HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate Of Termite TreatmentPlanning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division ® 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREK CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATME A100P:MiT : 1 -�2�2 JOB ADDRESS: _ BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: - JM Custom Pools PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: Purcor Pest PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: JF5498 Heil We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above de subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pe Square feet if area treated: A& _ Chemicals used: A Percentage of solution: Jtp Total gallons used: _ Date of Treatment: 4-22 22 Time of Treatment: Footing Slab 1s` Treatment 15� Tread Re -Treat - Re -Treat Driveway Pools 15t Treatment 15L Treati Re -Treat Re -Treat X Other Pool Deck Perimeter for Fir 11 Treatment Re -Treat RECEIVED APR 2 5 2022 St. Lucie County I Permitting i ENT Fort Pierce, FL :d construction for Inspection 4-22-22 Signature of Exterminator Date Note. There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re-treatme t and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled in pection will fail and a re -Inspection fee charged. FBC104.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatment for prevention of termites A wea er resisiantjobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the bL ilding permit files The Treatment Certificate shallprowde the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date opf the treatment, site location, area treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number of gallons used, to esta 511sh a verfable record of protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention Is sed, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Perman nt sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates f applications. Revised 7/24/2014 This contract provides for re treatment of a structure but oes not provide for the repair of damages caused by wood destroying or anisms. The removal of the bait or baiting system may result in a lack oft rmite protection. aOfficial Waiver. A fequirad form that Indicates deviation from minimumtrealmerdstandardsasestablish made a part of this agreement The evolution of pest control 'Termite Baiting ®R 3d by this states governing agency has been I Solution Agreement greement# 18962 Email -mice-wpa@pu—TP-L-m ccount # 790158 Phone 561-867-9494 Wate 04/22/2022 Customer Information Service Details Billing) Details Name JM Custom Pools Name JM Custom Pot is Address 10650 Heil Road Address 2503 Dyer Rd City Fort Pierce City Port Saint Lucie State FL Zip 34953 State FL Zip 34952-2923 Phone 772 000-0000 All. Phone Phone772 000-0000 Alt 1 Phone Emai( jmcustompoolsinc@gmail.com Email jmcustompoolsi c@gmaillcom Description of Service Pfetfeatrnent ❑Post Treatment ElResidential ❑ Commercial This is a Subterranean Termite Service Agreement ("Agreement') between PURCOR Pest SolutionsrPURCOR") ar i the above -named Customer. This Agreement only covers the Strucwre(s) specifically Idemifred above ('Strueture(s)') and does not cover detached ga ages. out buildings, fences, decks or other buildings, construction or Improvements located at the Service Address, unless specified in writing on this Agr4 ement. In coniideration for the payment of the fee(s), and tax if applicable, set forth below and subject to the general forms and conditions provided within thi Agreement, PURCOR vrili install. monitor and service the Bait System (-System') at the Service Address in accordance with the product label requirer ients and governing law for the control of Eastern Subterranean Termites (Reticulitermes) Only the preceding subterranean termite selected for service will be eomrol ed under this Agreement and will be hereinafter referred to individually or collectively as'Subterranean Termites' NO OTHER TYPE OF WOOD -DES FROYING ORGANISM. TO INCLUDE DAMPWOOD TERMITES, DRYWOOD TERMITES, WOOD BORING BEETLES OR WOOD -DECAYING FUNGI IS ONEPEED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS AGREFJJ EW. During the period of this Agreement if additional stations are required or need to be refreshed T redeployed.;such service will be provided at no additional charge to the Customer. PURCOR reserves the right, and In (is sole discretion, to apply a pot treatment with a liquid termilicide of Its choirs in order to address any active infestation in or around the sbuclure(s), Such liquid treatment will also be pr vided at no additional cost to the customer. 1 have read the explanation of the guarantee to be issued, including the limitations and restrict! ns of the guarantee contained on the additional pages of this document. The available graph and specifications and additional pages of this document contain Important provisions which are part of this agreement. By signing this agreement Customer acknowledge and accepts the general terms enumerated by this agreement. Initial Price $125.00 Armual Renewal Fee $ 0 Additional Notes Pool deck-, permit 2111-0212 Please note that all prices noted above are pre-tax and that the standard tax ratE s wnl apply. Payment Schedule: 20% Deposit due prior to scheduling service, remaining balance due upon completion of se 4ce. Customer will be responsible for a restocking fee should the lob be canceled by Customer after material Is purchased by PURCOR. Payment Process. Customer agrees to MI -rate billing of SO monthly by ACH or Credit(Debit card on file site payment of ii rtial installment Flat rate boring includes all labor and materials. Warranty. This warranty may be renewed for the life of the structure(s) by paymery of the anniat renewal fee. BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL: If this Is a home solicitation We and Customer does not want the goods or son ices, Customelr may cancel this Agreement by giving written notice of cancellation to PURCOR before midnight of the third business day after the day Customer sigr red this Agreement 1 agree to the Terms and Conditions on the reverse hereof as well as the above descriptionof work and authorize its completion. (Customer Signature D ite Company Representative Colleen Patrick D ite 'This estimate is an approximation and is not guaranteed. The estimate is based on infomration provided Iron i the client regI rding service requirements. Actual cost may change once all service elements are finalized or negotiated. Prior to any changes cost, the cliff nt win be notified. Estimate varid for 30 days from date at the top of this proposal. INTERNAL USE ONLY Location Code 790158 Schedullno Needs Fridav 4-22-22 Terms and Conditions 1. GENERAL These-wrins; and rancbio: s. logetner rrdh arse mntain¢d in an agreemariL eatimato Or propa:al W •„faun these te r:s and ccn:5 % s are a?achr_q or in ,A ich they a•erdererced. coastlute the erse* agree nen! (the'A.greemihir) bat -wear, PURCOR Pest Solutions (-PURCOR j and iT; rusuom -('Cur; carat ). URCORe=essly re;•eets terms sand conditions of any order, ooarrmahon aloft' dacumo- . submnted by Customer and arychargs W 2e reins of :he Agra_ercen. un:ess :he chagelsin vritrg and sgrred Ly en aud:ori:ed officer of PURCOR. Customors acceptancec" a document: contairong or Lnxrpc7raGr:g these Terms and Cenda es, Or :ustert:r s rocip: e1 sort ticea r,,p corstituln Custrtrners acceptance of he terms of the Agraernerrl 2. TERM. This Agreement is In effect for an cigmal period of One year. After one year, y=PUP.COR PPnrrs~ aulomatica'ry rene : ar:ua$y. u-:a eima- party, is nd!rri ad •n waling with at least (3o) days term 3. RETREATPMENT ONLY GUARANTEE Subject to any !imitations or rasle !ions set forth it, me Graph and SpEofiat ors. rd to the Gen mT Te^.ns and Conditions below PURCOR vM pun into effect a re -treatment guarantee :vfrch obligates PURCOR. at w a= cost to Customer, to appfy err; n cessx; addtiO lal treaursit to rrr' b f1ding it art Infestafgn of Eas!em Subterranean Termites is found during The enactors pedcd of my guarantee. 1 understand that We FUR 'OnR's obligati s under this guarantee rim Em'.led W retrealmeril only. I expressly release the PUP,COR frarn any obligation W reppr arty damages W my structure, or Its ortaros causan b; an infestation Of Eastern Subterranean Termites. This agreement DOES NOT cover the treatment or retreatment of Farmri n tc.'mites. This agreement Di=s NOT cover the trealmen: a te'realment o! aolial or satellite colonies. 