HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE 'SSTCOUNTY F L O R I G, R PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ehman Electrical Contractor, LLC have agreed to be (Company Name. -'Ind ivid ual Name) the Electrical _ Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) - For the project located at 3'))/�rr,�� (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID I/) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE tQualiriert SUB.CONTRMOR SIGNATURE (Qu6&,dD ;aR Bu►��ItulOd W Bryan Adams Timothy L Ehman auaw�Qdac] 29179 __--------- _ __ _ _ 31748 d�ni3o�� COVNTV CERTIFICATION Nt'MBER COUNTY CERTIFICAT__Io NN[ FIBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie State of Florida, County of ST LUCIE The formlt iF instrument reassigned before me this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of ,zo�,by W�Bryan Adams Timoth L Ehman — !! ����, zo 2?rby- y who is personally known �Lor has produced a who is personalh known x or has produced a _ as id liricalion. as Idenli ica Ion. `— STAMP STAMP sf At of N ar u fic —--` " Signature or\otary P blic �acxA P t Name of N r)-Puhlic\\\\\111tINhiT//Print Name of Notary Publie 5p.RA S r Zei �/- wsslov ov+T°Oc Notary Public State of Florida Laura Townsend Revised 11/16/016 - : * y _' , My commission Z ; c dl-iH 106177 ? o4E' HH 175435 p� ,• oin Exp. 9/13/2026 ,'Z/ C STATE /11111111 PERMIT # COUNTY, F L D R 1 'D A — ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT DEL, -AIR HEATING, A/C & REF. have agreed to be _ (Company Name/individual Name) the MECHANICAL Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at � J�D a-me-l4c 0-1 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID n) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation. Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. i'TA3 RCTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W Bryan Adams PRLNT IN.1t1E� -- - 29179 COUNTI' CERTIFICATION NItJIBER Stale of Florida, Counryof St Lucie The foregoing instrument seas signed before ote this (L? day of E�6 1 2oL�,by, W. Bryan Adams I who is personally known 4 or has produced s ■s de lirrcation STAIIP nature of Notary Public Pr nt Name or Notary Public \\\\ $ y o #HH 1061 i7 Revised I I11 ti%2016 � '''S eOoded 1hN '`�,y Q�. ��9Qi A,bhc Under:A si.�;B-Cox'ir7 CTORSIGiNAT (Qualifier) —�� PRINTNANIE 27191 COI ;\Tl' CERTIFICATION NI1Jf BER State of Florida, County of ST LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before rut this P day of � ��.20�by — — wh&ls personally known k or has produced e as identification. _ _ S-tA�IP Si natoreo No ryPubie Print Name of Notary Public t►�r MICHELLE SODOSIQ Notary Public z State of Florida Comm# HH183476 Expires 1/26/2026 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BENJAMIN DREW'S PLUMBING & DRAIN SERVICES, INC. have agreed to be (Company Name4ndividuat Name) the PLUMBING Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, ING (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at —C� 0_�alyl (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID �) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. C 1TR ICTUR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W Bryan Adams PRINT. NAME _ 29179 COUNTY CEWIFICATION NUNIBP,R. State of Florida, count), or St Lucie The foregoing instrument. was signed before me this day of d eb �M , 2a2:Zby W. Bryan: Adams, -- who is personally known _^orhas produced n as ii�ftf/ifitation. � n /' tM3Qe4 STANIP Sig— ��111111111111/;�� Print Name of Notary Public Ss10N i .•GO rH27 °i• i' LIP ir• W..0*= Axvrnett fI 162d1ti Z y : y #HH ID6177 y i0q A ��°'1 oN nded thk 9`- •, ublic Un0 0Q \�%N T1111O� \ \\` 11 SUB -CONTRACT GNATURE (Qualifier) PRI\TNAME - - 29656 COUNTY CERTI FICATION NUMBER State of Florida, Countyof ST LUCIE The foregoing instrument nos signed before me this Uda.v of 21.f1, za?2rbsjP� Lc.�i12fY�i' 1C Z who is personally known r has produced a as identification. ��pvo�•,, ANGIEPERDOMO NotaryhI jPState or Florida of Nolery Public ;pv Commission # HH 47988 =.9 ?oFrt°•'J My Comm. Expires Sep 29, 2024 n _ Bonded through National Notary Assn. PERNVT 14 I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMEI TSERVICES y Building & Code Compliance Division sv�K; r' BUILDING Sl7I3-c()-N-I'RAC•1'0R AGREE-NIExr Wonip, ny \a nOfllcli\ ichial Nmnei — -- - - r - --- haVc a�(t'ced to be the Rooting l ................._ ...._-.____._ S1.1b-Colltrilc(ol- for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida. INC lT)pc ofT fide) --..._.-..----. -- — - -- --- (Prinmr)' ('onirariuia - '- FOr the project located at�� W l l'iujecl Str:ei Addre:s or Prt>l ea• . 'I'as ID -?j -- - -- - - - - --- - II f lllldel'SI(1OCI [!lilt, II Il1t11C I� any Cllilllre Ot StaRIS re(-mi-(Tilly Mil' I)iIfllCipill1011 11 Itil fha BbOI'e IllL'll[I(111ed project, the f3uildins and Code IZcilulaltion UivisiOtl of St. Lucie (;ul.11lry tail' bo a(IN'iscd f1(u's(failt (u The. filing t)f a C'ban c Of Sub-confracror notice. -.' -- CU\r1:1C'l(►-1I-r7m-(QimIificri - William Bryan Adams Sate of I-lorida, Cuimn or St. Lucie I he Gu'i faint innranrc•nr n;ti si�ircd before nu• this (Le n 0_47J,). William Bryan Adams who is personflll} tenon n _or tells Pi idueed a as Identirleation. — - - - tir�natare of i\'nfan' Public t C� ►'1_n_.a_ Wh __ _ _ Wl o u v 0 Print !ante• ul' \utary Public - Notary PuWfc State of Florida Hannah E Moore R MY Commission HH 017099i(' Expnes 07/01/2024 St k-(,:(i\")'k,�C"PG)&. IC;�A'rt.Kl hwcl (.'(.il•a"11•('F,R'rfFl('.q'j'f(i\'\"r�llFiltlt-------------�--"-- State of llnrida, C'nunn of St Lucie The roregaing iitsfrtrnrettl was signed trc•li,re rru' ibis 0 dar of � .,ftZ�'ft,Jovwnn0PQ6(g potq w-hn is persoualip kn%,,, X_-or has producerl a as idcnttrcea(ian, - -- Sigma(ure0rNmar' IIbli�--_---_ S'TA\11' tta f \'Un Print \'�rnc ot:u.t I'nbiic R Notary Pub State W Flpnde Hannah E MooreMY Commission HH 017099 Expires o7/01/2024