HomeMy WebLinkAboutTypical Walli k H34 s.h. L-1 25 s.h. Safety Glass L-3 7a-n" 24'-0- 12'-8" 23'-4" 10'-0- 11'-7'" 9'-6- 2'-11"" 4'-5' 3'-10" 4'-5- 1 -3r"2"" 5'-9` T-10` T-10" 5'_5" T-7- 4'_5", 1'-11 "" 16"' 7' 25 s.h. L-1 25 s.h. L-1 Egress Egress 0 011 oo 0 0 0 00 8' 8"' 4"" 14'-0" 4'-0- 4' 00 IE0 00 I Master Bdrm. L-1 ❑ 25 25 L-1 L-7 n `- F L-6 0 0 s.h. s.h.❑ Porch Ell O O 0 O O 9'-4- Ceiling 9'-4" Cing. T from FFE 8"' 3'-0'" N 5' 4'rl (� ih N Cafe o ❑ � C0 9'-4- Ceiling r r/\E: r O oL-1 oTem 25 L-1 25 25on tl ,Glass 42'" Tall w s.h. s.h. s.h. Seat 0 0 O 00 2680 NHeader wall 0L-52sso Pocket Header EI 4,0"" 4 4„ -5' T-4- 3 8" at 96'" o T-8'" 5'-0"' 20'-0- IT-0 ❑ M 36- x 72"" eo 9'-4- a Tub Unit Cing. Bdrm. 2 in 9'-4" Ceiling `T d.w. Family 0 2880 � Q d' 11'-4"' Ceiling T-6"' 8'-6" d. v.t.w. Lnd. p 9'-4"" �6e eO ❑ v Cing.Range ❑ r & Exh. Hood o a0 � VTR P. � _ 9ng 12- 5'-8"' 12"" h ❑ Cing. Header Kitchen M at 96 O Header O 9'-4�� Ceiling at 96'" 1 Header 0 ino 2080 L ' JOo `_J p A.H.UWRef. n AtticOven ALL[ w o Bollard R11 batt insul. at 96" finer OHO 'L F. ih 2880 ❑• in adj. walls Pocket 1'-6" 3' 0"' O 9'-4'" 3'-s" 9 '-4" Cing. 0 ry6� 9'-4,. 2680 Cing. 2880 8" 9•-8" 13'-0" 12 12'-0" T-8'" 2'-0" 8 -4"" 1'-s"' T-6" 5'-6" 2' 8"" Header cc co ❑ L at 96" Dining � 0 � 22.5 x 54 Attic N Bdrm. 4 `r C' Access with 9'-4" Ceiling o Ladder 9'-4" Ceiling L-4 3080 Dr. L-1 L-1 d and (2) 12"' Impact Side p 1oQ Lites 0 0 •• o 0 El •• o 0 26 s.h. 26 s.h. Egress I -1 Egress L-1 0 26 26 s.h. s.h. g" 23'-8"" 8„ C E, r 9'-4' Ceilin Bdrm.3 o Garage L-1 from FFE 9'-4" Ceiling 0 0 9'-4- Ceiling O O O O from FFE 12'-0" s" L-9 L-9 10 s` 26 L-1 s.h. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F26 L-1 26 s.h. Egress L-1 s.h. T-9"" T-9"" 6'-9"' 6'-9- 1'-8" 2'-5'" 4'-2'" 2'-5'" 1'-8"' T-6" 3'-6" 1'-8- 2'-5" 4'-2" 2'-5" 1'-8" 11'-6"" 13'-6" 12'-4" T-0- 12'-4" 6'-8" 6'-8" 25'-0" 31'-8- 13'-4"" T Floor Plan Scale: 1/4" = V-0- 0 25 s.h. Egress L-1 Project Data Project Name: Robert Hall Street Address: 12793 W Angle Rd, City: Ft. Pierce County: St. Lucie State: Florida Scope of Work �l I New One level CBS Single Family residence o CO L-2 N H34 s.h. Safety Glass in I H34 s.h. HB Building Code 2020 Florida Building Code: Residential 2017 National Electrical Code: NFPA 70 9'-4- Em Building Data Occupancy Type: Group R Construction Type: V Number of Stories: One Project Area: 3798 s.f. Design Loads Roof Live Load: 20.0 p.s.f. Wind Speed: 160 MPH Wind Importance Factor: 1.0 Building Category: II Wind Exposure: C Internal Pressure Coefficent:.18 Structure Designed: Enclosed Soil bearing capacity: 2000 p.s.f. Area Tabulation Living: 2656 Garage: 625 Porch: 304 Entry: 213 Total: 3798 Total Cubic Volume: XXXX Climatic & Geographic Design Criteria Weathering: Negligible Termite Area: Very Heavy Flame Spread Index & Smoke Developed Index Insulation Flame Spread: Not to exceed 25 Insulation Smoke Developed Index: Not to exceed 450 Wall Finishes: Not greater than 200 Ceiling Finishes: Not greater than 200 Spray Foam Varies Insulationot —! T.O.B. 1 /2" d.w. 1 x 4 p.t. Firestop 1'-6" Two Course Perimeter Beam with (1) #5 Rebar in each course, Filled with Grout 1 x 2 p.t. furring 8 x 1 E strips 24"o.c. CMU with R4.1 Foil insulation Light � 1/2 . d.w\ Stucc( #5 vert. rebar in Lap Si Stucc< grout filled cell Front I See Floor Plan 6 1/2 for Locations 4" 