4. SPECIFIC EXCLUSIONS FOR RETREATMENT ONLY SERVICE. PURCOP,'s only ctilgatien in the event of an infestation r. Eastem Sub!e ranean Termites is to oant7.ue W Install, monitor and service the System in accordance w1h the product label requirements. Accordingly, Customer *gross the, this Agreement ices not case, atvf PURCOR 1ha'l not be refspdtrxe or Labfo for. any of the fa9nxing; a. Damage of any nature W the Strwcarrets) or 115 commis resulting from any spe.,ea of 3ubterfaremi termites, ;nOht4r9 E ::.ern. focsil ri. W Ast9r, stttermraai termites, d'ywood toumtes or 2.17 odurr imecl, per, mend. fungi cr-.' , -�s&vpxg organism. It. service or treatments for ary 9oecies of tsrnita oil=Man !Flat apechwily selected far service on he front of tuts A, a�- teat or for aena Infestations of Sssbte,:mnoai Termites. If Formosan suoterraaean temlile eervied is nor selected. Formosan Sub:amantran termites are eyriuded from service ur Icr ins Agreem nt o. Damage. cores or remedial treatmenb resulting fmm infected wood andro, furniture imroducodd into Sn:c:vrels) tefore nr after the Inrii I treatmemI cc any retreatment it. Service, treatnar s or damage caused by an aerial infestation or the e,sblis%men i of a salHlae colony (aei lrfaslatvsn ti, r: does txi(n__ to return W the gre•.f.w) of arty Pipe of temile. to include am; Subterranean. Terroftes designated for service under this AgreemEnt e. Persoaaf expensert or economic, damages such as ledgmg. rr rOo s, Imrsportatnr„ med:_ei. gas, ctikoes, etc..., or reimht un,tn: fur loss of ji ettje)rn,ell. tMs of use or dminuttion in value of gee Strunture(sy, or any Indirect. special. or eonsequemW damages, including loss of amicipated at actual pr, tits, inane or I usiness opportunities, which moso as a resut of an infe3b-.1im of or damage caused by Subterranean Termites or arr; servo mrrs Provided under Urs Agant. I. With the excepean of Preyzhria party fees tr arded as a Pistilli of any ✓uPlactian action add-aased in Paragraph 11 aefr % AILm-oy's fee, of any hand, including tine provided by any statute (including, a proposals for Settlement and lead Star Mu4ijiter) and a try state Or federal rule of pr&ceddre. 9. Injury or death fd any domestic pets or feral arr'smafs. fit Damage moused by PlfRCOR W ireea. shrubs. P. rc:;, wp(.tader.4fL:em3 of p6r..$rt5 Gf S1N�ilcj3J L'Al S�0'x� era S�J•fC¢a p.v _d 4M.Ef Lt5 yv:aenerA. 5. No provision vii-Wn Ihsu Agreement shoold be construed W mean that Subterranean Tor -Aes r0l never •nfasl. rednfast or dama. - the Structure( ). These specific exclusions Ewe in addition to orgy and all other extiusioas, disclaimers. limitations. or conditions contained r41 hn this Ali:eomera. 6. LIMITATION ON LIABILITY. In the event that any, ol (he exclusion; in Paragraph 1 abOve do hat apply for any, reason vA arsomer, FU OR's liabity far any cl-iri, Including PURCOR'e ma breach of oontracl Or nuill:gence is ffra:red to the Total Price amount mdtcw d an the front of Nos Agree rr_•rtt. This Agrcemem Is not Intended to benefit any person ar crldy Other than the named Customer or slr:sequa:a Transferee. 7, TO AVOID CONDUCIVE CONDITIONS. Caslamor agrees to cooperate viiih PURCOR dwing ers tatm Of trhs Agree:rem by nai l:g av: eft. irallnS those [ondirons u factors fli m;ol contribute W a Subterranean Termite infestation or d.stupl the effectiveness Of the System. These con6ams in uric, but are no to be limited to. construction Meets. %•rood, fresh. Exterior Insulaticn and Finish System (EIFS). an app4carbn of Closed Cell ar Open Cell Sprlr; Foam urufa!i n jPci;ure!rar based prcdunts. Pchys!yrcnes. Pdyisocy.fnutr4ea. Polyisa_yamvarex and air sitrtiv materials caRactivery refound to as roan materials) to a vanispace area, orb aura. or, rat an: 3 bohfnd any type of sitting vtdch Grails or prohihl:s an adequate inspedtion. cmr.Jspact enrapsolnrlan systems •ah�i rval or prohibit an adegwite jnspc�t;er: f a c.. ;:'space yea, stu.:ca G_-tr,•u grrda, daect vrood to nog :9nWdt tries stumps. slanting waft+: cr aoava grcssnd rrtorstssrc uevrteutrlrns eausad aY any raumT Or mar, -made =r rta. 5'- h mat tare acanrrrrations incudo. but are not to bo liim3ad to. condensation. leaks from oxlcrior walls. wridonvs, doom. roofs. s;tyl:ghls. chimneys, guitars, Conn spouts. iumbmg. !;lama rig tixrures, sprinkler systems, art carditlomng and heaerg systems (Incaudmg candens.'Ite d:Zins and duct wart) or iraderuate varelahon. In no event Is PURCC I resporsinta y additional service or damage W the structum(s) or its contents resulting from wndiluou conducive Ina Subterranean TerffiW lnlosixidn. Custamu nilmos W n. m:nale art; cow, lv.w conddiom ident{ticd v!llin surly 960) days of PURCOR's vrttten nolifitant:•on of ruteh cond!ins. Customer s failure to Khrdnate the conducive o*ncriten v!th;n sbay 160) tays of FURCOR's vmden notification vat tender this Agreemml ImMabs, in who!& or pan by PURCOR. S. MODIFICATIONS OR ALTERATIONS TO STRUCTURE(S), TK3 Agreemaril emy covers the odrmaf Slnrcf:refs) denSfPd a x--vc as ci Wed ile of this figreemant The Custapfer shall provide nobhculan W PURCOR, m v;nTrg, prior to any alteration. dddtrn. modif-ca9on or charge W the Structure; .).!a incl-de. bl ! not rcrRed to, tie oppreabon of Closed Coll to Open Cell Spray Fosm insulation. the hns'.allatim of a cm:espace encapstlfa6on systom or any cLartipten of Sys yT Or sea sutra riding the rcuniatirn of The Suticture(s). PURCOR shag have tim right to WrmineW :his Agreement If Customer fails to provide wraten notice of airy alteration. add'iam. modig otfan era charge a the Stfucure(s) or detruplioa of System of sot surrounding the foundaton of fhQ Structdmis). Any additional components ar servfce rat Tured due to at alteralrol ndde on, modific !tan or change to the S'uurVuel(s) or any disruptim of the System rvi9 be pro'-lded by PURCOR of Customar s expense. Ci stocivr agrees I Qt PURCOR shelf have :I:e rigbf to charge an ad0onal fee a increase the mrorval feu stated on the front pagd of fhls Agreement_ or balh. as o result of sucr ate:etnri. adds .modrfiatidn. era cr:af$o to the SW cfureis) ordeudpaon W the System that occurs dtl rag vrhae this Agreement is in effect, In some bisfanczri. riteresan arm( lirca:!on of the tructure may cesul: In •railing the mvananiy and guamntce. S CHANGE IN LAW. Shcukl any federal. star or local Imry cr regulation etu!nge rega ding ;his Au toned or any services prow led ihero•.ndcr. PURCOR is outior'ced W tale any action necessary to bring itself mho compliance vmh raid Iaxs. U PURCOR rannol noddy drf•, Agreement, n 113vea;menLor3amLc, s to corm by :s,th. such ehAige In Iha law, IMP PURCOR reserve, fh¢ right to immediately Terminate :his Agreement. 10. CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY. %ratua!!y at pdstcidea have sense odor, which may be prexnl for a shod Erne offer applicatcrt if y )u Qrnny ccatp it. of the property has seas l*AIT yW chemical odor or other Pilots, PURCOR recontmonds %P: you contest tis for product information and cmrsut v4h a Q si:aan pry to i3ving ser ices peftined. if Customer or an Occupant of the SLruct refs) 9riays. or bclioves. that he or she Mt/ be sorr.,'cive'ro pestiradas. written ra4ce must raredia:dy be I rorr4ed fa the PURCOR prior to any service Or discretionary treiri nerd performed in or adjacent to the Struct:ve(s). PURCOR reservc3 the right. upon receip! Of su h rotlica ". cc dray Or tantvroto service. Fagure W p'aVde this nolf°at'on reprosants Custamer and occupants' assumption of the nsk and vnieat of any claims against Pt: 2COR it ccritte, lion vAh such sensit Ay. Customer further agrees to indPrmily, protect and herd hafmtess PURCOR from any and all chemical w..ievay clal—. causes, a t:ris. jtw men• , cuss, ancrneyrs reps. PApeaseo antl losses of ever; hand and char. V:er. vArether area or mdaect bmught by Customer Or other occupants fmciudir g 4n Iens and G•^_eons ) at the Serrve Address, if Culteftlar rasa to pr"a the above vMuen notice. 11. TRANSFERABILITY. Th)s Agreement is tronsrambto Wane:: avrntr of he Stny,Aareis7.r, PUP.COR's d!suetron. If PiF.sCO: a:isc.es In e• h transfer PURCOR every rhrrgs a transfer fee and ad,•tr.A file annual reneiva! fee. 12. TERMINATION AND OWNERSHIP OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS. PUP.COR'e responsx]ities. duties, ab!Igahons, and any t: t: i'eas under Tr. Agreement ,hail be terminated .f PUP,COP. fa pr[rvented or delayed from fuiftFr g any of its dupes, obF.jabcns or respansibdrtes under The Terms at the leg:oernent by n asors; or G•rwmstances bayond its control or by the Cusdianars interference orreftwd to provide PURCOR vrah cares W the Servke. Address ra Strictun is). All camper. ...It, of the System are and remain Use property, of PURCOR. Upon termatafort of this Agreement for any reason. Customer grants PURCOR ps'MiGS!on W en 3r tila SertiCe A MIESS and SL'eCutws) to recover the system Components. i3. SEVERABILITY. Customer egr¢Qs that if a;y poC. of this Agreement is hold W be irveld or Trnenfarceab!e irf treaty r<_asm.:he re.—ta-1» � Eerm a:id mrd:;Fdrr, a! Ibis Agrrr_rnsnt shall remain in rue force and effect 14. PRICES. The prices are subject to change unless c lrensiso expressly stated in A document signed by PURCOR and issued : Customer. 15. PAYMENT. AD payments are due from Customer a PURCOP. upon campleFCn cf teantrnert and vital as considered Mee after r) days. Parrri As than we nol pad by ohs due data till De subject W an hreresl charge of are anC oFe-hall percent {1S°a} paf rtuarth and su�cenyQn Ot sarY:te may axon. 18. CANCELLATION. Customer is raportsibte W pay for mry ste iem performed prior to farma9y roefy.;* FURCOR to cturcel s: True. If CtiStern .r cancels arcing a rML-vRl Win. Customaris net onbeed too prorated refund. 17. NOTICE OF CLAIAISIACCESS TO PROPERTY. Any c!amm ens!rig and of this Agreement must be made m vsifng by Custrr ar to PURCGR 'udng the Lfm of this Agreement. Custamer must allow PURCOR access to fha ident:fed property for any purpose antemoLilad by his Ag*eemeQl Thu laikrre: i prop, Icy alloy PURCOR such access vrg fmTtnalP hLn Agreement vWtil further rdti_e, 119. 019CLAUAER. Customer eck—n dgeo U.1 maeerals, ehemtrata, and eyy:pnlant u.M m ties: eonlror w.r» o:nny Ise tw:,o .a%; —it d vraa na m humarm front ono •a: inn and could cause damage to property. PURCOR wgl use customary precautions based ram the generally lovym risks thee. shah r.al G respaisb!e injury cr damn a to persor:s pruperty. animau, vegetation or for any other damages :rhatsOvrar. 19. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. PURCOR SHALL NOT HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO CUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER. PERSON OI ENTITY FOR 11CIDEYTAL CONSEQUENTIAL. INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY. PJIJM%,S OR SPECV L DAMAGES OF ANY DESCRIPTION, INCLUDING WITH( UT UMI TATIOi i. LOSS OF REVENUE. LOSS OF USE OP. EWOYIfEHT, VMETHER ARISING GUT OF WARRANTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES), BREACH C - CONTRACT, 3TRICT LIABILITY. NEGUGE1,10E. OTHER TORT. OR OTHE(MgSE, A140 REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGE WAS FORESEEABLE AID WHETHER URCOR HAD BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. AFID NOTIPATHSTANDING THE FAILURE OF ANY AGREED OR OTHER REMED 'OF ITS ESSE ITIAL PURPOSE, IN YO EVEN WILL PURCOR'S AWSREGATE LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO ANY SERVICE OR GOODS EXCEED TIE TOTAL AIAC UNTS PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE SPECIFIC SERVICE 20. GOVERNING LAW. The Agreemem vEl be in!etfne•,ed amording W the la•As df the State in vbto , PURCOR peddmc tie scr ores under t ;e rrE cent. 21. PESTICIDE INFORMATION. UPON REQUEST PURCOR WILL PROHIDE CUSTOMER WITH A COPY OF THE fMANUFAr TUREP,'S SPE THEN LABEL AND THE SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR PESTICIDES) WHICH H11LL BE USED TO TREAT THE PR'elflSr_S. 22. GEORGIA INSURANCE. The Georgia Struwvrtil Pest Control Act (Wwras at; past central rampanies to maintain msu=mnw r. •;crass, Inform :yin about rafts eoYarage, ;s available from Ints pest ceatrol company. 23. BUYER'S R16H7 TO CANCEL If this ag:eci»rt ors sOlrsited n ynu• resdence and yw da nn! %;ant L'te gxda of services, eu Prey :.core) his affm- - l -TI by desveting or rrcilno a Poem in the sever before mdnihht of hE third business day folk-ingarn dsca•MAd ram fnduA4r[l on thn &ant of &:w apre•F rent. If you azn M d1:e:,nrc.m.ten4le��� t,� pot heap agar any part of payment, 2"4 h the exception of payment for services rerderad during the three day period of tir;ers agh to can[ ), wh' have beFn perrormad a! th- request of customer. PURCOR Pest Solutions wants you to be 100% satislolve ied with service. If you are not, please call us and we will work diligently to re your ( Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Si Division of Agricultural Environmental Service CONSUMER NOTICE FORM ADAM H. PUTNAM Rule 5E 94.105, FAC. COMMISSIONER Telephone: (850)617--7996; Fax (850) 617 79"08 A pest control company must give you a written contract prior to any treatment of i important that you read and understand the contract you are signing. The pest c the terms of the contract you have signed, regardless of other statements by the ( for treatment for new construction can be issued to the builder and provided to you BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTS ■ The contract must state the common name of the wood -destroying organism to be cc subterranean termite, powder post beetle). if the contract is for termite control, he cc Formosan termites are covered or not. ■ Some contracts do not include a treatment at the time the contract is issued and treatment is performed as part of the contract, the cost for the treatment mu t be certain areas, the contract should clearly state that it is for "spot treatment" only Bureau of Inspection and Incident Response 3125 Conner Blvd, Suite N, Tallahassee, FL 32399-1650 biir complains0a freshfromflorida.corn 3estroying organism. It is very any is only obligated to follow salesperson. (Note: Contracts d by the company (e.g. must clearly state whether should be clearly stated. If a d. If the treatment is only for The contract must state if it is a retreatment only or a retreatment and repair ontract. I If it is a retreatment and repair contract, carefully read the sections of the contract that state when repairs will Ir will not be covered by the contract.. • Repair contracts will not cover repairs from termite damage under every condition. The ntract must state when retreatment or repair will be done, and conditions under which the company car refuse to 3 retreat or repair. • These conditions have to be stated and be under headings in the contract that re in bold print. Companies typically refuse repair or retreatment if the condition of the house is such that moisture o leaks result in termite infestation, or where siding makes it hard to see termite infestation Examples of this are: • Cracks in concrete slabs • Leaks in the roof • Wood or wall siding in contact with ground • Water ac cumulating against side of house • Plumbing leaks The law does require that companies notify you if they see conditions which wo Ad void the repair promise and they have to give you a chance to correct the condition before voiding the contract or den ing repal coverage. • Contracts may have a condition that does not cover Formosan termite damage until a sl This means that if damage occurs during this period the company will not pay for repair. • You have the right to compare contracts from other companies before signing a contrac company that gives you the best contract options. • If you have any questions about the terms of the contract, or concerns about th comp regard to pest control laws or regulations, contact the Department of Agri cultur and Co number: 850-617-7996 or email: biircomplaints@freshfromflodda.com. I understand that I am entering into a contract with _ provide wood -destroying organism(s) treatment, and Name of Consumer Signature of Consumer Colleen Patrick Print Name of Pest Control Representative Cep Signature of Pest Control Representative FDACS-13692 Rev. 10115 Patrick Exterminating, Inc. and understood the terms time period has passed. a company. Choose the history of the company with ler Services at phone (fill in company name) to the contract. Inc.