HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Of Special InspectorPlannin and Develo ment ServicesLL! .LLL Builds and Code Regulations 2300 Virginia Avenue t1 = Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 NOTICE TO BUILDING OFFICIAL OF SPECIAL INSPECTOR I (we) have been retained by ceanglass:Ocean- Drive Development; LLC. , owner,- to- perform special inspector services in accordarice with: the Florida Statutes .471 & 553 and.the . Florida Building Code - 7th Edition 2020, Ocean.Glass Townhomes.- BLDG #2 rmit•# 2201-0101. Project Name: Pe Address: 1.0121=101-19 S Ocean Drive . City Jensen Beach Zip. 34957 NOTE: - ONLY THE MARKED BOXES APPLY SPECIAL INSPECTOR FOR PILINGS SPECIA.UNSPECTOR FOR SOIL COMPACTION AND FOUNDATIONS SPECIAL INSPECTOR FOR SHORING X SPECIAONSPECTOR FOR REINFORCING MASONRY.AND ALL CONCRETE ELEMENTS SPECIAL INSPECTOR FOR POST -TENSION CABLES AND ACCESSORIES x SPECIAL INSPECTOR FOR STEEL.AND/OR WE SPECIAL INSPECTOR FOR FLOOR AND ROOF TRUSSES SPECIAL INSPECTOR FOR PRECAST UNITS, TILT WALL, ATTACHMENTS & REBAR PLACEMENT SPECIAL INSPECTOR FOR CURTAIN WALL AND/OR STRUCTURAL GLAZING X SPECIAL INSPECTOR FOR PLYWOOD DECK AND/OR METAL DECK AND ATTACHMENTS X SPECIAL INSPECTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING (Ifnot identified above): Per the requirements of the Threshold Inspection Plan by Osman Engineering, PLLC The following individual(s) employed by this firm are authorized representatives to perform inspections on the project.named herein and are authorized by the signature and seal below 9.. Matthew Chaney (BN#.7342) 2, 'Paul Dese.ntz.(BN# 7601) 3. Clyde Thirbenny (BN# 4046) 4. Bobby Wooten (BN# 8248) 5. Josean A. Duprey (BN# 7330, PE# 92178) a. Authorized Representatives 'of.an Engineer or an Engineer performing threshold inspections shall conform to Rule.61G15-38.00.4 of the F.A.C. & FL Statute Section 553:79(5)(6),(b) and (c); Sections 110.7 & 110.8 of the Florida Buildin_ g Code (FBC) b. Special inspectors performing building department required inspections shall conform to the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, comply with Section 110.8, and be licensed under FS 468' Part XII. Permission to perform these inspections may only be performed under specific authorization of the Building Official C. The special inspector may not serve as a surrogate in carrying out the responsibilities of the building official,:the architect, or the engineer of record d.. A list of all individuals performing actual inspections with their qualifications, resumes and license information shall.be furnished to the. Building Department for approval with this document: Only persons listed on this document and authorized by the Building Official or his/her representative will be accepted I, (we) will notify: the St. Lucie County Building Department of any changes regarding authorized personnel performing inspection services. I, (we) understand that.a Special Inspection .Log for each building: must be, displayed in a convenient location.on. the site for' reference by the St: Lucie County Building Inspector. All Page 1 of 2 Special Inspector. Form. "'Q29 (GFA Revision 2/14/2022) mandatory inspections, as required by the Florida Building Code, must be.performed by the . County. The St.:Lucie.County Building Inspector -must be called,:for all mandatory inspections.: Inspections performed by the Special.lnspector hired by.the Owner are in'additionyto the mandatory inspections performed -by the Building Department. Upon completion of the work under each Building Permit, I (we) will submit to the St.. Lucie County Building inspector at the time.of final inspection the completed inspection log -form and a signed and sealed staterhent per FS553.79(9)(a). the, nr ' ' n^prn%ie rhnr QG*o n en4innc Innri riarnv4S 01 HAnnrj nhnlin aiiA ihef EngineerPrinted: Name: P H.' D nforth Engineer Signature:. Company Name: GF - rnational,. nc. 4/a. Universal Engineering Sciences (Registry #4930) Address:. 