HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Compliance Affidavitg]UNIVERSAL®.
Ocean Glass Townhomes
Building 2
1.0101 S Ocean Dr.
J each, FL 34957 . . Jensen B ,
Private Provider.. .
Plan Compliance Affidavit
Private Provider Firm:-.:. Uniyersal.Engineering.Sciences ..:
Private Provider: : John Carl Peterson
Address: 607:NW.Commodity.Cove, Port St:-Lucie;Florida34986 .
Phone: - 772-924-3.575 Fax : 772-924-3580 .:
Email.. gfascheduling(a,universalengineenng:com
I hereby .' certify 4hat to the: best .of in knowledge and :belief the plans submitted were
reviewed .for and',are in: compliance with' .'the 'Florida Building Code ,and all local:
amendments -'to the Florida. Building Code by. the following: affiant; who.: is duly
authorized to perform plans review pursuant to Section .553,791, Florida Statute and
holds the appropriate license or .certificate:
Name: John Carl Peterson : Plan- Sheets: AO-00, AO-01, AO-07, AO-08, A0-09, A040A, A0=10B,
A0-10C,'AO-11, A042, A043; AO-14, AO-15, AO-18, A1-.10; Al-11, Al-20, Al-.AIAl-22, Al-23, Al-. 24,
A1-25;,A1'-26; A1-30,.A1-31, Al-32-, A140; Al-41; A1-42,.A1=50; Al-5.1; A1-52; Al=53, Al-60; A1- 61,
A1-62,'A1=63; Al=64, Al-65' EO-01; El-01; -E1=02,.E1-03; E1-04, MO-01-MI-01;-M1=02; M1-03; M1- 04,
M2.00, M3.06, M3:01,.P0-01, P1-00, P1-61, P1-02, P1-03; P1-04; PS-01, P5-02; P5-03; P5-04;.,P6-01;. P6.
02, P7-00, SB4-01,'SB4.02, SB4-03,'SB4-04, SB4105, SB4-06, SB4-07, SB4-08,: SB.4-9, SB4-10, SB4- 11,
SB4-12, SB4-13; 04-1.4; SB4715, SB4-16, SB447, SB4-18, SB4-19 Florida
License/Registration/Certifrcation #(s) and: description Kyle
Sawchuk yCrray.Vigrass Mike 1VI4'ya11. AR96356
PX3589 PX1700: Signature
of.Reviewen SWORN
AND SUBS BED before:me by. John Carl Peterson, BU#1721 being
personally known to me • or having produced as,'ideiitification and.
who.being fully sworn,and:cautioned; state that1Nrt
foregoing is true. and correct to. the best of his/her knowledge or belief ure
of NotPrint Name Public:
NOTARY STAMP BELOW .My commission expires:. oIX
Public •,State of Florida F`
Commission # HH 130136 My
Comm. EzRl es May 16, 2025 Banded
through National Notary Assn.
Geotechni,cal EngineeringURIVERSALConstructionMaterialsTesting & Inspection
ENGINEERING SMEN.CES Building code compliance
occupational Health. & Safety
Grounded in Excellence Building Envelope
Alternative Service Agreement
Project: -Ocean Glass Residence Bldg:-2: 10101.South Ocean. Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957`
Private Provider. Firm: Universal- Engineering Sciences -
Private Provider Name: John Carl Peterson
Address: 607 Commoditv Cove. Port St. Lucie:. FL_ 34986
Phone: (772)•924-3575 Fax: (772) 924-3580 .
Names, License/Certificate Numbers, and License description of provider and duly authorized agents 'who,.will .be providing
services for this .project.: .
Name: License/Certificate.No:a License/Certificate Type:.
Kevin Hempel BN#:2335, RPX#1507 Inspector — Building, Mechanical, Electrical,
Don Determan. BN#:4688 . InspectorBuilding (1-and.2 family);:Plumbirig Josean
Duprey BN#•7330. Inspector _ Building : :. Carl
Peterson BN# '5555- RPX# 243 . Inspector—, MEP, Building . Michael
Banton BN# 8067 Inspector = Building (1 and 2 family), Mechanical; Plumbing
Green BN#7301• Inspector . Electrical p — Vincent
Burdo . BN# 5.337.Ins ector =Mechanical; Electrical, Plumbing' As
the private inspection services provider for this project, I have read and agree to be bound:to the provisions -of State Statute
553.791. I further agree and understand that only the above listed personnel may perform inspections on this project
and that if for any reason the ins ectio • ersonnel should change; or if any person fisted above should discontinue, to
quality as a duly authorize' t; wi a Y iting immediately. - Representative
Name: Signature
of Florida, County of Palm Beach, Sworn
to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this . 4 day of , 2021, b O)* U `I, 1n who
is personally, known to me: 4L
name of -Notary Ignature of No Notary.
Public Stamp: EFuNES da Yvplody
r'r . ! ppbll NH t30 01g - - • MY
Notice of Building Official of Use of Private Provider
Project Name: Ocean Glass Residence -Building 2,10101 South Ocean Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957
Parcel Tax ID:
Services to be provided: Plan Review X Inspections X
Note: If the notice applies to either private review or private inspection services, the Building Official may require, at his
or her discretion, the private provider be used for both services pursuant to Section 553.791(2) Florida Statute.
as the fee owner, affirm I have entered into a contract with the Private Provider indicated below to conduct the services
indicated above.
Private Provider Firm: Universal Engineering Sciences
Private Provider: John Carl Peterson
Telephone: (772) 924-3575 Fax: (772) 924-3580
Email Address (optional): gfascheduling (aD-universalengineering.com Florida
License Registration or Certificate #:BU1721 I
have elected to use one or more private providers to provide building code plans review and or inspection services
on the building that is the subject of the enclosed permit application, as authorized by_s. 553.791, Florida
Statutes. I understand that the local building official may not review the plans submitted or perform the required
building inspections to determine compliance with the applicable code, except to the extent specified in said
law. Instead, plans review and/or required building inspections will be performed by licensed or certified personnel
identified in the application. The law required minimum insurance requirements for such personnel, but
I understand that I may require more insurance to protect my interests. By executing this form, I acknowledge that
I have made inquiry regarding the competence of the licensed or certified personnel and the level of their insurance
and am satisfied that my interests are adequately protected. I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless
the local government, the local building official, and their building code enforcement personnel from any and
all claims arising from my use of these licensed or certified personnel to perform building code inspection services
with respect to the building that is the subject of the enclosed permit application. I
understand the Building Official retains authority to review plans, make required inspections, and enforce the applicable
codes within his or her charge pursuant to the standards established by s. 553.791, Florida Statutes. If I make
any changes to the listed private providers or the services to be provided by those private providers, I shall, within
1 business day after any change, update this notice to reflect such changes. The.building plans review and/
or inspection services provided by the private provider is limited to building code compliance and does not include
review for fire code, land use, environmental or other codes.
T he following attachments are provided as required:
1 Oualification statements andior resumes of the private provider and all duly authorized representatives
Proof of insurance for professional and comprehensive liability per Florida Statutes s.533.79 i (16).
Individual Corporation
Print Corporation Nanre
Print Name
By. By.
signature) (signature)
Print name Print name
Address: Address.
Phone #: Phone #:
Please use appropriate notary block.
STATE OF Florida
Pint Partnership Name
Print narne Olen p <Zxq
Address. 1 SE Ocat., 3IVC4
FZ- 3 L(sVy
Phone # 2 3 31 `' °t ) -7Am V
Before me. this day of 20 __, personally appeared who
executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged before me that same was executed for the purposes therein
Before me, this _-_-._.__..______. dayof____._,__ _. _.....__.__..20, personallyappeared_—_,_-_ ^ of
4 ............._ _-, corporation. on behalf of the state corporation, who
executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that same was executed for the purposes therein expressed
Before me, this-,,-2 .__..day of '__ +, ?_ _ , personally appeared.•U P c
k> ' partner/agent on behalf of Aa pa nershi ,who execut he foregoing instrumentandacknowledgedbeforemethatsamasexecutedforthepurposedthereinexpressed
Personally known _-; or produced identification _ t!
h_ _ type of identification producea;gl Li 2 c hl/(Ia t
Sig natu o ary
RYAN SCHNELLNotaryPublic: NOTARY STAMP r+F • „ `Fj Notary PubNc State of Florida
j A' Commission a HH 054841
orxy- My Comm. Expires Oct 19, 2024
a.D. . _......
Print Name
My commission expires: