HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1696 4~8 , l' (\f the County of_~_Luolill aad SIU, or.__nQr~ part.!e&. bf the Sl'COnd P;ul. :1 .f t"~_......-~~ -~... till , 11 -- ...... -.. II ~~~.......-.:-: TillS ISDE~'TURF1 Waft I";' 8~___da)' 01 Karob lUll.. B. ~or4 an4 Ger\ru4e C!_1I!lffor4 hie wife 0\. D. '9_~. BET\\'U:S of th~ County of St.. Luoi. G. C. Hoard and Wary H. ~.d SI~I.. of 'lorida JJ~!-~.. h.18:!J_~e pa,t1t.L of the Srst part, and WIT~ESSI-:TII, That Ihe said par~ Ihe &rst parI, fo, and in eon,idruli_ oIlbe .am of ten Dolbrs. lo..t.h11lL.. i. hud raid. the '<<apt wher~1 is herrby ackno..lcdc<d. h:>..-_T'-__ grant_d. bargained, sold aDd In.den_d. and by Ih~se preMnls do.-AB ~raltt. barpin. s..1I aDd Iran"... unto Ill. f~iJ parL_14Jlof tJ,e sKond parI ud--1.hl.1r h_in ud a<<iKns 'or<\'"" all that c...uia pa,ed 01 bltd 1)iDc aad ~inll: in Ih~ County of_Ji1......L..u.1. -and S!:lle of __~J.ox:l4a n>Ore part,cubrl:o- d. ~r;l><d :as follows: ._~,. fiut Ten nO) acrea of the.~.e.!.~en.~l (20) _arall of 'freot four (4) ~e~~.i-.<<?~n_ ..b...t.M1'_ On. (21) TownBhiD Thlrt~rill,_<'~3).out.b.L~~. thirty !line (39) :Ba8\..~!_~I1!L _ l1.t .~-i.-cle.i8l1etecl Oll~ le.t g.J18ral.!~.l&J1da_o1-t.h.aJ.ndllln B'TAr F.armR C.om~..._:!lled ._.l._tha....o~~lQ& o~ t.h. Cl..rk o~ th.~i..rQa.1t.. CQu:r..l-DLSt.. Luoie Cou.nt~o.r1.4.~t.. .~x.Q.U)~_~~.from above trect that ~t e1!:.~~4.z oonveyed to the Indian RiTer rarm~.~8inage .1U,.8U1.Q.t.....f'O.l'~nal riiht of way. _jlBO~bj.ct to all taxeD end Dito~~J~~se~~~~s rayeb1e in the year 1923. TOGETUER witb all th~ IUI~m_nls, hencl:tament- andappurICna.,~, '. '''ilb ~nry pri,'il'g_. riSM. litle. bter..t and ..UI.. do..e, a"d righl 01 do.....'. ,uusion, rnna;ndu and eascmenl Ibutto 1><10<>1('''& or in an} "i,~ apperui",ng: TO 11.-\ \'i:: .",SD TO HOLD the nme in i.. <lmi'1.- fort\'~r_ And Ih. said pa;1 1e B of Ibe 6..t part do e. conn,,,, ...ilb Ihc ,~i'l l,ut~ Boi tb~ snond palt 11:1~--ll.I_b,,'lully ..iz!.! of Ihe .aid prcmi.... Ihal Ib_y an f,.~ from all ~ncumbranc.. an" lhat-..they have good rigbl aDd lawiu'- autho,ily to ~1I Il:e .~mr; and the ..id t~rl.!~.! of lhe &r;t part doJot,'.- h~nby full,. .un..', In. hll. 10 .aid bnd. ....d ..ill dd<ad tb. "'De again,t the Ia..iul claim, of ~1I pHson. whoDu~nr_ IS WITSf::SS WHEREOF, lb. said (.art...las of Ib~ fiBt (~rl L_ve __ hu<unlO "r~!tJ:1!!:..__hand.J! and ..aLB_. I'" .11\' and yur aoo\e ...rill.... Signed. Sul.d ~nd Ddinr..d in our P'e~nce: J __.L.-A...Jioel.1.er L. Dorsey ! ! ~ I j ! ___I'11'Am E. Hn~~n~d ____~rtrudE C. Htdford lS<al.l (S<all --.-- ------ - - STATF ~!F_. .ll >U!,'l County . . _~L..1AiUJ. . ,> J.'UI\' CERTH."", 1'l.: .... Ihi. 1 f.tJ:l _.by of lIarob personally.' r~u", _!!111a~ ~.' Hufford end liertr:1de ~. Hufford bis wif. .\. D. 19~_~. b..fore m~ r G C. Hoerd 6n4 ~rv H. Hoard his 10 m_ !too.. D ., 1" !h. ~.n"ll. _ described La aDd ...ho "JtttUlcd the ior"'Kaing COIInpnc.. t<> · " wif. and sn.ralJy ~ebo.." ,;. ..- ". Clunboa tbercoi 10 br their fr,€ act aDd dud for the UKS aad purposn lb.,.-in m_ntion_d; and lb. ,~id Gertrude C. Hufford U111a18 H. Hufford Ihe wife of Ihe .aid _____. on a f.paul. and pOnte ~inati~ uk... and PQde by &rod before m:. and nparately and apart from her said hu'band, did acknO'l<l'''g~ "", ~he mad~ buself a party 10 th~ fald I><<J 01 COGn~c... for Ihc Jl<I'l'O" of f<nounnnl'. rdin-trtisbing and connying all h.. riCh I. tille and Int.,.,sl. ..bclher of. do..... 0'. of Kpualc t'fOl><r~y. statutory 01' equilahk ia and 10 Ih~ blld. tbrre,,, dncr,bcd, and lhal sbe executed nid d_rd freely and .0luDtanly and ...,:hoal any CODstnml. f~M. appnh..."ion 0' compalsioa of or from Iotr ~ hu.bancl. .,. lIuQ16 -.......... '\ (I.P. s..lI ~Dd SUt.. of Vero norlde ia tbr C.,...ar:ty ci WITSESS my ,igoature and olJicUJ seal. a' the day :and y~ar la.1 ;alo....~id. L. j. Koeller ,_.Is"aLl 10\8%'}' hb1io for the St&t, of iloride 8t Ler~. JCr Col1llll1eelon Expirea uovember 16. 1926 .:.::: c ,Co' c.- "- D. ,9L!. a' ~ " o'elork. _______... C)f . C. __g_.nf I STATE OF FLORIDA. } Connty of St. ....ei~.. . On tbis 19tb day 01 Maroh this instrum_nt was lil..d for rcCOl'd. aad bcia. dnl7 ackn_k4&ed ud ;-ronn. Book 47 IN WITNESS WHERE State in aJHI for nid eo...l)'. un ncor.... the NJDe 011 par 438 to ut _y laaad a.4 diu. 1M sul of I'" Omit Coart of I'e F'rftenth Jadicial OrC1lit of ...i.l f r. O. Blar.. B~AJ~ ~ ,__O..rk. .___.0. c. '.' ,~"'; .-.~' .:. '.,1,','.' ,':'.' :',',:::';~;J' .' ;.' ~.~ .,~,": .:" '. -: '. " , '. ;':_~""~'::~.~..' -#" ~:::: ~- -~........ ~ . . .. - . . . - .... - . " -,' --.::' -". '~-';~~~;;':/:::'.-