HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1493 .. 235 . (' . ... TillS IN."'~TURF. W... "i. -1,: .;:: ~(~.1i~; 2_._~:, ~I;o?i:~~;~' .. _:.4._,.:.w-JiJ./LLtL. I'll(,,/ 4(" . , '/~___e:to.uAi.. ~-..! ",.1 -,; /': r" /i: ' . / of the COUnl)' of ~,J-J{.~ u,,"r. .and SI31e of--2/..::- ...~r/7. ...__./r, ~c_,.ti~. . _.. __ .f .b. Cw..,.1 . ,j... ./;"'l. ._~~~~:~,:~.~=~- !flr~ . ''''j_ of... '_".." WIT~F.~TII, Tlial the said pari ,i.tJ. o,f the firsl part, for and in con<idcralion of t~e sum Of._~.L.!..:- /1 _~ L-A...UL{ __._I.~'(r )_.tl~.z!.4!/L/n.a ,,,''' cL________._.____.. ~ Il)._llll_ll.!.. in hand paid. lite receipt whucof i. hueb)' acknowledged. h,l S-_;..________ grntecl, bargained, sold and Irall<ftrrcd, and by thue pruenls do_ granl, bargaill, .ell and tra",fu unlo Ihe ..,id parl..J..f-- of lite nC:1n ,P3rl ~nd.....kL-__.__.___. fl dl' db" It C 'f JI /1('(1" hein 3nd u<~ for....er, all Ihat ctrl3.in ~rcel 0 an png an tlng In I e ounly 0 --'--'-__ __..__. - __and Stale of .____.:- !~. . , //1'.. more parlicubrl)' .Jr.cribcd a. follow.: -:-{4:..rp..lJ_2U~1- /: I /A~', /..{L..tL.w-,.C.CE'.i..l.a-"tLJ'f ,:dr /.{r./;;'~'~'7~/ %"".l).;( ,di. ~L*~!./L~utJ4"" ,d :L:-(2IE~ ,/-_IL1.~)--J--" ~/,'!{~_~~:ZL-1.",. N., 'hV~-.'~&.' '1~ !n!::..} J~~J.dG:~a" --1;"".~ /.f. -.1<'''/'J(-'--!q.L.l_&~.;o_-_:.'';~' d"'---lu H It ~./,;L ~tj /d'-",'f-"/,d ) ~'I"L&-h~ 4;3~ 11;~.!_fL/d__ :"~~~2(r-'//( ~fc.A..1:~- //,:;,--,,,,'___G~./ ~f'juL 6:':4-4-;/<'(- r 7h. .JIEU? till ./If 'f/ l '/,..tfn__-2~_ ,,7f.L(.?(jAf, :;I .r: } -_~! <-1~";/. ~:'= ~:~;.~~ , /~/'..( ':tf _I{.(t: ~.I -~ ;?JL_{!fy'.J,~ flu _}.!.LU' r/ ./.-1/"-./ .t/~/~ 4.....-:~C-.1:Ll....,'/h(7.~i-4-'.YlL~loIL,t..._:!..L____ / / (/ .' /J. / ~ / ~ ~ ~ J r'l j;' -,'. ...!._I-_~il.L_//' '/ < ~u,' ~J::;i.---~~t'2L_-.!_~- . , ---- T7./~ /N-J ~?-.c~_~:/.ZL,._. __ J,fd''/'_.d:.d.. ~~C~L--_L.;L.LS!,./ /~, I" -L-!Le./_-c-d..~'':7-~u"u~/(!., -'IN ,/.-.,.. 7---"!Ll{:L1.:!~e:w ~_t -~:~~~_____~-=--==_=:=: A. D. 19~: BETWF.F.N j .~ I ,) .. ~ ; parLU:.J/ of Ibe fiut parr. and ( TOGETHER with all the lenement<, beredilamenl' aad apl,ur!~n3.nN". \\";IIt e"ery pri"il.g~ right. t:l~r. inlerest :Ind e,t:>le, dower .'1d righl of .Jower, reversion. remainder and e,uemeat Iherrlo beloDj;ing or in all)\\i<e ar~rtaining: Tv If A \'F. A~D TO HOLD tlte same in f.c s:ml'k forn'er. __ And the uid p:"I~tii.. of the 6,,1 parI do__ co"e'I3,,1 wilh 110, !ai.t I'UI..!. .__ of Ihe second p.r1 Ihal >t '~I-_---.L!...~lawfuIlY seized of lite said prrmis... IIt:>1 Ihc)" arc f,te from all encumbrances and 1".1 r/... /,,. " _good righl and lawfu/aulhorilY 10 sell lite O:>RlO; ..nd Ibe ,.id parL;"~J__ of Ibe 6"1 pari do___ hereby fully "-3:1:>"1 lI:e lillc 10 !3id land, aad ...i11 defcnd Ihc same again'l tl:e la....ful claim< oi .11 I>Cnons wltomson'er. 1:\ WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe .aid r>artL~_.i. of Ihe fir" 1'3.rt hal_!:::.