HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1547 289 H ~ ____~. ll~ ....- 4____.~.._._.__._ _.___._n."__~'.,__._.. THIS INDENTURE, ".e1e Ihis~'lui!h _day of ~roh .\. D. 192E.., BET\\' EEN lfJ..o.hw;l.4& 01il0~11 tlnd ll'lln11-, 1.:. jU..UQri\.~_.hlJL l/ife (....: ., '1 I o( Ihe CO~.IlII)' of_lit, Luoia ThOB......J.......lloIltAR o( Ihf Coanl)' o( Rook Island ar.d Slalt o(.......furldo part--1u o( Ihe firsl rarl, and .__---'-.__....:. .__and $I~I~ oLnl1na.la parL~._ o( Iht Sftond rarl. WITNESSETH, That Iht said part1c.a.. o( Ihf first parI, (or .and in considtnlion (\( Iht sum ol..~Iln...D.nll.I.rB (lnd o:ther_____ ~alusble oOnaldert;tLms. _'__' Dollars, IO-~ ia hand paid, thf r<<tipl whtrto( is hereby arkno".lcdged. h~_'Y~___ _ Iranlfd, bargaintd. sold and transftrred. and by Ihtse I'rfUnlo do IranI. bargain, sell and tr.lnsfer un!.. l'te said I'.UL;Y_ o( Iht second parI and---.h1B V heirs .and assigns (o{fyor, all Ihll etrlaia parcel o( land l)'ing and being in Ihe Counl)' 0(~~!l.1 5nd SI.ale o( l'lorlda Lot n~~ber t~ents (~O) mort rarlieub,I)' de,cr;bed as follows: in Pu1~ nddit~on~~~_~~~~!~~ O~ 7ero. st. Luoie County. r1oridt. ti..9..9.QI:ding to 1)16t filed in Plc.t~_}~QlI.L.J41a...n.~~~1.r.ht H!L~.h_1ucle Oount~LX~Q9r.~.!:J. r l TOGETHER ...iih all Iht lenemenls, h..edil3menl' and aPl"1rltnaaeec. \\'jth enry pri..il.g~ right, rill., inl..fst and ..t~le, dower and right o( dow.., tt,'ersion. ttmaind.. and casement therelo brlongin. or in anywise appert..ining: Tv HA\'E ASD TO HOLD Ihf samt in Iff simple fort,.cr. And the said part.1e 8 o( tht first part do...- eo.-tn..nt wilh th <aid loarl...Z_ o( Ihe second parI Iha' t:~e :1 Iaw(ull)' seized o( Ihe ~id premistI. Ih~t Ihf)' are fr..f (rom all cncumbrances and th..1 they hr. va good righl and law(ul aUlhoril)' 10 ..II Ibe same; ..nd Iht .~id pattlllL o( Iht first parI do_ hereb)' .fully ,,'arranl the lillc 10 ..1id land. and will dd..nd Iht same ag~inst the Ia.rul claims 01 all p.:rsons ...homs~Ttr. I~ WITSESS WHEREOF, Ihe said parl.ie.S. o( thf first parI ba.VQ._ hereunlO sct__t.l-eU__hanc!a.. and seala~ Ihe d~y ..nd yen abon wrilleD. Signed, Sc,.led and Ddinrtd io Our Prrscnec: ~&~el il. :3\..t;rtutllt. J. D. Baker ~.. ~ill.r1E s cii.fford , rmny Ll. Gi-rf~s -. , Sc,al.) (Seal.) . STATE OF Counl)' o(_~t. Lucie 1'lor ids j t , I HEREBY CERTIFY, ThaI oa this ~eventh day o( :JE,.roh }'. Cl:t.rles ';i11:01" t lid }'bI1DY. :.I. Gifiord . iiia wife personally appcarrd _ -\. D. 1.t2 ,btiore me to mf knowa 10 be the persoa.L described ia and who executed tht (oregoing et>a\"epnee 10 :rhos. J. BOlo to s and se,",rally :acknowledged the fllfcution thereof to be-J!l~~f"f ael and deed (or the usu and purrosu Iherein mtnlioned; and Ihe said jc.r~J ~ Gifford Ihe wi(e o,f Iht said i'. Chbrlea lii'l10rJ . _ on a SCpaUlf and prinle f:uminalio.." lakfn aad made b)' and before me. and sepanlc\)' and aparl (rom hu s.1id hu.band, did acknowledge tb.:at ~he made h..sc\( a part)' to the SlJd Defd o( Con\'ty..acc, (or Ihf pu'pose 01 reaouacing. relinquishing and eonn)'1ng ..II hu righI, lille and .nltresl, ....htthtr 0(. dower or. o( separale proper~y. slalulory or f(ju.itaLl. in alld to the lallds therein duenbed. and lhal she c:ucuted said deed frfdy and \"olunlar.ly and Wllhout any eoaslralnl. fear. apprfhensroa or eompubioll o( or Irom htr laid husband. st. '/ero d Slatf of_~lorld& in the Counly or thf day and yur lasl a(ortuid. n I : o l? fir- .0("(/ 1 ~7 P r-f" - 'fld HnllAl r._ 8YJn1"tWOllt notary PU.bllc stc.te of ~'loridl' ct My OO:Jl"J1sBion exnlree :Itlroh 11. 192~ (Sc,al.) Lcrge STATE OF FLORIDA, } Couaty o( SI. Locit., On thi. 16th dar o( Hov. 0\.. D. 192JL.. a' o'clock. 1( , this iastrumfllt was 61ed (or r<<ord, ud ~ duly aekaowledged aad prOYfD, IInf r<<orded the aaJDe oa pqe-. 2ri9 o( BOQ" 47 . in t1se Public R<<ord. o( said CooDly. IN WIT~~IIEREOF'. I line benutslO ad my blAd and affiud t1sf aulo( Ihe Oralil CotIrt of tile F"tllulIlls Judicial CirCllil o( said Stale in aal10r .aId . k P. ~. Eldred Clerk. ft. Ct. ... I ' B1 P If'W-(d-c:... Ir'~ ,,;.,,"- o. c. \. . .- -:. . . - .' -. ~ . :.~ \: :;....<. ~..~.':~:;:: :.-'~~:, ::~,:.;'. ':':l~~'"' . .... ...- - ,,"- * .... . '" .'...: >.1.~....:..~.:. .....:>. . . . . .~- . . ".. ~$ ~ .. _ :.. -..' _.i _ . '. ~