HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1515 257 - ~ ~ - o( Iht Counl)' o( .___~.!...J~.!_ TItIS INDENTURE. Wade Ihis. __ Urie~ Lee end Nency Lee. St. Lucie Hilliard St. Lucie 20th .__._day o(_--9.Qtob_Qr.____A. D. 19..22 BET\\'EE~ ( ..1 his wU~.___... and SIal.. of._1.!9_L~.~ parl.laB. o( Iht lirsl parI, and , ... o( Ibt Counl)' o( WITNESSETH. ThaI Ihf said parl.J.!l~ o( Iht linl pul, (or .and in eonsidu:sl;on o( Iht !um 0(__ .._______Q.~!J...li.!.00 end _ot!leI- V_1!1~~.ltl~LQonutder8tlon and Slal~ oL_.-~l9:r.l~.fl..________rarl..1._ o( Ihf ...ond parI. Dollars. Io.....t..h~l:l_ in band paid, Iht rtc~ipt whuco( h htreb)" aeltno..-Ifdgfd, b....Ve_______.__ granled, bargaintd, sold and Irans(trrfd. and b)' Ihuf I'rutnls do gran I, bargain, stll and lransfer unlo Ih~ s:sj,! parlY..__ o( Iht sceond rarl ancL__hlB._.__._.____. heors and assigns forntr, all Ihu cUlain parct! o( land lying and being in Iht COllnly or.___.~!..!.._.!t_U.Q.t~~ __and Slale o( Florida mOrt rarlicubrl)" de'nibed .as (ollows: ( .___._.___~h~L Wo.a.t one RQr.a_.Qf_.t.he_.Ea8.L~our ~ C4.l_.acroliL-.o.t.5'he S.QI!.t;.!L!1_~!.U~il_Ql...~.h!,..---- _ I~_~U~ Southwest quarter (S~t) of the._~.~.I.'~~_!~!..Jl.~.~.!.~~!'._...(liElkC?J the Southweo~-\-J~_~'U... ...__..____._.~! So.:! ion 11 ine (9). 'i'ownehip '.l'h!.!~.1_.ny~._t~_~.~C!.uth/rlan~e Port~~QL~.I,H~l....._ containing Five (6) acres. ~_re~~._lel:lo.t this bei!1Lt..he 'Heat one !1_!.!.L~l_~.'!!._ tract of land.deeded ~Co~rtnel_A~~~ien and Luoband to Uriah. Lee by'~~ ._.__.__ rec_orded in Deed BOOk 43 oa~~_~.~ St.!._~!l2i~_C~unt1.. decordF.a_______.___..._.. $.50 Docu.on..~~~!.!__~t8mps cancelled .----------.-----.------------.- --------------------------..----------- :0.. w'" I ~- TOGETH FoR ..nlh all Iht I.nements. beredilamfnl< and apr.url~!1ane~s, \\"ilb ...ery prh'il.go:... riRhl. lill~. klclfsl and eSblC, dower and righl of dower, reunion, rfmainder and e1semtnl IhertlO btlonging Or in all)',ise ap~:I"inmg: Tv HA\"E A~D TO HOLD Ihf sam. in (ee .im.'),' fort'\"tf .. And Iht said parl_~_e.!J o( Ihf firsl parI do....._ eOYfn~n wilh tl." .aid parl.-.J"_ or I:.. second parI IhaL_tt.e:;._.nr.8.__lawfuHy seized o( Ihe said premises. Ihal Ihey are free from all eneumbranefS and Iha,_~.heLl.J.lR-good righl and I;...(ul aUlhority 10 sell Ihe same; and Ih. <.aid parL_~_ o( Ibe fint p,ul do__ herfb)' (ully wa..;ont Ih. litle 10 "lid land. and will delrnd the same againsl lb. bwrul c1aim< o( all persons ,,'homsoenr. 1:\ \nT~ESS WHEREOF, Ihf said r:arl_.!~~ o( Ihf firsl rarl ""._.V~... hfnunto stL.._.!h.e.1r.___hand..B. and sf.aIB., the d.ay ~ 2nd )-t..r abo,.f' ..ritt~n. Signed. &:roled and Dflinred in our l'r<>enee: Fred Pee A. E.~~z'~8ylor 1 I J Uriah Lee ___......_ljen~ Lee ..__(&;01.) (Seal., STATE OF Florida St. 1ucJ.e , t COunl)' 0(_. .' ~. .. i> I IlEREB\' CERTIFY, ThaI on Ihis 20th _.__d..y o(_~ct~~r A. D. 19_~ before nie I....onall)' aJ-peared Uriah Lee nnd 1l8nc~Le.e.__.__ ~ t. , ;, 10 me kno..n 10 be Ihc person....!!... described in and who eXfculed Ihe (ongoing eon,'ey..nu 10 A. B. Hillio.!~______ ( \.. and senrall)' acknowledged Ihe execution Ibereo( 10 b. their b(e ael and dud (or Ihe uses and parf'OSes Iherdn mfnlioned; and Iht said r l~_l&jL the wilt o( Ih. sai" Uriah Lee '__. on a s~pa..l. and priule ex..mination laken aed made b)' and be(orc mf, and s.paralc:ly and aparl (rom htr nid hu'band, did acknowlfdge Ihal .hc made hflse\( a pally 10 Ihe said Defd o( Conyt)'anef. (or Ihe J-urf'Osc or renouncing. rdin'luisbing and connying :roll bfl righl. litle an.! inlerul, ..helher o( dower or or Hparalt property. slatulof)' or fqullablt in and 10 Ihe land. th...in drscr:bed. and Ih..1 sbe exeroled s3id deed (red)' and ,'olunlaril)' and ,..ilbolll an)" constrainl, (car, appnhfn.ion or compulsion o( or (rom hfl .aid husband. WITNESS m)' ,ignalure and official stal, al For~ Piezg~_____ -____in Ihe Counl)" oi STATE OF and Slalf 01._.__ ._..?loridu Ihe: d.)' and yur Iasl a(ore,aid. A.E. Fultz '..a~'lor _____.(Sc..\.) Notary Public, State at Laree. ~y commission expires 9/12/23. I'" I \.. Counly of SI. Lueit.. On Ihi< 20th day oL~J!.tember ..... D. 1~ aL..__o'dod:. _.__....M. . Ihis inslrum.nt was fiJ.d for r<<ord. and bein. duly adcaowlt/1ed and (.ronn. I haYe reeordtd Ihf Illmf on pac. .... Boo~----. i~~ Public Rfcords o( said CAan~ IN WITNE~j'WJIERroy. J hue hetf"nlO leI ~1'&Dd and alliudlht sui of llaf Circuil COlIrt of Ihf Fiftullth Judicial Ci,cuit of sai.J /. .... State iD and (or ,.itI COIIDly. " 0 ~G - c: I' I .~. ~<-;G--X~L.p.... I i \) ~';:"" Ct .Ct .S(:,.1,Y ( I c:..tA~:'#-. __- \/ ~ . r 267______<>( __auk. · D. C. ,- .; ~:'X~'; ':: ::: ,'~:: ,:.: :/; ~;'~" . . . . d _<-_-. ,-.. _..:'~~-::~;.'::zi- .. '.--- '. . ..,' '\;'-~',<~'~;~' ~.>.~. .=~