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N O 1/8" thick light textured stucco installed per w ASTM C 926 over ASTM D type 2 paper backed wire lath nailed to substrate through one layer of ASTM D Type 2 felt paper using 8d nails. Substrate p[ to be 19/32' CDX Plywood nailed at 6" o.c. in field and edges with IOd ring shank nails into studs. �1 Southeastern Metals 24 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofing Installed 'e per product approval FLU 111-15.1 over self adhered Q 12 roofing underlagment over 19/32" CDX plgwood attached a 5 SLOPE to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan 1/8" thick light textured stucco installed per ~ ASTM C 926 over ASTM D type 2 paper backed wire lath nailed to substrate through one layer of a — F4N ASTM D Type 2 felt paper using 8d nails. Substrate I (y I- to be 19/32 CDX Plywood nailed at 6 o.c. in field O m I 00aLy and edges with IOd ring shank nails into studs. `a (V I a0 C111 (Y I (V Ed 12-23-21 2" x 6" hand framed gable QL strapped to 2" x 8" ridge nailer O using Simpson LSTA 18 flat strap M , '�. oo II on top of rafters and nailer � O O - O 12 SLOPE 5 no M N using Simpson MTS 12 at a DO !0 Strap rafters to trusses v I Q v Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - each rafter Q 0 i 5/8" thick light textured stucco on typical concrete o o block construction 10 10 OD 1 I I I 000000 ® E lU - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O RONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 0 � O V d) Q� N N � � QL Product Approval Submittal Affidavit N o O Opening Schedule Swing Doors, Overhead Doors, Sliding Doors, Windows & Skylights uJ =3 y Z Z u; Opening NOA/FL Manufacturer Glass SST Desg Maximum sure Z > M W U Product Model # Attachment method Expiration g Type NUMBER Date of Approved Tests � U 5/16" 1/4" dia. tapcons w/ min. 1 3/8" penetration to be F- r r L Single Hung 8100 SH �� u Q 1. FLU 16171.1 Custom Windows spaced per product approval. Contractor shall adhere to + 80.0 PSF � oD OD Impact min. edge distances specified in Product approval - 1 Z Sliding Glass 48900 I" nom 1/4" dia. tapcons w/ min. 1 3/4" penetration to be O �... g Custom Windows s aced per product approval. Contractor shall adhere to 2. FL# 11103.1 SCUD p p p pp + 55.0 PSF 0 L a- Door Type GS min. 2 1/2 edge distances specified in Product approval - � H rr- � 1/4" dia. to cons w/ min. 1 1/4" penetration to be U O r r a 3, FL# 13010 4 Fixed Class �/16 p p 8300-pw Custom Windows spaced per product approval. Contractor shall adhere to + 80.0 PSF U1 U c�1 Impact min. edge distances specified in Product approval - W vQ U_ Fiberglass Smooth star 1/4" dia. x 3" to cons w/ min. 1 1/2" penetration at L N ILL �. FLU 5891.2 door Therma—Tru p p + 0.0 PSF spaced per product approval on sheet 5 of 1. _ 3/16" dia. x 3" Ta cons w/ min. I I/2" penetration spaced r � 5. FLU 140��.5 Inswing Fiber Last Jeld—Wen per product approval. Contractor shall dhere to edge + 45.0 PSF < Impact French distances stated in approval. - Steel Overhead 8100 Series Install per product approval including jamb supplement and PERMITTING INFORMATION (FORM 1 O O) � 6, FLU 8248.13 Garage Door Raised Panel Wayne Dalton manufacturers recommendations. See buck detail on these plan + 46.O/-52 PSF g for buck installation. Must have center post see approval. Florida Building Code Residential: 1TH Edition and ASCE 1-14 for Wind Loading Building Design is: Enclosed Risk Category II Wind Speed: 140 mph ultimate LULL Mean Roof Height: 25'- ' Roof Pitch: 5LLLL :12 NOA FL Manufacturer TEST Maximum Internal Pressure Coefficient: ±0.18LL Product / Model # Attachment Method Exp of Approved Tests iration Design Pressure NUMBER DateSubJectability to damage from: Weathering: Negligible Termites: ero 4 V Heay Install per fastener type and spacings shown in detail D and E Width of Roof End Zone: 4'-0" Mullions FLU 5171.2 CWS-1158 Custom Windows in product approval on sheet 9 +92.0 PSF Wind Exposure Classification: B Adjustment factor for Exposure Height Using Allowable Stress Design and Load Combination per ASCE 1-10 Section 2.4 DL+LL; DL+O.6WL; 0.4DL+0.6WL Roof 5V Crimp Metal Southeastern Metals 5v Crimp Roofing installed per approval -11.0 psf Field and Ex Height Ad Factor: 1.00 x Load Combo Factor 0.4 = 0.4 applied below SHEET NO: FLU 11115.1 24 ga Southeastern Metals over Polyglass peel and stick underlayment over 19/32 CDX perimeter. p g J pp TO Poor- IooPITCH sheeting nailed to trusses per nailing pattern detail on roof plan -93.5 psf corner Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (HET) Roof Zone: I. +11.0/-38.0 psf Roof Zone: 2R +11.0/-50.0 psf Siding STUCCO 5/8" Thick light textured stucco on typical Roof Zone: 2E/3 +11.0/-54.0 psf OF 10. ON BLOCK Concrete block construction 0 = Roof Zone I Components t Cladding Wall End Zone Width: 4'-0" Walls Zone 4 JOB NUMBER: 1/2" thick stucco on 3/8" Hi-Rib lath attached to Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Wall Zone: 4. +23.0/-25.0 psf Soffit STUCCO horizontal and vertical wood framing with nails or staples to Wall Zone: 5. +23.0/-31.0 psf 0 = Roof Zone 2E/2R 19 - 112 ON LATH provide no less than 1 3/4 penetration into horizontal Walls Zone 5 Components tCladding Wind Pressure (NET) on Garage Door: END ZONE wood framingand 3/4" penetration into vertical framingZone 5 = 12'-0" x 1'-0" CAD = +21.0/-26.0 PSF Hurricane Zone 5 = 1(,'-0" x 1'-0" CAD = +23.0/-24.0 PSF oo o �Qo ono Panels Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes CD = Corner Zones ���QQ° °�O Continuous Load Path Provided? Yes Roof Zone 3 Digitally signed 00 �o °°?� o� o ��,ELR.8� ° o Are Components an Cladding Details Provided? Yes o ALL Product Testing by: Miami—Dade County Building Code Compliance Office / Product Control Division Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure:2.500 psi, Presumptive: X By Test: psi Daniel R. by Daniel R. AR 70 I have reviewed the above and approved it by my seal below. ( Architect or Engineer of Record ) This Building Shall Have the Following: Braden APPROVED APPROVED SHUTTERS: IMPACT GLASS: X BOTH: NEITHER: Braden Date: 2022.01 .1 0 14:57:05 -05'00' o��000OD�a� 12 5 SLOPE 12 SLOPE 5 0 w v QC rn C] 0 0 0 12-23-21 O O O = a O O � Oo L 'Q 00 _I O O O I •• O O --(V — — — — — — — — 00 00 — — — no M 5/8" thick light textured 00 5/8" thick light textured a ao 0 U -� stucco on tgpical concrete O o stucco on tgpical concrete -� Q block construction O O block construction Go RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = I'-O" SCALE: 1/4" = I'-O" LL U O � � � O Southeastern Metals 24 ga 5v Crimp Metal hoofing installed V per product approval FLU 111-15.1 over self adhered roofing underlagment over 19/32" CDX plgwood attached do to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan 12 SLOPE 5 CIq W o O UJ O Z W w ' y ao " O � � c cy ;' U J Sao ELIO =3 0c)0c) � rr L 00 12-23-21 6. 5- 6. 5/8" thick light textured 1 ZO �,�, 3 # 12 lO, Q stucco on tgpical concrete U �� 5 SLOPE 12 block construction U p a- tr SLOPE 5 W v x !L U N LL �-D 4j d) F= 5/8 thick light textured o stucco on tgpical concrete lO. lO. -c block construction B 0 �&j- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C - - - - SHEET NO: REAR ELEVATION 2 . OF 10. SCALE: I/4" = I'-O" JoB NUMBER: 19 - 112 ���OD0000 �0�� R. Digitally signed o p��o���o�®0 , • o° Da n i e I R by Daniel R. o Braden o o° AR 97a® Braden Date: 2022.01 .10 14:56:51 -05 00 �00000D�a�O FLOOR O � � � � � First Floor Square Footage First Floor A/C 2544 sq. ft. TYPICAL MOTES: sq. 1/4" = 1'-0" Covered Porch Total = , 8,4 s ft. Garage = io2�f sq. ft. I. Contractor to verifg ALL notes and dimensions prior to First Floor Total = 3852 s ft. proceeding with work. 10. Contractor to Provide Pan t Drain at water heater in accordance q- 2. Contractor to STRICTLY enforce ALL OSHA Requirements. with the Florida Plumbing Code current edition. 3. ALL Lumber to be used as Beam, Rafters, etc... to have 11. Contractor to Provide a 2'-8" wide door at one bathroom for Second Floor Square Footage ° a minimum 1,400 P.S.I. fiber stress. handicap accessibilitg requirements. a 4. No dissimilar metals to touch. 12. Lowest finished floor to be set bg Governing Building Department Second Floor A/C = 2-402 sq. ft. 5. ALL Concrete used for slabs shall be 2500 PSI concrete, and survegor to set in field. Second Floor Total = 2-402 sq. ft. ALL Concrete used for vertical filled cells, continuous. tie beams etc.. to 13. Separation between residence and garage shall be per FBC R309.1 and R309.2 0 �' shall be 3,000 P.S.I. concrete and/or 4,000 P.S.I. grout mix 1-4. Door between garage and residence shall be 1-3/8" solid wood - 20 min. fire rated Under Roof Square Footage Breakdown L Drgwall at ceilings shall be leveled and attached to bottom chord 15. The Garage shall be separated from residence and the attic area bg 5/8" tgpe "X" of trusses with screws. drgwall applied to garage wall. First Floor Total = 3852 sq. ft. N N -1. ALL wood in contact with concrete shall be pressure treated. I�. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms Second Floor Total = 2'f02 sq. ft. o 8. ALL wall dimensions are nominal and not finished wall or stud dimensions. above bg no less than 5/8" tgpe "X" drgwall Total Space Under Roof = �254 sq. ft. Cr 9. ALL plumbing fixtures to be low flow. 11. ALL Floor to ceiling assemblies shall be protected bg 5/8" tgpe "X" drgwall WALL SYMBOL LEGEND O = CBS walls - Fill cells solid with concrete and (1) 45 bar vert. at 32" o.c. max. A/C Space Breakdown 361-4" = 2" x 4" non-bearing stud walls - see sections. Insulate First Floor A/C = 2544 sq, ft. •• 00 —y�—y� -� 9'-81, I'- 1._4,. 21-_g-- I,_4„ 12' -4 1,-4, with R-11 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and Second Floor A/C = 2,402 s ft, to c-1 c- Neon-A/C spaces q o —c� (4cv TT T = � � = 2 x 4 Total ,�/C space bearing stud walls - see sections. Insulate ace �q�� sq, ft. i i°0�� i > —cL Ln-cv c-I 00 0 0 Elm 0 0 0 0 with R-11 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and 0 0 -' Non-A/C spaces � Fixed Screen Fixed Screen = 2" x 6" bearing stud walls - see sections. Insulate , 00 00 c , OO OO 0 fa V �Q screen enclosure with -19 batts at bathrooms � between A/C and Non-A/C spaces � i � -- - 2" x 8" bearing stud walls - see sections. Insulate o O l3 (y In LL/ """" with R-19 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and v 1 Q oUi Ll porch -2,2 -3,2„ P O R C H `' o Non-A/C spaces Fixed Screen oo U o Pass Thru. O N U p °i Fixed Screen O � 00 O 00 00 00 O O 4'-9" 7'-6" 6'-�%2„ A/C A/C 32'-1'%2„ 8'-2" 13'-�„ 10 3„ — — — — — — — — — (D ® In OW Schedule(D C 1,4'-2 z6i 0 0 O D O D O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 o O 0 0 O O O O O O O O O 0 0 Mark Size UJindow Descri tion OA x 5'-3" SINGLE HUNG - EGRESS O m KITCHEN 2. 5'-O" x 4'-2" HORIZONTAL ROLLER - EGRESS -.�, -10' g _O„ -� 24'-8" 3. 3'-O" X I'-6" AWNING O O 4. 2'-4" x 4'-2" CASEMENT I O r=�� 5. I'-O" x 3'-4" CASEMENT broom 5' a W.H. I i�� I `, 2'-0" x 2'-0" SLIDER OBSCURE Q o S T U D Y - A I M 1 9 I 2�, 8„ 1. 4'-5" x 4'-2" HORIZONTAL ROLLER O 1 F A I I I L Y C A B A = � U S. 1'-0" x 4'-2" FIXED GLASS �JL 0 ° 80 Gallon 4 2'-O" x 1'-0" TRANSOM — H 0 1 �_ Water Heaters 0 10. 3'-I" x V-2" SINGLE HUNG - EGRESS O (n # C P U I 1 �� AHu II. x 3'-2" SINGLE HUNG - EGRESS G� ARAG E LL 4-3 arage O O 12. 3'-0" x 2'-8" CASEMENT O p cej 8'-2" — — — 5'- _i W.H. N <r NTRY - ` ' N - ALL Windows to be white windows with tint. 12-23-21 U GAME ROOM � 2 � T H � 2 23'-8" Provide muntin's and structural mullions per elevations. Se � � a 33'-l0" O product approval chart for window manufacturer information. Q1 N ALL windows to withstand Pressures stated in Permit -6 Information Box on these plans. N O ° - ALL windows in bathrooms to be tempered Q) L -Q ° N r-----------------------------------� - ALL windows within 18" of finished floor to be tempered -m FOYER o ` F i I - unless impact rated. QLK. < H verify all masonry/rough opening sizes prior to ordering I I windows. C-2 ® cal I I I I 00o I I Door Schedule o W o LU H Mark Size Door Description Z z O A 3'-o" X 8'-0" 00 FIBERGLASS 2 PANEL Z } Lo CO Baro OI. O O . 0 0 0 0 O D dci� B 2'-6" X 8'-O" FOAM FILLED FIBERGLASS 6 PANEL Go 00 +' U U PORCH p C 6'-O" X 8'-O" SINGLE LITE FIBERGLASS FRENCH 1L � I I " O - 1 20" x 20" O I C O b'-O" X 8'-O" 0000 � r D SLIDING GLASS DOOR I # - Dumbwaiter Z N v O 0 _0D E 18'-O" X 8'-O" GARAGE DOOR J =ET :AR) 0 _ F 2'-8" X 8'-O" 20 MIN FIRE DOOR � � U r r GAME ROO � l C-2 c 1 9' 0„ O ° m 0 0 �r G r r N DINING o 00 0 0 " ,_ " 3 m - 0 0 O O 0 0 H 2 -8 X 8 O SOLID CORE X REF J 2'-0 X 8'-0" SOLID CORE _ Q LL J C-3 2'_6"w x 4'-O"h fight above O K 1'-to X 8'-O" SOLID CORE L ~� N O Access to under < r stairs L (2) 3'-O" X 8'-0" SOLID CORE - POCKET a r _ 6 12'-2" \, 36" high railing M 3'-O" X 8'-O" SOLID CORE - POCKET D byeMFGp drawings `4 N 2'-8" X 8'-O" SOLID CORE - POCKET UP f> light above P 2'-a, X 8'-O" SOLID CORE - POCKET 111 4717 1 1 0 IEEEEE97 1 DO R o U GAME Stair Info: O I 0 20 risers at 6 11/1(." high o � ® MAIN Stair Info: s 5'-0" x s'-o" BI PASS LO 21 risers at 6 3/8" high - '— a,-Offaft"o (� Hu C 18 Treads at ll deep 18 Treads at 11" deep u 3'-O" X 8'-O" BI FOLD L o CLO o O D 0 O O 0 O O D a) v 2'-4" X 8'-0" BI FOLD fil 22'-II" IO 6'-9� 5'-6" 9'-101, 4'-4" 5'-2" 5'-2" 2'-8" I8'-O" 3'-4„ - ALL exterior doors including garage doors to withstand SHEET NO: pressures stated in permit information box on these plans. - verify all masonry/rough opening sizes prior to ordering windows. :3 , - See product approval chart on these plans for exterior >11 door manufacturer information (including garage door) OF 10. Provide one exit door (swing type) that is 3'-0" wide minimum and one emergency escape door (not shuttered). JOB NUMBER: If escape door has glazing then it must be impact resista and shall NOT be thru garage. This may be the same do q if it meets both criteria listed above. 19 - 112 ��O000000 Rio ��a Digitally signed o� o oo���o � o o 0 0 �o.0 o Daniel R. by Daniel R. oe ° ° ® ® oo�po° o.��o AR 9a�® 0 Braden opoo o o��000 Braden Date: 2022.01 .1014*56*34 ' ��000OD�a� O a Southeastern Metals 24 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofing Installed 03 per product approval FLU 111-15.1 over Folyglass self adhered roofing underlayment over 19/32" CDX plywood attached o to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on of plan 4" min. of Ic nene LO-C-50 s ra foam insulation on Q N bottom of roof sheathing in compPhance with ICC-ESR-1824 \ OL dated Feb. 1, 2012. Install DC 315 Intumescent coating ta- per section 4.3.2 of [CC test noted above to comply Simpson HETA 20 or equal with 15 min, thermal barrier requirements. \ hurricane anchor at each truss 12 00 a with (10) IOd x 1 1/2" nails 5 SLOPE ( 24" o.c.) supporting Max. 1810lbs. uplift PRE-ENGINEERED TRUSSES AT 24"o.c. TYPICAL (shop drawings bg manufacturer) C4(14_M14 p I I (1 00 6'(<1 Galy-Alum Metal drip on M (y (V 64'-O" I„ x 4" Drip on m aI a0 I (Y 12'-4" 52'-6" 1" x 8" Fascia on A _ 5/8" Drywall ceiling =!L"!L!n 1� 2" x 4" Sub-Fascia 2.4 Beam BI � fn 1/2" drywall over I" x furring �o Iq'-8" 15'-6" 17'-4" 5/8" thick stucco on 3/8" hi-rib lath strips at I6" o.c. with R4.2 fyfoil Q O C (Y fo attached to horizontal and vertical wood lation on t ical 8" Blk wall (`! a 5'-O z 6'-2" 8'-2'" 9'-2 insu " framing with nails or staples to provide 9p oc s v no less than I-3/4" penetration into All drywall is per FBC �02.3.1 and �, Q Q Q BATH 43 O horizontal wood framing and 3/4" penetration Mortar shall meet all pertaining ASTM codes. � U 6. into vertical wood framing members PrrovidetOue O yRockMM''atoalr wet Q Oareas (ex. showers, tubs etc...) CLO I - 00 O � 7,� - 00 - O O O ° ° 12-23 21Fill cell with concrete and OE— 0 b (1) U5 bar vert. (typical). Max. spacing shall not exceed OJ I O 6 I O O O FLED 32" unless otherwise noted J ° 5 bar vert. w/ see foundation plan notes for Shelves O O 0 0 O O 0 0 30overlapspacing at openings *I 5 Sh I O " 0° -o' 11'-O'EGRESS 0 LINEN O 141'14H- # - 1. m T ical flooring over 15/32 COX I wood screwed to 12-23-21 yP 9 " y _ O V EGRESS T ical Install trusses15/3 or 2" I wood with 348 x D2.5"pwood screws latr.4" o.c. Baseboard max, spacing over 15 lb felt. Install 23/32" COX plywood 4' g J f screwed and glued to trusses or joists with 48 x 2 screws EGRESS M A S T S i� at 12" o.c. O !!