HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1443 '" 18!) 1 i j ; I .\' (. ~ - .- - - ~.. ~.~:'::~~i-;iw~~~- ~,,7~'~~ f~~:~J :' ":5tf:; ;:L'{fd, ~. ,"')'7. ~:~~.".:~kLti. -<..lt~<l.~....i. (' _~nd Slale oL. -.~ 1~' ( ~//r .... .. .Ad A. D. 19."~BET\\'~F.S u...y r . part! CJ of the first p2n. and of Ibe COUllly of. part-j-":" of tbe secolld pari, . WITNES..5ETH, T~~ Ihe said part.1.J.L of the first pan, for and in cOllsideration of the sum of _-,.lI~(. )I,:~_L'-l~/'d-f- s ~t"t'! . "c)_.____ Io.~~_l.)(, 'in hand paid, Ibe receipl whercof i. Dollus, ... hereby ackno,,'ledged. b~_l_::!:....__..__ gran lcd, bargained, .old and lra"sferrtd, ~nd by - h t grant, barga~n, sell and transftr IInlo Ihe said 1'2rl_t_- of lite stCOlld~1 and__-:-~.~ fl - 1.1. . , heirs a"./; ~;gns ~forn'er, all Ihal cerlain pucci of lalld Iring and bdng in Ihe Coun . of__.a.21J..!._. ' f (f I (.. -.'/r~l( - I I d. ....d f II ' '~-'~Z_&9. 1 --JJ/'.rA. "mce ~~:;;~.~;?~=/((oL7' a/l.-! //'/L~'; H, /i~ -AL_L' .-d/.d l' ~ 1"-: ~ / " 1\ ;ilL_E'I/L~_~..---L'1!: -dr. elf-; / 7' /,(, tf, ~/O,~~i!.._ _-f?(<<J./-_.~(''':C ..rLa2'i7.~'.1 ~~. ~i. //"'."'- /:/r_ /: ..%. ~--J~' D:- ~f ~ tt.- ~?/-G_LL_~_~~...l~_~_~ -L4.'~ .,>'/.'r~________ --7i-t.li1. :6:-,-, r ) / L- , t l.__LLLll..t:.~,-, 1.'. ~ '&..-, .-'~ t:kL ..-J/. ,I t' /-~ !.~J!.I- ~ ---/ ( - .., A) . Ii' .0 ..LJ<.<A.'{' , . m;:;. .-fur.~" 'l_->2L."L2"/. + oJ.!.; .111" t',{ f-"J:J '"Jf.c... .-f!L0-&.J G _________ - Ihesc pruenls do_ ...aad Slate of . [ TOGETII F.R with all lite lenrmenls, bcred;lamenh and appurtenance., \\'illt eycry prh-ileg~ righl. tille, interest and e.t:>le, dower and rij;hl of do,,-tr. "......ion, rcmaiadtr and usrmrlll thenlO bdollgi:tg or in anJ\\ise apperuining: Tv H.-\\"E ^:\D TO nOLO the .ame in fee .i:nrk forc'\"cr. __ / And the .aid parl.Lf..J!.. of tbe 6rsl put dO-_ co.-en.llt "ith Ih" .:>id yrt:!..j _ of :lte second part tha~1 of" IawfaUy sei...d of lite said premise.. IIt.1 Ihc)- are !rre from aU rncumbrallce~ and Iltal-_l.l!__f.'.;:-J", ~good righl and lawful aUlltority to sell tbe 5311I"; and Ihe ..id ~.~1t..._ of the nr,. part do_ hereb)' lully warr:lnl the IItl/lO said \:and, aad will defend Ihe same agaInst Ihe lawful claim. of all persons ..homsornr. /; 1:\ WITl\ESS WHEREOF, Ihe said part.iLL.. of the lil>t pari "..x.:.t:_-- hereunto sel ''I, (( .~~ hand..L and .uL-l.-, Ihe day .and Y~.;IIr aoo\"e writtto.. Signed, Sc~led and Ddi.-.red in OUr Prc.rnce: -=-~t--:-pzz~/{-' . ,jl?///~ ((-. (7~/HL, . flu" /1\' :/ ~ ___&;F~)" d, ,-//, . .-!~ ,// &.- ___(Su.I.) (Stal.) STATE OF ,,J/1:::f: 11/ COUnl)- of - -- -- - ___r--- , h ) 1 HEREBY CERTff(?-" Th h' f/k -:/1" I( rr rl '1 ?? l,' at on ';')-- _ _______day 01..__ . _ A. D. 19""':""" bdorc rr.e pmonallyappeared .' ,-l~j J 11 ;Ut.-.d!- i-;/ t_. '/(':...1. (fLl t;-.l~.t ,t.tt .. ;{{ ~ ~ {'('J r 10 me known 10 be tlte pruoa_ described in and wbo ueculcd Ihe ioregoing cOllnyance 10 --~h l /- 0;/,,-,;, '. ':t t:d~,J.J!.." --... : and sr"e~ly ackno..-Irdgcd _Ihe exe",:I}91l thereof 10 be /h( (.~ fne aU and deed for the uses and purposes thtrcin mcaliolled; and tlte said tf'tc {J.:b... A't l! tll lite wife of Ih/said !I.JI1l. ,; M ...4, ;{t;.. .____.___ on a separa!t aad pri,-ale examinatio.n taken and made by and beforc me. and scparalely and ap;lrl from bet laid hu,band, d,d ackno..-Icdge Ih.t ~he made herself a party to the !:ud Dud of Conny&nce, for tlte 'pu'~e of rrnouncing. relinquishing and conveying aU hr. right. lille and JDt~re.I, wbulter of do..-" or of up:anle property, slatulolJ' or "'quIbble In and to the laad, Ih....n d..cllbrd. and lhal she e1<<utcd s3id deed freely and ,'olunlarily and witbcut any con.lraiat, fear, apJ,rehellsi9n or compulsion of or from her .aid husband. -~l._---Zi;i ~r OL_:::-'~-~ZLLA~ WITNE~ my /4'1 , ia tlte Counly oj c X' --16 ,,{ -<< ~Ihe. day and year lasl afore,ai". r. r/;~r~__(Sral) tf-., l~<-./'/ -If"., I' - - ST.\TE OF FLORIDA, } Q County of St_ Lucie_, t;.- ~~ On thi. ;l4~/ day -of / ;';;;' << ..' / ^- D. 19L!:." at o'clock, ___ ___~~~ this inslru:at was lilrd for record., and beine dul,. adaaowleqed aad rronn, I ban recorded tbe Ulfte on pacc- /1'(5' - #.._Of nooL.!I.:/~ ia Ihc Public Records of said Couat,. ~(j IN \\ ITNESS WIfEREOF, I ban Iou 0 .ct ~.d aad allixed the seal of the Circuit Court of tbe Ydtet1lth Judicial ~C1Iil of sai,) Stale in ..d for .aid County. & tf/ /"41 :~ 6. ~/d; /" r{' Clerk. J ary.>,( -1) <,h-//~" ~ 11 D. C. ... ..; ,'. '~"<- ":.-',~ _-, ':<:;\;_ ~-f-_';:-:-:-~:-'~:-,:- ;.-." '. ,7. ~ .:..;_ ':". "t "... ....r. _'..--~~. . . . . . ~ . . ~ ~--,;.'" &-- .. ~ .. . . .~. .. '.-- =:~- . : :: ..~;. .;. -,.-.' .....~--.-)~=:~> -.:>'--,::- .~ . .'