HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnvelope Compliance Certificatet j 11 COMcheck Software Version COMcheckWeb E nee. o ep . amp lance Certificate Project Informat[on Energy Code:. 2020 Florida iuilding Code, Energy Conservation Project Title: .. Building.2_Unit 3 and. 4 Location: Jensen Beach, Florida. Climate Zone, 26 Project Type: Neiv Construction. veitiordlazing / Wall Area: 45% Construction Site: OwnertAgent: Designee/Contractor: 10101 South Ocean Drive -building. Wright Gardner.. 1' Wright Gardner Architect LLC Jensen Reach;. Florida 34957 254 Krog Stre®t .NE Atlanta,:Georgis ' 303.07 Additional Efficiency Packages) 404-218=8460. weight@wrigE tgariinerarch it. co m .. Credits: 1.0 Required .. 1:0.Proposed Reduced' Lighting Povier; 1.0 credit Sullding Area Floor Area . 1-Main Floor (Multifamily) . Residential. 2632 2-Second Floor (Multifamily) : Residential 2808 3-Top Floor (MWltifaMily)•: Residential _ 1688 . . Envelope Assemblies Assembly Gross Area • Cavity. Corit. • Proposed Budget U- ar . R-Value R Value U' Factor Factoro) Perimeter Roof: Attic Roof,'Steel.Joists, [Bldg:,Use 2 -Second Floor] 1624 30:0 .. 0.0: 0:041 0.027 Roof: Attic Roof, Steel joists; [Bldg. Use. 3 _ Toio.Floorl 1107- 30.0 0.0 . ..0.041 0.027 Floor:: Steel joist, [Bldg. Use 1 -.Main Floor] 2632 :. 19.'0 0:0 0.052: 0.033 Ext. Wall: Steel -Framed; 241n. o.c., [Bldg._Use k -Main Floor] 1728 .. 0.0 35.0: 0.026 0.064 Window: MetafFrame: Fixed, Perf. Specs;: Product.1b na, •SHGC. 11163 . 0,340 0:500 0:25, [Bldg. Use 1. -'Main Floor] (b) Ext. Wall: Steel-Framed;.24in. o:c:, [Bldg. Use 1 -Main Floarl .. 7443 :. 0.0 35.0 0.026 0.064 Wi6dovr: Metal Frame: Fixed; Perf. Specs.: Product lD na; SHGC 150 0.340 0.500 0'.25, [Bldg, Use I,- Main Floorj:(b). ' Door: , Perf. Specs.: Produet ID na, SHGC a.25,. [Bldg, Use 1. -, 54 :. 0.340 0.830 Main Floorl (b)... SOUTH Ext; Wall: Steel -Framed; 241n. o.c., [Bldg. Use 1- Main Floor)-, 11724 0,0 850. 0.026 6.064 Window: Metal Frame: Fixed.- rf. Specs;: Product lD na, SHGC: 652 0.340 0.500 0:25,'fBldg..Use. I -:Main Floor] (b) : ,' WlndQv: Metal Frame:- Fixed,.Perf, Specs„ Product 1P na, SHUC : 652 .. 0.340 0.500 0.25, [dldg. USe 1-Bain Floor*] (b) Project Title: Building 2 Unit 3 and. A Report date: 09122%21 Data fllenarne: Page 1 of 21 , COMcheck Software Version COMcheckWeb Interior, Lighting. Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code. 2020 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation Pmject_Titie:. Building 2 Unit 3.and 4 Project Type: New Construction tonstruction Site: Wher/Aoent: Designer/Contractor: 10101 South Ocean Drive -Budding Wright"Gardhe:r Wright Gardner Architect LLC Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 154 Krog Street NE . Atlanta, Georgia 30307 Additional Efficiency Packages) 404=2i6-846.0 Wright@tvrig i tgardnererch itect: co Credits: 1.0 Re_qusred." 1.0.Proposed Reduced,L(ghting Power,l.O credit Allowed Interior Lighting Power A Area;Category Floor Area_ Allowed .. Allowed Watts ft2) - Watts'I in 1-Main Floor (Multifamily) 2632 0.61 1611 2-Second Floor (Multifamily) 2808 0.6.1 1718 3-Top Floor (Multifamily) 168B 0.61 1033 Total Allowed Watts = 4362 Proposed "Interior Lighting Power B. C .. ."_ D E . Fixture.ID : Description f Lamp f Wattage Per Lamp f- Ballast Lamps( # of . " Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixture Watt, 1-Mai6 Floor (MulCifamily) LED: LED Linear 33W: 1 3 .63 189 " LED: LED PAR 12W 1 " 3 12 36 LED: LED PAR 12W: 1 20 12. 240 LED: LED MR 61N: 1 .. 4 ' 5 :20 LED: LED MR 6t^!: 1 4 5 20 2-Second Floor (Multiifamily) LED: LED PAR 12W.:. 1 3 .: 12 36 LED: LED -PAR 12W:. 1 15 12 180 LED: LED MR 6W: 1 5 5 25 3-T36"Floor (Multifamily)-- LED: LED -PAR 12Wt 1 4 12 48 .. LED: LED PAR 12W: 1 2 .. 12 24 LED: LED MR 6W: .. 1 .. 2 :.: .... 5 10 .. Tata •Proposed Watts - 82 Project Title: Building 2_Unit 3 and• 4 Report date: 09/22/21 Data filerian'e: Page. 3 of 21. a COMcheck Software Version COMcheckWeb Exterior Lighting Compiiance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: 2020 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation . Project Title: Building 2 Unit 3 and 4. Protect Typp: New Construction Exterior Lighting Zone 2 (Residential mixed use area (LZz)) Constructfen Site: OWner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: . 10101 South Ocean Drive.,- Building Wright,Gardner, Wright Gardner. Architect LLC Jensen Beach, Florida 34957, 154 Krog Street NE Atlanta; Georgia 30307 404-218-8460 wrljht@t,?rlghtgardn.drarchitect.co M. .. Allowed. Exterior Lighting Power . A B C D . - E. ArealSurface Category Quantity Allowed Tradable - Allowed Watts Watts !. Wattage. (B X C) South (Illuminated area of facade Wall or:surface) 1728 ft2 0'.07 • No 130 North (Illurnineted.area of facade wall orrsur(ace) . -"1729 ft2, .. :.0.07 - No. 130 Total Tradable Watts (a) 0 Total Allowed Watts = 476 Total Allovied Suppternental Watts (0) = 400 a) Wattage tradeoffs are only.allowed between tradable areas/surfaces.' q):A supplemental allowance equal t6:400 watts may lie applled toward compllance of both non -tradable and tradable areaslsurfaces. Proposed Exterior Lighting Power A B C d E_ Fixture ID.: Description:] Lamp l Wattage Per• Lamp I Ballast Lampsl # of Fixture (C.X D) Fixture Fixture Watt. West (111 inninat d ar a' of fa' ad wail or Urfa . "144 ): Non -tradable lrJattaae ' ' East (lliurninated area of facade tirall. or surface. 1443 ft2): Non -tradable Nlattaae7. o , h (Illhmlriated area of facade Will or surface. 172 dable Wattage LED: LED PAR 15W: 1 2 15 30 North (Illuminated area of facade wail or surface 1728 ft2)_ Non-t'radable Wattage LED: LED PAR' 15W: 15. 45. Total Tradable Proposed.Watts .= 0 Exterior Lighting PASSES: Design 0.0.. Exterior :Lighting _Compliance Statement ComlOJianre Statement: The proposed exterior lighting design. represented in:this document..is consistent withIfie'building plans, specifilcations-and.other calculations;submitted Wiith:this permit epglieation. The pto.posed exterior lighting.systems.have been designed to meet the.2020 Florida Building Cvdp, Energy. Conservation requirements in CQMchack Version CpMcheckWek.arid to Prdiect.Title: Building 2_Unit 3 and 9 Report date_ 09122/21 Data filenames Page. 5 of 21 _ comply with any. applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. Name • Title Signature Date COMcheck Software Version COMcheckWeb Mechanical Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: 2020 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation Project Title: Building 2 Unit 3 and 4 Location,: Jensen Beach, Florida. Climate Zone, 2a Project Type: New Construction. Construction. Site: Owneri4gent: Designer/Contractor: 10161 South ocean Drive = Building Wright:Gardner 1 • .• Wrlght,Garriner.Archlteet.LLC jensen beach, Florida 34957 154,Krog Street NE 4a s4s a 3007 Addtonal Efficiency Packagia(s) 042 3hEiright@wigtgardnerarchitect.co m Credits. 1.0 Required. -1.6. Proposed Reduced Lighting Pov er,1.0 credit Mechanical Systems List : - Quantity, System Type & Description 1 HVAC System. (Single Zone): . . Heating: I each.! Central Furnace, Electric;.Capacity = 12 k®tu/h No minimum efficiency 'requirement applies Cooling: 1 each , Split`System, Capacity =.36. k8tu/h, Air -Cooled Condenser, Unknown Economizer Proposed Efficiency= 14.00 SEER, Required Efficiency..14.00 SEER Fan System: AHU-1 i kitchen/br Compliance (Motor nameplate HP and fan efficiency method) : Passes Fans:. . ahu- i Supply; Single -Zone VAV, 1350 CFM, 0.5 motor nameplate hp, 0.00 •fan energy index , fan.exception: Single fan 1 HP or -c 0.69 kW 1 HVAC System (Single Zone): Heating.. 1 each - Central Furnace, Electric, Capacity = 24 kptu/h No minimum efficiency requirement applies Cooling: 1 each• - Split System; Capacity = 60 kBtu/h, Air -Cooled Condenser, No Economizer, Economizer exception: Low Capacity.Residential Proposed Efficiency 0.14.00 SEER, Required. Efficiency: 14,00 SEER Fan System:.AHU-2_I family/br -= Compliance (Motor nameplate HP and fan efficiency method) : Passes Fans: AHU- 2 Supply, Single -Zone VAV, 2125 CFM, 0.8 motor nameplate hp; 6.00 fan energy index. fan exception: Single fan ¢ 1,HP or < 0.89 kW 1 HVAC System. (Single Zone): Heating; & each Central Furnace, Electric,. Capacity = 12 kBtu/h No minimum efficiency requirement applies' Cooling: 1 each : Split System,. Capacity = 36 kBtu/h, Air -Cooled Condenser, Unknown Economizer Proposed Efficiency = 14.60 SEER; Required Efficiency:-,14.00 SEER Fan System:.AHU-1.j Kitchen/br ' -Compliance (Motor nameplate HP and fan efficiency method) ,, Passes - Fans: ah471• Supply, Single=Zorie VAV; 1350 CFM; 0,5 motor nameplate hp, 0,00 fan energy index ,fan exception: Single fan.; IW'or<0.®9k,W= 1 HVAC System (Single Zone): Heating: Leach_' Central furnace, Eleetric,.Cepaclty = 24 katu/h No minimum efficiency requirement applies Project Title: Building 2 Unit 3 and 4 Report date: 09/72l21 . Data fllenanie: Page : 7 of. 21. J Quantity. System Type & Description Cooling: 1 each - Split System, Capacity = 60 kBtulh, .Air -Cooled Condenser, No Economizer, Economizer exception: Low Capacity Residential . Proposed Efficiency = 14.