__._. hereunlo srL__ ;;:{.: LL _____handAr and seal!!..:, Ihe da)' .r.d )"tAr aboyt' ....ritt~n.. Sign<<:, Scaled and Ddi.-qed in our Presence: __~LI. :'t!Jf1: /j~ ;, r-~~----- /t!. ~ . -#~ L'-L J i I t 1 /.- I.. t/j .If "~.l" #''/f _ (S('~ll ~/;N~ ("/~ - ~("r'// ____tS'31.) -- ~-_.- STATE OF- _f-(j-:.;:.,:4 Counl)" of ~,f/. --. ;(,. /r f_ I HEREBY CERTI~Y, Tbal?n t~i. ;,' ,y,,.{>: ' _.~day,OL_~JIfJ'/ 1::,: ' r\. D. 19';";.., bdorc me ~..onally appcared /d. J'. AJi'/{~ ;-r:;/,/ " r1L~!.0 f!-1t?r,LI': A:. . )J p" 1.1 10 me known 10 be Ibe pcrso~ ducribed ia and who ur.~ed lite fo..~oiag conny~nc.. 10 - ~ .k~./. I;{I f; rr.e act and deed for Ihc usu and purl>OSU therein menlioned; and the said and severa,,- acknowledg:d Ihe execuli~n _1'Jreof 10 br .____ eLf,UJdtJ ~ >1J/tilL ~ . / the wife of Ihe sai"---~ )' - ,j ~u ~ I:~ <>n a .epante and prinl" examination ..ken and made by and befor" m-..~ and separalely and avarl from ber said hu.balld, did a(kno';J;dg~-''-h~'- ~be m.de berself a party to the said Deed of Connyanee, for Ihe l'urpose of renouncing. f<lin'luishing and connYlIlg all her righl. tille and mlensl, ..Luher of dower or of sep.rale propcrly, alalulory or equilable in and I.> Ih.. land. Ih...in drstr:bed and Iii'll she executed said deed rr....y and ,-olunlarily and Wilhoul__ any cODslninl, fear, ~~l>~ebu..ion or compulsion of or from bcr said hu,ba~d. 3~ 1...;:..6, ; ,. /_ - .4 .r' '/ 2nd Slale of___ _..-/~, 44 (. WITKESS mx,igaature aad official seal, .at_ ___~__~-~, (' r i- ./""-......,. / \ i 7-~ -" \ . '../_,/"" ~ I . , \ ;' -.in the Counly of -Y"". d~y and yen 1'101 aforeuid. 1?.j[~~(:7 '/__<Scal) .1,,/,., /,~ 1/,(: .-./.~~.1 '.. .:f~: " '& . //, r,'J '.'. or- ,f" / 7 r~1 ;J##.'~~,,_ :".~". ,,,."/- I"",#on ""'... ~ "/;. ~ STATE OF FLORIDA, , / """-----,' Counly of 51. Lucie., On IltiL.--Jr t t/ day of "- D. 191 ?---: al -__o'clock, ______3.1. \ ~~~,~h. Ibis inslramenl was filed for r~cord, aad beiD& duly acknowledged aad rronD, I hue recorded Ihe same 08 pac'" :7 .J ..5 . Book--.!1..f___ in Ibt Public: Recordl of said Counly. IN WITKESS \..rHEREOF, I ha.. bcreunlo lei my haad and affiltCd the _I of the Cir~uil Court of lilt Fiileealh Judicial Circuit of said Slate in aad for uid CovalY,- :( \<.:J . , ./~ / /.( f. ~'d'\ (/ (C. .r ~ ~ L . Clerk. a{~. .f,. "; y....,:Py.Q i'1),{ - .'kd/;, :'u D. C ~,--,/ _of -t:~ - ~-~ - :: -- ~_ >' ," .--\~. ~ ><~~ - ;'~~ ~>.~. . ~ .' .. .. ~ -." - 11:1 _ \.; .<. ...- --- . . . . -.'. ~ . . :_.". - . ,_'~<',~: ~i-~;<:.-: .~-::-:.-;: