HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1425 c ( (, . --_._.. _ ~'__'_.~n ._.____~ .___w .... ._ _~_..~...~._.._.______~_~____~._.__..__._____.__._. ---..--- . , I l -. ..: ..' .~' .... .. ~.. J / . A. D. I~ BETWEEN a_ad-l _t.vi/.p.1.{l4; ,,:L. /- rQa1:~nt' k____ _ / /f)., , ./ and Slate of g,:i ~~"'--<- a. .-;(... __part..Wof the first pari, and '--r- i i tL/ -------'-IJJ; ~ and Slale of._ ",- 11..2.f. / of the .-I>UI-"-t of lite second pari, WITNESSETH, That Ibe , .aid par~ of the filii put, for and in considualion of Ibc sum of ~L OO//fO_..::- - _Dollars, ::J.k- in hand paid. Ihe receipt whueof i. h.reby ackno...l.dged, h:a_U!L___ grarted, bugained, sold and Iran.ferred. and by gralll, bargain, sell and transfer unlo tlte said 1'a11-f,.f-- of the seton~ part an . J -l~ . #1 .' . , , hein and a.sign.loreve~, all Ihal cerl:ain ~rcd of land lying and being in Ihc Countt of -, -~.L_and Slate of -- -2 '/;'" A!a- .~ ....'''''.f' .1"".... .. '.11_" . , .---- '_Z.' h~:'-~. -1 ?''''IS ~-LL"",,_ld:L~.(i.'{,"k :/'va (.?oj -o/-:;r --26d", ..k(F./--v .u0=-7-9-J!---/.",,?;z---.d~ ?/~~~ __~flY<J '1 "'<c/;~~I--..!i1L;r,~~ ( , . "'1, (,. 4do: n~.L -----~ -h L~l. /)" u"'r22 L2~r-~:!~' ::Z-~Stl i ~-A.(~~_ ...~~.('":.-Yl/,.// 2---n).(..._-- ~f d-~- .,~d ,~....& ~ c-- ~-lL ~ . __ J!l'-'l (e(. , __ _ ..._____ IIlese l'resellts do TOGETHER ..-ilb all Ihe lenemenl<, huedilamenh and apf-urlenanc..'. \\',IIt every pri>-ilcg~ righl. lill-, interesl and "":ale, dower and righl oi do...er, renuioa, rrmaiadrr and usemenl tltclClo belonging or in an}'",.e apper\;linlng: Tv 11.-\ \'E A:-;D TO HOLI> Ihe !&me in Ice SImple ~ .f And lite said par~of tbe 6r;.1 pari do-- roven:a"t witlt the <aid parL~_f--,- of lite second pari Iltat .~ ~~ b,,'lully seizeu of Il:e ...id premisu. Ihal Ihe)' ar... I:..... lrom .111 tncumbrances and Ih:aL- -{. good rigbl and la...ful aUlbo Iy to sell the .ame; and Ihe .aid ~rl~ of Ihe firsl pari do_ hereby lully "'arr:>,,, 11:... litle 10 sa' lan,l, and will ddend Ihe same against Iltt bwful cbim. of .111 (oCrsonJ whom.ocnr., '-.;;. . 1:-; WITXESS WHEREOF, lite said part.dy~ of the 6,;1 I':>rl h:a~__ hcrcun:o scL Z (' ~- .~-. hand..cr-and sra!!"'::, Ihe dol)' >.nd ycu abo,-e wrillea. s;"UIr~1:7J.L. 00' P..""" 6. 'JI. Tj "';J Mt. I I J /~/;Ll' _....L/~;J;., (Seal.) (Seal.) STATE OF .... .J )_H____ !IX ~.~ 1f5;:-va 1:. . t .r ' I HEREBY CERT!:J; That on Ilti. /'~ ~____daY of.. personally appeared ,,:r!2<'.:2 d-n~~ ro, ~..-y"'-l'L.~&' r~ _.-O:( to mt known to be the penon 4.) described in and;? wo e ecuJed Iltc iorrgoing con\!yanee '10 _/r _ <~--.I CA..c. aDd .evtraJl~kno~lcdgtd Ib ,exec: i Ihereof 10 bt ~_frce- act and deed for Ibe a.es and pU:PO'" Iberein menlioned; and lite said r:~ -. n ~(' "' lite wife of Ihe sai .dr...}"J-f- . (;-, &/7 ,/~.{J" (!.)'/ oa a .epaule and prinle uamin"lion taken and m:tdc by anu before mt', and .e~raldy and aparl from her .aid hu,band, did admowledge thai she made h"..1i a part)" 10 Ihe uid Deed of Connyaace, for Ihe purpose of rCDounciag, rclinqui.hinlt and conveying all ber righl. lille and ialrresl, whtlher of dower or ol sep:arale property, slalulory or equitable in and 10 Ihe lands tber~in ducribed, and lhal .be cxecuttd uid deed hedy and ,-Uluntan.'" u' ...hoo. .., ~".....'. '7':'''7; .. '-....':"'1:' h_ h" >>id h...... WI-r;{jS my !i7ure and official seal, a tl-t<. -,I tI.(y ~r t .( in lite Counly 01 ,.~ f leA _ -". ..." ., :&:: ' %~ ~ $~~ ..~ ~1 '0' "" .1....... =-- Ub.~ t2 d~lX~ (StaL) A"".a:y:A-L/4c... ~~4- '74/;.7~h 1.1 06..,,,..--- /"y l'r.UOU4....t.-;.' ~,i ~--,i~ ((-flu~' /1, /9-.i~- Counly of STATE OF FLORIDA, } Coabty Of. SI. Lucie., b ':;i On th.. ;l - - day of A.. D. 1~ al o'docJr. -_M, this in.tramellt was 61ed lor record, and beiae duly rccoccled thc _ on pav /10 7 of~O Book. t/ . in the Public Records of said County. - . .:.<' 2" /,~ ~' '. ,~. ...,,0 o..~ " ~~.I..!/,~- D.C ,-::~tE ;::):J,;>~~:r::.. > - _... .. ~ . . ..2.. _ "" v in'? -j '. '. . ~ '>::,;'<~,:5'<