3000# Fibermix Conc. #5 Ve on .006 Vapor Bearier on 10" H Clean, Compacted, Termite Lap. l Treated Fill Rebar a J O F.F.E. �r uD Gre 0 I (2) #5 Rebar Typical Wall Section 5V Metal Panels over Peel & Stick underlayment on 19/32"c.d.x. plywood fastened as per nailing schedule Pre Engineered Wood Roof Trusses 24- o.c. Shop Drawings by Others See Connector Schedule 1 Galy. Drip Edge over 1 x 3 p.t. i LU z C7 fn Lu 0 J Q z LU 0 LU M N 00 rn M J LO ILL a) co v I a� 00 d LPL r v @ U d a� O O 1-11 FDOH in St. Lucie County Environmental Health Site Plan Approved for Construction Supercedes All Previous Site Plans for OSTDS # J�r -� Well# Date: Reviewer: LU U Pine z Fascia Board LU Stucco Soffit Over -`a High Ribbed Wire Lath Lu = LLL Install one layer of 15# X felt to framing prior to .N installing wire lath } x 8 J Cj ryp. v extured i Finish C ling Look Lu G I Pattern on J _levation O Exposure z -t. Rebar with Kok and 30- ie to Vert. In Cells de drawn s.l. checked .J. date 10/22/21 scale as noted job number 21074 sheet A-1 L-2 H31 s.h, L-1 25 s.h Safet, Glass HE L-3 7n,-n" 24'-0" 12'-8" 23'-4" 10'-0" 11'-7" 9'-6" 2'-11" 4'-5" 3'-10" 4'-5" 1' 2i'2" 5'-9" T-10" T-10" 5'-5" T-7- 4'-5" 1'-11- 16" 7' 25 s.h. L-1 25 s.h. L-1 Egress Egress 8,. 0 L-8 L-8 8„ 4" 14'-0- 4,-0„ 4' a Ell 00 �a Q ❑ Master Bdrm. I-1 sn. 5h. _ M o "L-6 s U F-� ❑ Pora F 9'-4" Ceiling g p E] O 0 O 0 O from FFE 00 00 �a N ` C e{ x o p Q� Header at 96" rL O0 9'-4" Ceiling s o Temp. GlassL-j " ur(cli 25 ' L_1 25 25 L-1 1 3� 2680 on 4 Fall �/4 g VJaI S'° � s.h. s.h. s.h. Seat I � El �, ` b El o oo .. L-5 o oFil 268 0 a Header Po et Qr40O��-3'-3" J1'-5" 5'-4" 3' at 96" 0 7 -8. 5,-0„ n 20'-0" 12'-0" 36" x 72" cc 9'- ' 'v / t M Tub Unit Cing. ,o Bdrm. 9'-4' eiling n d.w. � r _ IFamily t8�7 IT-6„8'-6„ N,,Lnd. 2880 $ d. ❑a 11'-4" Ceiling tollfot:'/p (� M 9'-4" �0 6�° 12 0 0 ❑ �s8 Cing. ❑ Range & Hood Exh.VTR i�.4 4t,1 p w $��,F."� h el { 8Jl'iX� 1 1 2" 5- " 12 n Ing' u � e p ' 'ri He de en at 6„ �t �r io 9'-4" Ceiling Header at 96" 1 00 ❑ O0 A E D cc o Wall tt Ref. O X ! Bollard RII batt insul. At is NU O 0 Header r iv �p ° x 2080 L. ❑ at 96 line � in adj. walls 2G' M O 9'-4 PO 9'-4' 3'-8" 1'-6" 3' Cling. 16b° ng. B p 8" 9'-8" 13'-0" 2 12'-0" N 7'-8' 2'-0"' 2T 4" ';; . 3,_6„ 5,_6„ Header c rs 12X8X7at-96- s [� It HI > 0 22.5 x 54 Attic `� Dining `� Bdrm. 4 with 9'-4" Ceiling cc Ladder o 0 9'-4" Ceiling o to iN W 00 N Q El W L-4 L-1 L-1 � rybw° El h Ell 0 Ell El 173Cr E .. 26 s.h. 26 s.h. 26 s.h. 26 s.h. o Egress L-1 Egress L-1 (LX8x8 0 8" 23'-8" 8„ E. Garage N h to 9'-4" Ceiling Bdrm. 3 p L-1 from FFE � 9'-4" Ceiling 9'-4" Ceiling ❑ O O1 El p ❑ from FIFE 12'-0" 8„ L-9 L-9 s" 0 0 0 t CID1 26 zn L-1 s.h. O O 0 o a o 0 L-1 26 s.h. 26 s.h . Egress L-1 _ 5'-9" 5'-9" 6'-9" 6'-9" 1'-8" T-5" 4'-2" 2'-5" 1'-8" T-6" 3'-6" 1'-8- 2'-5" 4'-2" 2'-5" 1'-8" 13'-6" 12'-4" T-0" 12'-4" 6'-8"' 6'-8" 25'-0" 31'-8" 13'-4" Floor Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" L-7 m 0 25 s.h. Egress L-1 25 s.h. Egress L-1 H34 s.h. Safety Glass I in H34 s.h. I t'IT M k I M Project Data Design Loads Project Name: Robert Hall Roof Live Load: 20.0 p.s.f. Street Address: 12793 W Angle Rd. Wind Speed: 160 MPH City: Ft. Pierce Wind Importance Factor: 1.0 County: St. Lucie Building Category: II State: Florida Wind Exposure: C Internal Pressure Coefficent Structure Designed: Enclo<_ Scope of Work