HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1865 I; I: 7 ...... .-- _~--..--4. '\ T I .I'J J'lUU) 'D AID WID AND .lOB G. KAY !O 1WUl.UfY DUD. JAKKS lULLKR. _I 'lHIS IlfDKftURB. Mad. tbil 17~ dq of Jul.;, A. D. 1921. DfUBI 'reel 'ee anel ~a K. 'ee. b1a wife. and John G. lIq. widower. of tbe County of St. Luoh and state ot Florida. parties of the fir.t part. and JamlS lI1l1er ot the Count)' of st. Lucie and state of 'lorida. part)' o~ the lJeoond part. WIfDSSX'lB. that the 8aid perti.. of the first part. for and in . oon.ieleratlon of the IUa o~ 018 AID 10/100 (tl.OO) (and other ...eluable oon8ideration.) : Dollarl. to tit. in hand "ld. 'the reoeipt whereof i8 hereb)' aoknowladged. bave granted. ! barpineel. .old and tran.fernd. and b7 these' present8 do grant. bar'ain. Bell and tran.- ; fer unto the said part)' of the seoond part and hi8 heirs and 88signs for....er. all that oer- tain paroel ot lane!. l)'ing and be 1118 in the Count)' of St. Luoie and ste te of 1'1 or Ida more partioular17 desoribed 88 folIo..: Lot line (9) Bloak ~", WeBt of Brown street of Pee and )(&7'. Resubdivi.ion of I I , the lorth half of Go...ermnatlt Lot 2 as fer plat fl1ed In plat Book 3 page 48 ot the st. ; Luoie Count7 reoords. , TOGETHER with all the tenements. heredHuenta and appurt.nanoes. with every pri'Yllege. ! right. title. In~rest and eltnte. dower and right of dower. reversion, remainder and ease- i ment thereto belonging or in 8DywiBe appertaining: TO HAVE AID TO BOD the Bue in te. ~ 8imple foh....r. And the sold partiee of the first part do oo...enant Wi th the said party of the seoond jpart that the)' are lawtull)' .eised ot the sail.premlses, tbat the7 are free from all Inoum-. branoe. and tbat the)' ha.... good right and lawtul au'thorlt7 to sell the same; and the said 'partie. of the first part do hereb7 full7 warrant the U Ue to said l8l1d and will det.Del : the same again.t the lawtul. olaims of all persons whom80eTer. II WI'lIRSS WBIB!D'. the said parties of the first part haTe hereunto set their hand. . and seale the d87 and )'ear aboTe wri Uen. ~Signed, sealed and delivereel in the presenoe of: 'Charle. H. Piffard J. G. Ka7 (SEAL) (S&lL) (SEA.L) I'red lee Klaa M. I'ee ; A. E. Julh (,I :State of l1orida, ; Count)' of St. Lucie. I HEREBY CBRlI'T. Thd on th1B _ dq of .11117 A. D. 1921. before JIll personal1.7 ap- \ peared 'red )Ie. and Emma >>. Pee, his wit. and John G. Kay. to me wen koon to be the per- 'SODa desoribed in and who .xeouted the toregoing oOu~87anoe to James Killer and severally laoknowl.dged theexeoutioD thereof to be their free aot and deel tor the use. abd purpo.es ithereln ..ntioned; and the said .... K. ,.. the wife of the s.id 'red pe. on a separate and " l . jprl....w exaainatioD taken and ... b)' ancl before _, and separate17 and apart froll her __ ~ J .~ ~. -", ! \'.id husband. did somowledge that sbe .-de hereelt a part7 to the Bald duel ,t Com87anoe (for the purpose of renounoing, rellnqll1'hing aDd 0.e)'1118 .U her right. U Ue 8Zld inter- - .,.. ie.t. whether of do..r or of separate propert7. 8tatutor)' or eqUitable 1n .Dd to the lands ! ltherein de,orib8d. and that She exeouted laid deed fr..17 and TOluntar1l7 and without an)' I ioonstraint. appreh.naloD or oo.pulsion of or fro. her sald husband. . ! j I ! :~~ '::::,\, <?);-:;'~;'.~:;' "