�� J BED Q O Height d r J O �s O lU• _ DR00M 3 Heiht B� � � � 20" deep pre-engg.ineered woodBEDROOM 2 - U i � I floor trusses m I hcwerhead I N1 81 15'-2" O _ ^ I O" Height Sound Batts insulation 0 cA I L o I I WC LL n I C I = O 5/8 Drywall ceiling J �� i o I I I r- Beam BI o IO L — I — See floor truss attachment U detail on framing plan N 4 2 5/8" thick light textured �_ Q3 I' U H O stucco on typical concrete I/2" dr wall over I" x furring to ° EGRESS O 1 #� 1 block construction strips a 14" o.c. with R4.2 fyfoil m O Above'` O insulation on typical 8" Block walls 0 _ O 0 All drywall is per FBC 102.3.1 and O shall meet all pertaining ASTM codes. Mortar to be Tye "I"f" only. O O- ° O O M -n ° - Provide Dur-O-�ock at air wet =� o O L A U I�l D R 70r70 I I areas (ex. showers, tubs etc...) < (y C O °oM 5,_4„ Book z073 I O E m r Shelves # � °A I C L O I v 0 0 O O °N O - 0D 0 LU 70 W 6,_°„ I Fill cell with concrete and .. Z Z cn O i 12-23 21 oo= (1) 45 bar vert. (typical). lu ao m +' 03 BEDROOM -4 BATH #5_- 0o I -io� _ O Max. spacing shall not exceed ,, I() Co O 32" unless otherwise noted N 00 +, U CJ' Ifn see foundation plan notes for 00 00 # I I r 2 6„ - I 5 bar veil. w/ spacing at openings (L I I _ — J — ° L — — — J 30 overly � � r r L � O - <r �r I O P 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR a J Typical 6"xb" 10/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over ^^ O 0 Baseboard clean compacted termite treated fill U N CLO BEDROOM 5 � � v rr� tr 0 Orr L U � m O O 012-23-21 Gradel.l.l 2 — L4 Q) � LL R�l EGRESS o EGRESS Handrail _ III = OC r a` O sshl by MFGee op drawings J ° -I F-24 �r n, TYFICAL SECTION DOWN (a Scale 1/2" = 1'—O" L o 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 ®8'-5" J< 8'-5"® 3'-2„ 3'-2„ 3'-0 3'-0" 4'-4" 4'-4" 5'-I" 10'-5" SHEET NO: 16'-10" WALL SYMBOL LEGEND �= CBS walls — FIII cells solid with concrete and (1) #5 bar 04 , vert. at 32" o.c, max. OF 10. = 2" x 4" non—bearing stud walls — see sections. Insulate with R-11 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and JOB NUMBER: � I / I N� I Non—A/C spaces 19 - 112 S E C 0 I � 0 F L 0 0 R F L = 2" x 4" bearing stud walls — see sections. Insulate with R-11 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" Non—A/C spaces O��OOO �000Q� � = 2" x 6" bearing stud walls — see sections. Insulate 0 with R-19 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and o Non-A/C spaces Digitally signed o Fot°wLR.SR,04 o "' g Daniel R. ® ® = 2 x 8 bearing stud walls — see sections. Insulate b Daniel R. with R-19 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and y o��°° AR977.10 Non—A/C spaces Braden p�oW- ° Date: 2022.01 .1 Braden �oo� FOUNDATiON PLAN Footing C u e Termite Protection for New FOUNDATION NOTES: SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Construction as per F.B.C. 181�.1 I. Any changes to plans must be submitted to the architect CONTRACTOR TO REFERENCE F.B.C. Mark Size and Description BUILDING 1816.1 FOR FURTHUR REQUIREMENTS for approval before proceeding with construction. T-8 Thicken slab edge t0 8" x 8" with (1) 45 bar Cont. Soil treatment used for subterranean termite prevention 2. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of all notation and dimensions inside the foundation perimeter shall be done after all prior to start Of construction. 16"w x 16"d concrete monolithic footing with (2) 1*5 rebar continuous excavation, backfilling and compaction is complete. 3. ALL Concrete used for slabs shall be 3,000 PSI concrete min., and o -16 ALL Concrete used for vertical filled cells, continuous. tie beams etc.. to a and 1*5 transverse bars at 32 O.C, (bottom) If soil area is disturbed after initial chemical soil treatment, shall be 3,000 F.S.I. concrete and/or 4,000 P.S.i, rout mix min. > 24"w x IL"d concrete monolithic footrn with (3) 45 rebar continuous area shall be re-treated with a chemical soil treatment 4• Soil conditions assumed to be 2500 sf and stable. This shall be confirmed v F-2.4 including spaces boxed or framed, p � W and 45 transverse bars at 32" o.c. (bottom) by soil borings which shall be provided in writing to this firm by owner/contractor o o, Treatment must be in accordance with the rules and laws 24"w x 2'4"1 x IL"d concrete monolithic footing with (3) U5 rebar each prior to start of any construction. F-25 g established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and way bottom steel. consumer services. 5. Verify all recess thickness at shower floors, all floor finishes as selected by Protective sleeves around piping enetratin concrete Owner, door sills it thresholds etc..., prior to placing any slabs. �y — F-36 'w x 6 x 6 concrete pa noting wit rebar at o.c. eac 12-23-21 P P g P g cy a bottom steel, slab on grade floors shall not be of cellulose-containing 6. Contractor to provide filled cell with concrete and 1 45 bar vert. at -48 o materials and shall have a min. wall thickness of 0.010" _ Cr ,� and shall be sealed within the slab using a noncorrosive o.c. max. Provide (1) filled cell on each side of openings uP to 5 11 wide. F-3-1 36 w x i(o d concrete monolithic footing with 45 rebar at 8 O.C, each clamping device to eliminate the annular space between Provide (2) filled cells on each side of openings from 6 -U to `1 II r a bottom steel. pipe and sleeve. NO TERMICIDES shah be applied and Provide (3) filled cells on each side of openings from 10'-O" and up 0 inside the sleeve per FBC Plumbing 305.1.2 Contractor t0 See plans for any other condition used. Foundation walls shall have filled cells at 24' o.c. unless otherwise noted (see section) - ., OO NN(V I Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey Form Board Survey t, (4c4- i I"-� 21"-8"" 1'-�'" 12"-�"" I"-�' to be provided to Truss Company prior to truss construction o !