Soil bearing capacity: 2000 p New One level CBS Single Family residence Area Tabulation Living: 2656 Building Code Garage: 625 Porch: W4 2020 Florida Building Code: Residential Entry: 213 2011 National Electrical Code: NFPA 70 Total: 3798 Building Data Occupancy Type: Group R Total Cubic Volume: XXX Construction Type: V Number of Stories: One Project Area: 3798 s.f. Climatic & Geographic Design Criteria Weathering: Negligible Termite Area: Very Heavy Flame Spread Index & Smoke Developed Index Insulation Flame Spread: Not to exceed 25 Insulation Smoke Developed Index: Not to exceed 450 Wall Finishes: Not greater than 200 Ceiling Finishes: Not greater than 200 Cast Crete Lintel Schedule All Pphnr tn ha 145 r-0rarla Rn min U �e•ey 00 O L w Lu = M Z L � C 4t) coo LU In F d J Li GV r a � z a N LU O C/) W U-J O N N t� Q) ~ j C Lu Q r. l' N �. ■ U ca ca , ■...— O Z n UJ M T MARK LENGTH OF LINTEL ALLOWABLE GRAVITY LOAD APPLIED GRAVITY LOAD ALLOWABLE UPLIFT LOAD 2724 APPLIED UPLIFT LOAD BEAM SPECS. L-1 4'-6" 6113 1580 550 8F16 WIT L-2 3'-8" 6113 408 3079 70 8F16 1B/1T L-3 17'-4" 1326 855 732 430 8F20 1B/2T L-4 8'-4" 1568 1322 931 478 BRF14 IB/1T L-5 7-6" 2459 860 7482 569 8RF74 76/1T L-6 4'-4- 5206 320 2636 105 8RF14 WIT L-7 T-8" 6113 250 3079 100 8F16 16l1T L-8 16'-0" 950 252 404 277 8F16 IB/2T L-9 11'-4" 1366 173 798 33 8F16 WIT L-10 10'-4" 1533 173 914 33 81716113/17F Min. Beam depths shown, beams may be increased without comment At Lintels over 24 deep provide (1) #4 vertical rebar tied to Horiz. steel at 24"o.c. along length of lintel N 1— wwm=les,.e.. xnetmm alMN �7 r-nwaa.x ae1nb i :narti •Y eM � a 8F16-1 B/1 T CexLYxa IMId (p T T p Wu xlcttwn IrWJ evumpsJ 8 Hemmel Lintel Type Designation Safe Load Table Notes 1. All values based on minimum 4" nominal bearing. Exception: Safe loads for unfilled U lintels must be reduced by 20% if bearing length is less than 6 1 /2". 2. N.R. = Not Rated 3. Safe loads are superimposed allowable loads. 4. One #7 rebar may be substituted for two #5 rebar in 8 inch U lintels only. 5. All safe loads in units of pounds per linier foot. 6. All safe loads are based on simply supported span. 7. Safe load ratings based on rational design analysis per ACI 318 and ACI 530. Composite U Lintel Materials 1. Grout per ASTM C476 fg=3000 psi with maximum 3/8 inch aggregate and 8 to 11 inch slump. 2. Reber per ASTM A615 Grade 60 3. Concrete masonry units (CMU) per ASTM C90 with minimum net area compressive strength = 1900 psi 4. Mortar per ASTM 0270 Type M or S _ Installation Notes 1. Installation of U lintels must comply with architectural and/or structural drawings. 2. U lintels can be field cut to the required length. 3. Cast in place concrete may be provided in composite U lintel in lieu of concrete masonry units, 4. The exterior surface of U lintels installed in exterior concrete masonry walls shall have a coating of stucco applied in accordance with ASTM 0-926 or other approved coating. 5. Concrete masonry units used in composite U lintel shall be laid in a running bond. 6. Shore composite lintels as required. 7. U lintels are manufactured with a 5 1 /2" long notch at both ends to accomodate vertical cell reinforcing and grout W. Z o fn o 1.1.1 _ Ll- tA+ J W O C U L.L U Q LL 3 LLI J z U) drawn $1 checked ol. date 1/12Y22 scale as noted job number 21074. sheet A-1 MAis Q 7 "'22 ' ST. Due- County