HomeMy WebLinkAboutKSM-Engineering & Testing#'r 10/25/2019 04:08PM 7322551324 ALDO A% la '"AL. KELLER,v -SPHLEICHER & MAcU 'WI,I,AM 15,00 MARTIN4772i3374755 Po . BOX 7g-137T,.SEBASTIAN PALM BEACH '(56) - 845-7445 FAX'(50) 845-n8S7S_ °12-MMI:KSMOK$MEN. MtF April 2, 2015 Al Fasano 26 W. Pornpono Drive Brick, New Jersey 08723 Re: 16 Crown Court Queen's Cove Fort Pierce, Florida KSM Project 150676-b Dear Mr, Fasano- PAGE 02/06 Ne'ERITUG AND TE-STIN,G- INC F LZ2978!-1377 647*2 f MELBOURNE-1321) 7W8488 4.02!Wr ` RECEIVE[) APR 0 5 2022 St Awgiq Qownty 6rMiftIng As requested, KSM`,Engine ering & Usting p!qopr fed a, apbsurfac.0 investigation at the referenced "site.- Presentationof.the data� gathered, during with our geotechnical related opinions, are included in"t' gotJibri,together Ms, repqrL A. Site Description: The 0 31,acre- M6 Is located at 15'Crown Court" in the Queens' Cove developmentin MereFod e,, Florida.F orida. At the time of ,Ifillft the canal fronf;.ilte t was fairly flat light B.. Project Description: A single family residence Is planned to be constructed on the site- The center section of the residence will be 2-story. Loads from the Structure will be transferred to the ground Eby conventional shallbW,160,tingis. We anticipate maximum'-." , loads for the Wall dSi structure will be less. than 2,500.,pounds per linear foot along the w.a 6 ­ '0111,46undatl n., We estimate that several feet site fill will be required to reach the desired grades. ee-� coo? Ronald G. Keifer, AFL: 37293 / St Lic. NO.860 / Julie E. Keller, PE.:68366 .,, 10/25/2019 04:08PM 7322551324 ALDO PAGE 03/06 10ELLER, SC.HLEICHER & tNacWl;l.LtA`M EttW;G REER1':N`G AND, TEST1N,Gt, INC IVtARTIN' l`J2} 387'7755 FAO. gOX g��j377, SEf3ASTtAN,.FL 32978-1377 SEBAsrIAN (T72}IS 071'2 PALM BEACH (5sI;j $45-7445 Lwvw ksmettgineonng rlet MEL901,I NE'($21)7684488 FAX (56.t); 845-8876 E=Mad: KSM00iVIENQ NEERINQ,NET, T. LUCIE,,(772) 229-9093 C:A.. 5693 SAX"(Tl2) �89-64fi9 15 Crown Court .2- Fort .Pierce, Florida April 2, 2015 C. The scope of our study consisted of the following: 1. Performed Standard Penetration Test Borings in the proposed construction area to estimate the subsoil relative density. - 2. Measured the groundwater level at each boring. 3. Evaluated the existing soil conditions with respect to the proposed construction and provided recommendations for site preparation and foundation design. 4. Prepared this report to document our findings. D. Site Investigation: The site investigation program consisted of performing four (4) Standard penetration test borings in the proposed construction area. Thei borings were terminated at depths of 10 to 14 feet below grade. The locations of the borings are indicated on the attached Boring Logs. The SPT borings were completed in accordance with procedure$ described In-AST'M D. 1586. A standard 'f-5 Inch' I:D ; 2:inch Q D_aplif-spoon samplet is,dciven Vito the soil by successive blows of a 140 pound hammer freely falling 30 'inches. 71tie .number of blows required to drive the sampler 1 foot, after; seating 6 in., is designated the Penetration Resistance, or "N" value_ At regular intervals the sampler is extracted from the ground and opened to allow visual examination and classification of the retained soil sample. The records of the soils encountered, the penetration resistances and groundwater level are shown on the attached logs. Ronald G. Keller, P.E.: 37293 / SI Lie No.: 060 / Julie E. Keller, P.1=.: 68366 10/25/2019 04:08PM 7322551324 ALDO PAGE 04/06 UPC! IL AC KELLE .,;'SCHLEICHER & ,M,AWIM(772)`337-7755 P.O. BC PALM BEACH,(561)' 845-7446 FAX'(66'1):446 i6ts` 6,A.:15693: 15 Crown Court -3. Fort Pierce, Florida E. Engineering Evaluation and Conclusions: :ER]N'G AND TE�STiNG, tNC. 329781377 sEBASTIAN;.(772) 5894712 MELBOURNE (321),768 84$8 MT S'f LUCIE.(772) 229 9Q9S FAx (772)'. 9-,6469 April2, 2015 Based on the information obtained' from this site investigation we are pleased to offer the following evaluation: The boring logs indicate the subsurface soils consist mostly of fine-grained sand with shell frgmerts. However; a soil layer consisting of sandy clay/silt with traces of organic material was found in the test borings between a depth of 5 to 7 feet below existing grade. The soft layer is about 1 to 2 feet thick., "N" values recorded during the boring operation indicate the existing soil density' is loose to medium -dense excluding the soft layers. Please refer to the soil boring logs for specific information relative to the soil description.. n order for a.:shailow foundation, to s performaatlsfactor�iy It must be: able to, u ort.the pp.. . structural. ibdds with :,an acceptable factor of safety against excessnre settlemen#s; both, total and 'differential. Rue to; ttta settlOibent pofen#ial of the _soft, sandy clay/silt layer found on the site, we do not recommend su ortin the, to used. ,.residence :on', Pp; 9 , p P converniional: shallow footings.. The