��M N �, cy aoN N - C-I r — C— r — 8. ALL Reinforcing steel shall be grade 60, meeting ASTI"l A-16 and !c�i,I II N I- A-35 specifications. ALL Anchors to be ,4-301 steel, r� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o-I i I T-$ 1 I T-$ 1 I 9. Provide a minimum of 3" concrete protection at footings and ITA - - - - - - i L - IF-36 L _ _ _ J L__ I-1/2" concrete protection at beas for ALL reinforcing bars. , o T- a- I T-$ 10. Contractor to provide the Architect with truss shop drawings including - -0 fQ � fn L - 6 FL 36 r I -0 38 8„ I ALL truss cut sheets showing ALL truss reactions prior to TART [] p In. OF FOUNDATION WORK for strap and footing size verification. N R IT-8 �8'-6° N 9 p Q ) Q 0 <r o Thicken edge to 8"x8" 0 o T-8 o O_ cv with concrete and T-81 Fill cell with concrete and O O O O O O O O O T-8 I one U5 bar continuous 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR (1) 45 bar vert. (typical). ' I -1-1-1-1-1-1 Max. spacing shall not exceed O O I A/C A/C (."x(." #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over 40" unless otherwise noted � r-- ��� — — — — — , O O 1 #3 42 clean compacted termite treated fill 1 see foundation plan notes for ° F_24 _ GRADE a spacing at openings 1 1 a 03 a a 1 - 00 O DO DO 0 0 0O!,11 � � � � 00 O 00 00 O 00 000 O 00 O O O O O O O O O 00 = 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1- O — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ _ _ F —� 1 - - F_16 o r - - - - - - - - — - -i r — F-24 - - = __ — - - - - - �_2� - - - - - - - - - � o l3, 00 �,_ ° Recess for I 3, I I m I I r m I 6 1 Shower I I I I ® I 1 II I T-8 FOOTING DETAIL -25 1 __ 1 1 1 3' 6". I o I - - 4 concrete slab with fibermesh OR lU l 6"x6" #10/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over 1 SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" clean compacted termite treated fill I o O o I I I I I � v I 33'-O" � 0 1 O - 45 bar vert. w/ SEE TYPICAL iL 30" overlap SECTIONS at each filled cell O cA 41 1 1 I 1 I 1 4'-O" 23'-8" 1 •4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 1 1 O ---' - 6"x6" #I0/10 WWM on Io mil Visqueen ov r N H I O I 1 1 O O I" recess for clean compacted termite treated fill 1 1 0 l p 1 I F-16 1 H_ — - I N waterproofing at slab U 1 1 I 1 1 1 l 1LL �y 1 Grade 1 1 1 L — — — 1 - Q� cn o I F-I6 1 � _ _ 1 1 F-I1 0 l •� t�p 1 N E , I- cn L Q) -Q _ � I I I -1111-1111 � 1 o I I III IIII I I I I II ,I QL r - O 1 - m - N%�� - O 1 3 24" 3 footinggx with (a) 45 barsnco�ntic T $ i i L _ _ J r — — — — — — — F 24 — — — — J 5' 10" _ 1 and U5 transverse bars at 32" o.c. I '� Step1 C-2 cm 1 1 1 N r J 1 F-24 I o 0 0 0 1 r 1 1 ° F-24 FOOTING DETAIL E m II i i i i i i i i i r 4 concrete sl b with fibermesh R o 0 0 0 .� 1 L — - - _ 1 I ° OC W O m I II I O O <r SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" jU � °u O r x� #10/10 WW n 6 mil Ylsqu n over J Widen slab edge as needed I I 1 1 .. Z Z clean compact d ermite treate f III 1 m under dumb weig tier using F-16 W �ql I'-O" - add #5 bars at 8" o.c. max. 1 L- - - - - - - - - - - Recess for ,�' Z } Ln � O - l I each way bottom steel Garage Door . O `'� N N +, U 1 10L 1 l - 3'-8" ° 1F-I6 - o 0 0 0 0 0 0 =3 GOOD QD --, 1 I o r Z ry 1 o 0 O l __ 8" _ LL I F-24 c-2 F-25 I C_1 r-- - - - 3 cn I o o T=$ l.0 E ~ !ll v I J L U d ~� -8 REF 1 I'-9" 12"-2", I _ C_3 4 1 6._2.. 1"_4", �„ _ r i �' 1 °° I o 0 Contractor to provide r a` 1r Thicken slab edge = � � 1 L — -. — — I — — — — I I 1 to 24" x 24" with (3) o proper foundation chairs „ Z F-I6 N = o I N t.pl� F-24 - - I o 45 bars each way bottom -� for proper steel installation 3'-2 — — — — — — — — — steel - i cn 1 o _ o 1 r _ O O O T-T-T O O O O D O� 29 I L - N1 o Q) o - - - - - - - - -m - - - - - - - - - - - - - L 0 0 1571 O O O O O � O O T-T-T-T-T-T-TTT-T 'O•` O O min. u *I 29'-8„ 19'-8" 14'_10„ 10'-4" 24'-0" SHEET O: C orner S t eI L ap tt5 bar vert. w/ 30" overlap SEE TYPICAL Filled Cell Masonry Column With One Filled Cell Masonry Column With One at each filled cell SECTIONS 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR n t S #5 From Footing To Beam. #5 From Footing To Beam Each. Column Sc dul 6"x6" #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Yisqueen over OF 10. Conc. Fill To Be 3000 PSI Conc. Fill To Be 3000 PSIclean compacted termite treated fill JOB NUMBER: 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR See Floor Plan For Location See Floor Plan For Location I" recess for 6"x6" 410/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over � �5 bar cont. Mark Size and Description waterproofing at slab clean compacted termite treated fill 19 - 112 �' •• "' �f''' '';' C-1 bar vert in each cell k column filled solid with concrete and (1) 5 Grade 16" x I6" concrete bloc � o b -�0000 r�•,i +. •a� 'try• i :'r • A_2 4" x 4" S 1 1— #2 wood post _� �0 ��°OO�d i 16"w x 16"d concrete monolithic �a C-3 3 /2 x 3/2 x /� t9piCal steel column - see details on sheet AD-1 - 1 and 45 trap verses bars at 32 o.c. (2) 5 bars cont, bottom steel Digitally signed �� ono oEL R°0 D�� ° IIII IIII " 12" Single Filled Cell Column Doubly filled Cell Column 16„ 16," Danielby Daniel R. o. o o° R. o. AR 9770 NTS NTS Braden o�%o� ��000 12-23-21 F-I� FOOTING DETAIL DETAIL AT GARAGE STEPDOWN Braden Date: 2022.01 .10 �o�Q °p�c��o 00 SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" Scale. 3/4 - I O 14:56:09 -05'00' ���0000000� Typical Flooring on 3/4" CDX plywood sub-flooring HIP ROOF SHEETING STRAPPING SCHEDULE STRAPPiNG SCHEDULE screwed and glued to floor trusses.ee ,ALL plywood ATTACHMENT DETAf L S typical section sub-flooring to be saturated with Thompson s for Wall finish notes water seal immediatelg after Installation for leak protection I. Minimum Nail Size = 8d angular ring shank (min. 2.5" long) HET,A 20 2. Minimum Screw Size = 48 x 2.5" HTS 2 base board Provide Simpson H2.5 strap 3. Minimum Sheathing Thickness 19/32" COX PI wood at each floor joist to ledger connection 4. Use nails or screws based on pressure for roo� stated in zpermit info box on these plans for appropraite roof ones. ® 4 FT Q O HET,4 20 °=° HTS 20 18" deep Top Chord Bearing TYQICA floor trusses at 24 G o.c. typical ABLE 0 �� TYPICAL El QL Simpson HTS 20 hurricane o k o rn SIMPSON HETA 20 hurricane anchor at each truss (24" o.c.) I R-30 Batts Insulation ® 4 FT I - � anchor at each truss supporting supporting Max. 1,450 lbs. 5/8" Drgwall _ 4 FT _ ? I �® C Max. 1,810 lbs. uplift. Strap shall uplift w/ (24) IOd x 1.5" nails Ledger LGI 0 's�• '� (] have (9) IOd x I I/2" nails. — see ledger schedule I s$eeabeaam schedule 4 F 1 \ o sQ Cr r- ® 4 FT E 4 FT' Girder truss to wall usingr 00 a I oor Truss t o B lock UJ a ll /4 ttachment ED & tail a Simpson FGTR strap on with (2) Ke Area Ede Field Fastener Pressure � 1/2" dia. x 5" Titen screws into wall Zone I 6" 6" 8d x 2.5" ring shank 45 psf and fl8) I/4" x 3" SDS wood screws 8d x 2.5" ring shank �6 sf into truss t �j Zone 2E, 2R, 2N 4" 6" 9 p Southeastern Metals 24 ga 5v Crimp Metal roofing installed Zone 3E/3R " Sd x 2.5" ring shank 84 psf " QO �—_(14 per product approval FLU 111�5.1 over Polgglass self adhered ANY ZONE 6" 6" 8 x 2.5" screw 263 ps N I iV I I roofing underlagment over 19/32" CDX plywood attached - = o L cal I ODcrcv N to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan -I H T,4 20 `� C- ��y°0 I ��y 24" — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ---Ln�— C_1 O.H. = = = g� = = = = = = = = B14 = = = QL 24" O.H. Strap beam to column using Simpson MGT fn trap with 8 ia, threaded rodI N B2 to extend down through wood beam and (� Q (y fa fy en have 2" square washer, lock washer and nut. N R u Han beam on wall using Simpson lU Q Fill all nail holes with IOd nails .000 10 0 Q p LGU� 210-2 with (8) 3/8" x 4" (L CY U titen screws into wall and G2 �y B2 a LC�I LC�I (8) I/4" x 2.5" wood screws into beam — J Han beam on wall using Simpson C3 LGUM 210-2 with (8) 3/8" x 4" H tten screws into wall and _ (8) 1/4" x 2.5" wood screws into beam 0/L-45 LGI L I LC� - L20 BI BI L20 N o H T,4 20 L6 LG�I L6 LB31 BI Bi L60 B LSO BI BI BI outeastrn etal 24 a 5 Cri p M tal oofin ins Iled Hi Han girder on wall using Sim son per rodu t a rov FL III .1 ov r P Iggla sel adh red roof g u erla ment over19/ 2" DX Igwo d at ache Q 31 3/4" x 4" Titen screws into wall and to usse per shee ing tac ent diagr m o roof plan N (8) 1/4" x 2.5" SDS wood screws into BI Grider truss I � I to O IX4' I W LLI LG�I I n� I � 01 - aL O BI HI RE-ENGINEERED 0" D EP FLOOR � 12 Hu SLOPE 5 BUSSES AT 2-4 0 T ICAL arag LL 24" 1 Girder pper P E- N N E R E T U S E 0-H. U o H truss MFG T "o. . T Pi AL BI d) BI H1 ( s op rawl gs y m nuf ctur . r ) �_ Stra Girder truss to wall usingSim son BI W QL MG T strapwith (1) 5/8" dia. AT 5 (L r(2ml)e e min. in concrete an BI HI SEE COLUMN DETAIL ON C-2 IOd nails into wood beam B1 B1 t j SHEET 0-1 for attachments L31 B1 L60 H1 N o O LG'FI (2) 2" x 12" SYP #2 — — ET 2 z N O wood beam at to of stair B1 " Z liJ p op cal +� O 77BI L18 } ; O L31 B 5 Girder MFG FL R H E — oo ao_Z v _ IL >r r L < GOOD SLOPE 5rT I z N ry BI B1 24 cy cy .Q o_H. U r r C- O r r B1L1 24" U U '� B3 o.H. L31 LU 3 cn (� ~ !�I x ' C-3 Girder er � LEDGER SCHEDULE L = d)l— »L �+ See steel column details truss M G ' 12 Han beam on wall using Simpson � � r � a` on sheet D—I m g 00W LGU 210-2 with l a 3/ " x 4" Mark Size and Descrr Description V- 3 5 SLOPE tten screws into wall and p � � Girder pper (8) 1/4" x 2.5" wood screws into beam (2) 2" x 8" PT ledger bolted to wall with (2) 5/8" dia. c i truss MPG LGI BI Frame gable over trusses expansion anchors at 2�f" o.c. staggered with min. trusses using 2" x 6" 6 embedment Into Wall L10 (2) 2" x 8" ridge nailer „ LG II SYP 42 rafters at 24 o.c. hangon wall usin s smpson (2) 2 x 6 PT ledger bolted to wall with (I) 5/8 dia. 2Hang rafters on wall using LC�2 HU l hanger filling Simpson to 28 hanger with expansion anchors at 2�f O.C. staggered Wlth min. �l,J TA 20 �r Hang gilder on wall using all nail holes with IOd nails. (4) 1/4" x 2.�5" to cons 6 embedment Into Wall BI O Simpson HGUM 5.25 x II SDS into wall and (2) IOdp x 1.5" LG�I 5 SLOPE with (8) 5/8 x 5 tten screws Strap rafter to ridge nailer Ledger Per Truss Dwgs by others — attach to Wall using (� into wall and (24) 1/4" x 2.25" usin Simpson LRU K. hanger nails into foist Lt3 �� �� 9 pp 9 (2) /8 dia. exp. anchors with min. 5 embedment IntoBI sL 24" SDS screws into truss with (9) 16d nails into strap beam at 24" O.C, staggered B1 L90 O H 12-23-21 Adjust hanger width as needed per truss size — see shop drawl gs N bg MFG prior to ordering hang r. SHEET u T *I Stra beam to column usingSim son MGT S H E E I I�O" trap with 8 dia. threaded rod / to extend down through wood beam and y/Q_ have 2" square washer, lock washer and nut. SEAM Fill all nail holes with IOd nails SECOND FLOOR � R � Mf �IC,� / LOUJER R00 � PL � N OF lo. Mark Size and Description JOB NUMBER: TYPICAL NOTES: S C a 1 e: 1/4" _ �' -0" Two rows of beam block filled with concrete and (I) 45 bar — ALL Plywood sub—flooring to be Saturated w/ Thompson' s — Architect to review Truss Shop Drawings Prior B1 continuous in each row. Provide precast lintel filled with 19 - 112 water seal Immediatel of ter Installation for leak protection. to construction for layout and uplift verification Concrete and (1) #5 bar per lintel schedule continuous y �� p � p over openings. 0�����o - Overhangs at — unless otherwise noted on this sheet — Provide fire stop blocking at all floor trusses dividing the floor B2 (2) 2" x 12" SYP #2 Mood Beam Roof pitch at 5 :12 unless otherwise noted area Into 500 Sq. ft. ( Max.) Spaces B3 (2) 1.�5" x 1�f" LYL 2900 Fb = 2.OE per truss dwgs o o oeLR.Saio�� o Truss shop drawings to be provided by manufacturer Daniel R Digitally signed by o o0 0 n Chan �s to this lan shall be Submitted to the B� (3) 1.�5 x 14 LVL 2900 Fb = 2.OE per truss dwgs • Daniel R. Braden off° G°aR97.10 architect gf or approval in writing prior to Starting construction. B5 (2) 1.-I5" x 11.25" LYL 2900 Fb = 2.OE Date: 2022.01 .10 0��0° h p p g p g ALL TRUSS T TRUSS CONNECTIONS BY TRUSS MFG Braden 14:55:57 -05'00' Additional 19/32" CDX plywood sheeting #5 bars Lintel Bar Clear "A" "B" nailed per roof sheeting attachment BEAM SCHEDULE r ;•:;:,: CLEAR Length Length Span Bars Bars detail on roof Ian sheet Diagonal bracing to be P � •-• '• � 2'-10" 2'-8" I'-6' 2,U3 none 2" x 4" to span Soffit and fascia - see -_--� Precast Lintel 8'-0" from gable end wall Mark Size and Description 3'-6" 3'-4" 2'-2" 2, 3 none nailed to each truss typical section for exact details 8Fs-oB/IT Two rows of beam block filled with concrete and (1) 45 bar Additional 41-0" 3'-10" 2'-8" 2,u3 none 2" x 4" sub-fascia B1 continuous in each row. Provide precast lintel filled with - #5 bars :_..::•.. 12" concrete and ll) #5 bar er lintel schedule continuous CLEAR ° .:r. 3'-2" 2, 3 none p COVER One Row of Beam X. 1/8" thick light textured stucco over paper over openings. :;::�: Block Above :�: '�'; 51-411 5'-2" 4'-O" 2,u3 none backed wire lath nailed to substrate through 'p one layer of 15 lb felt using 8d nails. Substrate B2 (2) 2" x 12�� SYP #2 Wood Beam 5'-101, 5'-81, none to be 19/32" COX Plywood nailed at 6" o.c. Precast Lintel in field and edges with IOd ring shank nails into studs. r •.'':,::' 9 �[ B3 (2) 1.-I5" x 14„ s LVL 2900 Fb = 2.OE per truss dw ( 6'-6" 6'-�" 5'-�" 2, 4 none g'4 Additional I p► 2" x " bracing to span back CLEAR r.____JF #5 bars ------ C s'-o" from gable end nailed to B4 (3) 1.-I5" x 14" LVL 2900 Fb = 2.OE per truss dwgs COVER �'-6" �'-o" �'-2" 2,#5 none a each truss with (2) IOd nails ClarkDietrich XJ15 Double-J expanded flange galvanized control 8FIL-IB/IT 8FIL-IB/2T god' attached to I wood uc " " NOTES: 8'-�f" �'-10" �'-O" 2, 5 none — p g B5 (2) 1.�5 x 11.25 LVL 2900 Fb = 2.OE Q d ring shank nails (2) in each corner I. MIN. COVERAGE OF STEEL = 1.5" N — See typical wall section for wall and at 16" o.c. thereafter with min. 2. MIN. BEARING REQUIRED e EA. END = 4" ALL reinforcing steel is grade 60. (y construction I" penetration Into studs 3. STANDARD FOR REINF. STEEL = ASTM A61� GRADE 60 11 TYPICAL LINTEL SECTION Cr — C A B L E E N D UJ /4 L L D E T /4 1 L N 2 ( PRECAST CONCRETE ) a NTS F- LiNTEL SCHEDULE •• oo --a m (4 cv I I Window Pre_ Rows of Max. Max. Max. p 1100 0-N or D BM Block Gravity uplift Lateral E N ap(Y(Y Mark unit Lintel Cast-Crete Stressed Above Bottom Top Load Load Load I I I I 1 Width Size Specification " Steel Size Steel sip (PLF) (PLF) (PLF) —N I in�N L20 2'-O" 2'-10" BPS-OBAT NO — 1 u5 3069 151169 I442 A[ L22 1 2'-2" L31 T-0 V-9" SF8-OBAT NO — 1 u5 2541 1363 163 BI L45 4'-5" 5'-I" SF8-OBAT NO — 1 u5 1349 IOIL 411 1 L50 5'-O" 5'-8' 8F8-OBAT NO — I u5 1105 909 339 fy 0> 0 0 12 o LZO T-ON T O" BPS-OBAT NO — I 1 u5 1011 121 534 J (] 0 Q L80 8'-O" 8'-8" BPS-OBAT NO — I u5 11199 591 512 0 0 StrapGirder truss to wall using Sim son L90 T-Off T-8" BPS-OB/IT NO — 1 u5 535 530 401 ..:. p Ul 111 ~ MGT strap with (1) 5/8" dia. ATR LI00 10'-O" 10'-8"I 8F8-OBAT NO — 1 u5 582 414 452 2 embeded 12" min. in concrete and LIIO 10'-0" ll'-8" 8FI4-I1BAT NO ONE 1 #5 1 u5 1 1254 410 402 Bi (22) IOd nails into wood beam L22 BI L22 B1 LI20 12'-0" IT-Off 8FIL-IBAT NO ONE 1 85 1 u5 1015 LOL 324 LI40 14'-O" 14'-8" 8FIL-IB/IT YES ONE I u5 I u5 1310 519 284 BI B H TA 20 H TA 20 LILo IL'-Off IL'-8" 8FIL-IB/2T YES ONE 1 85 2 u5 950 500 194 22 LI80 IL'-o" 18-8" 8FII.-IB/2T YES ONE 1 85 2 u5 150 424 148 BI L40 B Bi L40 B1 BI - ALL LINTELS SHALL BE MADE BY CAST-CRETE. $I BI 01oLINTELS SHALL BE FILLED SOLID WITH 3000 PSI CONCRETE 0/ Ln - REFER TO CAST-CRETE CATALOG FOR ALL INFORMATION REGARDING LINTEL CONSTRUCTION, HANDLING INFORMATION, AND SAFE LOAD REQ. � REQUIREMENTS LINTELS OVER 13'-11" LONG ARE TO BE PRESTRESSED. 