n, I ban recorded the same on paa"-------l to _____of Boo~'l , in tbe Public Recordl of said County. IN WITNESS WIIEREOFI...r-1>aYe~nto lei my ba..d anti alb~d Ihe 5CaI of th~ Circuit Court of the Pift....th Judicial Circuit or 131.1 Slate ia antl.'or said County. t .. ~\ ,:\,oJ -;__: ,:":.,';"-J,..'( . ______ ('1..1<. 'II'/d.,.~ ~...-_~ ""~ ;''-'''''''_.1.--1 , .0_ C ;:~: l~.>.I:;, ; :-i' :.(J"'\ - .. ! ;t .' . .~ i, '" : Co: ] , ,) ~ IJ.. ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ '. . . :'-~'. -: --..:.::~::~"~]~~';~~.~jJ;