HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1882 24 "1' ,J _ ~ ..A 1---......-r~~~-4 j 60 feet of ..ouo~ 21, townehlp 32, south 1'8D88 39 eaet," . Also the north :30 feet of the eouth one half of seotlon. 19, 20, and 21 townebip 32, south range 39 east,...... ~ Also the north 30 feet of ..otlons 28, 29, 30 ,and, the south 30 feet of the north 60 feet of the nortla"weet one-quarter of north-weat one-quarter of eeotlon 2'{ town- !. ) ehlp 32, south range 39 eaetY \. -~Aleo the north 30 feet of the SOJlth one half Of seotlons 28,29 and 30/ anA ,'" the north 30 feet. of the north-west one-quarter o~..the eouth-weet one-quarter of se~lon 2'1, township 32, BOuth ranBi' 39 east, and the eouth 30 feet of the north 60 feet of the north- east one-quarter of the south-west one-quarter, and the south 30 feet cd the north 60 feet of the north-we et one-quarter of the eouth-east one quarter of seotion 2'1, tol'll1ahlp 32. eouth range 39 eaett , A1eo the uorth 30 feet of eeotions 31, 32 and 33, \he !forth 30 feet of the northwest one-quarter. and the north 30 feet of the north-eaet one quarter of the north- eaet one-q1l8rter, and the south 30 feet of the north 60 feet of the north-eaet one quar- ter of the northeast one-qJl&rter of seotion ~4. townebip 32, south range 39 east;' ---A1eo the North 30 feet of the south one-half of seotion 31, 32,33 and 3". tov.nBhip 32, south range 39 eastr-' Also the WeBt 100 feet of seotions 6,'1.18,19.30 and 31. townahip 32. south rsnge 39 esstJ Also the esst 80 feet of seotion. 18. 19, 30, 8Jld 31, townahip 32. south range 39 esst, exoepting a strip 30 feet wide a!3quired and de.ignated b)' the "ount)' as a Publi Road....' : ~ ~ - Also the east 60 feet of Motions 6 and 'I, township 32. south range 39 east, excepting a strip 30 feet aoquired and designated by th, count)' as a Publio Roa4. ..Also the west 60 foet of seotions 6, 8. 1'1, 20, 29 and 32, townahip Z~. ] :i H F south range 39 east~/ 1 ! I seotion 36, township 32. south range 39 east" ; .. , i --Also a strip of land 300 feet wide, the oenter line of whioh is the oenter I line of the JUl1n Canal, and starts at. a point in the south line of seotion 36" township 32~ Also the south 300 feet of the north one-half of the s>uth one-half of ,> :>~ :~'~- south ran81 39 esst, whioh point 1e 860.6 feet east of the south...est oo..-ner of 88i4 ! seotion, and said oenter line runs north 69 degrees east 3616 feet to a point on the o~n- I I i te. line of the 'lortda East Cosst Ral1r0a4, thenoe north '2 degr... 30' Baet, 418 feet; i i thenoe b)' a curve to the right, radius 1432 feet a d1Btsnoe of 430 feet to 8 point;th.no. i east 2'12 foet to a point in the weet line of seotion 36, township 32, south range 39 east,~ i whloh poiOt is 14'10 feet north of the eouthwest oorner of said Motion 36/" I Also'~ 60 foo~ 8trip, the oenter lrne 01' whloh begine at a ~oin~ 1080. feet t ealt of the northwest corner of the northeas~ one-~rter of seotion 2, townBhip 33, south, ! I range 39 east, end runs in a Bortheaster17 direotion, the present Lateral X being the 1 I oenter line, ~o 8 point in th6 south line of the right-of-wa)' of the 8in uanal, whiob I points stands 427 feet louthweet of intereeotion of the right-of-wa7 of the south lint !; '] one-quarter, seotion 36, town8hlp 32, south rnnae 39 eSlt, whloh lie8 west Of-the I :;t.l~_411i,Oh rlght-wf-n71 I. .,,' '. ',,".;~'.uN the ..'" 80.. t.., of the of the 8111 o&1lal, and' Ule center line of the '.X.C, Ral1roa4, located' in the south.elt , , i - - ! I one-quarter of the south-eslt oDe-quar'ter. ,seoUol1 3,6, town8hip 32. south range 39 esst:. I , ..leo the 80uth 60 f98~ of the southwest one-quarter of the Sourth-ealt I I town- i I I I I BOUth 101.. feet of the 8ou~heal~ ol1e~q1&Q-, I , ,7:: t,.~; }~;.i/:A:/;:;J, " . J. ....~7":... -:;- ... - ,..' ... . " . ~ ~..' :~-'-'~.:.:,:Y'-<'.'-~~:~?~