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 14.00 SEER Fan System:. AHU-2 j family/br -- Compliance (Motor nameplate HP and fan efficiency method) : Passes Fans: AHU-2 Supply, Single -Zone VAV, 2125 CFM, 0.8 motor nameplate hp, 4.00 fan energy index, fan exception: Single fan <1HPor<0.89kW Mechanical Compliance Statement Cpmpffance'staterr ei nr: The proposed mechanical design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted. with this permit application. The proposed mechanical, systems have been designed to meet the 2020.Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation requirements in: CDMcheck.Version CoMcheckweb and to comply with any.appiicable-mandatory requirements listed in the. Inspection Checklist. Name Title Signature bate Project Title: .' Building 2_Unit 3 arid 4 Report date: 09/22/21 Data fllenarne: Page 8 of 21. COMcheck Software Version COMcheckWeb inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2020 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation Requirements: 7..0% were addressed directly in the COMcneek software Text in the "Comments/Assu.mptions" column is provided by the user in the CCOMcheck Requirements screen. For each requirement; the user certifies that a code re Arement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided.: section. Plan. Review :: : Complies? : ComrrientsJAssuriipNoiis ' Re :Ip' C103:2 I Plans and/or specifications provide all ;Complies 101111l. 11infornatlor'with.' vhich compiiance - - Oboes Notcanbedeterminedforthebuilding . i envelope and document where Not Observable Iexceptions to the'siandard are Not Applicable ; jc [aimed.. C103.2 I Plaris,.specifications, And/or ComplieS. P112]7. calculations'provide all.. lnforniation 11Does NoYIwithwhichcompliancecan:be ideterrhined for the mechanical Nat. 1. . - able; 1'system§.and equipment and ONot Applicable . document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Load lcalculatlons ,per acceptable. 1:engineering standards andlhandbooks.. C103:2'. .I Plans; §peclfleations, aridlor :. complies PR411 calculations provide all Information 0Does NotIwlthwhichcompliance. can be, Ideterrnine'd for the interiorllghting Not Observable; l and electrical systems and equipment ONot Applicable . and documentwhere exceptions to Ithe. standard:are claimed, Information provided should include interior I Ilghting power calculations, wattage of i bulbs and ballasts, transformers and' I control devices:: C1012- I Plans; specifications, and/or Com lies PPR8j? calculations provide all information 10Does Not Iwithwhichcompliancecanbe . determined for.the ekterior:lighting j Not observable ; . . land electrical systems and equipment Not A licable. j pp. and documentwhere exceptions to Ithe standard are claimed. Information Iprovided should inGude-exterior Ilight! ng powercalculations..wattage of faolbs. and ballasts, transfbrmers'and 1 control devices: C402: 4:1 IThe vertical fenestration area <= 30 ";Complies ; PIt1011 1 percent of the gross above -grade watt ODoes Not, area.. Not Observable , i Not Applicable . C402. 4.1 IThe skylight area <= 3 percent of the ;Compiies ; PRUP Igross roof'area; iDoes Not ; O Not :Observable I. E]Not Applicable..; 1 T3 ' Law ttYipaet {Ter'3High Inact T2MediurnIriactier2i . Project Title_ Building 2_Unk 3 and 4 Report date: 09/22/21 Data flienanie: Page 9 of 21 Section. Plan Review Gamplies? . ComrrientslAssumptions Req.ID C402.4.2 I In enclosed spaces.>:2;500.ft2 10C.Omplies PR14:]1 directly under a rodf with ceiling Does Not: hobby; heights.15 ft. anal used a's an office, atrium; concourse, corridor,. tVat.Observable storage, gyQnnasiumlexercise'center, Nat Applicable -; Iconvention center, aQtomotiveservice,. manufacturing,. n.on• . 1 refrigerated warehouse; retail store; I i'd1stributionlsorting area, transportation, or workshop,, the 361lowin' requirements apply: is?.the I l daylight zone under skyllghts'.ls >_ half the floor area;.(b?aide skylight Larea.to daylight-ione %-:z a- Ipercent ., with a skylight VT >= 0;40; ora I minimum skylight effective aperture ye.'l percent or 0.66 using. ITubular13aylighting Device's VT rating; I .. C405.5,2 I Group R=2 dwelling :units have .. 10Complies ; Requitement will be met; IPR16] 1 Iseparate'electrical nieters. El.' Not Not- Observable I L . _ ; Not AFPlieable ; ... .. C406:-.: Plans; Specifications; andfor, OComplies "- 'Requirement will.be met: PR9] 1 calculations provide all informati6h PQoes hot withwhichcompliancecanbedetermined for the additional energy .; Not Obseruable ; .. I efficiency package options.,.' _ :.. Not Applicable Section- Footing /lbundation.inspection Corn' 'if '? Comments/Assumptions Req,ID C303.2.1 Exterior insulation pr6tected against Complies 1`O61? damage, sunlight, moisture, Wind*, boe, Not landscaping and equipment Not ObservableImaintenanceactivities.' . Not.Appl.icable. ; C403:2.4.. Snowlice melting system and;freeze Complies. ; 5 protection. systems have sensors and 06o6s hot IF6§r controls configured;to limit service for Not Observablepavementtemperatureandoutdoor. 0Not Applicabletemperature.:future'eonnection to controls.: . Section.' Framing'l:Rough-in.Insppetion Complies? CommentslAssumptions C303.1.3 j Fenestration products rated in Coiplies IFR1212 NFRC. Does Not jLaccordancovithpNotObservable ; I:. Thot.Applicable : C30J.3 IFenestration.products are certified as 'Complies IFR131' 1'to performance labels or certificates Does Not provided. Not.Observable.' Not Applicable C402.4.3 IVertical: fenestretiori SHGC value. Complies ;See the Envelope: assemblies table for values.. 117111011 0D0es Not Not Observable QNot Applicable C402.4.3, I Installed vertical fenestration U-factor ;Complies ;See the Erivelape Assemblies table for values. C402.4:3: iand.SHGC consistentwith label i lDoes.Not 4. 3IFRSj , . _ lspeciflcations and.as-reported in plans I and .COMcheck reports. El Obser Nor:Apvable ; . plicable .. C402.5.1 IThe building envelope,'contains a Complies IFR1611 continuous air barrier. -that Is sealed in' Dooes. NotIanapprovedmannerandeitherIconstructedortestedin:an approved :Not Observable: I manner. Air barrier penetrations' are Not Applicable sealed fin ar. approved manner.. Additional Comments%Assumptions: Section ID Mechanical Rough-ln-inspection Complies? ComnientslAssumptions iu Re C402.2.6 Thermally ineffective:panp1surfaces of'[omplies IME4113 sensible heating panels have : Does Not, insulation 3= R-15. Not Observable : - j, Nat.Appiicable j C402,5:5,. Stair and elevator shaft'vents, have ;Complies C403.2.4, motorized dampers that automatically Does Not 3 IME3j' close.' Refernece section C403:2.4:3 for operational d(A As. Not. Observable.: j Not Applicable C403,2.10 HYAC piping' insulation Insulated in ;Complies IME61J2 accordance witti Table C403.2.1.0., jI]Does Not Insulation exposed tb Weather is protested from damag.e and is ONot Observable: providdd with shielding from solar . Not Applicable ; radiation. I C403.2.10 HVAC piping insulation insulated in ;Complies ; IME61]2 accordance -with Table C403, 2.10:. ODoes Not Insulation exposedto weather is protected from damage and is Not Observable . provided with shielding from solar ;Not Applicable radiation.: C403.2.10 HVAC i in insulation insulated in ;CompliesPP9 . ME6112 accordance vit.I Table.-C403.z:1.0; .;Does Not . insulation exposed to weather. is profected.from damage and is []Not Observable: provided with shielding'from solar ;Not Applicable ; radiation. . C403.2-10 HVAC'piping insulation insulated -in ;Complies IME6112 accordance with Fable C403,2.10.: [Pods Not Insulation exposed to weather is Iprotectedfromdamageand. is jbNotObservable provided with shielding from solar ;Not Applicable radiation. - C403.2.12 Motors for fans that .are not less than ';Complies 4 1/12 lip and less.than 1 'hp are Oboes NotIME14212electronicalEy.commutated motors or Not ObservableHaveaminimummotorefficiency' of 70 percent. These'rhotors have the Not Applicable ; means:to adjust motor speed: C403.2.12 Motors for -fans that are not less than ;Complies 4 1112.hp and less than 1 hp are.. Does Not ME1421' electronically.commutated motors or Not :Observable ; have a minimum motor efficiency.of . 70. percent. These motors have; the ,Not Applicable means to. adjust, motor. speed: C403.2.12 Motors:for fans.that are not less than ;Complies ; 4 1112 hp and less than -1. hp are (]Does Not IME14217 electronically:commufated, motors or. a Not Observablehaveminimummotorefficiencyof70percent.. These, motors have the : ;-]Not Applicable . means to adjusti motor speed. C403. 2.12 Motors for fans -that are not less than ;Complies 4 1l12 hp andless than l hp are 'Oboes Not ME142) 2 electronically commutated motors or ;Not Observable:, haveaminimummotorefficiencyrof ; 70. percent._ These'liiotors have the . ;Not.Appiicable meahs. to adjust motor speed. TJ Fligh.Impact {.Tier 1) Project Title:. Building 2 Unit 3 and 4 Data filename: im lrr(patt (Tier 2) . • .3 Low Irnpact (Tier'3). Report date: 09122/21 Page 13 of 21 i Section. Mechanical Rough -In Inspection" Complies?T'. CommentslAssumptions70Req.ID C403.2.12 Each DX cooling system > 65 hBtu .. ;Complies 5 and chiller water/evaporative cooling goes Not IME143]2 system with fans > 1/4 hp are designed.to vary the indoor fan airflow Not Observable: as a function of load and comply with Not Applicable ; detailed requirements of this section. C403.2.12 Each DX cooling system > 65 kBtu Complies 5 and chiller eater/gvaporative cooling Does Not IME143]2 sy#o' m tivith fans 5 1/4 hp, are designed to very the [ndoor.fan airflow ;Not Qbservable as'a-function of load.and.complywith 1 Nat Applicable C403.2.12 detailed requirements. of this section. ; Each DX cooling. 