HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPER MIT # ISSUE DATE T_ -,Tv� fW,C COUNTY' r L a R i n A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ehman Electrical Contractor, LLC have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Electdcal Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC .. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) ^' For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE IQu.0wrl SGS.CON1 '=ErOR SIGNATURE (Quaiiher) W Bryan Adams Timothy L Ehman PRINT NAME _ PRt\TRA41E 29179 C0VNTV CERTIFICATION Nt'_IBER State of Florida, County ofSt Lucle The forRgaigg Instrument "as signed before me this I4e, _ day of 0Z&r4U-/ , zo 2 !by W. Bryan Adams who Is personally known , Lor has produced a as idtatiricatioa. • _ Revised 11f1612016 M STAMP \\\\\�s• SQ.RA S rk;%/� ;GO UGH2l WS3101V*.. Vol "44*•. z : c +Rill 106177 :A Oiv 1 ��'•1.o�b ded Ih� �t�°�.�' undo STA7E 31748 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NE%fBER State of Florida, County of ST LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1 _ (lily of ,zo =4 by _Timothy L Ehman who is personally known 4v-- or has produced a as IdeatlMa ion. STAMP Signature of Notary P blic 24a(M lhTJ /l�1 Print Name of (Votary Public =o,Nn'%o. Notary Public State of Florida Laura Townsend ''4 MyHCommission 75435ton ~?oino Exp. 9/1312026 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT DEL -AIR HEATING, A/C & REF. have agreed to be ~ (Company Namefindividtial Name) the MECHANICAL Sub:contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest. Florida, INC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at goy — 1-L E-ljCL' �� LJ (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Subcontractor notice. TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qua rev) ' IV •C0i Vq5k_2fi_ (Qualifier) µu W Bryan Adams �_w.- --- PRINT NAME ----— ---- - --�--- ------ PRI\T\Ah1E_�-- 29179 COUNTI' CERTIFICATION NUJIBER �- state or Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument Bras signed before nu ibis l c� - day of 20 U, by W. Bryan Adams who is personal]{' knoNa `F or has produced a X eationSTAMP of Notary Public Pr ni Name of Notary Pub)iel� \\� \\S Illllllllfl/ � /' 111 `\`LlVCW Z y .2 #1 11061T7 Revised I Iil612016 -rOOded z��//e� iEO� ��� STA 27191 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County or ST LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before rnt tthis— LI dap of whMs personally known IL or has produced a _ _ __-,� ____. As identification. STAMP Si nnlnrr o No r!' Public Print Name of Notary public �o�uir MICHELLE SODOW9 d NoWry Public T, State of Florida t ,sr Expires 1/26/2026 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division WILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BENJAMIN DREWS PLUMBING & DRAIN SERVICES, INC. have agreed to be (Company Name)Individual:Name) the PLUMBING Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Type of Trade) ^ T (Primary Coritractor) µ� For the project located at q � � (j � . ___ (Project Street Address or Property Tax. ID n`) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building, and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 291,79 COUNTY CER'FIFFCATION NUMBER State of Florfda, Coontyof St Lucie // The foregoinginstr.ument was signed before, me this lip day o[ 20 Z/ h.•. W. Bryan Adams who is personallyknown 11-11has produced a aciflitrlifitation. A n 11 t � S g _ ure o[ Nti it' Plbli�c r � Tel Print Dame of Notary Publ A.'evmgf GD+fb/it'S16 STAMP 5U13 CONTRA GNAT URE (Qualifier) PRINT &AME 29656 COUNTY CERTIFICATIOil NUMBER State of Florida, County of ST LUCIE The roregofng instrument ssas signed before me this J&••,--d��a3 of —L ,-,::e f 20 Z!, by who is. personally known Zr has pradreed a as identification: i*p1P�` • ANGIE PERDOMO NotarygpIpState of Florida tart' Public My Comm. Expires Sep 29, 2024 n' ­J Bonded through National Notary Assn. 1 PERMIT 9 ISSUE DATE r4kC`is.-,-'ii:�`'"k�f?'''"r„p���;3yFAi PLr,:\1\�\lJ lX t DEVELOPMENT Building & Code Compliance Division . µ �`:�i�f�.��P �-.�"��'�'z%��.=,•`�'Tx'ixr� li l `I L,f)1 \� G (' 1: t2:\ l l l' til'$-f;O\7�lZAC'-1'QR r\GR[•:I�•;1if'V'1- �o+(1cI f If'olnpany Nanle 11)(li\ i(lual \ Imel , j-eed to be the Rooting "'- --- - - ~ -•- ' - Sllh-contrac(or fur Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC f l'rtn),u•y ('on I rail<n ;I For tllc Project pleated at s� ����` dot-1.e .. rJ _ — - -- - ll'ruje l Strut ProperLY 'I-ax 1t k (I11dCl'SL(tO(1 tllilt. If Cllel'C k all) challue Ot statLls L"euill-dLfl`4 Qlif Pill'tlClf)illl(Ill \Fifil f11C FibOl'c I11( ll[IUtI,'rl project. thr f3uildin aucl (AXIC IZ122ru1ation Division of'SI filing of a ('halluc of Sub-contracrt)r notice. \ ` '- ' '• (Qualifier) William Bryan Adams (:01'\"I'1'('H;rtllFll':1'I'IO.�.\L3IIiba{ i(Ate lit Florida,(uuni, of St Lucie 7 ho 6),-ef wing insrt'untt•nr n aj signed (er'or•e cttc INS .. _ ._.. d:rs' of �GGY)Z/!),. William Bryan_Adams-- n ho is persunall: kno+, n -1-or has pr,:duccd a _--- - a.s identification. �� )A►��jj� D Siena urc of \alai'• publicIkI MP 0 r�_n G h-_ . _.IM o v Print \:unc• of \utart Public --- ' Notary Public State of Fp,da F Hannah E Moore = p� My Commis_ HH 017099 _0: 7Of F6 Expires 07/01t2024 I.L(Oc (;uLlnry \rill be a(lvisrd pursuant to the. (:'till\'l Y CL�:k'11F1('ATT(.)�� ��L�:t-Lliltk � —-----•-------- Si:Kc'If Hdrida,Cnunn•uf St Lucie Tbc rcg "19 ius[rumcu( «as signed bertre me This � �P da)• n( - - ID644fHb —Yf, ?4 J, 0 V1�n n. � v c � U schu n is personally krim,-- Xuc has prodacerl a as idnttirtaalian, -- m sifurc n��__wl I'rinl \'ante of \'afar') Public 4pOr Notary Publte Stets of Flpnda Hannah E Moore My Commteston HH 017099 or w Expires 07/01/2024 5'rA NI P