HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1531 2','3 ~. ..___....JIfPr 0._.__.__ .:-:-~_~~~.J:.~~_!:""~~~~._ - ~-l ! TillS INDENTURE, Madt Ihis. ~A(pn~ _____day o(_ll.a.v.e::mpr A. D. 19~, BET\\'F.E~ ..lngluLSumnflr roll.'! S. ~.. Snmnp.r... l1j ~ r:ifL____ [:...; . ., l .; o( Iht Counly o( St. T,uc i e -and Sl11~ oL~t 1de parL~ o( Iht first parI, and _Z;ft.B.\..JlQ~Bt Ltunucr end SUpjll:l~~....Jl,.._~_QD;r.9r(tti(ln o( Iht Counly o(.~~UO 18 ________.and ~Ial~ oL.}'lo~.ldL. parl-lf- o( Iht SfeOlld parI, WITNESSETH, ThaI Ihf uid partl.&- o( Iht firsl parI. (or and in fonsidnalion oi Iht sum o(_~en___~r.IL~tl:.Q.L'y;.J.J..{' ble ~!U1B1.d.al:!;.li ;J n Dollars, lo.tt.O:::L_ in hand paid, Ihf rectiI'I whnro( is hereby ackno"l~dg~II, h:t..Y.~._..____.__ Kranl~d. bargained. sold and Irallderrtd, and by l\fSf I'rtsenls do granl. bargain, ull and transfer unto thf s.aid l"ul '1_._ o( Ihf ueond parI and..J..t.a..iiY.c..~Q:r.t:__. k~ and assigns (orner, all Ihal eertain pared o( land lying and b<ing in Iht Counly of.....3.h_LJ!Q.k _--and StOll" o( _. .il'J..ortdn morf p2rliwbrly ,,~ nibcd as (ollows: ___.A._atr.i.~oL.ll::.n..:L:.a!:-l~:lLf.ea.t.jn..t:i:l.tl: .Q.l.:L~.l:i:... ....:. L t d ,:e of LOt. l!ino (9}.L_ of BIQ.ck .'~.D~__in._.t.he. Oi t:: of l,or.L.rj.er\l~...jJ..Q.r.j.g.L. ._li~'-:"Q1:ginr to the ~llit vf said to,',:: In..Jl.le _!.~1 :tb:_a:ff1.o.u_.il1-Ur: C1r.rLoL~l:fL.llir.cJl1:t..J~:JlU.t......u....SL. :.uc 16 Co:.m t-:;. llor itl:, e:ld reo ora- .ed~lLt. 1h-,,' {i"S (ll_a~c-DL.I1...Eund.re.<1..JU;;hl~::.~ (b~l) .~~d strh 01' l' l'd be~f" t.C.iLf.1JJ_.fcll.L.1n '.H~"-''h~' ,.". 'I ;"Jtl1-, d.._.[.>;.GUL.fr..e.l.....;:1 le:'1~th. r.i'Jn' 01" lc~s. ________.....t~~. d')c:l':1f'nt~r:: st! ::~'O ~cnc('11i'.j.~_..____.__.._.... (- L TOGETH ER with all Iht len~m~nts. hcrfdilam~nt; and appu:ltf\.uef<, "'jth ~nr)' pri..ilq;~,- right, litl~. it:tu~st and ~.Iat~. dow~r and righl o( dowtr. renrsion. rtmainder aud fuem"nl Iherelo b<longing or in an)',i,,, apperl"in."g: Tv fL\\'E AXD TO HOLD Iht same in f(f slInrk forner. And thf said part.las. o( Iht fir;t put do-- eonnanl with Ih,. uid 1,;..1.. ~:.._.. o( Ih" second p;ut th,,~.:.' . re law(ull)' seized of th" said premises, Ihat Ihey are f<tt: from all encumbrances and Ih"I_:~~..-l..:.Y!:_.good right and law(ul aUlhoril)' 10 .dl tb" samf; and Iht .~id rude.s... of the first part do_._..