HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1857 , , 599 Ii ,: t. !~. A. D. 19..23, Bf:TWEF.~ ~ ~-. - ~ --~ - i I t ! \ t 'J I l . I i :.'..t.....'... :t-:- !' . , , . ., -.-----;--------:---------.-----------------. _._._.~..- -~._._..__..----~ .-.----- --_.-- -~_._--- ...- -T--------- ------..---.---------....-..-..--- - -,---.--.' t THIS INDENrURE, Wade thlsi'Wln\,..i.fth day of l&a, ,. ~. voodwln end Hattil ~. UQ~~_h!.-!1t.. of Ihe COVDly o' 81;. LUG II aDd Slale 0.-.llw4a J.l:tre4 liarr.n of Ihe COVDly of~t. Luol. _I - part-.1Uof the firsl parI, and h~irs and assigns forcY~r, all Ihu cerlain parc:el of land lying and b~iDI in Ihe Counly of_.8t.--L.unl ~"d Stale of i f I I r j I , i . ~. aDd Stale of__--Dori4~ part_.l,_ of Ihe seeODd parI, WITNESSETH, ThaI the said parI-- of Ihe 6rsl part, for and in fOQsideralion o' the sum of ~n DollA~. Ana other valuable-40neldarAtinne .......~hrs, grantrd, bargained, sold and tran~'errrd, and by lG.-thaJIL. ID hand paid, the reee!pt whercof is hcrrby acl<no\\'ledgrd. h~Y. Ihue preseDts do crant, harpin, sell and lransrrr unto the said part,_7_ of Ihe second rart and__hi.a. \ ~oride mOre parliculul)' d<~riwd :u follows: LDt Bine 19) in ~ One , 1LQ.f__~.Qltiltllll~J..dU tion '0 tb.e ~o"n of br.\...f.i.Ql,o.t. i'loride, aooordin~ to plet. and eurv~.l__~d'-.J~e~ ~. end C. 11. Hogers, Civil Rng!neere.! _.l.M.~oh..J)lat ie reoorde<t in Pkt ~ook 'f1IQig) et !"8~e ::iix (6) on the 6th det 1f~8t. j. >>. 1912. -r I ! } ,. I. $1.00 doo~ent~~t8mp o~ncelltd. ) , .u".; 'l' {. ~~~.~l .. ~~~, .. H . -,a TOGETHER _illt all the leD~ments, hutdilamrnl< and appUrlenane.., With n~ry priyjlrg~, righl. litle. inlur>1 and uUle, dowu and righl o. dow"" rncnioD, r<maiDder aDd eascmcnl Ihutlo belonging or in any"i.. apperUining: TO HA \'E ASD TO HOLD I~e same iD Ice simple 'orn'u. And the said part.1u.. of the 6..1 r~rt do-- covcnar.1 witb lb. said I'arL1:.__ of Ihe seeoDd parI Ihat..1hu Sre lawfully sriud o. Ihe said premi..., thaI tbey are fre~ 'rom all eDcumbrances and Ih,,' it is the 1r good righl and lawful authorily 10 sell the um.; and the said parL1.U of Ihe 6rsl put do_ hrreby fully warrant the litl~ 10 said land, and will ddcDd Ihe same agaiDst the Ia..iul claim. t>f all persons ..hom.oc\'rr. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ibe said partllS.. of Ihe fi..1 pall ha_Y.~ hu~unto S<t_\hL1r__handJ aDd scaLD, Ihe day c, i~ !: ~nd yc~r abo\'e wrillrn.. Signed. Sealed and Odinrec! iD OUr PrurDce; George 'J.'. !Saker ~8hoe8 Hallow8B R. L. Goodwin Hettie ~. uoodwin (SeaLl (Seal.) . ~ STATE OF Coanly of fLORIDA ST. LUCIE -- i r I HEREBY CERTIFY, ThaI on Ibi, TwentY-.llfth day of_ ~ -\, D. 19-23. be'orc me L. * personally appeared .It. L. lion4.i n Bnd.Jia..t.1ie 'J.. lioodwin. hie wife 10 me kDown to be the p"rsoDA-<<Iescriwd in and ..ho txeculed tbe foregoiDg COtl\'tyaDce 10 Alfred warren this instnrment ..as filcd for rKOrd. and beinC duly adutowlcdced artd pr01'Cn, I baye rC(orded the same 00 pac.. 699 .of , i ; . i l , ! i j I I t . , i I I ! f I I I J I . . ! I j and snerally ackt.o..ledg~d Ibe execution Ihercoi to M 'he 11' Ha~ti. T. lioodwln free acl and deed for Ihe uses and purpos.. Iherein mentioDed; and Ihe .aid lite ..ife o. Ibe said ~...Ju lio04win on a sepaule and pri..le examination lakeD and made b, and before mr. aDd uparaltly and apart from her said hu.band, did acknowledge Ihal .he made h~f5elf a party to the said Ocrd o. COD1'Cyatlee, for Ihe purpose of reDouDcing. rrliDQui.hing and conveying all hrr rigbl, tille and inlursl, ..hethrr o' dower or o. sepal-.::e proprrly, S1alulory or equitabl.e in and to Ihe land. Ihuein d..criwd. and that she executed said deed freely and ...olllntarily and wilboul aDY constraint, fear, apprehen.ioa or compulsioD O' or 'rom Itrr said ha.baDd. WITNES:i my signature aDd ollicial seal, a~ort Pier.a.e cd Slato: of_ .lorida ;" Ibe Counly oi the day and year last aforesaid. i u'\ r . ~, I'~. ~; ~ t) U '" , t"" ", ~AnO'8 r.Al1n-68 Notary PLlblio Stet, of'loridB ~ oom~e810n expires Oot 26th 1926 (Seal.) STATE OF FLORIOA, } Coanly or St. Lucie~ On thi. . 29t.h day of lIB)' .\.. D. 192-1. aL-- _o'clock, ),f" t 47 . in the Public keCordl of said County. I haye hereunlo nt m, hanel aDd aOisrd the seal of the Circuit Coort of the Fi'tetrtth Judicial Circuit of said .j! Slate iD aael for said , \\('.1..\ ...fe{\ ~t\ .... 1'_<.,,(.0 P. C. .Urad :8, "fa~ L '... ~ '-'./ Clerk. ) D.C. '. '-t;:'::,. ;:;,~(~J): :.'0' ~:. : {:':~