HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1381 .-..... \ 1.23 ~-..-.. uw,,__ ~1I' - ---...-.-a........~_ - W"y ~ -..--....... . _~__. ... .... _"h ...___ .__.. i A. D. 19.22., BETWEEN --. -------:._-}-- , I ~ : THIS INDENTURE, "ad~ Ihlt...l8rd ___da10f U8:y ___. John Granger and l.Iam1e Gr~n8.e.r.l_.h.~JL~1fe.l of TItueville. and St3te oLJ!1.orl ~ [; of Ih~ Counly of RlPAvnrd ,~..!.j). ~~~..l. of Vero. st Luo!. partJ..ee.. of Ih~ lint pari, a"d of Ih~ County of WITNESSETH, Thai the said partiee of Ih~ 6..t pul, for 3nd in ..on.ideralion of Ihe .um 0' __3nd Sut~ of-.~~~_1.:!da ~rl.7- of Ih~ ncond pari, .___~~v-'-.nty J! I ve Dollan, to..-theDl._ in hand ~id, Ih~ rce.-i~1 whtreof 10 heub, aeknowlulgul. h; -n ~. Rrant~d. bargained, lold and lransf~rred, and b)' .. the.~ pnsentl do granl, bargain, sell aDd Iran.r~r unto the aid pari ,__ of Ih~ s~ond pari and__hlJl_________. hdrs and as\ighs forntr, all that cerlain parcel of land I,ing and h.-ing in lh.. County oL~.t..!.!!:!!Qi~ Horida and Stale of more ~rlicu"rly dt>erib.-d al follow.: Lot number one (11 of the H.T.Gray subdivision of the to~n of ~iffor4 ____.__n__.. __.. _ being a portion of th~ 80utheost quarter of the northwest quarter. eeotion twenty --.- .-...__. ----- six (26) 1'ownship ~birty two (32) ~outh of Runge J.b1rty nine (39) East. "~ubjeot to the taxes that may be levied for the~~_~_!_~922. whioh are assumed to party of the second part here in. II be ]>8id EL~_~.!_ I i~ ,- I. e ~ (I . . TOGETHER with all lbe ten~m~nt., heredilam..nt, and appurtenanrr<. \\'ilh ntry pri,'ilrc~ right. l,tl.. int~rut an" utale, dowtr and rigbt of dower, re....nion, remainder and usemenl tbenlo b.-Ionging or in any"ise al't><rtaininR: Tv II,\\'E .\XD TO nOLO Ihe I13me in fte sim(ol.. forc\"cr.. ..\nd the said parL.1e.s of the lint part do..- eoYen~nt ,,;th tl.c ...id parl3-__ of lh.. second pari thaL-.the~.ara_bwfully .eiud of th~ Qi.1 ~remi.... tl...1 they are fr.e from all eneumbranecs and tha&~...lla.Y8._good right and lawful aUlhority to ~II the .ame; and lhe <aid part.!tt!l_ of the 6r;t part do_ hneby fully "arr:",l the title to Qid land, and will defend the ...me againsl Ihe bwful elairn. of all person. wbom.oenr. I~ WIT~ESS WHEREOF, the said I'3rtl:e 8 of the lirst l""t ...._'!~n___ htr<ul.t'3 .et_!!h!ti:r ban.tJ_ and .eaL~_. tbe d3)" ...nd yt'.ar abo,oe wriUC::D. Signed. 5.-alrd and Delinred in OUr Presence: John Henry B.A.Burr I ! t - I J John \lr8!lKer 1iBmie Grengel' (Seal) (5.-~l) Counly of Plorida Brevurd i I f STATF. OF I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thi, 23rd ..__da1 of '..:By . 2 ..... D. Irf~ b.-forc me \>Cr,oually appeared _. John vrallll:er and Dlm1_~._i!J:"~ng~;r hIs wife L r 10 me known to be tbe pe..o~ dcseribed in and who eucuted Ibe forC&oing eonn1anee to L.D.Co:!. and senrally aeknowlrdged the execution the roof 10 ~e 11:___ff(e act and dad for the uses ~nd purposu thHein mtntionod; aDd the said Uom.i,_8 "ranger tho wifc of the ...jd John II-ranger on a separate and prh-ate examinalio!, taken and made b, and ~I.;-~~':;".. ar.d separately aDd ap~rt from h<r !aid bu.Land, did ad:nowltdg;-tba-; .be nud~ b..,..1{ a pari)' 10 th~ ...d Deed of Connyance, for the pu'pooe of renouncing. relinquisbing and conyeying all her righi, lille and inlrrcsl. ..-brtber of dower or of 'oparale property, .t..tutor,. or tquibble iD and to tbe lands Ih~rcin d~.eribed, and that she executed !aid dud freely and .-ol.."t&ril,. and ..ilhoul aDY cOllstraml, frar, apprebtn,jon or compulsion of Or from bor .aid husband. WlTXESS my .ignalur~ and oOicial seal, aLTi tUS!J!.!~1 -in the Counly of f ...--1h'8~erd / '. ---and Stale of______n..9._~id8. Ibo da1 and yur b.t aforuaid_ John Hendry __(5.-..1) llotary PubTIo i.1y 0 OIDIliaaion expire 8 Jeny 7.1926 rn '';:' STATE OF FLO IDA,-} Count1 of St. Lucie.. On Ib;. 22 da, of June ..... D. 192L at 8:10 ~'clock. -.!..__!oI, Ihll instrum..nl was 61.-d fOr r~cord, and b.-ing duly adaaowledgrd an~ pronD. I bawe recorded th~. _e OD par 123 of!~ ~ c:- "'D~" 47 ./ , ill tho' Public Recordl of laid Counly. \ ~q IK WI NE~S WHEREOF, 1 ban hcr<unlo Id my hand and af!ix.-d the IUJ of Ihe Circuit Court of tIa~ Ysllomth JDdicial Cireait of laiJ'f;- 0 i Stale in aad or uld Coanl)'. · ~ I n.p.3B.u. Ji P.C.ELlBB.D~k. 1, ~<3, Ar36...c.~_,-R f." - - D.C. I J f I ':, <:",:,,':':.,r.:::. < .,\ "I; , - . . .,...' '. - -" {." '.. . . - ,,:':":_~'.,~ -;.::~ . " . ., ."-~:" '-.0- ~~ ~..~"