HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1413 V" 155 of tbe Counly of ^. D. 19~BETWF.F.N ~ t ~ T___...... --.- _ III _day of ,. ( t_~!r/ --/j7~~-;~i ( lt~~'/MV ) .1-- ; ,- WITNESSETH, Thai Ihc said _(L-L~~(l O. DO lo_._luu.. in band ~id. the receipt wb,rcof is bueby adtn~,,'lcdred, b._ ~_____ Kranl,d. bargained, .old and transferred. and by tl:ese presents do.: € 4_/ _ grant, barg.in, sell and lransfer unlo lite said parl_Lf _ of Ihe '''lid parr ~nd.._. j~.1 ~-'___, h,irs and a..ign?forne:, alllhat cul.in parccl of land lying and being ia the ("Oun~Of .c' -{ ~'_l.!.!"..:.LL.._~nd SI:>le ()f 5 Z. 'l.dLL.-=-:_______ " I I d", "L-d f II, ---/" ~ ~>--n C ~ (r nu / =-~fu(' ";Z7Il;;kj;, 7:;';;-'Z_'~'c/ ."'U' ;--"2; ^ <1'- -;7'"1~ u~ :<!- -----1l tL,./;/,~ ,10 ." :~'-~ .JtL~J1!.<, -I(~;: 1, cz: "<''' 1:-:1- ' ~'-.; r ---'j;J~ ",/i",,/. i"Ji!K~~:ft" f'f;" J~_;".,,-"I. _-'t.':.;Sk, &(f (' C~U..2Lq..__-: - ,II ~J - //0 ~--_...!. (---- .._.___~<_~"~.").th~., 6,-&~~-uf---~-.Jtt;t ~~_~fr r~/..~~__ -.---?~#-lJflj:~ &.~ /'! -'./LL-;.ful. !_.~ UL.~ ~ - 4 " I - F / I ~!-~ ./ ---,L~!.::.-_.. _. ___ dL:z>.t< uL -c- rd',. t. S.,.-:-~~:~!,. . _~=--=--=-~~ pa'l-# of Iht firsl pari, and ---,%'1. -\- -- ---~. ,.." o,__~ "<";.1'<"<-- r;::;:10'''' ..~. "". of the first ~rl, for alld in cOllsidual;;)n of the ~um 01.._--2 y -, _ _ ~ t..2.L~ _________ _. Dollars, r of tbe Countt of. , t ! r i , 1- ~: . J ( TOGETHER with all Ihe tenemeah, bu"dilamenl_ and appurlcnan<<<. Wilb ","cry rri.-ilege. "fht, tille. i"l<<ul and ..tate, dawu and righl of dowrr, rcnrsion. remainder aad eaument Iherdo &"Ionl":;ng or-in ,"~..i~e apperlainlllg: TO J AVE AXD TO HOLD the ~ame in ic" sim"lc iore-\"tr. . ~ . And th" said paru/-- of the firsl p.lrt doL.J!.1o\'enar.t ..-jllt tlie ."i.1 ('3rLIJ_- of Ihe ncond part Iba~/ (( - .,( Lla"rully seilClI of Ihe s.aid premi.... IltJ Ihey arc fu. from all encumbrantes and Ihal---,,"~l__i.t7J.-'good righl and lawful aUlhorily 10 nil Ihe same; aad the .aid ('arL~ of Ihe fil>l pari do.LJr.!. hereby fully "31r:>"1 Ihe lillc to said land, and will ddtnd Ib, same against tlte lawful claims of all pH,ons ,. horn .-cr. I IX WITXES WHERF.OF,the said l'arl-1- of Ihe first ('art ..:>_f/_.'._. hrreu!1lo ..1____./LL~and_ and s"al...-, II:. day ~nd J"ar abon wrillen. Sign'd~:: and, Of. inr~ i~ o;t;pr,u nee: ~~, ~..1'5;/~r..:f~ ---: t' _~!~/'{; c::: f'k?u.4'~~~::~: STATE OF_~~./r, 1};50 ,(~~ .1,... F, ~ ~ : J-.J<?:'!~ ,/ <'"'' , ,/ ~ < "~------- /2J.~ ~ ~ -. } c~.': ::-~.E~\" ;~RTI~1;'~ ;" / / / =~Z 01-7 1 JIll / ,.-1" -A. D. 1~7: bdore me (.monally .ppeared /(C /I (Lie.., 6. - (.... ~ a ]-'--l. ~t1l...:.Jc...~~- i I I 10 me known to be Ibe person..- dcscri~d in and wbo e"-e"'fe~ Ibe foregoing conny.nce 10 and s"nraD)' acknowledged Ibe ",xccution Ihenof to be_ 4 P A / free acl and deed for the usn and pU'POStS Ih"rein mentioned; and lite said n Ihe wife of the nid _.___.__ _________ on a separate aDd p,;nle examinalion tak.n and m.de by and bcforr me. and se('aralely and a~rl from her sa:J h,,,band. did acknowledge Ih.t ~h. made bu",Jf a pari)' 10 the said Deed of Conn)-aace, for Iltepufr-o.e of .,nouncing. rdiaQuishing and corn-eying all her righi, tille 3nd mtcrut, ..-hetltu of dowec or of separat" ('fOp<<tJ, .Ialulory or "qult.L1e in and 10 Ihe lands Ih,uin d,'crlb,d. .nd IIt:>1 sbe exrculed said deed fredy an" ,'olunlarily aad wilhout any conslnint, fur, apprehen.jGn or compuhion of or from her .aid bu.band. Z~- (" / //~ _ in the C;)Unly of f ~("~""l'" ~ . 0_____ ___.-..:;C., ,. ~r-4e1_ay )pd year Ia,t afores.ld. _ '_ ~<./,' ,/,., ~1",Pr __(ScaL) )/~/'d I'I A//h~_ /r~? 2- ~~''./4. _~II iCj'UI ~uC"~'#" "::~-I."'iC.., ~I. ~~ "7;;,./ - '_:;:.:, ,.~.:~:-"~__t.~ ~ :.~';':.:_;:' ,:. .:~: _-.:.?~~\~: STATE 01' FLORIDA, } Counlyof SI_ Lucie., , ~. ~ On thiJ_ I / dAY of_. J:': -A. D. 1922'~ A. ~_o'doc'" -#_U, <-~ ~ this inslrument was filed for record. and bein. clul)' a wled,e4 nd pronn, bne recorded the qme on pale.....--! .u t.J ~~_of Book.--f1_'1-- in Ibe Public Record. of Rid Coual,.. ~ ... IN \nfSESs'WHJ:REOF~"IO JeI my hAnd and affixed tbe Julof tilt Cirttrit Court of IlIe Fiftrcalh @tcial Circuit of said Statt iD and for said COIlDly. (LI_I)'/>- 1J ~ ~ / /ltL Clu~ I I, ~ . )". 7>) f . . \ ,.J.'" C~ .! .~ ,...P~~/Z;( ~K/ D. C. _ T"'; - .. . ., - ~ - -.' ." : . "'.-' -~: .'-~~,'~;">?-',:~~:-~'