HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1943 85 ~ ~---. .. .1 BTI.TR O~' OR~O )) i ) ; } 88 OOUNTY 0)' CUYAHOGA)) ! i K.B~ ALL 1ml BY mBSR mBSBNTS. 'iba t 1, JJlNA P. JOYCB, wife of the above named Adrian I I D.Joyne. do bl these presents,mnde and exeouted bl me eeporete cnd apart from my soid ~usband, and in the nreeenoe of ~.~.Sawyer and S.U.vowell. ~f the ~tate of Ohio, aokno~~edge that I did make myself a perty to and exeouted the foregoing Deed of Conveyence for the purpose of releoRing aU rq dower and right of dower and conveling ., Bole and separate ~Btate in and to' the lands in said oonveyanoe therein deeoribed and ~8nted.and that I J did the same freely an:! voluntarily, and wi thout Wly 00 m1JUlsi on. oonstrsint, b u' rehension. or fear of or from my said husband. III "ITNESS \JfEREO.F, I hereunto subsoribe my name an.1 affix my seal. this 11th day I .' of }ol&roh, ;'..1>. One ~hous6nd lUne I.Wldred (;nJ t....enty tv;o. ,.NlU. r. JOYCE. (L.S.) STAT! OF OHIO , ) )SS COmWY OF CUYAHOG~, ) 'iO WEOM IT MAY COlCERll, Be it known thnt on this 11th day of Unroh, ....iI. 1922:;1 person- ally appeared before oe, a uotnry Public, of the stbte of ohio the above named i.nna P. Joyoe, to me 1IIell knOVl as the wife of ..drlan .u.Joyoe, and as one of the persons described I in und who executed the foregoln~ deed of conveyanoe, who, being at the time separate and ~part from her said husband, did then end there make End execute the foregoing aoknowledg- ment, her name being with her O\'ln hand subaoribed and her seal affixed in my presenoe. Ohio, the dey end year first above written. STiTE OF OHIO LITUESS my hc.nd and seel, at Clevelnnd. ~/,:\.SI-4 /~' .. '~ .} ,~ ,,'i 0 ,. , , \~ D " ) '~~C.A co>"'''' )SS - ) WARREll A. STROllG (I,. S. ) llotbry Publio L~ oommiesion eopi~eB April 4th 1923 COUNTY m' CUYAHOGA On this day pereonally appeared before me i.DRUU D. JOYCE, to me well known (;s the person desoribed in end who exeouted. the foregoing Deed of conveyance, and ~OknO'f,ledged that he exeouted the same for the purpose therEin expressed; whereupon it ie prayed that the same may be reoorded. hereunto affixed. my hand and sec.l, thiE: 11th day of uaroh, <> ~ d i;ARHEU A. ST.tl.OllG (L.S.) 't. llot&r:l Publio " ,c..'!...)"~' JJy ocmnisBion expires April 4, 1923. tf..w dooumentary stumps oc.noel1ed) 'dled e.nd reoorded u.aroh 2!J, 1922 p.U.Zldred, Ulerk Cirouit Court, '(Ct."t.3#al) By ~ '3 -d:~_~.I._.< Record Verified u.C. ------------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'EAST VI~ COUPANY TO WARRAllTY DEED J.llHA P. JOYC E. f[ l~ THIS I1fD&HTURE. llede the 26th doy of liovember,....D. 1919 by the Bast View Compeny, a ;oorporatlon organized and existing under the laws of the State of ~10rida, party of ;the first :pert, to ~nna P. Joyoe, of the \;ounty of Cuyahoga, ~tate of Ohio. party ~f the [Seoond part; ! ! \1I1'HRS5lfl'H: That the said :perty of the first pert, for end in consideration of the , :SWB of Ten Dollers (~lO.OO), lawful monel in the United States, and other valuable oon- !Slderat10ns to it in hand peid by the suid perty of the seoond pert, at or before the ,-' ,,:~' :~~!-::~'-~ ';..:':;~;~'.'i~~~t:(;~~.::',~,?? " ..' _' - . ;. ....~J~-...-;.- ~-tL /- .:1. 'f . - . .- --. ;: :-:--.~: -..~ --'" ~ ~- .~~..~..,: