HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOAf 6-Va �-lb-TA-D -Pa4 -- MiAMUDADE a DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCTCONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 wvviv.m i amida d e.gyov/eco n omv Haas DoorCompany 320 Sycamore Street Wauseon, OH 43567 SCOPE: This NOA is being .issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER Product Control Section to be used in Miami. -Dade County and otherareas, where allowed by the -Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid afterthe expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami -Dade County) and/ ortheAHJ (in areas otherthanMiami-Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in.the accepted manner, the manufaeturerwill incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify,, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building. code. This. product is approved as described herein and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: Series HT 600, 700,800 & 2000 Insulated Steel Sectional Garage Door up to 18ft.-2in. Wide APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. WL-0600-0218-08-45-50M-D, titled "18%2" HT 600, 700, 2000 &.800 Steel Series HVHZ Wind Load Sectional.Door", sheets 1 through 3 of 3, dated O 1 /08/2015, with revision C dated 10/12/2020, prepared by Haas Door Company, signed and sealed byJohn E. Scates, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance numb er and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, manufacturing address, model number, the positive and negative design pressure rating, indicate impactrated if applicable, installation instruction drawing reference number, approval number (NOA), the applicable test standards, and the statement reading `Miami Dade CountyProduct Control. Approved' is to be located on the door's sidetrack, bottom angle, or inner surface of a panel. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has b een no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION ofthis NOAwill occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/ or manufacture. of the product or process. Misuse -of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination andremoval.ofNOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA.number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspectionat the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews and revises NOA #17 1,023.14 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1, E-2 and E-3, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by .Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. MfAMbQADE COUNTY Akn��, NOA No. 20-1104.10 Expiration Date:.February 11, 2026 Approval Date: January 21, 2021 Page 1 Fri Haas Door Company NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS NOA's A. DRAWINGS "Submitted underNOA #17 0313.11" 1. Drawing No. WL-0600-0218-08A5-50M D, titled "18'-2" HT 600, 700, 2000 & 800 Steel Series HVITZ Wind Load Sectional Door'' sheets 1 through 3 of 3, crated 01/08/2015, with revision A dated 01/20/2017, prepared by Haas Door Company, signed and sealed by Thomas D. Sullivan, P.E. B, TESTS "Submitted under NOA #15-1104.04" 1. Test reports on 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Large Missile impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading_per FBC TAS 203-94 4) Forced Entry Resistance Test, per TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of 16'-2" wide x 8" height HT 60.0 Series Sectional Steel Garage Doors, prepared by Intertek/ATI, Test Report No. E1289.03-550-18, dated 12/22/2014, signed and sealed by Justin P. McDonald, P.E. 2. Test report on Tensile Test per ASTM E8, of steel sheets, prepared. by Intertek/ATI, Test Report No. E1289.11-106-18, dated 12/12/2014, signed and sealed by Gary T. Hartman, P.E. 3. Test report on Salt. Spray per ASTM B 117 of coated metal steel panels, prepared by Intertek/ATI, Test Report No. E1289.10-10648, dated 11/24/2014, signed and.sealed by Gary T. Hartman, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted under NOA #151104.04" 1. Anchor calculations prepared by JB&B Engineering Consultants, LLC, dated 07/0.1/2015, signed and sealed by Thomas D. Sullivan, P.E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Test report on Surface Burning Characteristics of the Rubitherm WP 19669 polyurethane foam insulation per ASTM E84, prepared by QAI Laboratories, Test Reports No. RJ525.1F-1 and RJ5251F-2, both dated 01/26/2017, signed and sealed by V. Andrew Tan, P.E. 2. Test report on Ignition Temperature of Plastics of the Rubitherm WP 19669 polyurethane foam insulation per ASTM D 1929, prepared by QAI Laboratories, Test Report No. RJ5255F-1, dated 02/02/2017, signed and sealed by V. Andrew Tan, P.E. 6 Carlos M, Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner YOA No. 204104.10 Expiration Date: February r 1, 2026 Approval Date: January 21, 2021 E-1 Haas Door Company NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE'SUBMITTED F. STATEMENTS "Subinined under NOA #1.7-0313.11" L. Statement letter of code conformance to'the 51b edition (2014) FBC issued by JB&B Engineering Consultants, LLC, dated 02/27/2017, signed and sealed by Thomas D. Sullivan, P.E. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest issued by JB&B Engineering Consultants, LLC, dated 02/27/2017, signed and sealed .by Thomas D. Sullivan, P.E. 2. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDERPREVIOUS NOA-No.17-1023.14 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. WL-0600=021.8-0845-50M D, tided "18'-2" HT 600, 700, 2000 & 800 Steel. Series HVHZ Wind Load Sectional Door", sheets 1 through 3 of 3, dated 01/08/2015, with revision B dated 10/25/2017, prepared by Haas Door Company, signed and sealed by John E. Scates, P.E. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor calculations, dated 10/27/2017, prepared, signed and sealed by John E. Scates, P.E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None: F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to 61b Edition (2017) FBC, dated 10/27/2017, prepared, signed and sealed by John E. Scates, P.E. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, dated 16/27/2017, issued, signed and sealed by John E. Scates, P.E. zqkw Carlos AL Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA-No. 204104.10 Expiration Date:- February 11, 2026 Approval Date: January 21, 2021 E-2 Haas Door Company NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 3. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS L. Drawing No. WL-0600-0218-0845-50M-D, 418'2" HT 600,.700; 2000 & 800 Steel Series HVHZ Wind Load Sectional Dow, sheets I through 3 . of 3, -dated 01/08/2015, with 'revision C dated 10/12/2020,. prepared by Haas Door Company, signed and sealed by John E. Scates, P.E. R. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS� 1. -.Statement letter of code conformance to 7th Edition (2020) FBC, dated 10/20/2020, prepared., signed and sealed by John E. Scates, P.E. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, dated 10/20/2020,, issued, signed I and sealed. by John E. Scates,, R.E. Carlos M. lUtrera,, P.E Product Control Examiner NOA-No. .204104.10 Expiration Date: February 11,2026 Approval Date: January 21, 2021 E-3 1 1 2 I 3 1 4 + f(1" THICK - HT 004 SERIES FASTENER TO CONTINUE THICK - Hr 700 SERIES: 2" THICK - HT r 2000 SERIES 3' THICK - HT -900 SERIES STRUT h.Ig Fo. (shack 2 of 3) TONGUE ANDGROOVE JOINT. -STRUT Aqcma (sheet 2 of 3) WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT Building StrUCIUTB 'Fastener Type rt„ fnua Er+emms VW' D Mid— s Njxk� Bpi AlhambH 7r h4n:2006PSI Concrete Tapcan il4'wl 1'-0Dwashor 1314' girt 4" 12" 4434 Sautherrti(rne 3W.Leg 1.116' DD waswfher 112 1112 4' 1Y° 62oX SOuce Pine Fir (G=0;42) 3i8' Ld9 w/ 1 1!(1".ODyysher 1 1f2• 2' 4" IT482 # OP 11E 26 CA MIN. E RIOR DOS O.R NOTE:. 2)C¢rri°untetl'faUietya0musth'eSouDi8iAF5rieGreda2orbetten _ CS STEEL SKM ITH G40 MIN. HOT DIPPED..OALVANIZED. WITH EPOkY' PRIMER- k BAKED -.ON POLYESTER PAW TOP COAT. MIN: YIELD• 25 KSI STRUT Data E (sheet 2 of 3) TONCOE AND CRCDVE JOINT. STfiUT Niel F ,(ch"L 2 of 3) TER PANT TOP CDAT. ELD• 35KSiE AND mavc JOINT.STRUT D,tc;l (aheet 2TED POLYURETHANE FOAM r ION - RUBITHERM'WP 19669 STRUT MaIg" (sheet 2 of 3)LEXIBLE PVC B0170M SEAL. SECTION AA 4sEenONS 5S STRUT 2 3 4 5 6 ENING IGHT PASTHEADER ° --------- 2X 6 GRADE 2OR BETTER SOUTHERN :o PINE JAMBS. I SEE CHART FOR 2X6 WOOD, JAMB'ATTACHMENT o l TO BUILD114G STRUCTURE. a o e 0 0 MAXIMUM:ON CENTER SPACING ° FIRST FASTENER'4%O8' ° ABOVE THE FLOOR o OPENING vv,v rn MODEL NUMBERS MODEL NUMBERS AVAILABLE HT _14: & 2 14 SERIES HT 46 & 2 16.SERIES HT. 32 & 2 32 SERIES HT _33'& 2_33 SERIES HT _90 & 2 90SER ES HT _ 12 & 2_i2.SElVES HT 60 & 2 60 SERIES HT 61 &'2 61 SERIES HT 63 & 2_63 SERIES HT 64 & 2 64 SERIES HT 70 & 2 70'SERIES HT 71 & 2 71 SERIES HT 72 & 2_72 SERIES HT 73 & 2 73, SERIES HT 74 & 2_74 SERIES HT 80 & 2_80SSERIES HT 61 & 2_81 SERIES HT _8.2 & 2 82 SERIES HT 90. & 2 90 SERIES 7 eev A B. 0 ILU PRODUCT REVISED as. complying With the Flodda Code' Building Co ' NOA-No:. 20-1104.10 Eerpirntfon Data 02Ft112026 n BN Miami -Dario ro uat ntrcl No.51731 " OF -0 STATE o -p 0.1' :FGOR�QP'd?tom T John E Saotes, P.E. 2560 Kin Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 � / ���Z ZV Lewisville, Texas 75046 Nonda P.E. # 51737 116IPACr IThis product has been evaluated for use Tn RESISTANT tha High Wlccli Hurricane Zone (HvHk). 187 HT 600, 700, 2000 & 806 STEEL SERIES HVHZWIND LOAD SECTIONALDOOR •. DESIGN PRESSURE+4S,01.50.0 PSF A �D 1SIaLs L�ODna a DRAUNO NO-, WL-0600�0218-08 BREV. C DMOR AY: MV45D tohmu 418,?37•?9D0 NiODFIIs): Sri' Sheet 3 SREET.303 7 g. 2' 3 2j" ADJUSTABLE TOP FIXTURE END HINGE 12 Go 14 Cc Calearllzed Steel -PUSH-NUT-7J16" _ IEK SCREIY See DETAIL .K: far push j/4°^%. 3T' Her Wmktr nut placement c Head Sell Daling (4 per a a Hinge) TE1t:SCREW 1 41 X 3/4" Hex Washer PUSH OUT 7/16" {fcod Self 1341;ng (4 per Soa DETAIL k. for push. erocket) out placement DETAIL A ALTERNATE #2 TO DETAIL C OUTSIDE MIKE LOCK BARS Engage Into the ventcof. track on caph side of the door DETAILJ Wtemote Lock, Configuration 4 5 6 7 TEK SCREW in- 1/4- X 3/4- Hex Washer Head Self Drilling (3 per Bottom Smaket & 2 per Lon Headroom Top Bracket)' SCREW X �3/4' He. Yfaeher-Head HOTTOM BRACKET onvng (3parSm.. & 2 per A 13 Go Galvanized Steel trot, Batton Brectats) BOTTOM BRACKET "-LOW-HEADROOM-TOP-ORACKET-- _ _tS 4Adi..table Go cx"'J'ee Beal 7bJU. CEINh'E1t_-' -- -rPUSH ,NUr 7/ ifi BOTTOM BRACKET0See 41T t. K for push nutPUSH NUT 7/16, platement Sae. 1,1611 K for push not BOTTOM $EAL ofaeemant#: BOTTOM SEAL 8 DETAIL B DETAIL C ALTERNATE #1 TO DETAIL C 4"""4� .SCREW . xjn R "3/4Het Washer Head ' X 3/4" Hex `: &tote rnr d o e .steep), SLIDE. LOCK (One On Each 0R Head SeN 3 1 2 x 5'E ST1tUiSide of TheDoor) of g.(14 per. INTERMEDIATE HINGE// LOCK BARS see'M1e.or 14 Coie Co 7OK51Minimu,lAt18 BRACKET' ( G€TB�dcm Broetels) 0clyo'nized 'Steci s. 12 .Co.Cdwonized steel Steel0IIOM BRACKET 5Lt0E LOCK or /t6' Troca'rb;ider ° Qu TEK. SCRE44 - a _OCR BARS astes Stu] W.. X 3/4' Hex Eng%ell h110 lied WashedSelf ve•ticol track an PUSH NUT 7/16 Dn11 ng (4 pet Nngo) each .side of thbj BOLTkNITT door Sao M-TAIL K for Lt 57��`s-! t T 1 X 5/8. push nut placement, NOTE The l000Hoq' of SMQ .. SEAL - lha intermediate �hingea3 x 3 1 /4 BRIDGE OWE - � Cartiagn Ball & ' • � � TEK SCREW to indicated by the to Go SO KSt MtNIMUM 1J4-20 Hex Washer 1/4' X 3/4" Hax. ALTERNATE #3 DETAIL D i1de'lopbof. eaeh ®eaQ un. DETAIL E. Cii«h"d fAsh sl arm; DETAIL F eroai ) er Jamb DETAIL G Washer Hood :4eff TO DETAIL C ToG-L-LOc Drilling (4 per Slide at 4: centers Lack ni PRODUCT REVISED ate eomplyingg with the Florida e OgIlding:Coda U� 7" Win. NOA-Ho. 20-1104.10 1B' section - 17 ;" E trade Data 21' Section - 20 1"' nn 02114I2026' 18' Seetion - 17 �' 1 024' Section 23 }+ a ROLLER 21" Scotian 20 2' Diameter Nominal Ten Bell srA`crdenca By 24-Seelion - 23 , $hot, or Ten Botl Steel w/Herdenea Shaft hgtr Miami -Dada Product Control L It 'a Mitimtm+-Workobtiv 5ttok length SMrn. -6'-d-i 4 �I C30 000 2� �@- - FLAG VAICKEtT�_ it ` ` ze—i _ 6�7337 •e•� � 4" DETAIL DETAIL ka(. 1 t)ygr sTArt°F ` h1ATER'A.LI1� 20 CA OS Steel, MATERI.Lt 16 GA CS Steel, Boil l ., C49 MIn, H.oC Dipped G4Ot Wn. Hat Dipped 5/16' X 1 5/6' Leg Bolt li 0 Fx0f \Or CwNor;nA Galwnizctl (4 par Fog Ln:.W) ��',(+.cs.- ENO TILE DOUBLE STEEL ENO STILE sit Steel NOTE; Jamb Loadsl 16 CoColvernzad Steel 2 of 3) +4050 his./ft. / -450.0 ibs./ft. Qnnh lT'(sheet 2 of 3) End & rnlermsd;ete SK1a3 {Boexers} Alm of 3) Min. f -LF Attached with.3 mm: T00 L-LOG of 2- places. iof' 1' 6OLT & VASHER. 1— vEjmcAi.. macx Ni.X 1 5/8" Lag'Bolt. & 21 2" Nominal 13 Go Galvanized steel D.Dx 7/16" LD, pat Washer tested. WOOD` JP)JB NOTE Jamie bracket must be in 3' No 13 Go is also approved The vertical Wood jomb fbltcncrs direct contest with the 2x6 (Na as on oltomzle. 're be counter sunk to provide a argAce-o4owed), ffat mounting surface. See. LLomb N0,6 The flatWasheris. not ottachmenY details hn sheaf 3 for required for angle mount. SECTION B-B dttechtn4 jambs to the structure. 1 1 2 1 3 Maximum 1/2" DETAIL K There should be o space of maximum 1/2 between the roil,r hub end the outside edge of the: railer holder Which Is Get by the push put, F L C 'NIY/flfll�����- t3 BOLT d: /B' Track 8ott 1/4 x It 5-20 John.E Scales,. P.E. & i/4 & Mex Washer Nut 2560' Kin9 Arthue Blvd. Ste 124-54 (2 tot Horizontal S 2 for LeW,9014. Texos 75056` vertical Crock) Florida f',£. # 51737 ROACT This product hos been evaluated for use in RESISTANT' the high: Velocity Hurrkone Zone (HVHZ); DETAIL H _ Leta^ HT 600, 700, 2000 & 800 STEEL SERIFS. NOTE: Details on Some views omitted •I + NVH M.OADSECIYONALD00R for clarity, Double end shies and DESIGN PRESSURE +45.0/-SO.OPSF A end hardware may be requ)red on 120sycammxe DBALYtI6I0a WE-0600-0218-08.45-501NI-D REv C wider Orr heavier loafs. Wau;6og CM 435 41MV-ga00 MTf.I— lei. 0BAt1NIYt MV$ QFy,DATE 14hMD, 6 6 7 8 s It 1 1 2 '1 3 1 4 1 5 r--- Top Bracket DETAIL (sheet2oT3) End 8 6 7 Zit A NOTE Track- configurctla!1 above the 'daer openioq does not affect the wind load rating of the door, a c DOUBLE STEEL END STILE jj 16.Ga Wivanlzed Steel Detail M (shest203j 6*+f'T 38? +A 3° 21-3"i 8 oar ,.on Nfamle' eaeam Itau,oSa 1/SOT F '-- Flag Bracket Detail (sheet2of3) b Bracket (sheet 2 o(3) PRODUCT REVIS20, ©c'aomphAng"with the Florida Building Coda NOA-No. 20-1104.10> Expiration Data _0211112026 LSotCto.m. Bracket End Hinge `SDt 11 Strut Attachment tntermedlato Hge A Silds.Lock Slla'.1GoBy i all(set2o•3) Lack Miam a e Product Z.Htroj Dea8(sheet 2ot3) t►i►11N�1� c This product hasbeen tested' per TAS202-94 for stone air' pressure� s mmbrdakei quenti0e4.shown are tar use gdiih,grade 2 at, better souikrer+o'pPa4 This product has been tested per TAS201/203-04 rot forge missile Impact and cyclic !htnd pressure. Supporling structural element designs, ore to be:,tfle responat'b16ty a1 the pgafessiil a or record for thebuidIng or structure far the foods rated an tha drmVnkg `� r Model Number hT 1a&21aSERIES HT 70 A 270SERISS 11r_12d,2_12SVIES HT-60&2 SMRIES drt 6d&2 60 SERIES HT 7: az71 SERES Hr_1492_14 SERIES 1-IT_61&2_81 SERIES IT,M S2_61 $PRIGS RT nu.I SERIES H%1w2168MCS HT_t12&2,825ERIES H7 63&2638ERIE4W 73A 273 SERIES FIT 32&2-32 SERIES HT. E6 &2_96 SERIES I1117_64 &k64 9ER1E9 ttT 74 &2_74 SERIES -„ 13 & 2_ 33 SERIES Door Width Desl n ressures + sf End Backers center center Center Center Impact Reslsiatd 9dlss Hlri - - Sties HIn_ S61as Hinges SSles Hin es 4-y ew iTr 45.0 =5o.0 Double l 7 3 7 3. 7 3 7 3 YES This: product is ovailoble in norrower sizes with the same PSF on. nslructed ns 6haWn: This product is-des'sgned and sold by FSF. The AHJ or Engineer of Record is responsible for determining the PSF required for any given sdo. Dow Hey Total Sections alltaStn>is Con09ura on Jamb. Side 6'-0° 3 6 SEE SHEET .SOPS 5 T-tl' 4 6 5 6'-r 4 B 5 6'-6•' 4 6 6 6'.gr 4 6 6 6 r-T 4 6 6 7'-V 4 6 7 T-T 5 8 7 T-T 4 6 7 T-9' 5 8 7 aw 4 6 7 Mki:61737 C NOTICE: � to t e: � iY These droltin are o su*lemanf to tits inata"Quori inslru.Uors far STATE OF F ' o standard door and'only covdrs r,,,rrr�vvv' ���"+ FLOAID� ��\'N ' those procedures: that very from �j S A�lp� hens sped v proced reos� are not TONAL1110� if B followed; the'door. may. not. perform .bs tlesigned. Jahn E Scotts, P.E. 2660 King Arthur Arthh ur Blvd. Ste 124=5¢ LcWfsvdle,. laXos 75056 Ftondo P.E. fJ 51737 IMPACT This product has been evaluated for use in RESISTANT the High Velocity Hurricane Zone: (HVHZ). 18'2" HT Ann 700 )nnn 2, Qnn STEEL SERIES Maximum section height is :24 In. 9' �" " HVHZ WIND LOAD SECTIONAL DOOR Maximum door height is 16: ft. DESIGN PRESSURE-45.0t-50.0PSF A All doors, even those above the tested height, are available 320Spcamols ORAfgryCNo.: AIA600,0218•08-35.50M-D18EV. C :With jamb brackets or commercial full angle. The quantity PoEl�e�n,OZ43- OATEYRB: 1*1S OR,AlEiR11Y;�MVS OEY.OATE:1^Jllt%p and dimensiorlol location of the jamb.brackets/track clips 419331-5900 and the jamb mounting shown above should be maintained, M1110a(lij: See Sheet 3 IMV- I OF 3 1 2' 3 4 t 5 6 7 1 8