HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1463 1 '-_: 205 .. r i ~ L __ _ .4.11 1 TillS I~D:~~~'~~' :~:~- t~i~'_~L~ __.~~y ~~~_Z;;;;~, ~~ -A. D. 19-a-~: BET\Ht:N l~U.nt"i A.~~ul. {'toh,J.rl;3.....n.. {.t>~,..'~lt;.&...t:fL'ab~. . /#~C~\/ r6 /au... '7 -d. /&~ -f-.J.:::lf;~- AtI",'J ;fi . ;t;u''''''',l '."/~L" (:-tH, ~~_Il-...c..- h) . oJ .. tilt> Counl. of ;.'JC.~~...-~ Jnd Slale of~ t:.1..UU2. part4- of Ibe first pari, and . ..J-. . ) J _1LZ.!l&.tt- uf ll.Ji D-/tdtt ,r-' ..._____._~ - .____.. L / / //. . of the Counl)' of. ([..~ ,-;,,- . and Slat.. of._._~!..J~!J.._ ___parl..!:j__~ Jhe s<<oad pari, WITNESSETH, Thai Ibe said part of Ihe firsl part, for and in ronsidenti"n of Ihe sum of .,..J€.J.~.../.~~_.~...: Ikr-t!-._L;:l..!!.d. ."..:1t~_-1i1ll.'1 ~ - {l~- _____. .' ~ Dollars,: '.J- ttlfi."LE.(. !, nc....;t:...l.o<.t( '..." '1'''"' "..,( ('/'''~I' ",.L. to....A.__ in hand paid. the r<<c1l!t. whereof is bereby 'V....owledg.d, h~.~_.,._---:-_ gnnled, bargaiaed. .01d"w.~..J. and by -:-I "lc~~)'~~ 1.1"....11.., LtI~~d#/(., C,.....$tcl-t'.t ,")t.1< r"~/.t->>". . Ihese prescnl. drli.. grahl, b3rgaill. sell" Il(Ido. tnMu unto Ih~ ~id put1--- of Ihe _ ~ecolld 0 part and_-1..~~.____. heirs and assigns fore...r, all Illat ccrlain parcel of bnd lying and being i.. the Counly of___.I'U!..e.t.~f..~r-;::-_;';_UdlSl:lle of ~ ') ~~. L- ----:T""------m.ore parlic1nrlr d<:uibed a. fo~ows: __t:2LL-r-.:3Lu.tie..J.f.... '~ll..l.:.t;). !td.L.umf .iI" Gh.il- ~ 5fi::~'("i'iU( ~ ~ (""1. /.t:d ""A7J.<.wL, ~~;, .1L~' 'I(dk~'h ~. :4~--~!.jt-_f!.'LdL'/ 'Y./. ~l /:T:-~21: :~ -lft:::.. LU--;H~ (?-'ll~_JC<!-~t. fi/fd;. / cr~fa1iJ.:-'7~1---..::.rzl'L 41. at' thL: hCr--J~' ("t. ~(I.>5-L.... .-&..('. r"~1-'4- .~ /~f l/j,{ 4./ 4;JOJ.._!i.,L.dfLLLL'>;~-e -;j~'4j.:.!~f-_.<.td~).1'1' -_3. .kli€"'H'T'Y1Z."~ -~L _";'1.uL;~ f'/,'~'a( ~/h":'/1~~.. '--. ' / _.-:.!p_~~___..!.tJ. 7-/ a..ld .rJ<'- f t'c</..Lil.." _~y.('..p. I <// _Or""/' -';'((..L~_ '~~-7,-~~.(f?l '~a( ~:-<:J..L a,/./(' /,L ))frt.<._0- .p-l.-___. z'A~fla.:M'(' JA.'t:l~~. ____.___ ,. --~f:--'- . . . ---:----------.-------.-- .. (-1-17~==~.-L . ~c~ (J~= /~ ~ J-z:l~/ f''l~/?...~!..~~~~- ) r TOGETHF.R ..-itb all lite leatmenls, bercdilamrnl' and appurtenant.-. Witb nery pritilrge, rifhl, Iii!'. inteu,t and ,.tal<,..... t. OR. ';1'1101 8i ........... rttusion, <<maindu and easemtnt thtr<lo belonging or in an~"ise ap~rlailling' TO I .-\ \"E .-\XD TO HOLD the same in ftt sunp!.- for~\'C'r. . . And Ihe said foar"*-. of lite 61$1 part d;;;J~ co.-enarl ...illt 111< .ail l'U""t'--.- of tht ..colld part tbaL~~_b,,"fUIlY sriud ,I) 11..... J of the .aid premi<<<. Iltal Ihey ue frtt from all encumbrances and th.t~/r./Ld....~good riKht and lawful aUlhority 10 ,.11 lb. ':>m.; and lite ..id part.1-- of Ibe fir.. pari doC"'::" Itere~y fullL ~~,~:.t I~e Iii'" t'l ~ I,..~d, and ",ill ~dtnd_lhe same "ViM-' th;" bwful claitn./~ 01311 P<'non~ who?oc:"~r. .U.li' -(I'I~'- ,....6..,-- r~ .f \-t?.;.