HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1384 I 126 ~...~, ..__._~__."_ _ ~,_--:_-:.-~_;::__ ._L. __. _______.-_._.. ___ ___...._...._-::!~____ _ ,_ - ~~, ...- ~'" ~II'" ...1I1M -4>l ..,.....1 TillS INDENTURE. Made thi. lirBt day of .i!ebrU8l'y ...,-A. D. 19~2 , BETWI'ES .R.R..B.1nou Rnd J. Gertrude RiOQ\\.. ~.J1!JL~J.J!_ of the Counly of.._3-t.. y,U()j A llld Slale oL},l9.r.!~h Florida and Slalo 0'-_________. parl....Y.._ of Ibe second part, ) part..2.._ of lhe first pari, alld ..Jo.....llo.o.th. of Ihe County <)r..~t .Luo ie \\"IT~ESShTH. That the said ~rlies of Ihe lirsl p:ut, for and in ....n.ideration of Ihe .am of_______ ._T~.Q~.rs and other ~!.~bl! oo~si!!!.~~ions ~., lo.....th.lD_ in hand paid, the re<<ipl wh~r~of it hereby aekno\\"l.dgtd. h,,___:V:~. ______ granlro. barlr->in~d. sold and transferred, and b)' th~se presenls do._" grant, bargah., ..II and lran.fer IInlo I.... ...id (.art 1.-_ of th~ s<<ond I':art aDd. hdrs and :luigns forner. all lhat cuuin ~rctl of bDd lying aDd b.-ing in Ihe Counly of__ ~j;.. ~9ie his ---...-.------. __.._.and Slate of n___~or~_~a --Il1ore particabrly de,eribed ,.. folio,..., .___L.9_tll.~~"yeIl.J1.l..!!l_~~~.!!.~y two t~~.L~f.'.. ~_~~o~ }live (6) of ~ nooln ~8rk sub11viaion ...no....z.. being ILBUbdi~18.1Qll.J~L.~~_H9:r..~l:1e(lBt __q~~_!~!_Jll6{) of lJorthwallt quarter (N~) of .Se.aUon.1U.ne_(9) TQwn~hi>>. thJrt.1_1J!~_..J36J._~OU~~. Range .forty (40) ~88t. Aocording to __plat..o.f-..-aa.1L.aub.a.1.Y1Jlion reoor.!).J~_JIl...P.:L~~ B~o!.....!~ree (3) page :four (4). reoorda of St. _.~~~Je~~~_~.L ~lorida. .60 dooumentary stomp oanoelled TOGETH F.R with all tbe tenements. h.."dilamrr.t- .nd apJ.urlrn2nr.... \\'ilh en.,. rri.ileg... right, tille, inter.." and est:ale. dower and right of .low-a. rnersioll. remainder and u!Cmenl Ihereto bdongi,,!; or in .n~"i!e "l'pcrtainl"g: TO HA\"E ASD TO HOLD the .ame in {"c _imp\< forn-... And the said paIl..1aa of the fir, I p:>rl dottS. co~~n:.nt ....ith ,b.- ,aid 1..rt._Y. of the oceond ~rt Iha.the"-~_.lawfuI\Y .ei"J of thc .aid prcmi>~;. tbal the)" arc f'e.. from ~II encumbrances and Ihal_~}H!l'--D.!l_!!._good right an.d lawful authorilY to sell tbe ..m..; an.1 th.. ..id part!.e.8-- of the Ii.,t part do.8.S._ hereby fully \l arrant th" litle 10 Hid bnd. and ..ill defend the ume againsl the Ia..ful claim. (If .11 Jl('UO!U ",'homs~...~r. I~ WITXESS WHEREO..., the >aid ~rl.1Q~. of th~ fir<l :.);t ha.!!___.. h...unlo .el._"_~~~..!r____haod.!. and .eal~. tlle dal' and yen abo~e \nilleo. Sil'n.d, Scaled and D..livered in Our Pretec.e: ____.LUC.1l.'LJl!._'!n~.______. ._.u... __.G.e.o.r~.k~l.. 1 R.R.Hioou _.____J.~..!"~!'U~e RicOll ___(Sn\.) __IS<'al.l STATE O...______Yl_Qri_@. Count). 01..___ st.Lucie l'u.onally appeared _ 1st Eebruary I HEREBY CERTIFY. Thai 00 thi3 .____dayof. ~.a.rtioou and J.Gertrude Rioou 0\.. D. 19_E before r:.e Joe Booth to mc known 10 be Ihe perso>J3_ dcscribed In and ..ho ~x~cut..d the for.-goillg CODnYUlce 10 ar.d sC\.."lIy ad.:..o..ledged tbe ex~eution Ihereof 10 be__:1;h.!t~r__fr<e ;tet and de.d for lbe au' ..nd purpo\u thereiD mentioned; aod Ibe .aid --~.Ge-r:t-J!\101le-jt~ou.--~-------_.. the ..-ife of th.. .aiA ._R...!!..i.U..Q9_V,.____ _._____. on a ..paul~ aod prinle enmiDatio~ l.ken and made by and before m., and separalely and aparl from hu <aid h.uban.!. did ackno~-Ir-cig;'i~i ~"e made he..e1f a "arty 10 the said Dud of Coonyance, for the J""pooe of renouncing. rdinquiohing and eOll...ying all hor rig!:t, lill, and m:ucst. whelhe.. of. dowu or .of ..,.,.rale proper.IY, st"tutory or equitable in and to tbe bnd< therein d~.u.bed. "Dd that slle eucDted said dud freely and \olunt"..ly and .."hout any eunslralDl, fear, awreb.mion or eompulsioD of or from her s.aid hu.band. WITNESS my ,isn"turc and official 1.,,1, al~!.!}?_iex:~~_ --in the COU'lly uf STATE OF Fl.ORIDA, } /'- ~ I U.FeSe81.; / and Stale 01..___ Florida the day and year last af?r~.aid. ._.5.t..Ituo.1Jl Georle T ,B6kei-b' Hot&ry PubIlo. tate' or 'or1~t Lorge Uy commie.ion expires A~ril 10.1922. -__.(S<-al.) County of 51. l.ucie.. , On Ihis---.?_3rd day or .JuDe . 2 ..... D. 19L.1.la46 o'eloek. _"'-.____u. Ihis in'lrument wa.< lilcd for record. aDd b,inlf daly adaaowledltd and pro"...., ~ ..__of i4: :-.; Doolc._~L_, in Ih~ Public Records or -lai.d Counly. It IN WJT);F.ss WHEREOF, I haYe b.rea.lo'~ my laand and "ffi...d Ih" sui or the Orcuil Court of the rutemlh ]I1dicial Orcuit of U'Q::ti. State in aDd for laid County.' . \ -- ~ o .-----'IiI,k. / :)). C. haYC recorded the saJ.IS~ un pal" 126 CT.CTBBAJ,. / P.C.BLDRED I ...~, . . ("-..~,., .....'- - .~.( ',:: "~i,-"~', :,,~~;...\< "'-.I:'_~'