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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE -KoT f` iIC iiLCOUNTY ,r L O R I r, A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ehman Electrical Contractor, LLC have agreed to be (Company Name/Ind ividualName) — the Eleciddal -- Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Type of Trade) ^� (Primary Contractor) For the project located at _ 53� 2 L.&_ (Project Street Address or Prc sz� Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATCRE (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier)-- W Bryan Adams Timothy L Ehman -- PRINT IYANI.E ----- - - 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION N('AIBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument wassigned before me this day of 2021 by W_ Bryan Adams_ who is personally `known .� -or has produced a as idrylifccation. STAMP P�ame of �'�ryTPublic`� � \\11111if%j71- i �\ : yGO'O HSZN Revised 11116.1016 Z yo , a *14106177 Z .d B�7C S7AT7; C)F \\\\\\ �h111111111111\\ _ 31748 COL\Tl' CERTIFICATION N(;�iBER - Sgate.or Florida, County or ST LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 9— tlay of _tr�"IJ-1_ 20L2_ by Timothy L Ehman who is personally known .lam or has produced a AS id entill, Ca Ian. STAb1P Signature of lotary Pdblic -" Prins Name of Notary Public o,.%T°u, Notary Public State of Florida ? Laura Townsend My Commission ~' HH 175435 'y loft`° Exp.9/13/2025 PERMIT#. ISSUE DATE - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Wp Building & Code Compliance Division 0 BUILDING PERMIT SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT DEL -AIR HEATING, -A/C & REF. _ have agreed to be (Company Namellndividual Name) the MECHANICAL Sub:contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the.project located at (Project Street Address or ProperUTax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a. Change of Sub -contractor notice. TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualified SIt&CONS CTQR StCNAT (Qualifies) r - - - W Bryan Adams - -- - . -- - - - - - - PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 29179 COUNTI' CERTIFICAI'ION NUbtBER Stale or Florida, County of St LUCi@ The foregoing instrument was signed before me lhis u day of 2022rby W. Bryan Adams who is personally known K or has produced a as de lirication STAMP nature of Nome}//• Public Revised I Ul6t2016 .•VOp�GH2i y 4 M 166177 0�'•� We unde ��///",. &z r. oklo",\�. 27191 COL ;NTY CERTI FICATION NUMBER Stale of Florida, county -or ST LUCIE The foregoing instrument Bras sigotd before me this Q day of whe'is personally'known or has produced as identification, STAN1P Si oaturr oo No ry Pub is Print Name or Notary Public rate Ml".LLE SOppW Notary Public State of Florida 11�r ExP es 1/26/2026 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING &'DIEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BDif.WNG PERN11T SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREE WNT BENJAMIN DREW'S PLUMBING & DRAIN SERVICES, INC. have agreed to be (Company Name Individual Name) the PLUMBING Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Type of Trade) ( Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property'_Tax. ill• It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,. the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie: County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO�iTR kCPOR SIGNATURE tQualifrer) Wtf Bryan Adams — P-RINTNANIE 29479 COUNTY CERTIFfCATION NUtIBER' S'tateo(Ftorfda,Count)rpf St Lucte ec Tire foregoingiastrument.wnsaigtted before me this O,_ day of hy W. Bryan AdarnS yvho is personally. known --or has produced a. SUB -CONTRACT CNATURE (Qualifier) RIY_��n�f CAL{—_ PrNANIE- - - - - -- 29656 C.Ot11`.rti`CERTIFtCAT[ON-NUMBER State of Floritla; Countyof ST LUCIE The foregoing ins! rumen t sins signed. before methis O •.•d�a� a who is; personally !mown aef.i has produced a J - asitt� ification: asldentificatibm r 3 Lq ANGIE PERDOMO sTAttP r+�: �= Notary�p�I{�pState of Florida S! ure of No Ey Pubife Sfggature of Notary Public Commission # HH 47988 y ' ?oFn.�Y My Comm. Expires Sep 29, 2024 � _ �o,�� Bonded through National Notary Assn. Print Name of Notary Public \\��\ S STf>(�� //��j, Piini Name o . otarypublicc t�1 SWON •'G��GH2I?o d•• MHH 1106177 ` 0q o;1 pontled 1b��t`.0 �O ij'P` '• oblcU11 O ��� FFPERMIT7-- ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPIINIE�l`"t' SERVICES 1 Building Ll &Cody Compliance DivisionBUILDING PE10111, S( B-CO\1'K\C:'1'OR r\C;f2[•:!•:IL\ 1' (Company Name`Incli� id(1;.1! \rtmel _---------- ha�'e 1ItirCed to be the Rooting — - - - ----- -------...._......... _._ .. ..... _ SUb-c(nitritctol- f(u' Adams Homes of Northwest Florida. INC (Primary Contractor{ f'or the Project 10eaced at �- �� . ll'rujrl SLrci Addres itr Nr(1p • t Wax Il.�l ---'----------------.....-.__._ _._ _ It is llll({ei'St(li)(I [list, ]t Chel'( I-i all) ClIi111I-L• Ot Stattl$ retiir({Lfl�� OLLI' Pill'tIClPilll(lll With t{lam above Illl lilt>I1C(I Ilr(9OCt: 01C f3uildiny anti ("ode RCi—ulation Divisi(ln ()['St. Lucie (;01.111ty tsll) be adviscd PLINLlant to the. filinr, of a C'b 11"c of Sub-Ct71111-i1CrUt' notiCe. ---_- - _ - C(lYl'R 1C.1O T'R7:-(Qualilirrl -_ ... William Bryan Adams C(1I'\"I'1'C'1•:ItilFl(',1'IIU:\\C1>1131':I2-----"`---"-" S(Ate of I loritla, Cvunrt or St. Lucie 1 he (Iririolll� IaSii 13a1011 nei Si. -Red h(I'Or(• tllc this davul 20 7-1)y William Bryan Adams trho is Pcrsumdly kuon n or has Pruductd as identification. P'---liSignature nri\'nian' ubc •- nao I'rwI \amt•ut'Notary I'uDlir Notary Putft state or Flpr,da Hannah E Moore Y My CommissionHH 017099 7orH Expires 07/01/2024 -_ �4 SI•B-(:fi\')'H.IC'rW1L4GNA'I'I.FiI ptalilierj — --- i,Wivri U�n— _. _._.--- <.'Ul\'ll'CL•;Ii'I`IFI(',\TIOt'\'L'd-}F3Fk---"-"----- Slap•'t( Florida, ('nunty nr St !_UCIe Thr r11r&:gk1 ng Irr9frumetil uAs signed ,trine nu• (his day al' .._-�'at-_. 2ll Zl!hy :! O �Jd.L� GI Y C I q who is personally kn(JM1 �--- .,�_yr has prodtk•e(I a -_----•---- --_--.-- as idca(irtca(ian. SiglrafurC i1I-- U — --- s'rAAII' �Lu') I uhlic _0 o r -� I'r'inf Suntc n(\'oiar) I'uhftc ----------- RNote p ry ubMc Stele W Flprlde Hannah E Moore f My Commrsaton HH 017099 Expires07/01/2024 PIc+tq