65 {cBtu 1 Coiplies: 5 system > and chiller water/evapoiative cooling Oboes Not IME14311 system with,faris > 1/4 hp aredesignedtovarytheindoarfan airflow lc] Observable as a function. of.load and comply with ONot Applicabledetailedrequirements. df this section. C403.2.12 Each DX cooling msyste> 65 &Btu ;Complies ; 5 and chiller 4,terfeVaporative cooling Does Not IME1431 system with fans > 114 hp are designed to.vary.the indoarfan airflow Not Observable as 6 function of load and coinply'with QNot Appllcable :: - detailed requirements: of this section. , C403.2.3 HVAC egyipment efficiency`verified: ;Complies, See the Mechanical, 5ysremsllsrfor values. ` - IP4E55] 2 Does'Not Not, ObWiv. able. Not Applicable . ... - . C4032. 6 Natural or mechanical ventllatlon is ;complies IME5911 i.provided In accordance with Florida E Does Not. ;. I Building Code Chapter 4. Mechanical I[]Not Observable Iventilationhascapability:to reduce . , I outdoor air supply to minirtium per :Not Applicable ; Florida Building' 'Code Chapter 4. C403, 2.6. I Demand control. ventilation`provlded ;Complies Does Not IME59I1 I people11000 ft2 occupant density. and Not.Observable , Iservedby,systenis tivith.airside , leconomlzer, auto modulating outside ;Not Applicable fair damper control, or des- airflow 1 ; 3,000 cfm; C403, 2.6, Enclosed parking.garage ventilation ;RComplies 2 has automatic•contaminant detection ;Does Not j. IME11513andcapacitytostageor. modulate (]Not Observable; fansto50% or less of design capacity; ; No cab ApplicableC403,' 2A. HVAG systems serving guestrboms in: ;Complies ; 8 Groiap. R-1 buildings with >. 50 ;Does Not IME14113 guestrooms:;Each guestroorn is provided with controls that Not Observable automatically manage temperature ;Nai' Appllcable setpoint and ventilation (see sections C403. 2.4,8.1.and C403,2.4,8.2), ; C403: 2:7 Exhaust air energy recovery. on :Complies - IME51), systems meeting Tabfe C403.2.7(1) Does Not- Iand C403.2:7(2). ... . pNot Observable l- I Not Applicable C403, 2:8 Kitchen exhaust systems co with ;Complies IME116I3 replacemen air andconditioned Does Not supply air Ilmltatlon§, and satisfy hood rating requirements and maximum (]Not Dbservable exhaust rate criteria. ;.Not Applicable. 1 Hfgh.Impact (Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact filer 2) 3 Law Iniipsct (Tier'3) Project Title: Building 2 Unit 3 and 4 Report date: 09/7/21 Datafllenanie:. page, 14of 21, Section. Mechanical Rough-ln.lnspection" Complies? CommentslAssumptfons" lk Req.ID C403.2.9. I HVAC ducts and plenums insulated in ;Complies 1, accordance with CA03.2.9.1 "and Does Not C403.2.9. constructed in accordance with Not Observable2 ME6012 1 C403:2.9.2, verification may need.to occur during Foundation Inspection: Not Applicable ; C403.4.6 ; Hot,gas bypass limited t'o- <=240 Complies" 1ME3511 i kBtu/h - 50%,>240:kBtulh - 25% Does Not, IONot Observable: j j Nat Applicable.., . C403.4:6 Hot gas bypass.limited to: =240" 'Complies jME35)1 IkBtulh - 50%>240 kBtulh 25% jCDoes'Not Not Observable ONot Applicable..; C403,4:6 :' Hot"gas bypass limited to:.<=240 ;Complies rME35.1} EkBtu/h4 50%•>"240 kBtu/h - 25%, f3boes Not i.NotObservable.lj ;Not.APPlicable" C403:4:6" Hotgas bypass limited to: 1 Complies I ME351; Iki3tulh.- 50% >24-0:kB.fu/h =.2.5%Does Not " E .' pNot Observable: I Not Applcable .- C468, 2.2: Air outlets and"zone terminal deVices QCgmplie5 1. _. ha e.means for air balancing: Does Not 1ME53. J3 Not .Observable ; ' Not Applicable .; C403; 5,_ Refrigerated display eases; walk-in. complies C403, 5.1; coolers orWaIk4n freezers served by ;Does Not C403, 5.2 remote compressors and remote Not Observable: 1ME12313condensersnot:located in a condentiing unit; have•fah-powered ONot Applicable condensers that comply with Sections C403, 5:1 and.refrigeration compressor) systems" that com.ply'with C403.5.2. 1 y Section. Rough=ln.Electrical.lnspection Complies? ComnienWAssumptions 4i Req.ID C405.2.2.. :Spaces requireq to. have Ilght- :Complies 2 1 reduction controls have a manual Oboes Not JEL2211 ;control that allows the occupant to Not Observablereducetheconnectedlightingtoadin a reasonably uniform illumination i Not Applicable pattem >=.50 percent: c405.2,1, tOccupancy sensors installed in. ;Corilplies C405:2.1. jclassrooms/16ctur6itrainirig rooms; ;Does Not 1 . ; conferencelmoeting/multipurpose JEL18j1 Irooms, copy/print rooms,. :Not Observable lounges/breakrooms, enclosed offices, NotApplicable ; lopes plan. office areas, restrooms, lstcrage' rooms; -locker rooms; I warehouse storage areas; and :other Ispaces: c= 300 sgft