~ ,., 1/-: ; al'.L. -t'117~ /'~..,,-..6c..o/. a_A.- ~i I} WITXL;~ WHE~ .~F, th~ said N!!1-~ of th~ fils1 ~arl 1-3 _v_:""._ ~~..._ 91' ..M."__ 8"d ,..1 11t..- ..... r'I <'"14,(. ...,.,t.. 7~ ~(.., ~'J.,.I_ ,,)rG.~ / 1 /. _.,~ -/ /.. _ hll...u.lI -bon ,.)vrinm. .,...- . J ~. .>--~ -. (,~ 1 .- .'~ ""~J {1(4',.. -f .- ./ ~, . {l;O e 1J~")o_ \J ~ I.- .J ..2'::J'i-t:"::l::;;--":;I~.,,, ( 1/ \ .') . (' -;}.([ -~./:: '/Jr i.~~j . \ ~'// ;11 ~"f'/-t- ~~;:A.t--rl'l". L. tr~1~I'j- _(SuI.) . ,- \old. C ~ ' /f} /,- \ ---- )7 o.rl, ;/:frnf'/.."':..I'_, '-- _(s.d.) , / /U4,,/c..p r- STATE OF-4.(~ ;, n<~ . Count)' of __Ll_~ t .k~ t I HEREBY CERTIFY, !hat on Ihis :2/ J-I-: . day of. &r~u"l- .\. D. 19~, heforc me '11/'1../ ~ . /,~/ .I ~.. f --' . / /.../ -/ prrsonallr. a~prar.d 0- /t"~'/"r,._ ,-,~.- -';' _!2.!...;;'''''' ,(4-:.11..,-/, l':~'I' .cde:'.-r'<.. ,.r<<;/ 'r"~..J.~-J-_-?'_{~t. _~ur~"-":4r '_d,.rltrl'~/""] "l:. t"r.jr..,.~~... . rrl'r~ "( rp..~ 7 7/.-..J/r,/, '/_:i"/......:.I;,- ..J r 10 mt lcaown t<:l he Ihe ~fson&:: dt.cribeN"in and who u.cutcd Iht forrgoing conn:fance to_.li..~~.......~4.f.~~_ __ . -';.__ .' ru .....'11';.......01. ;ltf4-t~;';, and ".-.rrally a<lcn~"...tdged Ihe txtCUllon. thereof to br /, .....( t __hoc acl and deed'lfor Ibe u(u and purpo.u lbudn mentioned; and ~ r t111.!.'~ 1''-lAL &- 7/.(.. 7J.,.h~t ....141 ? ~rc/~IZ/;;'2r. au~~ 7'~ -<':NA ~/x.-!._(zr~HrcuZj:':;k ....fl.l>f.l.... ~;L.. Ad ~Hd d-cL-!l.--2f<<.d..~nn.t-;,., . 'lQ&.~''''''''J I .,,~ P"iut. ~......~.:-.....&:r.-...... an. IHII.J. l1r~-~ ~rl'l."'. .....~ ..rllll) ...d _......1 r. ll, I.i. f,-"L..._". ~:4 .~k-':" l'"~a ~t ~Ia. ...de lturlT'r . ....,. '8 tII. 1,,11 9114 .f C_u.....r_...~. fIr till .,u,a.. ef FIRIH..i.. ....,:-'i..;...;..... --4 '"J'qA fyi-I ::all i.~~ ~J~l. .~1I.. aM ""mte.fI!JI. . " .t....... n.r. 4i1W'lr IIf.,b.f ."'a..I" Y'-ru.1.I' .ktltlt.n." 8' 11".:-,\1, .. .ft. I!>"" tin. I_..L 'II-....i.... "'~c...r:h,d :.nd Ih~1 "h.. ~xecuted 5~c! '....u., ......... .. i Y....."],. ani ~dl.__t .1d;J ...."'...~l._._'. I{.L..... .L&>t"...hu~:uuu UI I Vl....ful.........". ~f Do. fro.. "WI :.;d ~_Jh&ll... 2~ ~;4j-l-lrcr,;;?~ SUle oL__. -- ". I I i~ ')JTl'ESS my ,ignature and ollicial seal, a' A/:~k in tb. County of ( .= STATF. OF FLORIDA, } Counl.. "f St. Lucie~ " . /d On tbis- ! .. ;......-t: /~n /L-t._ .. 0.192"1--",' .r Q clay of ~_ n. _ o'doel., __._.._M, thi. ia!lrum~nl was &I,d for record. aad heia.. dull' acbowledced aad !,lOnD, I ban recorclcd the lame OD pa..~ .s of .f!! BooL!l7----. ia the Public R<<ord. of ~d. Couat)'. . ~ . 'V 11\ WIT1\ESS WHEREOF, I bn hS"conlO let ml' baDd aad affixed lilt sn! of the Circvit Court of the F"aflemllt Jadidal Circuil of u-ili f -,.-.., Stalc in ...d for .aid COWIt)'. ..' "p L ~ ~ r"''{~(~f V (C: !:)(;/.--< ~<:;,.,. \." 6y),{ :l~i6,~?f., ~ DC. " ~.(:.. ;.~. ..;.~;~;0;-:::-::.::;~.:~}:;) .;:<.::~:'~' , <'.' -", ...~_::-.-.,:~..:~~.~~-.?~<: , "'. F\ ~'. _. . 'l.:'