HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1399 ,- 141 TillS INDENTURE, Made this~-Ul day of n.oembel /9'" A, D. ~, BETWEES [ c w. I. aeams AD4. Suaan._lleam.s....h1.s._.rdfe of the County of St. I.u.Ql. .ud Slale of_--Bl.o%lda ._--.1..--S-~pp--aa4l WIU7 8tapp--b1....U..--- of Ih. County of_St.-Luo18 and SUlc oL__. ~lorida pardaa.. of the first pari. an~ . partie!. of the sccoad pari. - , WITNESSETII. That the nld par4..a. of the first part, for and in ronsidualion of Ihe .urn of_-O.na-Dol1aJ: Al')d other_.va.luab1e oon81derntlona.. Dollars, lo...thBm._ in hand paid, tbe receipl ..hucof i. hereby atknowltdgtd, h~_Y_~ granltd, bargaintd, sold and transferred, and by Ihesc presents do-4a_ IIfranl, bargain, scll aad Iran.fer unlo Ibe said part_i.e_&. of Ihe second parI and th&1L_ htiu and a..ign. forner, all thai cutain parcr! of bnd lying and bting in Ihe Counly of_St-..--Lae-l~_. -2nd Slue of _.___ .n.o.r1.l!u.. __mort p:utiruhrlr d...cribed a. lollow.: .---ihe--8&\ltA-Plve-t-6) Ael'8S 9:f-~e.u&aQ\-.hal~-of-th4-b8t RD.' LoL.th.e-..llO%Ul.~at_ f S 4-~ - 4-_.."~ 112) Townahw' thirty-three Elu.ar.ter-~lleJl'Grth-eallt ~tlarte.r-..o -. &o.IIl.LO.loL..-.Jtll!l.a.Y..!L.L:::: _ .. _____ ---(-a3-}---8-0. of Ruge ~ll'\J-a1-D.-.(mu kat- ;. :,( I - i. . TOGETIIER with all Ibe ten('mtnls, bercdilamtnl_ aad al'r....I.nanc~.. \\'ilh every pri~iltg~ right, litl.. ir.t.,.st a~d ('state, dowcr and righl of dower, rc,.tr<ioll, remaind.r and easemelll Iherclo belonging or io an}'wise appe.laining: Tv 11.\ \'E ASD TO HOLD the same in i~e .impl~ (or~\-cr. And Ibc said pa.L~aa of Ibe fint ~rl do_8.8 coveno.r.l mlb Ih" said pa.Li.a- of Ihe .econd pari lhal-the-y lawfully seized of the said prr:ni,u. Ihal Iltey arc flee from all encumbrances and that_~.ha.Y.8_g00d righl and lawful aUlbority to .ell the sam~; alld th-. ..id parL!_e l:1 01 Ihe first part do.~.l!_.. bereby -full)' warranl Ibe lille 10 said land, and will ddend Ihe same agaio.t Ibe lawful cuim. of all 1><"00' whomsoever. IX WITXESS WHEREOF, the said part..1.0_8 of Ibe fir.1 ra'l ha.Y8__._ hertunto ,cL--=--thau__hanfl__ aDd .eala__, the d:>y and ye;lr abo~e wrill.n.- Sigaed, Sraltd and Dtlivered io OUr Prcuf'ce: Wi-H-1-em-A tk-i-ft p.L.Knight l I '1 t I _______L.H..R e A.1I'lA SWlan ReUiB (Scal.) (Seal_) STATE OF---n~l-dn COUDly of--..:)t. Luoie ) J I IIEREBY CERTIFY, Thai on this 7th day of neoe~'b8r ". D. I~, before me persooallyap;>cared if.Il.Reams a. 3tte&~811t8uMtt-1I1.fe- to me kao...a to be Ihe penon.JL ducribed io and who ex(culed Ibe iorcgoir.g coanyuce 10 J.S.Stapp and l.1ary S1;~.Pl!.....l!.i_B__.ife . . aad se...rally ad'Dowle~ged Ihe rxecutioa Iherec;f 10 be~l~_frre art and deed for Ihe uses aad purposu therein meilliooed; and the said . "".. - -fNl!I&ft 3Lapp ~:N1t:a_ ("I'~CI-...ti Ihe wift of the said W.lf .Beams _ oa a .eparale aad ponte exuninalio.n laktn and made by and before m(', and scparaltly and apa.t from her said bD,band, did ackno...-Itdge Ibal ~be m2de herself a party to the saId Oced of Convryaacc, for the _purpo~e of reaouacing, rrlio<lui.hiog aod cQnny;ng all h.. right, liUe aod IlIttrUl, whelhtr of dowt't or of separale properly, Slatulory or tqullablc 10 and to lbe Iaod. lhuein de.cribed aDd Ihal sbe txecutcd said d.ed freely and \-olantarily and wilhoul aay cOll5trainl, lear, apprthensioo Or compulsion of or from her said husha~d. WITXESS my signature aod o8icial sui, a' V"~O-_. St.tllOie ~nd Slalc of '0 Ihe Counly oi ~lorida lhe day and year last afortsaid. :(:. I ) (p.p.sefi1 ) .11 ] hill . t.k1D Notary Pubilo.State of ~lorlda. lIy oommiasion expires Aug 14 1922 (Scal) STATE OF Fl-ORIDA, } COD Diy of SL Lucie~ - .~ . ~, J:-.' }I., Ihis iaslrumcnl was 61ed for ncorcl. ud btDlr daly acknowledaecl and pronn, I hue recorded the same OD pac" 141 ~ ~- - ~ 8<1O~7--, ... the Public Record. of said Couoty. ~<;. IN WITSESS WHEREOF, I baft hcrcualO sri my baad ud a8illed the seal of th Cirnit Coart of the YaflulIth ~~I Cirnit of said Sbk ,........... C-". '..1 .th. c:: U,. ~>4 dr:z1;;~~, .of On thl. I) clay of Ju.l , A. D. 192U. iI' o'clock. Otrk.. D.C. ; ,~';:; ,':(.: .' 't:.".',;,;.,;;.:' -'" ~~ 1...-; ......14t~ '. '< ~4. &. . .' - .-_ - "-: 1.;_.. ;:.' '-. ..~__: '_' .. . . - - . . . .."