that are enclosed i, by floor-to-celling:height partitlo s. I ; tReference. sectlon language. . iC4. for. control function in . warehouses and.sectiori C4012.1.3 I for openplan offlce'spaces: ; . • - C405;2: 1: (Occupancy sensors control function in Mcomplies I 2 jglarehouses: In.warehouses, the jOpoes Not 1 ELIO! , Jighting'ln aisleuways and open areas is ; I.controlleo with occupant sensors that Not Observable , automatically reduce, lighting power 1 Not Applicable ; by 50%: or more when the areas are I uno. ccupieu. The occupant sensors . control lighting in each.afslewai y independently and da not control ilighting.beyondthe.aitleway being . . i controlled bythe sensor. C405,2; 1: (Occupant sensor control function in UComplies 3 'open plan office areas: Occupant ODoes Not EL2011 ;sensorcontrolsin.open office spaces ;Not Observable n. 300s4t. have controls 1) :0Not Observable: configured so. that general lighting can-, ... Applicable : i be controlled separately in control 1zones withfloorareas.< 600 sqX iwithin the space, 2) automatically turn; I off general lighting in -'all control !ones.[ . within 20 minutes.after:all occupants ; I have leftthe space, 1) are configured I so that general lighting power in each control zone is reduced by >= 80 % of the full. zone. general lighting power I ; 1-withln. 20 MIAtites of all occupants . leaving that control zone, and 4) are nfi ,cogured suchthat any :daylight I i 1 responsive control will activate'space general lighting. or control zone19eneral• lighting only when.'occupancy for the same area is detected. I C405.2. 2, Each area, not served.by occupancy ;complies C405.2. 2. sensors (per C405:2.1) Have time= . E Does ;Not 1, C405. 2. 2. switch controls and f inctions'del:Mled in sections C405.2.2,fl and C405.2,,2.2, ;Not observable 2 Not Applicable EL2112 1 High. lmpact (Pier 1) : 2 Mgdium lmPast jTier 2) 3 Low Ir<ipact (Tier 3). Project Title; B6ilding 2. Unit 3 and. 4 Report date: 09122I21 Data filename; Page 16 of 21 1 4 1 Section. Rough-In•ElectricalAnspection = Complies? • Comments/Assumptioris- Req.ID C405.2.3, j Daylight zones. provided with ;Complies C405.2.3. individual controls that control the Does Not 1, C405.2.3. lights independent of general area . lighting. See code section C405.2.3 1 Not .Observable 2 Daylight -responsive controls for' :ONot:Applicable ; EL23)2 applicable.spaces, C4d5.2:3.1 Daylight; responsive control function and section C405.2,3.2 Sidelitzone. I - C405.2.4 Separate.ighting.i ontrol devices.for ;Complies ' EL2611 1specific uses.lnstalle.d per approved Does Not Alighting. plans. 1, Display and accent I lighting, lighting in display -cases; ,pNof Observable ApplicableI.sapplemental:task lighting and. y NotIlightingequipmentforsale.shall have ioccupancysensor.control:2)Sleeping units shall halve auto off controls. :. I C405.2,5 Nlan60I lighting controls_are in.a Complies EL2813 location with'ready access and where Does Not controlled lights are visible. Not I Observable Not Applicable C405,2.6 Exterior lighting yseems provided Complies EL3013 valtli.controis complying With ;Does NotC405,2.6;1 through C405.2.6.4.for ' daylight shutoff and decorative ONot Observable lighting shutoff::. Not Applicable . C405.6 Low=voltage dry=type. dtstdbution ' TIComplies. -'Requirement will be met. EL2612 electric transformers meet the.. Dpoes NAt ;. mmimum:efficlency requirements of Not :obseNableTabteC405.6. , INotApplicable C405.7 Electric motors. meet the minimum Complies 1 Exception: Requirement does not apply. . EL2712 efficiency requirements of Tables Oboes Not . C4017(1) through C405.7(4). 'pNot Observable-; Efficiency verified through certification, underan approved certification Not Applicable ; program or the equipment efficiency j ratings shalt be provided by motor .. manufacturer (where certificatlori programs do, hot e'xist): C405.8.2. Escalators and moving wdiks.eomply Complies (Exception: Requirement does not apply. C405.8.2. with ASME-AIMIC-SA 844 and have Does Not 1 EL2812 automatic Controls configured to reduce.speed.to the minimum.. I Not Observable permitted. speed in accordance with Not Applicable ; AS.ME A17:11CSA .844 or -applicable local code when not conveying passengers:. ... . C4055.3 Total voltage drop across the 4'&mplles ; Requirement will be met. EL29)' combination .of feeders and branch Does Notcircuits <=-5%. Not Observable Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High.lmpact (Tier 1) 2 Medium -Impact (Tier 2) - 3 Low lrripact (Tier 3). . Project Title: Building 2_Unit 3 and. 4 Report date: 09tU121 Data filenar6e, Page 17 of 21. 