HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1758 500 , , \.~ - - 'l<I 11 . - ---w . ............. - TillS INDENTURE, Wad. this e4t!u. ___da)' of_Jllu:Qb. Jlrs......!Ulrab O. l'UftkAr (."4 a,) anA...aol..._.ha.1r....oLl1a.r. Anl'l _-A. D. I!L21 BETWEEN Ga ~eJ' 8. Tnn lre1+-.Dueaeed . of th~ County of_at_LUG t. . _--and ~Iat~ of_.}'~ar.148.._ part-7-_ of the second parI, , ~ If 01 the Count)' of_.8.t..Lui. __-and Stat~ or._~l.orlaA pa,~ of tbe fint parI, and .lIra-SaU1e BoJkinr-.(mar.z1.e4.)---- WITNESSETH, That the said parL~ of tbe first pa,t, fo, and in consideration of the ,urn of _O.nt.....d.oll..@r.._~\lar_.n.ll1e.bll._.Q.QnBicleratl on Dollars, t,,--_b_,-I'._ in hand paid, the 'ee~ip~ wh..cof is het<b)' acknowledged, h~.u' granled, bargained, sold and transferr<<, and by th~sc p,escnls do e e grant, bargain, sell and transfer \Into the ...id parL~_ of Ihe second part and.-..-Mt: h~ln and assigns forever, all thaI certain pa,eel of land I)-ing and bang in Ih~ Counl)' of~3.,--].UO i:.'-_ ~nd State of . j i'lorida mOr,:, l'.uticuh,I)' d<'eri~d as follows: ______~'-!i of the BWi ~\At-9i.J~t._~~.Q.1ii~.u~g.~g.nahip 36. itange 39 AaSt...1!.UB .~.1.8h\.-.O.U~3~ drainage oLnt.l. ____u._ .tLDO._doo.nman1iary_.ataJI1LQB..IlQJll1111d . 1 TOt;ETIIER with :all Ihe t.n~m.nts, hereditauuob and appUrltn..n~e., Wilh e\"try privileg~ rifhl, lill.., inleresl and esl1le, dower and right of do",..r, r~nrsion, remainder and easement Ihet<lo belong,ng or in :an}..~i.e appcrt,intng: Tv I A V E AND TO HOLl> Ihe same in fee ,impl< rore\.~r. And the .aid part.y_ of the fir;.t part do.a eo\'..na"t wilh Ih said I'arl-J- of the s<'Cond part tbatBhl. is lawflllly sciud of Ihe said pt<misu, Ih..t they are frce from all .ncllmbranccs and IhaL-lUlll.. he S and Ihe ..lid part...Y_ of the first part do_8.IL hcreby fully (if all l~nons whomsoenr. IX WITNESS WHEREOl-', Ihe said parl~u_ of Ihe fi"t r,UI l:a_.B__ he,....nIO St' and yur abo\'e wrilltn. Sign.d, Scaled at.d D<livcred in Our Prcs.nc-e: _QJlg_..Q..._~nJ. ~.~..!. J.n1iho~ good ,ight and la..-ful authorily to ~U Ihe ~m~: ...arra"t the \ille 10 ,:aid land, and will ddend Ihe same again' I Ihe Ia..ful claim. :1 her _hand._ and naL-. Ihe 01.1\' .. , _.___.____ 1 I Sarah c. Tuoker ------- _(ScaD (Scat) STATE OF_ J'loride St. Luoie ~ounty of I IIEREBY CERTIFY, Th..t on !bi, 24. tb. . _day of Karoh. ~. D. I~~., bdore me pcrsclnall)' appcaecd Jfr.s. Sarah O. ~:.JftkAr (widollL-an! sole hCl1r. of her...!'~~9.!rP!r~_ ~'U"ok~:r..L~f!.:llee8ed to me .ell known and known to me 1._.....8'o.....~....e Ihe pcrsOD- described in and who rxecuted.lhe foregoing conveyance to__8. ~)) 1e.-..B~~_ J and 6Qi(v..u,- aekno,,'ltdgtd the cxrculiOD Ibercof to be "'1'':' '~'___free act and de<< for the Dsrs and purposes th..ein menti~"ed: 1IRl~~ ..::0 :"J ....'- .:,~ ~-ta-.-, on a separate and aratdy and apart from h.. ,aid husband, did atknowl.dge Ihal 0 ~he made herself a to the said Dred of CoanYaDee, for Ihe r:otpo~e 0 noune;ng, rdin'luishing and eonnying all h.. righI, title :and ~: laterest, whether of. do' ~r . of kparille propc,~y, statutory or equ.'table In an the land, Iherein de..n"bcd, and th.lt she executed said d<ed C;. fredy and \'olunlanly an ~~Il!loul any eonst....nt, fear, app.rbcnSlon or eompol of 0' from ber nid husband. Chas C. Burr7 Botarl Publio for the State of ~lorida at M1 Commission Expires ~.brU8rl 6. 1927 ...... in tbe Count)' of::' "1 the day and yeae b.t :aforeui.tE::"-i .... (ScatP- Large, WITNESS m)' sicnature and olficiaJ sui, aL 81i. Luo .t .-RJ..t.ra.. ~nd State of_. .lorida STATE OF FLORID~ County of SL I.ucie., . 1 I 00 lhis-- 1.2th <by 0' .11>1'11 -\.. D. 192.L a' o'clock, ______U. tltis instrument 1IF&S filrd for rceo,d, aad briag dnlT acbowl~dge. and p,oven, I hue ftCOrdcd the NJIle 011 p&ge.....-600 __of Book..-i.'f.---. in the Public Reeo IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I State in aIId for said County. nty, y Iaaod and affixed the seal o( the Circait Coort of the Fifteenth Judicial CirC\lit of ui,J .. O. .Aldrea. ~b'1.MgJ;4 '~AAJ _Clerk. D.c. :0 _ -. .'. \" ..:. ",- :.... i -:.. . . ::J;-"); .:- -:.-~..~ .~'- ~~':+..;,:. ,-:"-. ~ ~'. .~,: -' .-~~.' ...~:t.':..... ", . '. - ;',.-:"-7" . ~ ~, "~ - .;."l:-_._--~.:.~~- .# <l . :: -:- ~ i~~-":;~ : ~., ;c - ~ - .'