HomeMy WebLinkAboutDuck Leakage Test Report`Z fOS -omI MA SN AL Duch Leakage Test'Report Prescriptive r'Perf Performance. Method .0 orm. Permit # J00 Irif6frhtition Builder:' DR HORTON Community: GREEKSIDE', Lot: 1 a- Address- 9519 POTOMAC DRIVE Unit: City.. FORT PIERCE Z State: Fl. Zip: -34945 1Duct Leakage Test Results,. .0resciptiveMetho.cl 0. Performak.e.Method System 1 zfM25 0�rescriptive Method'dm2S (total) - To quallfyas`substantially leak free��-dLn must be less than or equal to• 0.04 If air handler unit is installed. If air handler unit,is not installq6; Qn Total mu- be,16]ssthan or equal to 0.03. This testing method -meeq,-,th'e requirements- in accordance withSe6tion R403.2.2 System 2 tfm25 System 8 Cfm25 Surii7of any additibrial systems cfM25 Total Of all'sYstems Cfm25 0 Performance Method dfm25 (Out or Total), To qujlifV as "Aybstantially leak.frde" :On must not begreater than'th'e proposed duct IeAkage.Qn specified on Form R405-2014 62 w, 26.05 = 0.02 Ctfi Tcka.i of all systems PASS Total conditioned I S I quareTootage 1 -1 FAIL Leakage type selected Qn specified on Form .on Form R4052014 R405-2914 (Energy,Colq) (Energy Ca1c) L Testing OmpOny :.Ompany Name: SUN SEAL LLC Piton. 321-412-'0035. he-ebyveriy that the 06ve duct leakage testing g resulffare 'accordance with the Florida Building Code requirements. with the selected. r _ ompliance path as stated above, either the Frdkrlpffve Method or P6rfb'fmnc6 Method. Date of T69tQ4/20/2022 - -Signature of Printed Name of Tester: DANIEL MURPHY License/Certification # 5066440 Issuing Authority BPI a uN Envelope Leakage Test, Report (Blower Door Test) ' R405.4.21 Compliance Fe rmit # Job Information Builder: DR.HORTON Community: CREEKSIDE Lot:16 Address: 9519 POTOMAC DRIVE Uhit: City: !FORT PIERCE State: FL Zip: 34945 Air'Leakage Test Results Passing resu1tsmust'be:7ACH(50)orless 1754 Method for calculating building volume: CFM(5.% Building Volume ACH(50) Q Retrieved from architectural plans Code software. calculated PASS: FAIL p Field measured and calculated - WhenACH(SO) Is less than 3,, , Mechanical Ventilation Installation must-be_verified by building department: Certification of Test Results 11402.4.1.2 Testing. The building or dwelling unit shall: be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of not exceeding;/,lair changes per hour in Climate Zones 1 and 2; 3 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through Si Testing shall be conducted with a blpwer door at a pressure of 0.2 inches w.g. (50 Pascals), Testing -shall .be conducted by wither individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5) or(1), F.S. or Individuals licensed as set -forth in Section 489.105(3)(0, (g); or (i) or an approved third party. A written report of'the results,.of the test shall be signed by the,party conducting the test,and provided,to the code official. Testing shall:be,performed at any time after creation of Testing Company Company Name: SUN SEAL LLC__ . Phone:. 321=412-0035_ - I hereby.verify that -the above dudt'leakage testing results.are in accordance with -the Florida Building Code requirements with the selected compliance path -as stated above; ;either the Prescriptive Method or Performance Method. Date of Test: 04/20/2022 Signature &Tester: Printed.Name.ofTesteh DANIELMURPHY License/Certification 4 5066440 Issuing Authority BPI