4 S Section. Insulation Inspection Complies? T. Comments/Assumptions C402.2.1. I insulation installed. on a suspended. ;Coirlplies 1 iceiling having ceiling tiles is not being i Doe.s.Not ; 1I142011 lspecifiedfor"rooriceiIing assemblies; Not.ObserVableContinuousinsulation.board installed I in.2 or,mor6 layers with. edge joints :Not Applicable ; offset between layers. C303.2 Building envelope insulation is labeled.; Complies ; IN10]2 with R-value or insulation certificate ;Does1providing'R-value,'and Not other relevant Not Observable., data.. W Applicable . C303.2 IAbdve-grade wall,insulation.'instalted ;Coitiplies IN7.11 1per manufacturer.'s Instructions. Does.Niot. ; Not. Observable : . Not.Applicable ..: C303,2, Floor insulation Installed per :. Complies C402,2.4 manufacturersinstructions.. Cavity or Does Not. IN9l2 structural slab. insul.atlon'Installed In Not Observable: permanent contact with underside of Applicabledecking. or structural slabs. Not ; C303.2.1 Exterl& insulation is protected From Complies IN1412 damage With a. protective material.. Opoes Npt Verification for exposed -foundation insulation may need. to occur during Not Observable ;. Foundation Inspection' ONotAppi]cable IZ104 I Installed. above-grade:wall. lhsulation Complies ;See the Envelope Assemblies table forvalues VN61:: ftype.and R-value'consistentWith Does Not ;. I nsulatlon specificatiuri& reported.ln Not_Observablelplansand,.COhlcheck teports. ONotApplicable C402.2.4 installed'floor insulation type and R- Complies ;Seethe EndelepeAssemblies table farvalues, IN8]2 value consistent.with insulation Opoes Not specifications. reported'i,n plans. and Not Observable , COMcheck'reports: Not Appllcable, ;. C402:2.6 Radlant panels and associated Corripiies 1R1813 components, designed for heat EIDoes. Not transferfrom the panel surfaces to the, ON Observable { oecupanls.or Indoor space are Not Applicableinsulatedwitha,rninimum.of R-3;5:.. C402,3 Agh4liedo roofs satisfy one of the Complies JIN513 following: :3=year-abed solar goes. Not reflectance>=_0.55and:thermal ernittance >= '0,75:or 3-year-aged Not Observable,. solar reflectance index >= 64.0.: Not Applicable :. C104 Installed roof Insulatlon.type and.R- Coil]plies. ;See the Envelope Assemblies table for values, IN21 lvalue.conslstent-withinsulation 115pecifications reported in plans and Does Not COMcheck reports. For. some ceiling Not Observable ONot A ' Ilcable ; pPlsystems, verification. may need to I occur during Framing: inspection:... . C402.5:1; All sources of air leakage in [he ';Complies 1. I.bulldlhg therMal envelope are sealeii, ODoes Not ilNl]1 caulked, gasketed, weather stripped pNotObservableforwrappedwithmoisturevapor- fpermeab. a wrapping material to - Not Applicable' ; tminimize:air leakage..'.. 1 I 0 Section Final inspection :- Complies? - Comiments/Assumpt;ions Re .ID C408.2.5. Furnished O&,M instructions fo; r Complies 2 systems and equipment to the Does Not iF117P building owner or'designated Not Observablerepresentative. j Not.Applica.ble C.402:5;6 iVJeatherseals in"stalled'on all loading U.Complies ; IFI3711 I dock cargo door openings and provide Opoes Noidirectcontactalongthetopandsides ; Not Observable ; Iof vehicles parked in.the doorway. L .. .. Not Applicable .. C402.5.8 Recessed luminaires in thermal ' Complies ; IF12613 envelope to lirriif infiltration and be IC D.oes Not rated.and labeled. Seal between interior finish and lurriinaire housing. Not Observable! Nat Applicable C403,2.1 HVAC systems and. equipment design Complies IF15013 loans calculated in accordance with 1 Does:NotANSIIASHRAI:IACCA Standard 183 or Not Observablebyan. approved equivalent computational procedure Not. Applicable ; .. . C493:2:2 . HVAC systems and equipment: UCorpiplies IFI2713 capacity does not exceed calculated • Does Not loads: . Not Observable Not.Appllcable ;. C403.2.4:. sHeatingand, cooling to each zone is. Complies 1 controlled 6y a thermostat control. Does Not 17I4713 Mlnlinunl one Humidity control device pNot.Observable ;. r».«:„.:•>,- per installed huinidificatlon/dehurbidificatiori Not:App.Iicable. , system. C403:2.4; Heating and cooling to each zone is Complies 1 controlled by a thermostat control., Does Not IFI47P Plinimurri.one humidity.control devlce l]Not Observableperinstalled humidificationfdehtimidificatlon li ; Not App 'cable ,. i system. C403,2.4., Heating and cooling to each zone.1s 1 Complies.. 