HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire Distric Review FormSAINT LUC VOW REV S.7Arlr(tV:.W , I3 fid"rigliepr: , PigJect Name. Address DISTRICT ive E983:' • f#2 Contractor BAY-WM CONSTRU"ON SERVICES Addres3' 48265ERAILWAI?bt City I STUART State FL Zip; 34997 Telephone 772 288-1337 llrchiteitlEngineer WRIGHT. ARDNER ARCHITECT Telephone 404: 218 8460 occupancy Type onsRiS: Ctruction Type V 8 ',Square Feet 0036 f iccupantLoad _of Stories Access6oz. N/A AccessKej;Swltch ' N/A iiCSPerrrit REQUIRED FAPermit FFREQUIRED PPermii N/A GeneralNot s,. ' ,, t An electronlccopy ofthe coristruciion dacuments submitted ona;CD is required: The'fifefbrinat3hali.be',.pdfonly. 2. `AI[`revtsions mcludirig the electroniccopy musttie receivedprior to perm(tting. 3 The Fire Marshal requires 2!i hour notice on all inspections 4 A l3adio coveragePie-Survey Signal Strength inspection isrequieed'befopre aeyfinalinspect on is scheduled.: _ 6 Failed inspections require payment Of feeprior to rescheduling of furtherinspections. 7PenetrationstF)roughrated assemblies hall beof tfwe p[oper UL design. Des gn criteria shall;6e submittedwith the constructionplans: 8 Fire al•arinpanels -shall be.I66tedindoors within air conditioned space. . 4. Plans and construction are subject to'correctionrinthe fieltl to,maintain code compliance: 10. Automatic fari shutdown is requiredfor.HVAC system/s that exceed 2,000; cfmdesca ign pacity, Ili The Installation or Alteration ofFire Sprinklers; Fire Alarms, and;Fized Fire Protection Systems require a separate review and.pennit, THE GURRENTLV ADOPTED VERSION DF THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE`'I5 ENF.ORtED.. EWILDINGS'WITN' LIGHT''FRAME TRUSS -!TYPE CONSTRUCTION.SHALL$E MARKED WITH APPROVED FIREFIGHTER SAFETY IAIARNING'SIGNS_ INACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA:ADMINISTRATIVE"CtjRES' 69A=3:012 AND 69A 60.0081 PRIOR TO. RECEIVING: XCERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY., See:General Note$LAtiove.and Required Revisions Below SPRINKLER`SYSTEMINSTALLREQUIRES ASEPARATE PERMIT. fl f I i; Page of 1 Reviewed'by $RIAN'PUTNAM Date 4/7/2U22