0/ 0 - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL LINTEL SIZES BASED ON FINAL MASONRY L3100J OPENING SIZES AND ADJUST LINTELS ACCORDINGLY PRIOR TO ORDERING N ANY/ALL LINTELS O U ,� Hf P ROOF: SHEETING B1 IZE E>� i>�l E D Tlz ss s �, - TTC �—IME �IT DETAIL T 2 .c. Y IC L xa.0 L� 24" O hop dra ing by man f ac urer ) n�2 O_H. I. Minimum Nail Size = 8d angular ring shank (min. 2.5 long) ILL 4-)n� 2. Minimum Screw Size = 48 x 2.5" 3. Minimum Sheathing Thickness 19/32" COX Plwood O BI 4. Use nails or screws based on pressure for roofstated U in zones t info box on these plans for appropraite roof k 2 ® 4 FT 3D Q� to 24° - - , SLOPE 5 o.H. : L31 u TYPICA N L O GAB® !�'�2 HIPICAL aj L bove k n, I.IL ri 5 SLOPE N ® 4 FT F- 4 FT 7 l.- 0 � a. N< BI 4 F J OL JJJ o (t) /Southeastern leta 5 24 ga Ev Crimp Metal Roofing Installed ® 4 FT 4 FT � lu z N o /0 Po Ier nro derl men ro aloe r# Iql 32" CD Oil ood tta edass Felf adhered BI z L� Co p 9 y P yMax. � } �� � o Ke Area Ede Field Fastener ,� to russ s pe She ting atta lime diagram n r Of p n Zone I 6 6 8d x 2.5" ring shank Pressure psf -1 <, °O °D v L22 12 Zone 2E, 2R, 2N 4" 6" 8d x 2.5" ring shank lb psf < 0000 (0 BI LLI SOP 5 Zone 3E/3R 8d x 2.5" ring shank 84 psf I z N ry C # (yVZZ VZZZZYI I IANYZONE 6" 1 6" 148 x 2.5" Screw 243 ps C) — c) B2 ? H U ��� No � 0 0 Ln U m O H_ GABLE TRUSS BRACING NOTES l< 3 Contractor to brace all top an bottom chords in floor ob x ` J H O and roof trusses in the following manner: _ °; LL - install first row of truss bracing 34" from exterior walls L ~ N B2 B2 and spaces 12" o.c. thereafter top and bottom chords (V - install bracing on any top or bottom chord which is longer a than �2" in clear span. � � � � = T S 2 ? B I All truss bracing to be 2" x 4" wood and shall be attached to cA � B I O O top of bottom chord and on bottom of top chord of trusses. 2 12 24" 24" B2 24' ; B2 %ly Wall below SLOPE 5 O-H• O-H O.H. O.H. N (2) HTS 2 N ROOF PLA N �lJ C4 HTS 2 O Scale 1/4" = 1' —Q" Trusses spaced per truss � BI TYPICAL ROOF NOTES: � manufactures plans L L22 L22 — Overhangs shall be 2 ' — O unless otherwise noted on this sheet m N — roof pitch Shall be 5 :12 unless otherwise noted on this sheet Tgpical splice — Truss shop drawings to be provided by manufacturer SHEET NO: — Any changes to this plan Shall be submitted to the architect for approval in writing prior to starting construction. �n Attach bracingto truss chord STRAPPiNG SCHEDULE STi� APPi >\lC� SCHEDULE _ pp g p g umng (2) IOdailsinall ALL TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTiONS BY � location$ OF 10. HETA 20 HTS 2 — TRUSS MANUFACTURES r 2" x 4" wood bracing JOB NUMBER: Architect to review Truss Shop Drawings Prior to construction for layout and uplift verification 19 - 112 HTS 20 — Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey and to provide 0000000000000 HET,4 20 •�- ._; oo��o�o��oo�o Form Board Survey to Truss Company prior to truss construction 000�Q �000 Simpson HTS 20 hurricane a — Contractor t0 rovidG the ArchitGCt With truss S110 drawings InClUdin 01. ° SIMPSON HETA 20 hurricane anchor at each truss (24 o.c.) o signedy o o �� �® o ALL truss cut sheets showing ALL truss reactions prior to gSTART g Digitally b o oo�°� ��0�� 0 anchor at each truss supporting supporting Max. 1,450 lbs, g p Daniel R. o o o° o0 oa>� Max. 1,810 lbs. uplift. Strap shall uplift w/ (24) IOd x 1.5 nails OF FOUNDATION WORK for Strapp and footing Size ��verification. Daniel R. Braden oleo°° AR977.10 have (9) 10d x 1 1/2 nails. — TRUSS DEFLECTION SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.5 ON ANY TRUSS. Date: 2022.01 .10 0�0 °°° B ra d e n 14:55:45 -05 00 �oODDD COLUMN CHAP AND BASE 2° Simpson uss math l-2 Od x la h truss nails TRUSS MAX L0 4DING: 2" x 10" vert leg Beam B5 �in each strap FGI Gravity: 15,000 Ibs See truss shop duwgs Uplift: 15,000 Ibs ECCQ44 SOS 2.5 ALL STEEL TO BE SO KSI Column cap with straps 5/8" drywall Strap studs to plate using Simpson ALL BOLTS TO BE A325 • • rotated 900 with (14) 1/4" x 2.5" telling SP4 strap with (6) Iod x I I/2" �„ e,o- x SOS Wood screws Into beam Tek screws in each strap and post 20 a to track FIELD WELD COLUMN TO • = 9 P See Column Cap CAPITAL USING � �� e,o-xx detail on this sheet 1/8" FILET WELDS F G 1 - EIO-XX ELECTRODE • °' 12-15-21 4" x 6" SYP 42 Wood Post I/2" drywall on • 1 5/8" x 3 5/8" x 20 ga metal studs at 16" o.c. 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" x 1/4" thick steel column - 8I/q Pre-drill 1.25" dia. holes for 1 5/8" x 3 5/8" x 20ga. Blocking as shown !0 Field verify 1" dia. through bolts W IT adjust as needed 3Fa-, ��o-xx e,o-xx a `n 6 ® / / " Q Strap studs to late using Simpson 3.5 x 3.5 x 0.25 4 dia, x 8 expansion anchors 3 �" x .3�" x 0.2�" p p g psteel column HSS TUBE STEEL COLU SP4 strap with (6) IOd x 1 1/2" o 0- tek screws in each strap 6:.41 ALL STEEL TO BE 50 KSI Simpson ABU 46 post W 3 12 a ALL BOLTS TO BE A325 base with (1) 5/8" dia exp. anchors ul •• 0 (V 5/8" thick base plate (y(y See base detail prewelded to column anchor with min. 6" embedment co 2" x 4" p.t. bottom plate with a (V (—y on this sheet filling all nail holes with 16d nails 1/2" anchor bolt at ST o.c, and I I 00cr e,o- x min. 7 embedment with 2" washer secondar our for Base Detail Column Cap Detail °� � I Fill recess with concrete base recess. 1" = 1'-O" 1 - I -0 Typical baseboard 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR • �� after base/column installed 6"xb" 410/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over QL clean compacted termite treated fill Footing - see I leveling grout for size and location foundation pan TA Q0 M footin see foundation Ian (�! 2 x 4 top plate 5/8" drywall ceiling on for size and steel req.p v 1 Q Q Footing - see footing detail B on truss bottom cord +' Qo !0 foundation plan for size and steel requirements C-2 Column Detail Q U z B 1/2" = 1'-0" Typical interior aring Partition o Scale: 1/2 - I -O C - 3 Steel Column Detail LH I/2" = I'-0" q 1/2" dreowall on U 2" x 4' studs at 14" o.c. Finish to match existing w w IT- in 2" x 4" P.T. bottom plate 2' VTR 11 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 2 Typical baseboard 6"x6" 410/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over 2" clean compacted termite treated fill 3 R � i � — LA V-1 BATH 3 1 2„ „ 2„ 2" x 6" PT wood secured with overhead door track secured to wood LAUNDRY 2wc-1 3„SH-1 O 1/2"dia, x 6" expansion anchors jamb per manufacturer's product approval interior Non- I Bearing Partition 2 " with 2" sq. washer at 18" o.c. Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" WM-1 I 4 2 }' 2" VTR 3" sdrltdr Riser L aend 2„ 2" ALLGARAGE DOORS AS SPECIFIED IN PRODUCT J 2" I 2" dj APPROVAL ON THESE PLANS. DOORS TO MEET I � N WIND PRESSURE STATED IN PERMIT INFO BOX ON Sanitary line BT� Bath Tub "P" trap � � 12 THESE PLANS I � � � - — Vent Line sH- Shower "P" trap LAV-1 3 Verify all stucco banding and ` 3„ 2" VTR trim per elevations L Y-1 Lavatory Trap w-1 Washing Machine Drain _2" 211 we-1 2 2 AL Garage Door Jamb Detall " 3• VTR „ „SH-I Stucco return �' Sink Trap r 1 Urinal �.� Jil 2 „3 „ ,�2 NTS — 2„ —1 " Attach window to block wall with we-I wF-1 2" " 2 (V 1/4 dia. x 3 tap-cons with min. Water Closet r Water Fountain Drain I „ I 3 BA T I I # d I 1 ll.l o Cq O 1 1/2" penetration at 12" o.c, max r 1 12 H I ^ 1 2„ � � u and L" o.c, max from each corner thru FD-1 GP Grinder Pump 1 I x 4 PT Buck � Floor Drain p 1211 I „ 1 LAv-1 I ., Z Z N Verify all stucco banding and 1 I 3 „ Lill OD M +� trim per elevations c o 4j 2 1 I 2 I Z i..n Qo u Exterior See window schedule and T Clean Out L2" VTR 2" Vent thru Roof I I i I LAV-I LAV-I , 1 LAV-I Stucco return floor plan for size and locations < CID aD - install window per product approval b mf 2• vTw P P PP 9 9 �-- 2" Vent thru wall 2" Pipe Diameter Designation (2" dia) 1 2" 2" � � � � I 2 2 � � �� L � Attach door to block wall with I I 1 2" < I/4" dia. x 3" tap-cons with min. NOTES: I WC-1 3„ 2„ 1 I Z N N C # 1 1/2" penetration at 12" o.c, max v - ALL sanitary pipe to be Schedule 40 PVC 3„ I � 2 2„ Z 3 and 6" o.c. max from each corner thru -• Drywall return - Sloe hall be no less than 1/8" er foot and no more than 1/4" er foot 2" 3" eA '�` ^^ � .� I" x 8" PT Buck P P P BT-1 2 �" \ SH-1 211 U Exterior See door schedule and Interior \ \ „ 3„ we-1 O T_T floor plan for size and locations See typical wall sections for interior 3 W U 'Cq q drywall finish notes BATH I I 3 Ell install door per product approval by mfg B A T H # S 3" � B aTH I I # � �_ � � verify filled cell count per \ `� 1L floor plans at window jambs ~LL N Drywall return 2„ , � Interior Window Detail I 2i � � � � � \ 2 2" LTR 12 � � See typical wall sections for Interior � 2 drywall finish notes N T S I i21 I 2„ verify filled cell count per I / 3„ KITCHEN I 12„ 1 2" wM-1 I floor plans at window jambs I I LAv-1 1 I LAV-1 2 Lr . Exterior Door Jamb D t a i 1 Lintel - see plans for I I 2" size and steel req. I I SINK41 2" B 1T I I 42 2" LA`V ` , D Y 2" VTR N T S I I I SINK-1I #I 1 J� „ WC-I 2 3„ 1 3„ 12 CASANA Dowel (1) It5 bar 2 3" 2" 2" 1 Attach window to block WAIT with SHEET ��: II w/ 25" min lap BT-1 I „ l �� I I/4" dia. x 3' tap-cone with min. I and 6 embed 31, 3 „ LAV- 3" 2" 11/2" penetration at 12" o.c. max 2 3 2 „ WC-1 5H-1 Drywall return and V o.c. max from each corner thru I 2" 2 3" Seal ALL concrete block jambs prior I" x 4• PT Buck 1I 3 I ED 3 2" to buck per FBC R103 .8 using any II OF 10. a roved Sealant Sill - verify final stucco return Fin. „ pp material and size = Floor 3 JOB NUMBER: with owner prio to ordering � �i See window schedule and S A N E T A R P RISER I — 112 VERIFY ALL SiLL MATERIAL floor plan for size and locations ��ODDoo Eu finish OWNER PRIOR TO ORDERING Cont Concrete Footing o � °sloe for drainage A $B M1X nspoxg �o °°Pour concrete sill OOOO��Q° VERIFY ALL ROUGH OPENING I over tin cap o, oo� �� ° o Digitally signed by oa ® o SiZES WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE Daniel R. o,��o AR977770 o�aoo S S d Ti & Down R & L� alr_ Daniel R. Braden MANUFACTURER fi RIOR TO Section Window Head it SillDate: 2022.01 .10 Braden 14:55:33 -05� , 00 INSTALLiNG MASONRY nts N T S ��000OD�O� Electrical SUMbol Legend S Single Pole Switch g ® Recessed Can Light o a 53 Double Pole Switch ® Eyeball Recessed Can Light ? rJD Dimmer Switch Exhaust Fan N QL P Push Button Switch Ceding Mounted Light o Duplex Outlet Wall Mounted Light Special Receptacle ,C Light with Pull Chain (attic) Q W I Waterproof, ground fault interrupts © USB Port o ® Floor Duplex Outlet Flood Light Cr ® Junction Box m Electrical Panel r op a TO Thermostat 8 Electrical Meter © Central Vac ~ A� A/C Disconnect Smoke Detector 0 0—cy cV Ceding Fan to CS11 © Television Jack o !M 1 00 a-N as Telephone Jack ® 2 x 4 Florescent Light > N� 1 �N -- LIN ® I x 4 Florescent Light ❑I Intercom ® Speaker Hook-Up p Ceding Mounted Light Dome Style 00 ♦ Pendant Light ® Motion Detector ( closet light ) a- 0 fa -0 � fn © Carbon Monoxide Detector o C) a N a 93 1J p` U � Q Vwf- GFCI //�� //�� G CI GFCI A/C A/C - - — — — — — 43 42 r( f� I AC DISC AC DISC WP GFCI P GFCI Lo II GFCI CAR GFCI CAR /�111f 3 vP (D 6 CHARGER CHARGER KITCHEN GFCI GFCI © GFCI 5o CFM GFCI FAN 50 CFM FA broom G4I W.H. I Xq GFCI FAMILY cABA � n�1 GFCl O �~ U STUDY F GFCI O GFCI ® GF �� A G E I O O n S S MD 0 A AIti /C� A Har u c Ha a gge In tGF GF I WP GFCI BATH Q �O W.H. � O 50 CFM o - G cII O U GAME R ON :4 FAN ANTRY 2 I GFCI C C C Q� o I S� GFCI F FOYER © � Garage � GFCI O Door i Opener i m � i � 1•U o O LU O © i i W GFCI � z Uj oo Co m 00 O O P WP GFCI O F i C E I i '�` '< N" U C -1 < MM v u - - � (X) � © I O NN WET BAR - GLcl � � U C4 GAME ROOM iLU U rr 3 m X WP GFCI — — FCI— — G Cl light above OC r L U ~ N G a` DINING < � lights above \\ CLO � Hu � CLO L SHEET NO: ELECTRICAL PLAN E - I ELECTRIC NOTES: SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" OF 10. 1. Use copper wire onl no aluminum. JOB NUMBER: 2. Provide and wire a I required smoke detectors. 11. A/C refrigerant lines that are run thru slabs must be sleeved in PVC 3. Contractor to verifg location of electrical service and provider 12. ALL A/C Equipment shall be 15 SEER 19 - 112 -4. ALL paddle fans shall be on a rheostat. 13. Provide Disconnects at ALL appliances (water heater, A/C units, and o00 - 5. Recessed cans to be installed per NFPA requirements. �0� o00 ALL other equipment as re required b N.E.C.) 0 O� IF �. ALL Branch Circuits that supply 125v single phase 15 amp or 20 amp outletsq oo�`��°°° � shall be protected by Combination-Type AFCi Circuit Breakers. 14. A/C Ducts in Garage shall be metal or I thick minimum rigid nonmetallic Class 0 or oo.�p° °off o Class 1 duct or other approved material and shall have no openings into the garage. R. 1. Tamper resistant AFCI receptacles to be installed in ALL rooms 15. Smoke Alarms shall be nstalled in the following locations: g g Digitally signed o o�oo�� �o�� Kitchen, Bathrooms, and Garage. g Daniel R byDanielR.8. ALL bath and kitchen and garage receptacles to be GFCI protected. a) In each sleeping room. o°� ar9a�® o°apo mil. ALL exterior outlets to be Wfl/GFCI protected. b) Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. Braden .A -O... 10. A/C return Air Balance Must complg w/ F.B.C. Mechanical 2010 ed. and c) On each additional story of the dwelling Braden Date: 2022.01 .10 oo current version of an supplements to the 2010 ed. ALL Smoke Alarms shall be interconnected and hardwired oo . Q�Da�° 0 g pp 14:55:20 -05 00 ���oo00D� 10, PANEL "A" PANEL "B" Poles BR Load Wire Description arc# circ# Description Wire Load BR Poles circ# arc# Electricdl S m b o l Legend Poles BR Load Wire Description Description Wire Load BR Poles 2 40 1.0 kw #8 3.5 Ton A/C comp 1 2 AHU #10 3.5 kw 30 2 2 40 1.0 kw #8 3.5 Ton A/C comp 1 2 AHU #10 3.5 kw 30 2 3 4 3 4 $ Single POIC Switch ® Recessed Can Light 2 30 4.5 kw #10 40 gal. water HTR 5 6 Range #6 12.0 kw 50 2 2 40 1.0 kw #8 3.5 Ton A/C comp 5 6 AHU #10 3.5 kw 30 2 53 Double Pole Switch ® Egeball Recessed Can Light 1 8 1 8 Sb Dimmer Switch � Exhaust Fan I 20 I.B kw #12 Water Pump 9 10 Dr er #10 5.0 kw 30 2 2 30 4.5 kw #1O 40 gal. water HTR 9 10 Range #6 12.0 kw 50 2 O a II 12 II 12 P Push Button Switch I Ceiling Mounted Light 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Range hood 13 14 Pool Equipment #10 2.8 kw 30 1 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Range hood 13 14 Duplex Outlet ��( Wall Mounted Light 1 20 1.5 kw 412 Microwave 15 IL Irr. Pump #12 1.8 kw 20 2 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Microwave 15 16 Drger #10 5.0 kw 30 2 N Special Receptacle Light with Pull Chain (attic) 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Kitchen S.A.C. 11 18 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Kitchen S.A.C. 11 is 0 19 20 Dishwasher #12 1.2 kw 20 1 Waterproof, ground fault interrupter © USB Port I 20 1.5 kw #12 Kitchen S.A.C. 19 20 Dishwasher #12 1.2 kw 20 1 W. _ FI I 20 1.5 kw #12 Kitchen S.A.C. l0 ® Floor Duplex Outlet Flood Light I 20 1.2 kw 412 Clothes Washer 21 22 Refrigerator #12 1.2 kw 20 I I 20 1.2 kw #12 Clothes Washer 21 22 Refrigerator #12 1.2 kw 20 I� 1 20 0.81 kw #12 Garage Door Opener 23 24 General Lighting #12 20 1 1 20 #12 General Lighting 23 24 General Lighting #12 20 1 (y N ® Junction Box m Electrical Panel 1 20 1.4 kw 412 Whirlpool Tub 25 26 General Lighting #12 20 I p 1 20 #12 General Lighting 25 2(, General Lighting #12 20 1 \ O OT Thermostat General Lighting #12 20 I Cr 8 Electrical Meter I 20 1.92 kw #12 Whirlpool Tub Heater 21 28 9 9 I 20 #12 General Lighting 21 28 General Lighting #12 20 I © Central Vac �' 1 20 #12 General Lighting 29 30 General Lighting #12 20 1 29 3O General Lighting #12 20 1 I- AC DISC A/C Disconnect 1 20 #12 General Lighting g g 03 a �s Smoke Detector I 20 #12 General Lighting 31 32 General Lighting #12 20 I 1 20 #12 General Lighting 31 32 General Lighting #12 20 1 3 Ceiling Fan I 20 #12 General Lighting 33 34 General Lighting #12 20 I I 20 #12 General Lighting 33 34 General Lighting #12 20 1 ® Television Jack _ I 20 #12 General Lighting 35 36 Exterior GFCI #12 20 I 1 20 #12 General Lighting 35 36 Exterior GFCI #12 20 I ()a31 Telephone Jack ® 2 x 4 Florescent Light I 20 #12 Smoke Detectors 31 38 Exterior GFCI #12 20 I N(�I� I 20 #12 Smoke Detectors 38 Exterior GFCI #12 20 I to N(V ® I x 4 Florescent Light ❑I Intercom I 20 412 Bathroom GFI 39 Bathroom GFI #12 20 I 1 20 #12 Bathroom GFI 39 C I I N (� 40 40 Bathroom GFI #12 20 I O (I 1 00 CN To Switch in s Ceiling Mounted Light Dome St le 41 42 41 42 > ANT 1 �N O S eaker Hook-U 9 9 g � --_Ln,2 Master Bedroom ♦ Pendant Light ® Motion Detector ( closet light ) � PANEL "A" LOAD CALCULATION SHEET PANEL "B" LOAD CALCULATION SHEET © Carbon Monoxide Detector Load Description Qt . Watts Total(Watts) Load Description Qt . Watts Total(Watts) �N General Lighting (3 watts sq. ft.) 3852 3 11.554 General Lighting (3 watts sq. ft.) 2nd floor 2402 -0V, �Q r , a0 Small Appliance Circuit(s) 4 1,500 4,000 Small Appliance Circuit(s) 4 1,500 61000 0 t,z Range I 12,000 12,000 Range I 12,000 12,000 (`� R u C L. O 1 Range Hood 1 1,100 I,200 Range Hood 1 1,100 0 50 Q 0 Q CFM Refrigerator 1 1,200 Refrigerator I 1,200 0 U Dish Washer 1 1,200 1,200 1 1,200 Dish Washer 1,200 Disposal 1 1,000 1,000 Disposal 1 1,000 1,000 BAT 4 - Clothes Washer 1 1,200 1,200 1 1,200 1,200 � � Clothes Washer a To Exterior Flood To ch in Clothes Dryer 1 5,000 5,000 Clothes Dryer 1 5,000 5,000 Lights at Corners Master Bedroom Water Heater I 4,500 4,500 Water Heater 1 4,500 4,500 GF I L3 Garage Door Opener 1 810 810 FCI Irrigation Pump I 11800 1,800 Total Watts 40,40E CI BATH Total Watts 41,3LL First 10000 Watts 9100% 1 10,000 10,000 Remainder 30,406 940% 1 12,I62 12,I42 50 CFM First 10000 Watts 9100% 1 10,000 10,000 Electric Heat or A/C 10,000 945% 2 4,500 13,000 BEDROOM F Remainder 3-I.3LL 940% I 14,94� 14,94L Calculated Load Watts 35,IL2 BEDROOM M MASTER Electric Heat or A/C 10,000 945% 1 4,500 4,500 Voltage 240 Q B E D R O O I I F o 0 BED Calculated Load Watts 31.44E Calculated Wattage Divided by Voltage = Total Amps 141 i>fA N r - - - - Voltage 240 Panel Size Required = 150 Amps W U Calculated Wattage Divided by Voltage = Total Amps 131 � r - - - _ 1 �_�� Panel Size Required = 15O Amps vP I n► 1 (n +-3 I C L. O s I " O L- I � 1 1 �" � 1 CEO 1 � I o L - - - - - -UC+ - , Q3 C � L © O _o e S O ® A/C disc. pump disc. A/C disc. A/C disc. cl I I �I F p y O Cs F C I O L. U I �l D 70 I 1 n N C $ � lum I 1 150 150 !-� �[ W E m ® C AMP AMP O o E I 1 PANEL PANEL Z z N O o BATH ##5 1 Z> FCI I 1 MCB MCB Z } Lin Co O �I 1 I Go 00 L. I N FCI I C L O 1 M TE PANEL A PANEL B C < < 0- ~ � - - L � � ft CsFCI FCI � MD - - - - U 1 z N(y Q�j ® c, cl - - - - �- (3) 41/0 copper feed 4 -�-, C GFCI Fcl 2" PVC l FPL)�� I ''/s° Conduit OU ajWno U �.� 3m BEDROOM BEDROOM BED2 Copper-0 2 u�j' 50 CFM ++ FAN ' DOWN i to FPL ug servic ground to rebar in slab 3 '' T(I Sl 11TC H E L E C T R I A L RISER NTS ELM sL SHEET NO: ELECTRICAL FLA4N 2 ELECTRIC NOTES: SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" OF 10. 1. Use copper wire onl(�, no aluminum. JOB NUMBER: 2. Provide and wire all required smoke detectors. 11. A/C refrigerant lines that are run thru slabs must be sleeved in PVC 3. Contractor to verify location of electrical service and provider 12. ALL A/C Equipment shall be 15 SEER 19 - 112 -4. ALL paddle fans shall be on a rheostat. 13. Provide Disconnects at ALL appliances (water heater, A/C units, and o0000 5. Recessed cans to be installed per NFPA requirements. opo 000 required b N.E.C.)re as equipment uither a ALL Branch Circuits that supply 125v single phase 15 amp or 20 amp outlets ALL o q p q oo���o° � shall be protected by Combination-Type AFCi Circuit Breakers. 14. A/C Ducts in Garage shall be metal or I thick minimum rigid nonmetallic Class O or oo.�p° ao�o Class 1 duct or other approved material and shall have no openings into the garage. o° �� �. Tamper resistant AFCI receptacles to be installed in ALL rooms 15. Smoke Alarms shall be nstalled in the following locations: g g Digitally signed b � �������� �o Kitchen, Bathrooms, and Garage. g Daniel R g y g y 8. ALL bath and kitchen and garage receptacles to be GFCI protected. a) In each sleeping room. • Daniel R. Braden oe r° Qr9a7® °a o mil. ALL exterior outlets to be WP/GFCI protected. b) Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. oe� ° 10. A/ return Air Balance Must coin I w/ Mechanical 2010 ed. and c) On each additional story of the dwelling Date: 2022.01 .10 p�o�°°° ° °� o�o�� C p y F.B.C.0 h ** ALL Smoke Alarms shall be interconnected and hardwired Braden 14:55:08 -05'00' current version of any supplements to the 2010 ed. ��0000000� BEDROOM 5 gpsum wallboard wood casing 8 8„ ood pre—hung pocket door N (� MAIM Stair Info: CAME Stair Info: p j74 t //F I tF, 21 risers at 3 / 8 " high eu 20 risers at 11 / 1 � high 0 18 Treads at 11 " deep VQN 18 Treads at 11 " deepz 0 y� T � pical Foc: k & t Door Detail F1 IO V.)i I iOi O 0 0 0 1° MAIN STAIR I # NTS o I MAIN STAIR FLAN VIEW LAUNDRY Scale: I/4„ _ I -O um wallboardgp cA MAIN STAIR PLAN VIEWwood casing Scale: 1/4" = r-o" to (4 (4N I l � I m 00 a-(y CLOSET 12"x-4" Wood Buck a � I °D NN I 42" high wall with 1"x wood cap Note: I N I Ln4 all doors 771 to be prehung CCEILI BYONGDLINE T Annncygpcal Interior D oor D etall no 5 (V M NTS R 01D Q U U" high Type I handrail C F E N ><ggpsum wallboard 2 x4„ Mood Buck F_ OPEN reinforce corners Note: _I metal top track 9 no track 8 bottom F_ b1—f old door------,,, of door, use fir. bracket pivot Head O 30w 42"h 5/8" drgwall all sides I� access panel below stairs wood Casing 5 ORAGE CLOSET g(9psum wallboard O Uj N SDead pace reinforce corners b1—fold door +' EMT V 17711 11JI o xr F"iel!w/ stairs" drgwall all cedesMAIN STAIR LOUD RUN GAME STAIR LOUD RUN � N 2"x4" Wood Buck Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" Jamb N L Tgpicdl Si — Fold oor taIl 42" high wall with 1"x wood cap I N T S to o O E C C < S 1� E L V E S 36" high Type I handrail Ul Z Z < z > �° � °o J 06ao F- r r L < 2" x 8" joists at � 0000 Q # Q- 16" o.c. w/ simpson I z C4" � LUC 28 at each joist end II O ^^ CEILING LINE II" BEYOND Orr Cr � U U rr Cr � () Hang stringers on beam using (� ~ lU x ui J LL Simpson HUS 28 hanger L uj LL +� U (2) 2" x 8" PT Ledger w/ 2" x 8" foists at r �' � 5/8" x 6" e p anchors 2 O.C. ' ' 16" o.c. w/ simpson Hang stringers on beam using LUC 28 hanger } d) Simpson HUS 28 hanger 5/8" dr'Vwall all sides below stairs CLOSET 2" x 8" PT Ledger w/ x ag screws 16" o.c. (2) 2" x 12" wood beam SHEET O 5/8 drgwall all odes` � = (2> 2" x 12" wood beam below stairs �� 5/8" drywall all sides below stairs /4 D _ l O L, \ = _ CLOSET OF 10. - - � JOB NUMBER: 19 - 112 (2) 2" x 12" wood beam ���OD0000 MAIN STAIR UPPER RUN CAME STAIR UPPER RUN 000 - ors0 pg' Scale: 1/2 = I -O Scale: 1/2 = I -O oO��oQ� o0 oo�D�a 8 _ Digitally signed o oa o �®�o 0 Daniel R. by Daniel R. o oa o 1= ie1d Verifg Braden �"����® ° o.Braden Date: 2022.01 .10 C�oo p �oao 14:54:56 -05'00'