HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Cintractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division - - - BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ehman Electrical Contractor, LLC have agreed to be (Company Nitmelindividual Name) the Sub, -;contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Type of Trade) (Primary- Contractor) For the project located at (Project Address or oJ�e_ Tax ID If) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATI.'RE (Qualifer) St�A.CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W Bryan Adams Timothy L Ehman PRINT NAME PRI\T,\A1IE 25179 _ 31748 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COL .NTl' CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie State of Florida, County or ST LUCIE The forR.goi,,pg instrument etas signed before me this /y day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me .(his �l �{dai of .. D� 2o uby W.,Bryan Adams r,Zoz(by:Timothy L Ehman who is personally known �Lor has produced a _ who is personaty known Y or has produced a as id (Ifica TOE. as identifies ion. STAMP STAMP Si at of N r • u tic Signature of Notary P blic P i Name orN Public �Il�tof,Za a 4' \1SP� SPiiai Name of Notary Public 2�� o Ptro Notary Public State of Florida * : ? �; Laura Townsend 4 My Commission Revised 11+16I2016 o : o *W 106177 ?all wodP HH 175435 Exp. 911312025 i�i� o ic Unda .. p?���� PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 0 Building & Code Compliance Division • - BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT DEL -AIR HEATING, A/C & REF. (Company Name/individual Name) the MECHANICAL (Type of Trade) For the project located at haJrQ _Jays OtiSti��v� have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Primary Con(ractoi) (Project Street Address or Propca Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, Elie Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER ^T Slate of Florida, County or Si Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this At day of V4Lm�. zoo//, by W. Bryan Adams who Is personallyknowa It or has produced a as Je lification STAMP nature of NolariPP�bl) Pulblic /Pr nt�No_`\N�\� SrA(.F�// �N .•GO}1GSHf;120N i Z Z c #HH 106177 Revised 11i1tiF2016 iO9•-.1'S',o°4dedthN SLsB-CORFT CTORSIGNAT (Qualifier) ^~�� PRINT NAME 27191 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stale of Norida, County or ST LUCIE 'I'he foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of JL wh&ls personally known or has produce) as identification. J _ STABN 1P Si nature o No ry _ Pub is Print Tame of Notary Public *010Y MICHELLE SODOSKI 3 Notary Public T, State of Florlda •, n �0? COMM# HH183476 Expires 1/26/2026 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PE11MIT SU -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BENJAMIN DREW'S PLUMBING & DRAIN SERVICES, INC. have agreed to be (Company Namellndividuat Name) the PLUMBING Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Type of Trade) For the project located at 5, (Project Street (Primary Contractor) or Proper4Tax. ID I) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO -,TRACTOR SFGNATURE (Qualifier) W Bryan Adams PRINT NAME - 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUNIBER State of Florida, Conatyof St Lucre The foregoing instrument was signed before me this f4dayof ,2D�by W. Bryan Adorns who is personalty known X—or has produced a. SUB -CONTRA GNA7'URE (Qualifier) PRINTai ANIE 29656 COUN71'CERTIFICATIOX NUMBER State or Florida, Countyof ST LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this •H da.r of by - who is personally known Z01 has produced a as identification. tff _ STAtIP net oNory PublicSignature of Print Name of Notary Public Sr/4(z'W Print Name ON ••Vt;H27,2 ��•• Z fdevAertS1F.'F61Zt1Ib ti ikiF1106177 :y _ i0q �;1 poJ)tled 1hCS 0?0.y� Oblic uode- 0 'hllIff tttll o`\` ANGIE PERDOMO Notary�tg%PState of Florida Comm{{s_-sion a HH 47988 My Comm. Expires Sep 29, 2024 ded through National Notary Assn. PERMIT ISSUE DATE PLAW\G & DEVELOPMENTS -Building &Code Conipliance Division BUILDING PER.M1,11, St 3-c()VrRA(:TOR Ac12EL-NIENT \ t_Wc Q_� Soli I ` ' -_-`�C- `'=U _. have zLgrei:d to be (t'ompanv \,tale lncliti(I!Inl \'amei--•---- .----..._.... -------;--._ .-------- [l)r Rooting Adams Homes of Northwest Florida. INC -------------------...._.. --- Strh-c(lttlractor for _ ( Type of Trade) -..... _ -- -------- --- (Prfpl try Cowractor) ----- -- For the Project Iocatcd at 11'rujecl Su';ci Aclelre<s mr I'rotterty a.e IU - - -- -` - _..__._-._. _ It (-S tllldt.l'S[(1Od Illet, lrdlel'c k ally Ch(lllCIC Ot S[a[LLS rC`�ill(1Lfl`� OLLI' Pill'[LCIPaIIUII lhlth [tice 8bl)1'l' mentioned prctjcct. the [3uildin�; and (:'ode lzc�,'ulation Ui�•isiOl) Of•St. Luck COLlnry ti°ilf be a(l�'i>c(i Pursuan[ lu the filing of it C'hlulgt: of Sub-CtxltracrOr noire. - - >4_.,/ . •:. T'RT. (Qualifier) St 1i-CON) H,kC'ft, I3�. IC\:\ I'LFt1- William Bryan Adams _..-.._........... _. _.. rani-`'1:—.,��ii�------,_.C_._.. (:(it'r)''i•:(rtli<<.�)iri:\'�t:>iii1:(F` ---- S(vtc of I loridn, (oun(t at- St. Lucie 1 he 4nc��oing intrrununt nai sigircd bcfori [nc this . 21A . (,,. William Bryan Adams-- %%ho is personaIi. hmom n .1-or has Produced a ns Identification. Signature of\'o(ak11--p (I flo n_rl a Vl_... _ IM o u v a Prim Name• ul'\otan Public aN NotaryPublic State of Flpnda Hannah E Moore MyCommiSSron HH 017099 _cl;r,Expires 071oIM24 (.'Ql•\'l )' f'G.R) IFtr'AT(C)\• N(°k(FiFR -sinte'K Florida.C'ounn•uE' St Lucie The foregi)iag inetrunteu( uas signed hc•liire nu' (his Yikir or -D44•[_!� IJ o ON- gy c i g P � o t q n6o is personally knns.n %�__ur has produteel � as 1"Antifica(ian. Si;,rrnfureufi\'Olaf'} I'uhtic fig n_.n U -n M 0 0 Y Print \'ante nl-Nolar, Public ,P �I ary PubNe State of Flpridannah E Moorei7 p�CommtSS10n HH 017099q RO' ires 07/01/2024