anticipated settlement, in our opinion, would be too excessive and beyond tf e-general acceptedaafe li bits -for the structure. In order .to avoid any damaging structural distress due to settlements, a more appropriate foundation system,. would be an engineered concrete steel reinforced structural stab designed for a nei soil .contact pressure; not exceeding 1,200 psf The structural slab founds#ion shallhave a footlrg beigw all; load bearing walls, reinforced with both top ,,and bottom steel land' poured monolithically wdfi `the �coricre#e slab,: The itoor slab shall also: be :reiriforsetl with. rakers and have interior deepened sections so that the maximum slab span does nof•exceed 20 feet in any direction. We also recommend :to limit settlement; the soft soil faydr belo ru the footings should.{be sfabibzed through cement grouting. under pressure (.compaction grouting) The tnjeeiion paints shall not exceed 5 feet o c :below: all load bearing *91 It and at:least 1 percolumn ad. The, i s of the In action o _ p p p .: , j -. points should enetrate the; softtsollayer found at: ai��de - th of 5 to i feet below.eXistipg gig 6. The site shall be prepared and all footings excavated or well -marked in the field for the pressure gmuting crew.: The pressure grouting work should be inspected and documented and certified 'that the soft layer below, all -footings were stalil(zed pressure through grouting, Ronald G. Keller, P.E.: 37293 / SI Eie. No.: 860 / Julie E. Keller, RE_: 606B 4 10/25/2019 04:08PM 73225513 KE=L-L,ER, &C,HLEICHER MOWN (772) 337-7765 R 0. PAL10-6EACA (561):845-7445 FAX (561J 84471 . I5*,Crown Court Fort Pierce, Florida F. Site Preparation: -4- PAGE 05/06 AND- EST'140;, tNC. 177 S.EBASTIAN (772). 589-0712 'MELBOWRNE (321) 768=84$8 ST. LUCtE 1772)+ FAX (772) 589-22g-g0936469 April 2, 2015 The proposed building area and areas to be: payed, plu's a: minimunrt margin. of ,1 beyond the proposed construction shall be stripped and; grubbed, off suiface including. vegetation, roots and orgenic matter The�:bwlding area. should §e level 'and, "proofrolled Any, soft yielding areas shall tie excavatedi and'`replac clean compacted Gill; Sufficient passes should ba. <mai;16 during the com operations #o p'to­dU a ;denpsi no - .ess than .95 percent of its: madiied, dry value ASTM- 155 : to a de th of two feet: ,After- the exposed surface has been proofroiled, the buflding and pavement areas may, be '.filled to the desi(ed' grades: Additional flll material sfiall cpnsisi :of clean granular sand Containing less than 100/o material passing the U S Standard No 200 1.mesh sieve: Structural fill should be placed, in uniform "loose ,layers" of 12 inches 1 ' thickness and' - compacted to at least 95 percent of its modified dry 'Proctor value (ASTM D 1557). We recomrnertd field density tests be performed at appropriates fumes during the earth work: operatlorrs in order to verify that the site has been properly Constructed.:. G. swimming Pool: ft recommend excavating they -very loose soil layer of sandy clay/ silt with .traces of organics from 5 to ;7 feet below existln 7 grade and backfill with YV stone so the subgrade becomes =firm below the pooibottom The rock.shall be placed. fin; layers of 12 inches thlck plid compacted with a vibratory sled; or "jumping hack" type compactor. Ternpirary. "dewatering" Will be ,required during, construction ofthe swimming pool.. Backf It material behind the pool shelf shall consist of clean.granularsand with 'Itrss Than 12 percent "fines" passing the U.S. No. Zoo sieve. Place. backfill mafenal in lodse: lifts of 12 inches in thickness and compact each lift to no less than 95 percent of its modified dry proctorvalue: (ASTM D .1.557 Flonald G. Keller, RE.: 37293 / SI Lic. No.: 860 / Julie E. Keller, P.E-: 6a366 10/25/2019 04;08PM 7322551324 ALDO PAGE 06/06 KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MAWfk 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377,,$�"EgA-"*$)�,T�'1'-Ah�FL 32978-1377 S i3ASilAN V72) 589-0712 PALWMACH. (561)845-7445 www ksmenglnePr ff�.60t 'N MEL OUR F (321) 768_8488 FAX (061) 845-8876 E-Mail; KSM@KSMJE*P,'jN&AlN0_NET WOE (772) 229-9093 C.A.: 6693 FAX (772) 589-6469 1:6 Crown Court April 2, 2015 Fort Pie", Florida H. Closure: This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted eoll and founda6on engineering practices based on. the results of the borings and the assumed loading conditions. This report does not reflect any variations vAlch may occur between the borings. If variations appear evidentiduring the course of construction, it would be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this project. We are -pleased to be of assistance to you on this phase of your project. When we may b 6, of, I, Mr.. bypu or should you, have any questions, please feel free to call. •A ARITRW.�- JEK "i E-mail to: a-fasano@r.omeast.net Ronald Q. Keller, RE.:,. 37293 / 81 Lic. No.. 860 Julie E. Keller, P.E,: 68366