1. controlled by a thermostat control.., 1EIDoes Not IFi4711 Mkiimum:one' Humidity control device pNot Qbse. rvabl2perInstalled humidlficationfdehumidification PN6tApplicable j system. C403,2:4: Heating and cooling to each: zone 1s complies 1.' controlled by a thermostat control. • Does toot j IF1471.3 Minimum one humidity control devlce I]Not Observable ;. per installed. humidificationldehumidification Not A licable . ; . - PP system: C403 2.4. Thermostatic'controls have a-.S-°F Complies 1.2• - deadband. UDoes.Not i F1381} Not Observable: QNot A0,plicable tagQ3:2;1. Temperature controls have setpoint Complies ; 1.3- overlap restrictions. C]Does Not- F12013 . Not Observable j Not Applicable . C403.2.4, Each zone.equipped with setback Complies. ; 2, controls using automatic time ciock or Does o19ot IFI34]' programmable'control system. Not Obseryable ; O NotApplicable.., 1_ Mgh lmpact (Tier-1) 2 Mr diem lmpatt•(Tier 2)' - •,3 Low impact (Tir (.3) .. Project Title: Building 2_Unit 3 and. 4 Report date: 09172/21 Data filename: Page -t9 of- 21 1 , 0. Section. Firial•Ilnspection ':: Complies? • ComnientsJAssumptions Req.lb C403.2.4. 'AutorwicControls: Setback to 55°F. I CoriPlies 2.1, .(heatj and 95.4 (cool); 7-day.6ock, 2- EliDoes Not, C403.2.4. hour occupant override, 10-hour Not.Observable2.2' F14013 backup DNot.'Applicabl.e C403.2.4. Systems include.optimum start ;Complies 2.3 controls as 'a function of space . Does NotF141)3 temperature, occupied setpoint . outdoor 1 Not Observable : temperature; temperature and atnount-of.time prior to' Not Applicable occupancy. C4012.4.. Systems -include_ optimum start. ;Complies 2.3 controls as'a function of space 0poes.Not FI41.13 temperature, occupied setpoint I NotQbservabte: temperature,.outdoorteinperature and'amount of .time prior to iONot.Apolic6b16 occupancy... C40 .2A. Systems Include optimum start. Complies 2.3 controls as a.function of space.: D ; oes Not - FI4113 temperature; occupied setpoint .. t0 mperature; outdoor temperature ONot Observable. ; and amount of time prior to Not Applicable ; occupancy.:.. C403:L4: Systems include.optimum start Complies 2.3 controls as a function of.space ElDoes Not F14111 temperature, occupied setpoint . temperaturei'outdoor temperature Not.Observable 1. . and amount of time prlorto: Not Applicable occupancy. C405;3.2 I Interiar installed lamp and fixture ;Complies ;5ee.tlreYntertor Lighting Rxtuie schedule for values. FI1811 1lighting power is consistent with what OD.oes' Nob1isshownontheapprovedlightingINotObservable: I plans; demonstrating proposed Watts Iare.less than or equa.l'to allowed i Not Applicable ; jwatts:.. C40SAJ I Exterior lighting, power is consistent Complies ,See the0terlor.LighOnq Rzare schedule for values, FI19]1 with what is shown oo'the approved Does Not ; I lighting plans, demonstrating iproposed watts are less than or equal 1 Not Observable: 1 Not•ApplicIItoallowe'd.watts. ; C408:1:1 I Building operations and maintenance 111Complies 1 Requirement will be met.. IF15711documents will be provided to the Oboes Notipwiner. Dvcumdnits.will cover lrrianutf cturers' information,.. 1pNot Observable1 . . specifications;.recommendations, Not. Applicable 1 programming, procedures and means of illustrating to owner how••bdIlding, . Iequipmentand;sy-Sterns are intended to be installed, maintained; and operated: Regular maintenance. actions shall be clearly stated on j I accessible label. C408.2.1 Commissioning plan developed by '.;[]Complies* F12811 registered design.professionaI or El,oes Not iapprnued agency. Not ObservableI IN at Applicable C408.2.3. I HVAC,equiprnent has been tested to - Complies 1 ensure proper operatlan. UDoes.Not . IFI31I1 Not Observable I : . I Not Applicable 1. tligh.lnipact (Pier 1j 2 Medium Impact 'Tier 2) 3 Low Impact {Ti:r3) . Project Title: Building 2_pnit 3 and, 4 Report date: 09f22/21 Data filename: Page 20 of 21. Section. Finallnspection Complies? CoanmentslAssuntptions Req.ID C408.2.3.. !.HVAC conirol systems have been Z]CcMplies 2 tested to ensure proper ope.ration, , Does .Not FI1011 calibration and adiustment of Controls. Not.Observable , . Not. Applitab le .. C4o8;2_4 Preliminary :commissionin jreport ;Complies . 1h29i1• completed and -certified by iegistered Does Not design professional or approved Not Observable.; 1 agertioy: I .' - ; • ;Not Applicable..!. C408.2 Fui`nished HVAC as -built drawln.gs ElComplies 1 submitted within 90 days of systeM 1 Does Not MP' acceptance. Not Observable ! - E] Not Applicable, C40,2.5. Art air. andlor hy* dronic system:.. ;Complies 3 " .. balancing report is provided for HVAC ',po6s:Noh, M4311 Iyystems, ' I Not Observable , : . L .: I Not.Applieable . C408.2.5: iFinal commissioning report due: to .. Complies - 4 :. - building Darer tirithin 90 da s of .. 9 y Does Not - - FI30i l receipt of certificate of.occupency . Not Observable ; .. Nat Applicable C408,3 Lighting systems. have been tested to I Complies . F133[1 censure proper calibration,.ddjust.ment, Does Not programming, and operation.. hint ObservableL. Not Applicable ; :..