HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTII PERMIT # iI\d �1 I ISSUE DATE II PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RECEIVED Building & Code Cozl� Hance Division SEP 0 8 2021 St. Lucie County BUFLIDING'PERMIT Permitting SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company Name/Mvidual Name) the EL.ECTRI(:IAN Sub -contractor for ('Type of Trade) - have agreed to t)e POOL DOCTOR OF THE PALM BEACHES (Primary Contrtictor) For the project located at 7413 LAURELS PLACE, PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL_ 34986 (Project Street Address or Property -tax 115 #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding.our participation With the -above mentiolred project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. in. CONT O TI_ lAYORE (Qualifier) PQ�.�� RINT RA C '15TLf COUNTY CERTI , ATIOM p� State of Florida, County - " - ll The foregoing instrilment was sign(�ed'\before me UZ? t � of J ,2Da,by O�V� C�ia _1C f echo Is personally ktiotvnor hasprateed e _ as identification. STA1bIp Revised 11/16/2016 r SUB -COS R BIGNATURF, (Qnallliery PRIM AME COUNTY CERTIFICATIONN NUMBER State of Florida, County of S/-- Thu Fore ;Ding instrunir''ntllSvsie slgne�d heforo me thl nay of by y who is personally Rnow5'Llor has produced a as Identification, STAMP siguatu'Woy ary Publ4 Print Na ie of Notary PAW LY�;N BELLIZZI ' I\' = GZd2di%Iy C0XSS4 EN1 1RD., .lui=o.2022 ... - !i; of