HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1586 328 TillS ISDENTURE, Made Ih,. 3 i:lr:t,ee nth _da)' o(_Jkla.o.mhllr li..._H--LaUs....and Virginia U. LIllla.-bia._Wl;[8.. -A. D. 19_U nET\\'U:~ o( Ihe Coanl)' 0(--3.t. Luo!.. _._.RQaa1.U....ROU" and SI~"~ of.__'~o%-1da. . , parL~ o( Ihe &..1 parI, .nd :] 01 Iht Counly o( ;,it. -Ltt()l A. .and Stat.:- of..___nor.ida.._.____parl.7__ o( thf se~ond pari, WITNESSETII, ThaI Ihe said partia:L. o( Ihe &nl part, (or alld in tonsideralion o( Ihe lum o( __Tln...Doll ar Band 0 t.h.eL..v.al.uabl.8._.Q.llDsldua.UOll. -Doltan, lo....t.heDL in hand paid. Iht nuipt ,.herfOl is heub)' aekno,,'lrdgfd. h'.Y8.________ Rrantfd. bargaintd, sold and Iransftrred. and b)' Ihfse prtsenu do granl. l-argain. nil .and transfer unlO Ihe said rarl-.J-- o( Ihf sceond part and__.h.~____. htin aDd anigns (orevtr, all Ihal eerlain parcel o( land I)'ine and being in Ihe Counly 0(_.3t..-I.uo14._. snd SUle o( __..l'lQzid.8. --DlOrf patlitubrly d~.tribed as (oll?ws: _The ._liO.r.t.h.._ana..Hund.XB,lLand..1l1.na~_{~ lJO L:t88 t .Q:t.aU.tlo.t._.han~~.t.hr.8LL.2.3.Lo.f._.iheen!s_map -..of-.Wh1u-.C1 to,. :1'1 oU-da.-.aa.-ahowu.-inmPlat...Book_Ona._Lll,JagA T1v8n.tJl~thza8_i22.l...._,.;jt....Lu.c i e - COW'! ~y-ReOOl'-tl9.. TOGETtI ER wilb all Ihe lentment., htredilamtnl, and appurtfnane,". Wilh e"frY prh'il('gt. rifhl. 1;11... inlerest and eSlalt, do....r .and ril:.hl oi do..-er. renrsioD. remainder and fascmtnl Ihertlo belonging or in a:t)"".i.e appcrlainlDg: TO I _~ \'E ASD TO 1I0LD Ihe .ame in ie", "Rlp\, f(tr~,.tr.. And tlte s3id parl.1aa. o( Iht 6r;t p:>rl d,,__ e<<onnar.1 wilh Ih ",id pnL.Y_._ o( Ihe second \'art Ihat...!lul3 la..-(ully ..ind J o( Ihf said pr"'ll1isc.. Ihat Ihey ~r", (,.", (rom all encllInbranct< and that-1:.h6.JC..J1aY.8._.good rigbt and lawful aUlbor;ly 10 sfll Ihe '3m,; ~nd Ihe ...id parl..J.JJ..S o( Ihe 6..t parI do__ h",,,,,by (ull)' ..arr..rt Ih", lille 10 .aid Ian,I, and ,,'ill delead Ihe 'ame against Ihe lawful claims o( ..II pcuons ",hom.oenr. IS WITXESS WHEREOF, lIoe said rarlUS_ o( Ihe fir;! (",rl ha...Y.8._... hfttunto scI__the.lx.__handfL and ..aL.8. Ibe .h" and y",ar abo"e wrillen. Sigaed. Scaled and Ddinrtd in our I'rcsrncc: ----Eoll.1.a_H.....Royl.anc.e. IImrnA R l);lanc.a _H._u....Le.t.t.s._. __V~!ilinla ~. Letts. \~at.) (SC.:lt.) STATE 0 F _l.lQ.r.1.dP., , Counly oL_3.t..~Je. I HEREBY CERTIFY, ThaI 0" Ihis_Ai.1x.tJUlnth . t , ._day o( Dec8:Lber. .\. D. 19_22. before r..e I"'rsonally appca""d _.~~~ -+ , 10 me known 10 be Ihe pcnOrL- described in and who exccuud Ihe (oregoiag con"ry..nCf to--E.oaalee Rosa and Sf\"rutl). acknowledgtd Ihe execulion Ihfreof to be---hi.B_._frce act aad df.d for Ihe uses and purposes IhereiD menlioned; and the .aid -.___y lrg1n1a..JL......L.at.t.a..__. Ibe ...i(e o( Ih. uitL..-_li.._~._.Le.t.ta..________ on a s.paule and printe examin..tion lakfa and madf by and berore mf. and nraraltly and apart from her said ha,band. did acknowledge Ihal sRe made hftsd( a parly I~ tht said Dud of COO7eyaaee, (or Ihe put pose o( nnouneing. rdin'luishing and eonnying .all hft rigbl, lillt and inle"".., ",hclher o( do..-er or o( sel>u..le proper I)', slatutory or fquilable in and to Iht bad. Ihenin df<cnbed. and Ihal sht fXCfuled said df"'oI fredy and ,'olunlarily and wilhout any eonstraial. r.ar, apprthension or compulsion of or from her said husband.. WITXESS my .ignalure and ollicial stal. al___~.Q!.L.Pieroe... ....in tlte Counly of --3'(........". I(N.P. Seal)l \ / STATE OF F~lDA;/}> County o( 51. Lutit.. and Slatt oL__no.r1dA. Iht clay and year Int aforesaid. ~{'l (;, I'r..-, J.' { "'r/.c. I~ o ;"m"'a ROll.no. _____(~aL) HotalY Publio, 3tate of Florida. My commiS9ion oxpires 8-6-24. I On this.__~Yl_day o( .A)eoember --A.. D. I92.L at o'clock, _.__.__._~l, Ihis instrvmellt was &Ied (or ""CWd.. aJtd bein.. duly ackDowltclaed and I'rO"fD, I lane rfcordtd the _f o. ~, a2t;' o( 800"--.4.7 . i. Ihf Public R<<orcb o( said Couaty. . , IN WITNESf\" EREOF.,~ lane bern.to Itt my had and aliilltd Ihf ..al o( thf Circuit Court of llaf fUtun\la Judicial Circuit o( <aid Stalf in ucl f~r taW .1,. ~.. -F. C. Eldred Oerk. \,( Ct. Ct. 3. ) _BY ..1/) 1T'1M.f..~ ((. ;V~P-4 , . .O.C :"; ::'~. .~~. :>~.::'.:, :"~:.~-;: ~-~"< >~~:'~~~~:'.::. ~ . ~ . ,.. - ~ '" . ., .. '" - "'. ~ ~ . '~-;... , "'. .' I >~~"'.~"::' . 4.~~