HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1800 :* 3-12 '" '" ---r---'-' TillS lND:N~'~~~-~ade :~~~------ 10th -.------ day of JKll.. I __.l;i..t.~ RioOuL-and J. Gertruh Hloou. hls !.1fe. \ o' th<<, Coonty o. St. L\lQle, and Slateof----!).Oride. ____.___BA-2.... D I ,t.11 &ny A. 0, Igg3 , BETWF.F.N \ par' i e B of Ihe first parI, and of Ihe ~ounly o._St__Lunll11 and Slat< of.____~lQI:.1d~ . I>:lrl_~_ o. th<<, second p,ul. I WITSESSETH. That Ihe .aid parl.!.IHL of the first part. for and in cOl\sideralion of the sum oL .~_~.tp_.gol,l&rs 6nd o_ther__'{fal.!!& b~,9.!l.1!JIJ_~_er6 tion Dollars. to..__ In hand paid, the recripl whcrrof is herrby ackno.'\nJged. h:-8_baen____ granted. bargained. sold and Iransferred, and by Ihrse presents do granl. ba'gain. sell and transfer unlo Ih.. said parl-nJ._ of Ihe snond part and__hie hrirs and assil"li 'orrver, all that certain purel of Iud Iy:ng and brinE i. Ihe Counly o;_J}.t.__L1lO-1e -and Slat.. o' _..j'~ox1dc.-. more parlicubrJ)' d~;eribt'd u folio....: --Lot-.r~\l~~4.)....~k-1!.~.41--c.ramar-'..a..Add1.t10ll---tQ..I'OTt. Pi ernA.. 8 S:1b.iv1.a1.on....o.f_ ~rt of theft_of SB~ of SR-i of Section 9o!. in ..ro\\'ns....ip 35 South. Range 40 ReEt. __~~__~eo_Q.rded in Plat Book 2. Page 10. re~o!ds_~f St. Luoie C1unty. Ilorldc. TOGETHER wilh all Ih. lenrmrnls, hercdilamenl< and appurtenanc,<, \\'ilh rnry pri...ilrg~ righI, lille. interrsl and ".Ial<<', do.... and ri.:bl 01 do.'rr. renrsion. rcmaindrr and eascmrnl Ihcrelo belonging or in aD)wise apptrtainlftg: Tv HA \'E "SO TO HOLD the same in fee .imple forr'\"~r. And Ih. said parLiaB of the 6r;1 part do.._ eo\'enar,1 wilh Ihe saiJ l>arL3._ o. the second part IhaL!ML ere law'ully ..ind 01 Ille said prrrnis~s, Ibal Ihry ar.. fr..e from all encumbrancu and Ihal-~.lulYa__Kood righl and Ia..ful aUlhorilY 10 sell the sam<; and Ihe said parr,-1__ of the fi..1 part do_O_ll hereby fully >>'arranl the title to said land. and ...ill defend the sanlt alainst Ihe lawful claim. o' all ",nor.. whomsoenr. IN WITNESS WUEREO\', Ihe said ~rl...1eJl of Ihe 6"t I",rl h,,-Y!L_ her~unlo 5t1~e iL_hand_ and seaL_~ Ihe day .nd year abo\'e ..-rinro. Signrd, Sul~d and OrJi.-.rrd in CiIlr l'r..~ne..: _jlliar1.o.t1..B.~_el11er _.Ina.LL......llia.0ll I __R. R. Rioou J. Gertrude Ricou (SuI. ) (Stat) STATE OF-ltl nr1dE-_ Counly o._.st.-L1lC.is , i t , 1 HEREBY CERTIFY, That on Ihis 10th day o' ;. p~J.l E3 -A. O. 19_. befor~ m.. ",..onally appeare;d -L-ll.-B.innu Cond J. Gertr..de, hie wife. 10 m. known 10 be: Ihe persorA- dcsnibcd ill and ...ho u~tulCd the forc-gcinl conveyance 10 E. P.' DeL igny and scytr~1I7 i&cl<nowledlc:d lb. execution Ih.rc:of to bt' the 1 r 'rce au and deed for Ihe u.... and purpus... thrrc:in menlioned; and Ihe said J. Gertr'lde RiOft Ih~ wife of Ih.. said R. R. Ricou 0" a srparale and privale enminalio.n lahn and mad. by and bt'fore; m.., and separately and apart from ber tai4 h",band. did acl<n"....ledge; Ihai ~he made henelf a party 10 the; sa,d Deed of COUYfy&ncc. for tbe ,pu'pu~e of renouncing, rrlinqui..hinX and ~onytyi"1t all her righl. li!le and ,nlrr<<t, ...he;lher of, dower or. o' sc:puale proper~y. sUlutory or rqullablc; ,n and 10 the land. Ih.,..n descflbt'd. and Ihal she c"c;cul~d sa.d drcd fr<<ly and ,-olunlanly and ....,lhoul any con'lra.nt. fear. apprc:benslon or compulsion of or from her ..id hn.band. WITNESS my .ilnalure' and ollicial .eal, at i'nt't_2.lax.~. _----'it.. ~uO i. and Slate of- .i"loridt.. ;n Ihe; Counly o' Ibe day and year la51 a'orc:.aid. ; \ (li. P. ~ea11 ~. ,R. Til ton !lou.ry Public' ~t~te of .Horid6 My OommiBsion exnlree 9/24/26 (Stat) On tbi, let day 01 May 0\. D. 19l...E.., a , II ! STATE OF FLORIDA. } County of 51. Lucie.. o'c1ock, ._.M. this instlUment was filc:d for rc:c:ord. ..d bcial' clal,. acbowledlc:d aad pronll. . ban recorded lb. AllIe OD par 6U of f:OOL. 4'1 . in the Public Jt~O!~S of laid County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,. ban b~nonto au my batld and affixed the sui of the; Orcult Court of tile Fift.etllh Judicial Oruit o. sai.J SI:atr in ..d for said Coatll,. /' \ _ _' .,) I I . Ct.Ct.Seel ..C'> (P (,( - ~-- . By P. C. Eldred 4~.I. Clerk. ......... - ~ D. C. : ':.'~", ,)-. .':' .-'~:'_:>"~~,-. . c.... to j-~ ~-~ . '".~.:_~~ -~~,_~; _ .. -: '....... ~..3,;~: - -'. --. - ..~ :--'. ~ .',"!. I: <;.. _ , , '. ..' _ ,:,-,-",:.<.,::~ ~-:~-'.:J-:,'i/_. ~ . .(. ....;, ::'f.. - _.._ .~.. :-! _~. C_/.