~ htrcb)' (ull)' warr.lm tht lill" to .aid land. and will dtffnd Iht same against Ihe Ia..-(ul claims o( all ptnons whomsOf"u. IX WIT~ESS WHEREOF, Ihf said parlieS. of tht 6r;t p3rl l.aYEn_..___ hUfunto StL__tl.:.e i"'._hand_2 and staL.f:. Ihe day and Yfar abovf wrillen. Sign~d, Sfaled and Ddinrtd in Cur Prtsenct: _.2....~ ';.' t. te _.-iL.....-C..a Elo :;:. c to t ~!';~:"'~i.S SU:~.:Er (SfaU _____S-..~.. ~ ~ ~ ~~ t.(! 1- (Sfal.) STATE OF ?1 or ide ~t. Lucie Counl)' o( I HEREBY CERTIFY, T1aat on tbi. ~A C' orn day 0(_ ~2Ye~er .... D. Il}~ b<(ore me ptnonall)' app"ucd ':'ri~llS S~irmcr....Llld...s.Jl..3a......a:.wn.cu:. his '.. UG C"-'!!i~('!:J Coc.et L~:;bf! And Sunnly/ to me known to be the ptr50n.L describtd iu and who exewted the iorcgoing eonnyanef 10 RI. C' and ,enully admowlcdged thf ncculion thcrcof to b~ t}:€ 1 r (ref act and dud (or Ihe uses and purposes thertin mentioned; and th" said _...s...J.. S'.l:!lner Ihf ..i(e o( Ihe uid..... ;~ n "'U 13 ~l4.UIl6.'" .... ____..._.. on a sf~r.te and privat" f:uminatio.n lalten and made by and bt(Orf lOr. and sel'araltl)' and a~rl from hu said hu.band. did admo..ledl::" thaI ~h" made h~rsdf a. party to thf said Dud o( Con.'cyaucc. (or IhfVU'PO~" o( rel!ouneing, relinquishing ar.d eonn)'ing all h.. righl. lillf and .nleresl. whul,cr Ot. do..... or. o( Sfparat" rropcr~y, sUtutot)' or <"Iu.'taLlt .n and to Ihe land. thcreir. dtsCflb<d. and Ihat Sl:f txewted uid de,," fred)' and ,"olunta..l)' and Wllhoat an)' eonstuml. le4r. apprthtnSlon or eompnhion o( or from hu said husband. WITNESS my Ii nalur. aod official stal, a~- ':')iCt"'A. ~nd Slatt oL_~~!~ridl__ ;n Ihe Counly o( D Ibf day And )'car last aforesaid. On IhiL- 2nd lby o( ~. " v~ () ~' 1} :.<' ~ o UQ.Y.&__. .ii....J.L. n q; C' e t t UotLr:; ?-,,-b~.Ic .:-f ?lor~dr !.!::- C}'::.~tssi r; c:-:"1re:: April _(SfAL) 3]. 19_.ti . .= STATE OF FLORIDA. } Counly o( St. Lueit., ....D.I~,., Ihis inslrumtnt was 61ft! for record, aad b<in. duly acknowleqfd and I'ronn. 1 baYf '<<ord~d Ihf nmf on pa.' -1>( Boo" 47 in Ihf Public R<<ord. of laid Connly. IN WITKESS WHEREOF, I haTe heuunto Sft my hand and alh.d Ihf suI o( Ihf Circuil Conrt of Ibf Fiflccntls Judicgl Circuit o( nid Statf in ud for ui 001I11'. _~A c. ~:l.rf'.i 6 lJ' t~v.J~ ..t JI ( "....tA_ Otrlt. D. C. ~'.,.; .... ";:':'~:, '.::'f~~f}ci;[~ .' . '. . ~; ,.~ ':. . . ~-.': ~.' . ' " ~ -' '-<:'-~:~-'~': ;;:~.:.'."'.~>