HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1676 418 THIS INDF.STlJRE. Made this __-.u.-1lI%b.at. Baohllllar. or tht COUllt,. of-----A.'lJuoie t _._~.P...Jolft of the COUhly 01-b......ltl&Q1t.. nh __.day 01 ....ro14 -A. D. 1111.., BETWEEN alld Slate 01--'1~r14_.. pa,t.L- 01 the first .,art, and ___ud Slal~ oL_.n.~:t~~.!.1 parL~_ 01 the sccolld parI, .1 WITl'ESSF.TII, That the said part~ of the 6rst part, (or and in consideration 01 the sum of. .__.7an..J)Ql1arJL8 n4 0 the r~l.ua.hl.L_a..on.a14Jrt\lQD Dollars, to.....hl"__ in hand paid, the neeipt wbertol i. h.nby acknowledged, b.__.~______ granled, bargained, sold alld transfernd, an" toy thtse prtsenls do-U_ grant, bargain, sdl and transfer unto Ihc said I'3rt- 7- of the sreond par' and hie heiu and assij(lIs lorner, all that eerlain parcel 01 land lying and being ill the County OI.__.8.h._LUQlf1....__-;----llnd Slate 01 ._________llorl~8 . _.-.!hI 0-; of the i.Dg..].(L@.!Ull..-1I9.l'e more particuhrly dc,eribed as (olio...: sli of the Nit_Of Seo\~~~_24~ Townah1p 36 South R8nge 39 Bast, oonta1n- or be B 0 .804 l;l."'p'g__'!.~!l_ ..~e .i.~g_i~__~~.L~~C!!e County. )'lor1da. l.. TOGETII ER witb all rbe tentmtnls, herediu.mtnt. and aPl'Urtenano... \\-itb ever)' pri,-ilrge, riltht. till.. interut and ..tal., dow.r and right 01 dowu, "Huion, remainder and ustment thereto bclon~lng or in an)"",st ap~rl<lining: TO II.-\\'E AXD TO HOLD the same in i<e simi'k forc,.cr. And the said part~ of Ihe first part do.AA co...nal1l ...ilh t"," s:l.id parll'__ 01 the ueond part Ihat.l:!..!...J.....__Ia...iully >ei,...! 01 Ihe .aid premises, Ihat thty are free Irom ..II tn.umbran.cs and thal-H__U...B.__good rigbt and Iawlul aUlborily to ..II Ihe SlIlnc; and Ihe ..id (>:lrL.1- 01 Ihe 6rst part do.JlS__ hertb)' lull)- ...~" 311\ Ihe tille 10 said land, and ...iII dtltnd the Um. against l!te lawlul d,,,m< of all r-enoRS whomsoever. 1:-: WIT~F.SS WHEREOF, the said loart..)'._ of Ihe 6"t 103ft h...IL___ hereunto S<l__hU_..___hand_ and seaL__. Ih. .bv ~Dd )"t.ar abo,-rt ","riUroR.. I Signtd, S<-alcd and Dclinred in our "resene.: ____.1_1L_J{L_],..IUS. K_ B01J.anoa 1 I ~ I J Imil Herbst \Sc;al.) ($.al.) STATE OF__~l.ar.14a., Count,. oL__~....1!.UO 1e 0.. . HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this 7th day 01 Karoh. --A. D. 19~~., belor< n.' personally appeared c ...11 Be.r~..--Baahelor....____ to mc know" to be thc peuon_ described in and who cxecuted the forc-going eonHyance to_.1'n~,...r.~_.J.9_1L____......_ and .nerally ackno...~ledled the .xecution thereol 10 be hie rrrc act and dccd for the D'ts and I'Urpo.u Ihcrein mtntion.d; and th~ .aid Ihc wilc 01 tbe said _ __.... .~___ __. on a scparate and printe u'ami~tion taktn and mad. b,. and before m.., and stparatdy and apart Irom ber said h,,;bar.d, did acknowledge thaI she made beucll a party to the said Decd 01 Conveyance, for Ihe I>Urpote of tcnouncing. relin'lui.bino: and conveying all her righI, tille and intenst, ..htther 01 dower or 01 separatc property, .talutot). or equitable ill and 10 the lalld_ therein ot"ellbed and that .he .xecuted S3id de.d freely and ,.oluntarily and ..itbout an,. con.traint, lur, apprcb.nsioa or compulsion 01 or Irom be, u;J hDsba~d. ".r -.p. ".10 '" -and State 01 .or\ ..litJ.:.qL .10r14.. ..in Ihe COunl)' oi WIT:\ESS my ,ignature aud ollieial sui, aL the day and y.ar Ia.t a1on.aid. . ~ BO.Il.... lo'er)' Publio Stete of '10r1da, M7 oomm1ss1on explree 8-6-24. ____._(SC;a1.) STATE OF FLORIDA, } ~ '. ~ 'J County o( St_ lueie., ;: .... On this.. 13'h da7 01 Maroh .-; 3 - --A. D. 192_, aL-__o'c1oek, -.----.~\L. 418 - ' ban recorded tbc same oa pace..~______._::!:1 --. .~. Fi(tccnth Jndicial Circuit of~i.! this instrument ..as 61eeS lor record. and bblle dal,. adtaowltqcd and prone, BooL..i7 . ia tbe Publi< Rccorcb_of..PieS Cotallt,. IN WJTl'ESS WHEREOF, I e-hercuu~ ~ m,. band and allix.cS the suI 01 Ihe Cirnit Court of the Sutc ia and for laid Coa.aT. '\ 8..1) i . / , ../ P. O. Bl4re4 Br ./!; b"JA,~ t~VU ...._. ._C1erk. ___.1>. C. . . ~, _.- I -, . ..... ~ - ': :,~_.~i~~ J:~' ;'::i:~.~~. ,':.:; .~~~ ->;;~2>:~~'~:;~::.~~' . . _ . ~ ~ .....1:< ~ :.'';'''''_ . '. - , .'''' .?~)..> -~~:,'. ~~.'.: