HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1702 444 -=:-"-.:....t'--~- - -. --- ~--_..-----~ .. uwo.-' W _.._~ y-~---~_.~. of Ihe Count)- oL_ll~.!.._J.UO 1t. and SUI~ of.__._.____ :rlor14~_ ~rt.l._ of the second pa,t, ] ~ :j 'j , J 1 TillS INnESTURE. Wade !bis U\L-..____..__da10f__ June. _____.Loula..llllrr11i ..1l4...x.ma.~~l...nbla .Uf..- of thr Count, of._~\. 1.1l0 1.. and Slat.. of.__nR14e .JOhn~ah11.:\.L----_..u.._.... -. ^. D. 19~.!, BF-TWEEN pa,t1.I.a.. of tbe first parI, and WITNESSETH, That the said pa,t~ 01 Ih~ first put, for and in ronsiduation of Ibe .Ulll of__________._._____._____ __' Two Thousend & HO/1OO_---.:...----__-.-n Donars. tJh~~_ in hand paid, the nedpt "htrcol is htr,:by ackno\\"l.dlttll. h'_,!,~,___,___ g,:ant.cl, bargained, sold and lransfernd, and by th~.e pns<nl. do grant, ba,gain, ..II and tran.f~r unto Ih" s:aid part....J'.- of Ihe second pa,t and .h1a_____.__. hrir. and asoigns fOf(nr, all thaI ee,tain parc.1 of l~nJ lying and b<in!t in the County of_S.~_.Luo-1f.. -and SIal.. 0' , ~: ,; ______.--'lQtld.o.- --",ore particnl=rly .1..n;Md a. follows: __.~hI.~h..lull.f of the ~1ilLM.l.f ._0.1. the ..ll.~!b.,t.e~_qMrqr_Q.f th4!...!.oI:th~~~.~.__q.~l!!'.!!r QLSU.U.OJL~Y.L1~). To.nBh.11LTh1r.~1.~\~e~.J~~L~9!!~.l!.~~ML!h~rtY-:1!!~~...l~?t.~~I5~L_ ~(mt~!~~~ Ten J10) Aoree more o~.._l!lf!~.!__.___...___. $P...oo...Jio.o.ume.ntar~... etr.m>>e .oanoR1.1.ad- ____._..~__.__ _....____..._._________._____.__________.. --.--____..0.. u_.__..__". ...----.-------.------------------------------- roGETIIER with all Ihe I<onntnts, hertditamtnt- and arl'",ltnU,-e<. \\'ilb nery pri~i1tl:" ,i!thl. lill". inltrcsl and ...131<. dowrr and right of do......, rr....rsion, rc,naiod<r and eastmtnl tb<rclO belonging or in ar.) ..i.. aH'<rt~inin~: TO 11.-\ Vi-: ASD TO 1101.1> Ihe .ame in l<. .irnl'k (oft\-tr. . And Ihe said ra't....1as of the first p:>rt dO-_ connant ..ill. 11:, ,>.itl l.a'ln..-l 0' Ibe s<rond parI IhaL1iht 1.__U.I.__.Ia..llllly ,.i,.d of II... .aid prtmbt<, 11.31 th.,y :art Ire.. from all .ncumbranc~' an.1 tl:"l_~~.~f have good ,ighl and lawful authorily 10 s<ll tb. ;am,'; and Ih. ..id part.J.e..~ of tb~ fil>l part do_-. her.by lully warr;l". 11.< lill. 10 said land. and will ddtnd Ih. un'~ ag~in.1 th. Ja",.lul cbim; 01 "II renon. ",homs""...r. IN \\'11':\155 WHEREOF, Ihe said parlieR.. of Ihe (If,t r",1 l....V<<L___ h...unto ScL..-.the.1r...__bandB.._ and ..aLS. Ihe ,Iw ,,,d yur abo\'e ...rilltn. Sign..d, Scaltd and Ddinrcd in our Pr.nncc: __nJ .....L..-~t-T------.-........ _..J~--'Ul_~...hYn\i~' . I l. __~Q.llJ_~lierr_ i e IS.aU ..n_.EDID@~__n:.1.s __._.utSu1.) -r STATE OF )'lQY1dB... Counly oL____~h~o..1.e I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thi, 19~h _._,_da7 01 June A. D. n..2Z-, hdore m. rersonaUy appcartd Lou i A Herr i sand RIlIl!)A H.e.1'J:.le. 10 m. known 10 b. Ihe pcrson....8. dtscri~d in and wbo e][(cultd the iorcgoing eonnyance to-1.2hIL....L..J~9.Ali t t ______n_.._n. . and s<vtrally aekuowltdgtd the txeculion thrreof 10 ~2.heJ~_frte act and dtrd lor tht usn and purposn Ihrftin m.ntion..d; and II... ...id Rmmll. Hyr 1s th~ ...ift of the said Louis lIarr is . on a ..parat. and r,iute tuminatio!, taktn and mad. by and ~Io,. m.', and uparat"y and apart Irom i.<r said hu'band, dii-;Zj.-;;;;;'i;dK~n ih,l ~he made b.....1 a party 10 the s~d Dted 01 Co"nyaoet, lor Iht I,ur po~ of rrnouneing. r"inqlli.bing and eon....yi"g all hrr righI, till< and ,nterrsl, ..htther of do...-er or 01 separate propc,ty, statutory or 'QUlraM. In and to the land. tbrr<in dtSc,,~d and thaI she eucul"d ,3id d,cd freely and \'uluntarily and without any eonslrainl, frar, appnb.nSlon or compulsion of or from brr .aid h".ba~d. WIT~ESS n" .ignalure :and official seal. a'---YU.O. in Ih. CO:lnly ci st.. ~.~.. P. _.:~ I i s<ld Stat. 0'--_._. _'lor i4e tbe day and yur la'l afore'aid. _R.ul~ G. Boterl PI1bllo. My ooamlss1on SwarnOM_________(scal) St.fite of 'lor14e at Large ex~1ree KBroh 11. 1923 , STATE OF COl:nly of 51. I.uek, On tbis 20th day of Karoh .... D. 192~., aL-___o'c1a<k, ..__..._.._."'~ tlti. instrum.nl w"",filed 10' record, add bcilSC duly aeknowl..qed and f.ro\tn, I uye reeord.d tb. tame on pale_.--f.i~--....._... ........:-of 8ook.-4.7..-. in the Public Rcco,c1s of said County- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ~ nto sct m1 Itand and a&....d Ibe sui Gf the C;'C1Iit Cou,t of the Filt~enth Judicial Ci,cujt of sai.1 State In and for >>14 COIIDty. c~/ _.. ..__._.._~ tf( __~. Aldred Bl ~r~..~ ...__._.._.... CI..k. ::k-~...J ...._._.1>. C ~ .' -.. -- -.. ~.- -- ~ - .. . "" - . . ;. '~~ - ; :':~~~=fj:~~.'~~";:" .:~ . _ ~ ~:'. . -. .;_~ '~;. .~~-E:~~~~~~:-.:~-.~( . . ~". .," I . . '. -: -.."" .','.'- .'/.' -.:'.-' ~. .'_::~