HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval- Structural Wall��t� r,�� �, ' �'. �, a n ,rm � •� v+ .,v.:' ,. 'lh`ILFk, p r� o ti a <�a�*'-I^en .i^aS A 1 �' s f ' �.w"�i+� ' �, �E• „�4 � � -., ^ BCIS Home } Log In User Registration Hot Topics 1 Submit Surcharge Stats ikFacts ( Publications Contact Us BCIS Slte Map Links Search Florida Product Approval USER: Public User product Aoonoval Menu> Product or Application Search > Appliotion UsG'> Application Detail FL Application type Code -Version Applicatlon Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/.Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative. Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method FL27403-R2 Revision 2020 Approved Carports Anywhere 10858 S:E. County Road 221 Starke, FL (352)468-1116 bodom@carportsanywhere.com Brandie Odom bodom@carportsanywhere.com c- StructuraI components -Structural wall I VE =County, Evaluation Report from a; Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the ]ohnathan Green Evaluation, Report Florida License PE-88223 Quality Assurance Entity PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 06/13/2023 Validated By Brian )aks, P.E. } f Validation Checklist - Hardcapy Received Certificate of Independence FL27403 R2 COI Letter of Certification -Carports -Anywhere sealed.adf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) f�. Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code 1709.2 Product Approval Method Method 2 Option B Date Submitted 08/04/2020 Date Validated 08/10/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 00/22/2020 Date Approved 10/13/2020 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 27403.1, Hampton Rib Wall Panel Hampton Rib Wall Panel over open Framing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No Fi27403 R2 11 Hampton Rib Wall Panel sealed:pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: ]ohnathan E Green, P.E. 88223 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +46.9 psf/-57.3 psf Other: See Evaluation Report for various.Design Pressures. Evaluation Reports FL27403 R2 AE Hampton Rib Wall Panel sealed.pd Install per Manufacturer' D 11 'No foruse n VH Zo s, qreated qy IrVepqnd t 11 a sr p e i n o n g Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL27403 RZ II Resi-Lap Wall Panel DRAFT sealed.pd Approved for use outside HVHZ:. Yes Verified By: ]ohnathan E Green, P.E. 88223 Impact Resistant: N/A. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +40.0 psf(-37.0 psf Evaluation Reports Other: +40.0 psf at 4'-0" o.c. -37.0 psf at-W .0" o:c. Install per FL27403 -112 AE Res! -Lap Wall Panel DRAFT tiWed.pdf Manufacturer's Details. Not.foruse In HVHZ Zones. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Sack tyex[ Contact s.n 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahasse_e_FL_32399 Phone: 890-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. Copydaht2007-2,013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement:i Accesslhlilt rStatement b: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. Ifyou have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. wPunsuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,: effective October3,.2012, licensees licensed under Chapter455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emails provided maybe used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please proylde the. Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a.11censee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick hree. Product Approval Accepts: PW cCtal Credit0 Safe securitymrr>ucs 1. J Force Engineering &; Testing. 1._ 9530.Ramblewimd Drive :Ifim le,'Te\as�7T33i1_, Phimc; .(28l) 540a6603 FAX:(281) 540496.6 Website v. v%vivArceenginccrinsteshng:con� 'Product Evaluation Report CA'RPORTS.ANYWHERE Hampton Rib Wal/ Pane. "l. over open framing Florida. Product' Approval #'274031 R2 .Florida Building Code 2020' Per Rule 61G204 Method: 24 Category:.Structural Components Subcategory: Structural Wall Compliance Method: 61020.;I005(2)(b) NON HVHZ Product'Manufacturer: Carport'Anywhere 10854:5'.E. County. Road 221 Starke, Florida32091 EnsineerEvaluatom lohnathan Green_, PE._# 88223 Florida Evaluation ANE ID:12901 Widator: Brian laks,.P.E:. 7.0159. Contents: Evaluation Report Pages: l- 4 BYJOHNATHAN )N,THE DATE VT TO THE, SEAL: ) COPIES OF THIS "NT ARE NOT °RED-SIGNED.ANI AND THE JRE MUST BE FL4'27403.1 R2 :Force Engineering &'Testing 19530 Rurnole�caodDrive trunible- Texas 77338. Phone.. (281) 540-6603 FAY (281)"p�104906 1Yelisilc: "%wti�v forccensinecringtestingx. Compliance Statement: The product as :described in this report. has demonstrated` compliance. with the Florida Building Code 2020, Sections 1709.2. Product Description: Hampton "Rib 26 Ga and: 29 Gq. Steel Wail Panel, 36" Wide, through fastened structural wall panel. Structural Application. Panel Material/Standards: Material: 26,6a. Steel,.ASTM A792 or ASTM:A659 G90 Grade S0 29 Ga: Steel, ASTM A792'or ASTM A653 690 Grade:90 Conforming to Florida Building Code 2020 Section 1405.2. Pariel-Dimension(s)r Thickness: 26.Ga.: 0 0185" min. order thickness 29:Ga:: 0 0142" min:=order thickness Width 36" maximum. coverage, Rib Height: major rib at 9" MC. Panel Roiiforiner: MRS Metal. RoliformtngSystems Panel Fastener: #12-14:x%" HWH SD#3 with':14mm neoprene bonded washing orapproved;equal. Corrosion. Resistance: Per Florida. Building C64e,2020. Substrate Description: Minimum 14 Ga.. (6rade:50)-Steel framing, Minimum 16'Ga. (Grade So)Steel framing, or Minimum 18Ga; (Grade 50) Steel framing. See Table A<&, B forsteel gauge. Framing must be designed in accordance w/ Florida Building'Code 2020. Allowable: Design Pressures: Table "A" 36'Ga. Hampton Rib --Wall Panel Maxlmum Design Pressure: -57 3 psf -72.0 psf -61'T_psf +46.9 psf +54.7psf Panel Fastener Pattern: 2-1=2-1 2-1-2=1 2-1-2-1 2-1-2-1 2=1-2-1 Panel Span:. 5' 8 O:G- 4'-0 O:C: 4'-0 O.C. 5' o `.O:C: 4'-0" O.C. Substrate: Min.14 Ga. Steel Framing Min .14 Ga: Steel Framing Min.14 Ga.: .Steel Framing Min. 18 Ga. Steel Frdming . Min.18 Ga. Steel Framing. . !Design Pressure Includes a;SafetV1Factor = 2.0. B aka 4 � � m If �' 41111111O F' L#' 274031 R-2 M HAS BEEN :Y SIGNED AND BYJOHNATHAN )N THE DATE JT TO THE SEAL. f ' # Force 'Engineering &:Testing:. 19530 Raniblewdod Drive Nurohie,'Texas 77338. Phone: (28) 540=6603 FAX:: (281) 5404966 WebsKe: tiY.1YSY.forcc-enginc ringt6ting:com Table "B"'29 dm Hampton Rib Wall Panei Maximum Design.Pressure: -57:3 psf -150.9 psf +39.0 psf +143.1 psf Fastener Pattern: 6"-3°-6"-3"-6° 3'-Ei" 6"-3"-6"-3"-6°3° 6" 6"-3"-6"-3"_6„_3"-6" 6" 3=6„_3"-6°3,•-6" Fastener Spacing: 4',01- O.C: 2'-W O.C. 4'-0" O.C. 2'-0" Q.C. Substrate: Min..l6ga. Steel Framing .... Min.l6ga. Steel Framing Min.l6ga; Steel Framing Min'16ga. Steel framing *Design Pressure inciudesa Safety Factor = 20. Code Compliance: The:prqduct;deseribed herein has demonstrated compliance with The. Florida Building Code'2020, Section 17092. Evaluation: Report:Scope; The: product evaluation is limited.to compliance with the structural wind load' requirements of the Florida Building Code;2020, as relates to Rule-61G20-3. Performance Standards: The product;described. herein has:demonstrated compliance with: ■ ASTM. E'1592405 (2012) Test method for structural performance of street metal roof and siding systems by uniform:static air.pressure difference Reference Data: 1. ASTM E.1592-05 (2012) Test Force Engineering. & Testing, Inc..(FBC Organization # TYP5328). Report No. 667-0060T-18A=E, 66TOO61T-18.A-D 2. Certificate of,lndependence By.Johnathan:Green, P;E..(No. 88223),@ Force Engineering.&Testing: (FBC:Organization # ANE ID::12901) ) BY JOHNATHAN ON THE DATE W TO THE.SEAL. D COPIES:OF THIS _FLED SIGNED AN.D AND THE IRE MUST BE FU 27403.1:R2 Force Engineering & Testing ".-I 19530 Ramblewood.Drive Humble, Texas 77338 1' 6= (381) 840,6603 FAX: (281)540-9966. lvebsile: ww%v.forceenginecringlesling.coni Quality Assura nce Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.005 (3) for manufacturing under quality assurance program audited by an approved' quality assurance entity. Installation: install per:manufacturer's recommended details. Insulation: Manufacturer's approved product (Optional) Panel Fire Classification: Fire classification is not part of this acceptance: Shear Diaphragm: Shear diaphragm-values:are outside the scope of this report. Design Procedure: Based on the dimensions of the structure, appropriate wind loads are determined. using Chapter 16 of the Florida Building Code 2010 for wall' cladding wind. loads. These component wind loads for wall cladding are compared to the allowable pressure listed above. The design professional shall select the appropriate:erection details to reference in his drawings for proper fastener attachinent.to his structure and analyze the panel fasteners for pullout and pullover. Support framing must be in compliance with Florida Building Code 2020 Chapter 22 for steel, and Chapter 16 for structural loading. 1�48a9�049. i s; ro AID !�%�\v 1111111�0% FL# 27403.1 R2 THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DIGITALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY JOHNATHAN GREEN ON THE DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. Force Engineering & Testing 1_.,1 19530 Ramble wood Drive Humble. Teas 77338 Phone: (281)540-6603. FAX:. (211) 540-9966 Website: www:fncccenginecrin icsling;eum 26 GA. HAMPTON RIB -FASTENER PATTERN 2-1-2-1 \_#12-14 x 3/4" HNH'SO W/ 14MM BDNOED NEOPRENE MASHER 29 GA. HAMPTON RIB FASTEIJER:PATTERN _6"-3"-6"-3"-6"-3"-6" 6" 3 6" _ _ 3' . V 3' 6" 3` R12-14 x 314" H41H SD3 1V/ 14MM BONDED NEOPRENE WASHER. ..Qn9�io'id�en�. v i d- a FL# 27403.1 R2 M HAS BEEN .Y SIGNED AND BYJOHNATHAN WTHE DATE 4T TO'THE SEAL. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED -ON ANY