HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEY�_ 6�,un�ary Survey For• . � - Larry. t Dorothy Lon-q 1 t -- t Vt. 1 _ 104 i. ^ORAPF4C SCALERI:c• -'�, - I = I r; BLOCK 4 m i' - 1 - U LO T I - n I LOT 15 ` LOT I S ' t (OECUPIED) CL •.. — -20. = FWD 5/8" IR&C 1tJ m_- e F t¢ tJ7 Frn' S/B' IRS PWI-5543 set L9MOVE „ 0 d `FND PK NAIL 1- - -IN CUT ' No 10) r 0.14E/0.01'S 396.18' r -- S89-52.14"E FND NAIL FND NAIL G DIS✓, x fNCUT OUT IN -.CUT-OUT 1 (NO Tb} .r. _ 0.26'E . i FND NAIL z IN CUT-OUT J : (NO ID) /� 1 - 004N/0.01W.-, AVENUE l_.4 CERTIFIED TO t prry fr L Oro'hy Long MIN. SETB�K REQ. FRONT �. SIDES ' CNR SIRE- REAR 1 ZNG. TECH.. LOT 3 LOT 2 t - oxr�oea -n • 40.14 20,56'. Q51W2: 5/8" IR&-C 'PI `'• rI oa. .r 4235 _ N89-52-14"W (C) ,9' 120.00`(PI �^ SWALE �681,Di: N ah 601 50' RICNT OF WA �• 1 13't ASPHALT PAVEMENT STREET ADDRESS 3304 AVENUE S LEGAL DESCRIPTION Being all of Lot 17 & 18, Block 4; according to `:he plot of SUNLAND GARDENS, as recorded in plot book 8. page 32, Public records, St, Lucie County, Florida. . GE.ND.-& ABBREVIATIONS fN01/2 IRhC - LONC, .D NOTEa C011„RETE P.B.- DENCTES PLAT BOO< , -f'CP �OENOTES PERM ANEIIT CONTROL POINT C.M. DENOTES CONCRETE urr`:rA.4�r:i :22- 0 32 E/004 N ((P DENOTES PLAT DATA O.R. DE:/OYES Or %eCAt PECORnS i.fJi I (C� -.DENOTES CALCULATED FROM FIELD MEA9JREUENTS- IR' & c DENOTES IRON P.s 1 :AP R Of IOTES _PROPERTY UNE, PG.' DENOTES PAGE (M)DENOTES MEASUDARED YA COii. DEI4OTES CORNER ID -DENOTES IDENT1nCATION NUMBER.P.O.B, DENOTESPO'.ttT 0• t - DEN07ES FLOW LINE_ _ OF 140TES PUNT: OF C OW.-D Els 'I DENOTES TOP OF BANK ' t - I.P. DENOTES IRry4 PIPE TYP "DOIOTES TIPICAL LR. D=140T-S I�yI.POD I fND DENOTES FOUND U.E. DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT LB. :'DENOTES LICENSED BUSWES" - P.I. DENOTES POINT G' :NTr'P.SEC'n�W ' Q`H.0 -DENOTES OVERNEAD:UTIUTIES - - P.LS. DEt10T-a PiiOi'E54C!1A1 LWiO SJR"�!^A i �® .,DENOTES WATER. METER- - OF NaTES.EL JA71riN (r?;Ct1) - xrz�f BSL DENOTES BUILDING SETBACK LINE - I ,GENERAL NOTES.: 1 e bea"' - Th rrn s shovrn he e - on ar reler nc h i 9 d'_to t o Pion• f w . a ay of NJr2TN 33R0 Er' _ �-- h¢ving a beocing of, N00 24 3c'E Acordin� to 'Lhe plat of SUNLa!D GARDENS, r eco: ded-. G boot 8 page 32, Public r_cords or St luau C'oanty, Florida. OT 19 6z I 2 All above ground' fixed improvemep" If o ,y, have been located and shown. hereon. Q 3. Underg ound utlities and utI liy services hOVe not been located on this surv>_y. 4 'Flood Note B 'rci hicPlotting.onf this property ' g (�� y-g P y.- pro ert 1s in Zone "X", occordin to tie c 3 Fload IiTsuronce'Rofe Mop, Comnlinity Panel No. 121111130178 F , effective date August j 19 194T ;The exact oesionotron con only. be determined by an elevation certificLte. i `. o R pradsctlon o ..thls map are not-.,alld'without the signature and or[gin,ol raised s ez- z0 of a Flordc Licensed' Surveyor &. Mapper. o. L nos shViM hereon were not, abstragted by this office for rights -of -way, easernenis 1 of re ark;_ own rship abandonment s,deed restrictions, or !.4urptiy Act Deeds. t �P o . asae ol 1d work wa;_November 27. 2005. f� The lt btf f1 -m iy 8: ;4ddl inns or deietior§ to survey maps or reports by other than the Signirig party j h IW v or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing t" ^i o g a party or per 1es. l S 9. EI votians shown here an are in. feet and ore based upon. NGVD 1929. �PLSp 2391 � - i C. C2'E. j,1.c3'S I R E_—KI 1 - JAN 31 2022 ST. Lucie County, Permitting BENCHMARK 6a4cirwi K EAST/e't SOUT,4 FND PK NA:L FROM 'I I15 POIN'. w CUT-OUT ELEv=21.9Y NGW i929 L Charles Arnold Professional Surveyor & Mapper Dot i Signed Florida Certificate No. 4971 REVISION; ADDED -FORMS A.RD 11/25 05 a - Date 6/8/10' CONSUC7iNG ENGINEERS I Boundary Survey For: Date sia;os 1 1 r^ r �r FB 0634/70 � LAND SURVEYORS f La: I ; L�ornihy Lan,_:,. CULPEPPE2 I 06-354/001 1 --=� 2930 sactTl4 251n sn;�, ; �1r Scale: 1"=30' FORT PIERCE, FLO.RMA 349SI c Fes.t Pierce, FloridaFlerlda i L j TERPEi IdCzLNc. M,,2) -64-3537 —{ Drown y. TL uce,.e"' eoslnc- N. 4255