607 Commodity Cove. City: Port St. Lucie State: FL Zip: 34986 + Phone (772) 924 _3575 PE # 44653 .. Sl #f 1.103 Signed & Sealed: Owner/ Agent Printed Name: Igal Zakhodin Owner/ Agent Signature: _= For Si Lucie County Office Use Only Date document received % / By: H. DANFO'',. o. 44 3Z Q STATE O AL Permit # . Authorization: Date: ! / Page 2.of 2 Special , Inspector Form. 2/17/2020 y Ron De FBPESantis, Governor FLORIDA BOARD OF, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS W. STATE.OF FLORIDA- BOARD OF POFESS1 AL ENGINEERS. THE PROFESSIONAL ENC I EERIIN-IS.LICENSED UNDER THE OFPROVISIONS CNAFIXEFLORIDA>STATUTES PECIAL II _SPECTOR NUMBER 3 t y DA FO99TH PAULHOWARD q r,,tt R,SON PO.NT FLAG1 sbH ,?prn,a . elf"R tU.P TER -Ft 33W! LICENS NrUW16ER: PE4'653 EXPIRATION DATE: FEBRUARY 28,•2023 " Always verify licenses:online.at MyFloridaLicense.com - Do not alter this document in any form. This is your. license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document. ti Ron .DeSantis, Govemor Julie I. Brown, Secretary STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF:BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION .. : . BUILDING ,CODE Dlv ft S'r-M, TORS & INSPECTOR UNDER. THETHESTANDARDINSPECfOR- _EREI, _ rISC-ERTiFIED .. DA SATUTESPROVISIOSOFCH_tPlE46$F OR fit `BLDG. CH AHEEgo ND-. 5 p58 U lA LA NNTICAVE,= DERAYBEACH3LICIrNSE NUMBER: BN7342 EXPIRATION DATE: NOVEMBER 30, 2023 Always verify licenses online.at My Floridal-icense.cdm: Do not alter this document in any form. This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION 2601 BLAIR STONE ROAD TALLAHASSEE FL 32399 Congratulations! With this license you become one of the nearly one million Floridians licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Our professionals and businesses range from architects to yacht brokers, from boxers to barbeque restaurants, and they keep Florida's economy strong. Every day we work to improve the way we do business in order to serve you better. For information about our services, please log onto www.myfloridalicense.com. There you can find more information about our divisions and the regulations that impact you, subscribe to department newsletters and learn more about the Department's initiatives. Our mission at the Department is: License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly. We constantly strive to serve you better so that you can serve your customers. Thank you for doing business in Florida, and congratulations on your new license! a STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT dbpr OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION BN7601 ISSUED:09/09/2021 STANDARD INSPECTOR DESENTZ, PAUL CHRISTOPHER S gnatur LICENSED UNDER CHAPTER 4fi8 RIDA STATUTES EXPIRATION DATE: NOVEMB 0, 2023 Ron DeSantis, Governor Julie I. Brown, Secretary STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION BUILDING CODE ADMINISTRATORS & INSPECTOR LICENSE NUMBER: BN7601 EXPIRATION DATE: NOVEMBER 30, 2023 THE STANDARD INSPECTOR HEREIN IS CERTIFIED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 468, FLORIDA STATUTES IPWRIDESENTZ, PAUL CHRISTOPHER 0 t 1673 SW HAMPSHIRE LN PORT ST LUCIE FL 34953 Y ISSUED: 09/09/2021 Always verify licenses online at MyFloridaLicense.com Do not alter this document in any form. This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document. Ron DeSantis, Governor Julie I. Brown, Secretary a d-b- STATFLORIDA- DEPARTMENT OF.BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATLON ILDING' CODE; DM N, - --r%TJ RS & INSPECTOR.. ' THE STANDARD OP E ' EREI.15RTI,FIED UNDER THE PROVISION% S-N'OF '1468,—FL C—kl;APTOIDA STATUTES ZZO THI!B1NY CL. Ep 38& EA1XE,'PL- t l ° EP-'LM BEACH_"sFL 334©7 LIC NSE NUMBERc BN4046 EXPIRATION DATE- NOVEMBER A 2021 Always verify licenses online.at MyFloridaLicense.com. Do not :alter this document in any form. This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the -licensee to. use this document. pFy Ron DeSantis, Governor _ ' Julie I. brown, Secretary o Florida STATE.OF FLORIDA- DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION BU..RAtTOR .. . ILDING ;CODE,. D:MI h S & INSPECTOR THE STANDARD INSPE y X ` EREI CIS CERTIFIED UNDER THE PROVISIO SOFA HAPTERL`O,RIDA,STATUTES yBLD.G . _ TWO Ia ITT B.BY DO 1g, 3311 V1%: S0, IHimac+ r - FsLf34972OKEGHOBEE• , ,: LICENSES `UMBER: BN8248 EXPIRATION DATE:. NOVEMBER 30,'2023 Always verify licenses online.at MyFloridaLicense.com: Rol IM Do not alter this document in any form. x This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document. Ron Desantis, Governor RPE$ _ 4' L' .. .. .. .. " PROFESSIONALBOARD OF, STATE OF FLORIDA, BOARD. -OF PROF 10NAL'ENGINEERS. THE_PROFESSIO,N L16ISI E i EtN:IS.L N ED UNDER THE PROVISIONSOF APTER 4`71.FL DA TATUTES Pam' .. • DU -PR l( RODR SUE-Z,J:, 5 1 ANDRES 4'1 SENELP. ,TT®N TEjiRORTS'T'LUCIE FL 349¢53 r Iry 171LICENSELNUMIBER: P-§, 78 EXPIRATION DATE: • FEBRUARY 28,1023 Always verify licenses online at MyFloridaLicense.corh:, Do not alter this document in any form: This is your license.•It.is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document: