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STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: OSTDS New APPLICANT: Stephen & Deborah Billis PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6113 Balsam Dr Fort Pierce, FL 34982 LOT: 22&23 BLOCK: 95 SUBDIVISION: Indian River Estates PERMIT #: 56-SF 2449039 APPLICATION # : AP 1787494 DATE PAID: FEE PAID: RECEIPT #: DOCUMENT #: PR1723338 PROPERTY ID #: 3402-610-0649-000-7 [SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE, PARCEL NUMBER] [OR TAX ID NUMBER] SYSTEM MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF SECTION 381.0065, F.S., AND CHAPTER 64E-6, F.A.C. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME. ANY CHANGE IN MATERIAL FACTS, WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THIS PERMIT BEING MADE NULL AND VOID. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL PERMITTING REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENT of THIS PROPERTY. SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ 900 ] GALLONS / GPD Septic New CAPACITY A [ ] GALLONS / GPD N/A CAPACITY N [ ] GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE TANK:1250 GALLONS] K [ ] GALLONS DOSING TANK CAPACITY [ ]GALLONS @[ ]DOSES PER 24 HRS #Pumps [ ] D [ 500 ] SQUARE FEET Drainfield New SYSTEM R [ ] SQUARE FEET N/A SYSTEM A TYPE SYSTEM: [ ] STANDARD [ ] FILLED [X] MOUND [ ] I CONFIGURATION: [ ] TRENCH [x] BED [ ] N F LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: Centerline of the road at the north property line. I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE [ 1.00 ][ INCHES FT ][ABOVE BELOW I BENCE24ARK/REFERENCE POINT E BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD TO BE [ 12.001 INCHES FT ] ABOVE BELOW] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT L D FILL REQUIRED: [29.001 INCHES EXCAVATION REQUIRED: [ ] INCHES The system is sized for 3 bedrooms with a maximum occupancy of 6 persons (2 per bedroom), for a total estimated flow of 0 300 gpd. T SPECIFICATIONS-lY: Lori Hoffman TITLE- Private Site Evaluator APPROVED Environmental Specialist II St. Lucie CHO Nicol Monl t no DATE ISSUED: 01/31/2 22 EXPIRATION DATE: 07/31/2023 DR 4016, 08/09 (Obsoletes all previous a bons which may not be used) Incorporated: 64E-6.003, PAC Page 1 of 3 v 1.1.4 AP1787494 SE1639758 NOTICE OF RIGHTS A party whose substantial interest is affected by this order may petition for an administrative hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Such proceedings are governed by Rule 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. A petition for administrative hearing must be in writing and must be received by the Agency Clerk for the Department, within twenty-one (21) days from the receipt of this order. The address of the Agency Clerk is 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN A-02, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. The Agency Clerk's facsimile number is 850-413-8743. Mediation is not available as an alternative remedy. Your failure to submit a petition for hearing within 21 days from receipt of this order will constitute'a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing, and this order shall become a 'final order'. Should this order become a final order, a party who is adversely affected by it is entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings may be commenced by filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the Department of Health and a second copy, accompanied by the filing fees required by law, with the Court of Appeal in the appropriate District Court. The notice must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the final order. St. Lucie County Health Department 5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 HEALTH PAYING ON: #:56-SF-2449039 13ILLDOC#:56-BID-5767313 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION #:AP1787494 RECEIVED FROM: Stephen & Deborah Billis AMOUNT PAID: $ 545.00 PAYMENT FORM: CHECK 1977 PAYMENT DATE: 01/20/2022 MAIL TO: Stephen & Deborah Billis FACILITY NAME: PROPERTY LOCATION: 6113 Balsam Dr Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Lot: 22&23 Block: 95 Properly ID: 3402-610-0649-000-7 EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: QUANTITY FEE 128 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection Research Fee 1 $ 5.00 -1 - Surcharge (All) 1 $ 45.00 -1 - OSTDS New Permit Surcharge 1 $ 100.00 -1 - OSTDS Construction Application and Plan Review,New 1 $ 100.00 126 - OSTDS Construction Permit (New or Mod, Amendment) 1 $ 55.00 127 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection 1 $ 75.00 133 - OSTDS Construction Reinspection 1 $ 50.00 -1 - Well Construction 1 $ 115.00 RECEIVED BY: AdamsC AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-5439845 Note: Well # 59-32896 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH A ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM Wz APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: PERMIT NO. St''�•' i DATE PAID: (->I FEE PAID: RECEIPT # : '1 1()-j -1 [✓] New System [ ] Existing System [ ] Holding Tank [ ] Innovative [ ] Repair [ ] Abandonment [ ] Temporary [ ] APPLICANT: STEPHEN AND DEBORAH BILLIS AGENT: MAILING ADDRESS: 5513 SPRUCE DRIVE, FT. PIERCE, FL 34982 TELEPHONE: 772-519-2080 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. SYSTEMS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED BY A PERSON LICENSED PURSUANT TO 489.105(3)(m) OR 489.552, FLORIDA STATUTES. IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION OF THE DATE THE LOT WAS CREATED OR PLATTED (MM/DD/YY) IF REQUESTING CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY GRANDFATHER PROVISIONS. PROPERTY INFORMATION LOT: 22&23 BLOCK: 95 SUBDIVISION: INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT 9 PLATTED: j1 PROPERTY ID # : 3402-610-0649-000-7 ZONING: RS4 I/M OR EQUIVALENT: [ No ] PROPERTY SIZE: A6 ACRES WATER SUPPLY: [ ] PRIVATE PUBLIC [✓ ]<=2000GPD [ ]>2000GPD IS SEWER AVAILABLE AS PER 381.0065, FS? [ No ] DISTANCE TO SEWER: NA FT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6113 BALSAM DR., FT. PIERCE, FL 34982 DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY: US 1, EAST ON EASY STREET, SOUTH ON BALSAM DR. BUILDING INFORMATION Unit Type of No Establishment 1 SINGLE FAMILY 2 3 4 [✓] RESIDENTIAL [ ] COMMERCIAL No. of Building Commercial/Institutional System Design Bedrooms Area Sqft Table 1, Chapter 64E-6, PAC 3 2198 [ ] Floor/Equipment Drains [ ] Other (Specify) SIGNATURE: DH 4015, 08/09 (Obsoletes previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated 64E-6.001, PAC DATE: C Page 1 of 4 g �STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT # . 5 L _ D03 G � 4 DEPARTMNT OF R1-0 AY.TH u f=� ONSITE SM AGE TP.1». AMMMI T AM. DISPOSAL SYSTEM SITE EVALUATION AM SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS APPLICANT: STEPHEN AND DEBORAH BILLIS 'AGENT: LOT: 22 R 23 BLOCK: 95 SUBDIVISION: INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT 9 PROPERTY ID #: 3402-610-0649-000-7 [ SectioniTo«nshipMarcel No. ) TO BE COMPLETED B7.' ENGINEER, HEALTH Di;PAR`LIM- 7T EMPLOYEE,OR OTHER QUALIFIED PERSON. ENGINEERS MUST PROVIDE REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SIGN dLL--D SEAL EACH PAGE OF SUBM[ITTALT - COMPLETE ALL ITEM. PROPERTY SIZE C014-PO-PHS TO SITE PLAN: [c/] YES [ ] NO MET USABLE AREA AVAILABLE • .46 .ACRES TOTAL ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 300 GALLONS PER DAY [ RESIDENCES -TABLE I j AUTHORIZED SEWAGE FLOW: 1150 GALLONS PER DAY [ 2500 GPD/ACRTs ) UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILA750 SOFT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA REQUIRED: 750 SOFT BENCHMARK/REFEMI NCE POINT LOCATION: CENTERLINE OF THE ROAD A T THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE IS [iNCHI;S ) [ABOVI: ] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT THE MINIMUM_ SETBACK WHICH CAN BE MAINTAAINED FROM THE PROPOSED SYSTEM TO THE FOLLOWING- FEATURES SURFACE 1ti12ATER: NA FT DITCHES/SI9ALES: 17.5 FT NORFALLY WET? [ 1 YES 1✓1 NO WELLS: PUBLIC: NA FT LIMITED USE: NA FT PRIVATE: NA FT NON—POTABLE:110 FT BUILDING FOUNDATIONS.5 FT PROPERTY LINES: 9 FT POTABLE WATER LINES: 70 FT SITE SUBJECT TO FREQUENT FLOODING: [ j YES [✓j NO IO Mlt!j R FLOODING? 1 ) YES [,/] 1,T0 10 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION FOR SITE: NA FT NSSL/NGVD SITE ELEVATION: NA FT MSL/NGVD Ovti. S=TE I MUNSELL ##/COLOR TEXTURE DEPTH IOYR3/1 S 0 TO 20 10YR4/1 S 13 TO 32 1OYR511 S 20 TO 32 1OYR6/1 S 32 TO 44 10YR5/2 S 44 TO 50 10YR2/1 SPODIC 50 TO 52 REFUSAL REFUSAL 52 TO 52 TO TO USDA SOIL SERIES: IMMOKALEE-LIKE SOIL PROFILE INFORMATION SITE 9 MTNSELL #/COLOR I OYR311 I O)"R4/1 I OYR5/1 I OYR6/1 10YR4/2 10YR2/ 1 REFUSAL TEXTURE DEPTH S 0 TO 25 S 15 TO 35 S 25 TO 46 S 35 TO 46 S 46 TO 55 SPODIC 55 TO 58 REFUSAL 58 TO 58 mp mn USDA SOIL SERIES: IMMOKALEE-Lfl-, OBSERVED WATER TABLE: 28 INCHES [ Bli-L01j' 'I EXISTING GRADE. TYPE : [ APPARrNT ] ESTINLATED WET SEASON WATER TABLE ELEVATION:13 INCHES j.Br-LOW ] EXISTING GRADE HIGH WATER TABLE VEGETATION: [ ] YES I✓I NO MOTTLING: [✓] YES j ] NO DEPTH:13 INCHES 30IL TEX3'URE/LOADING RATE FOR SYSTEMS SIZING: SAND/.6 DEPTH OF EXCAVATION: NA INCHES )RAINFIELD CONFIGURATION: [ ] TRENCH [,/] BED ] ] OTHER (SPECIFY) REMARKS/ADDITIONAL CRITERIA: SHS BASED ON 1 OYR4/1 STRIPPING rN A I OYR3/1 MATRIX AT 13' SITE 1. REFUSAL: WATER TABLE AT 28" S1 AND 30" S2. BM: Tl", Sl : 5'0", S2: 4'9". SITE CLEARED OF UNDERBRUSH. RECOMMEND 12 X 42 FT BED TO INSURE SWALE SETBACK. NO SWALE AT TIME OF EVALUATION. 3ITE EVALUATED BY: DATE : 1/I412022 )S 4015, 08109 (Obsoletes previous editions which may not be used) IncorpOtated: 64E-6.001. FAC Page 3 of 4 APPLICANT'S NAXIE: -`-I e LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L.atVgn: � �,12 Jam ,_ MIA ..:M��Y_PROPOSED'SEPT��;SYSTEII� I certify that there are no potable private wells within 75 feet of the available area for the proposed septic system, that there are no non -potable wells within 50 feet of the available area for the proposed septic system, that there are no wells within 25 feet of a pesticide -treated building foundation, that there are no public wells that serve less than 25 people or less than 15 homes or businesses within 100 feet of the proposed septic system, that there are no public wells that serve more than 25 people or more than 15 homes or businesses within 200 feet of the proposed septic system, that the water line from the water meter or well to the structure is at least 10 feet from the available area for the proposed septic system unless the plans show the line to be double sleeved, that there is not a gravity sewer line, low pressure sewer line or vacuum sewage line in a public easement or right-of-way that abuts the property, that there are no lakes, streams, wetlands, or surface water within 75 feet of the available area for the proposed septic system unless the property was created prior to 1972, that the septic system is proposed on the side of the lot farthest from surface water, that all private wells, septic systems and surface water on adjacent or contiguous land within 75 feet of the applicant's lot are shown on the site plan, that all public wells within 200 feet of the applicant's lot are shown on the site plan, and that the location of building or residences, swimming pools, recorded easements, paved areas or driveways, sidewalks, the general slope of the property, tilled areas, drainage features, and Surface waters such as lakes, ponds, streams, canals, or wetlands are shown on the applicants lot. The natural grade elevation in the area of the proposed septic system and the benchmark must be shown on the site plan. Please locate the benchmark within 200 feet of the proposed septic system. NOTE: MUST BE CERTIFIED BY A FLORIDA REGISTERED SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER. ants irmts',cptics.5rptic \PppPac'_�)' CJ. 4971 /% .4 •tz STAT&OF i� RLO'RIDA ��111111 t1� CERTIFIED BY: FjFESSNO.: DATE: �J!mi%%�21.!OHC_O.: �p1 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser --All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address: 6113 BALSAM Parcel ID: 3402-610-0649- Account #: 38725 Sec/Town/Range: 12/36S/40E DR 000-7 Map ID: 34/12S Zoning: RS-4 Count Use Type: 0000 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description Stephen Billis INDIAN RIVER ESTATES -UNIT 09- BLK 95 LOTS 22 AND 23 Deborah Billis (MAP 34/12S)(OR 1539-2709) 5513 Spruce Dr Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Current Values Historical Values 3-year Just/Market: $41,800 Assessed: $19,074 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: $0 Taxable: $19,074 2021 $41,800 $19,074 $0 $19,074 2020 $28,800 $17,340 $0 $17,340 2019 $23,400 $15,764 $0 $15,764 Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price 05-15-2002 1539 / 2709 XX00 WD Stein Herman E $17,500 12-20-1993 0927 / 0417 XX01 WD Caldwell Debrah $100 08-01-1979 0314 / 0801 XX01 CV $0 Primary Building Information Finished Area of this building: 0 SF Gross Sketched Area: 0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built: N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year: N/A Primary Wall: Story Height: No. Units: 0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms: 0 A/C %: 0% Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths: 0 Heated %: N/A% Heat Type: Avg Hgt/F1oor: 0 Half Baths: 0 Sprinkled %: 0% Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: } Total Areas Finished/Under Air 0 (SF): Gross Sketched Area 0 (SF): f•` -` :, Land Size (acres): 0.46 ,. Land Size (SF): 20,000 Total Building Count: 1 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. © Copyright 2022 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, MODIFY, OR ABANDON A WELL Permit No. rw . IDIQ _ fit" -. DSOuthwest Florida Unique ID PLEASE FILL OUT ALL APPLICABLE FIELDS 59=32896 ❑ Northwest (`Denotes Required Fields Where Applicable) Pertn(1 Stipulations Required (See Attached) ❑ St. Johns River South Florida The tvatervie!lcontractorlsresponsible rorcompletfng this form and forwarding thepermit application to file 62-524 Quad No. Delineation No. ❑Suwannee River appropriate delegated authority tvhereapplicable. ❑ DEP CUP/WUP Application No. ❑ Delegated Authority (If Applicable) 1. Stephen/Deborah Billis 5513 Spruce Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-519-2080 *Owner, Legal Name if Corporation 'Address -city *State ZIP Telephone Number 2.6113 Balsam Drive Fort Pierce FL 34982 *Well Location - Address, Road Name or Number, City 3. 3402-610-0649-000-7 22 & 23 95 9 'Parcel ID No. (PIN) or Alternate Key (Circle One) Lot Block Unit 4.12 36S 40E St Lucie Indian River Estates Check if 62-524:Q Yes No *Section or Land Grant 'Township *Range *County Subdivision 5. Scott's Drilling, Inc. 11213 772-489-6117 scottsd(iiling@bellsouth.net *Water Well Contractor 'License Number 'Telephone Number E-mail Address 6.5014 Palm Drive Fort Pierce FL 34982 `Water Well Contractoes Address City State zip 7. 'Type of Work: ❑✓ Construction Repair n Modification[] Abandonment 8. 'Number of Proposed Wells ONE 'Reason for Repair, Modification, or Abandonment 9. *Specify Intended Use(s) of Well(s): Domestic ,/ Landscape Irrigation Agricultural Irrigation Site Investigations Bottled Water Supply Recreation Area Irrigation ® Livestock Monitoring it Public Water Supply (Limited Use/DOH) Nursery Irrigation �] Test Public Water Supply (Community or Non-Community/DEP) CommerciaYindustrial Earth -Coupled Geothermal AN 3 1 2.022 Class I Injection Golf Course Irrigation HVAC Supply HVAC Return lass V injection: ❑ Recharge [] CommerciaUlndustrial Disposal Q Aquifer Storage and Recovery Drainag'C0 in St Lucie County 2emediation: Recovery[] Air Sparge Q Other (Descrdse) ENVI ON �&p , 1_T H 7 Other (Describe) i )Distance from Septic System if S 200 ft. !20 1 11. Facility Descr(r. 'Estimated Well Depth 120 ft. *Estimated Casing Depth 100 ft. Estimated Screen Interval: From 100 Tn 120 ft 5 *Primary Casing Material: Black Steel Not Cased 6. Secondary Casing: Telescope Casing 7. Secondary Casing Material: Black Steel on0ingie t-amny t•cesiaence 12. Estimated Start Date Primary Casing Diameter 1 2 in. Open Hole: From To ft. Galvanized C�) Stainless Steel Other: Liner Surface Casing Diameter in. Galvanized PVC Stainless Steel Other t8*Method of Construction, Repair, or Abandonment: Auger Cable Tool Jetted ,/ Rotary Sonic Combination (Two or More Methods) Hand Driven (Well Point, Sand Point) Hyd is oint (Direct Push) Horizontal Drilling Plugged by Approved Method Other (Describe) 19. Proposed Grouting Interval for the Primary, Secondary, and Addi ' From 0 To 100 Seal Material ( Bentonite Neat Cemelp Other ) From To Seal Material ( Bentonite Cement Other ) From To Seal Material ( Bentonite Neat Cement Other ) From To Seal Material ( Bentonite Neat Cement Other 1 20. Indicate total number of existing wells on site List number of existing unused wells on site 21 *Is this well or any existing well or water vri a the owner's contiguous property covered under a Consumptive/Water Use Permit (CUP/WUP) or CUPNVUP Application Yes ,/ No I yes, complete the following: C P/WUP No. District Well 1D No. 22. Latitude It de 23, Data Obtained From: GPS Map Survey 1 hereby certify that 1 vM comply vdth the applicable roles of Tilts 40. Florida Administrative Code, and that a %voter use pa milt or adificial recharge peanit, if needed, has been or will be obtained prfar to commencement ofivell construction. I f ethar cemry that all hilm nulfon provided In this application Is accurate and that I will obtain necessary approval from aura federal, state, or local governments, if applicable. i agred fa provido a well complaron report tote Disttfclvvhhln 30 days after completion of the construction, repair• modlficaton, or abandonment authorized by this permit, or the permit expirollon. vd[Ichaver ocoues first. loffof Approval Grar 11213 *license No. Fee Received 5 I lam.." \r I Receipt THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNTIL PROPERLY SIGNED BY AN PERMIT SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE WELL SITE DURING AL Datum: NAD 27 _ NAD 83 WGS 84 1 certify that 1 am [lie ovmar of the property, that the Information provided Is accurate, and that 1 are aware of my rosponsibJillos under Chapter 373. Florida Stalutos. to maintain or prop ady abandon this well: or. I conify 01atI am the all ant for the ormer, that the Infamwton provided Is accurate, and that I have Informed the owner of their responsibtafas as staled above, ovmer consents to allmvhhg personnel of [his WID or Delegalod Authority access to the well she during the construction. repair, modification, or obarnfonmant authorized by lids perm. o rA- -t— *Date Expiration Date 1�]_oi, Hydrologist AAproval 1 Check No. Initials OFFICER OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE VWi 1D OR DELEGATED AUTHORITY. THE ION, REPAIR, MODIFiCATION, OR ABANDONMENT ACTIVITIES. in 62-532.400(1), FA.C. Effective Date: October 7, 2010 Page 1 of COL SE LS 80' 1m 22' ASPHALT CIL BALSAM DRIVE 60' R/W 20' ASPHALT 517.67— \ I SEPTl Ls I AREA � � y l�s—x JAN/31 2022 I \ o 0 FDOH i17 St Lucie Coun j — ERVIP Ov111E�TAN-I EALTH LOT 21 I I \ BLOCK 95 1 I \ OCCUPIED 1 I ` FIFE = 18.95' EXISTING \ \ I 75.0' WELL E 17.19 \\ I x 18.93 I I\ 16,231xPRP16.24 / 18.93 FND 5/81RC \ ` WATaERo E FND 5A8 ARC UNREADABLE1686 30.0' UNREADABLE N 9�-0 00- W ' DUSTING I ol 5 0' WEB b b —}. % — LOT 22 PROPOSED to yo•�' IRRIGATION BLOCK 95 I VVEL ` X 16.49' vacANr \ \ 27.3' . /.� - CONCRETE. ao \ �•. a ` • =a DRIVE �` O AL FENCE t� O 35.3' \ 20& 9.7' 28.3' 8.01 COVERED I m ENTRY PROPOSED 16.32 lE 1 STORYCBS to 310.16,39 RESIDENCE \ 16.04 / O MINIMUMFFE=18.z M y � x / tV OCCUPIED AS ONE w 15 0' 9.0' CA— — x 22.0' 3 -S1' FND 5/8 IRC J 16.56 O „ p C i LB # 7025 O COVERED 0 � g „ C 26.7' w PORCH v- 14.0' 6.6' WVOy L.c7m V Iw �, • I , 22.0 D a Z o „p p iil .Ito a v O LOT 23 15.0' .OT 3 �CK 95 VACANT N BLOCK 95 REEN AR ti O ACANT s 9 X 15,84 Co 31.0' c x 16.54 �"��; 16.78 I. SET 5/81RC SET UM IRC x 16.68 LS # 4971 LS # 4971 N 90*00 00,E 125.00' 0.0' _1675 -- ......� — — — — Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser -- All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address: 6113 BALSAM Parcel ID: 3402-610-0649- Account #: 38725 Sec/Town/Range: 12/36S/40E DR 000-7 Map ID: 34/12S Zoning: RS-4 Count Use Type: 0000 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description Stephen Billis INDIAN RIVER ESTATES -UNIT 09- BLK 95 LOTS 22 AND 23 Deborah Billis (MAP 34/12S)(OR 1539-2709) 5513 Spruce Dr Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Current Values Historical Values 3-year Just/Market: $41,800 Assessed: $19,074 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: $0 Taxable: $19,074 2021 $41,800 $19,074 $0 $19,074 2020 $28,800 $17,340 $0 $17,340 2019 $23,400 $15,764 $0 $15,764 Sale History, Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price 05-15-2002 1539 / 2709 XX00 WD Stein Herman E $17,500 12-20-1993 0927 / 0417 XX01 WD Caldwell Debrah $100 08-01-1979 0314 / 0801 XX01 CV $0 Primary Building Information Finished Area of this building: 0 SF Gross Sketched Area: 0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built: N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year: N/A Primary Wall: Story Height: No. Units: 0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms: 0 A/C %: 0% Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths: 0 Heated %: N/A% Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor: 0 Half Baths: 0 Sprinkled %: 0% Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: Total Areas Finished/Under Air 0 (SF): ' Gross Sketched Area 0 Land Size (acres): 0.46 Land Size (SF): 20,000 Total Building Count: 1 Type Special Features and Yard Items Qty Units Year Blt All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. © Copyright 2022 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. St. Lucie County Health Department '3s 5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 HEALTH PAYING ON: P56-SF-2449039 13ILL DOC #.56-BID-5767313 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION #:AP1787494 RECEIVED FROM: Stephen & Deborah Billis AMOUNT PAID: $ 545.00 PAYMENT FORM: CHECK 1977 PAYMENT DATE: 01/20/2022 MAIL TO: Stephen & Deborah Blllis =ACILITY NAME: DROPERTY LOCATION: 6113 Balsam Dr Fort Pierce, Fl- 34982 Lot: 22&23 Block: 95 Property ID: 3402-610-0649-000-7 EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: 128 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection Research Fee -1 - Surcharge (All) -1 - OSTDS New Permit Surcharge -1 - OSTDS Construction Application and Plan Review,New 126 - OSTDS Construction Permit (New or Mod, Amendment) 127 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection 133 - OSTDS Construction Reinspection -1 - Well Construction QUANTITY FEE 1 $ 5.00 1 $ 45.00 1 $ 100.00 1 $ 100.00 1 $ 55.00 1 $ 75.00 1 $ 50.00 1 $ 115.00 RECEIVED BY: AdamsC AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-5439M Note: Well # 59-32896